Wife Broke Her Wrist


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I'm not quite sure what you want to hear. Do you think he was upstairs in the on-site surgeon entertainment villa just hanging out and laughing about your 30 minute estimates? He was busy with other patients. He probably was in surgery. Some surgeries, especially in orthopedics, can have a huge range in case time. What may seem like a simple 2 hour surgery can stretch to 4-5 and they don't know it until they get in the mix. When he was paged he may have thought he could get to you in 30 minutes. Then other more pressing stuff can come up. It's called triage- the other treatment needs may have exceeded your wife's wrist on their level of urgency. Good grief.

Heard from the dentist. Did you do a lot of emergency Root Canals this weekend? How much did you rip the insurance companies off this week?

If he was in surgery they could of said something like.....oh "He is in surgery." Just a thought.

We will find out Wednesday if she needs A plate put in or not.

Oh the fact is that he was not on-site. That was my whole point. I would think an Ortho Surgeon should be available in an ER. People fall and break things or get in accidents and break things and that is what an emergency is. Hence the name ER.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Heard from the dentist. Did you do a lot of emergency Root Canals this weekend? How much did you rip the insurance companies off this week?

If he was in surgery they could of said something like.....oh "He is in surgery." Just a thought.

We will find out Wednesday if she needs A plate put in or not.

Oh the fact is that he was not on-site. That was my whole point. I would think an Ortho Surgeon should be available in an ER. People fall and break things or get in accidents and break things and that is what an emergency is. Hence the name ER.

Okay bud. Whatever you say. I obviously have much less knowledge on the inner workings of hospitals have done surgeries over the past decade.

You are like most Americans. You live in a click it now and get instant gratification. Poor you guys having to wait. The horror. But I'm sure the hospital CFO would like to hear how you can better staff the hospital.


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Okay bud. Whatever you say. I obviously have much less knowledge on the inner workings of hospitals have done surgeries over the past decade.

You are like most Americans. You live in a click it now and get instant gratification. Poor you guys having to wait. The horror. But I'm sure the hospital CFO would like to hear how you can better staff the hospital.

Or, maybe, he was just complaining about the long waits at the ER like EVERYONE else does and didn't really mean anything by it.

Either that or he is a staffing professional an the CFO probably would like the advice. Could go either way I guess.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I'm not quite sure what you want to hear. Do you think he was upstairs in the on-site surgeon entertainment villa just hanging out and laughing about your 30 minute estimates? He was busy with other patients. He probably was in surgery. Some surgeries, especially in orthopedics, can have a huge range in case time. What may seem like a simple 2 hour surgery can stretch to 4-5 and they don't know it until they get in the mix. When he was paged he may have thought he could get to you in 30 minutes. Then other more pressing stuff can come up. It's called triage- the other treatment needs may have exceeded your wife's wrist on their level of urgency. Good grief.

Hahahaha.....What a dick. Still incapable of putting yourself in another man's shoes. Don't ever change, pal!

StevieD, Sorry to hear of the injury. Hopeful for a speedy recovery. I hear ER horror stories, but have been fortunate that NOLA has a pair of excellent suburban ERs, especially for the 3rd world. Be well


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Seems like I recall you crying about some facet of Healthcare. Hmmmmmmm......something about not being able to point, click and get instant gratification.

Would be pretty hypocritical of someone to do that though, don't you think? Being a dick is your nature and your self-appointed position on mj's and your response certainly supports your dick nature, dick. Dick is also a term used for private investigators, you're not one but play one on the Internet. Much like you play a surgeon in this thread, but you're not. You're a dentist, that's it. As I've said before, it's the perfect position for you as you make anyone want to rinse and spit a couple minutes after you open your mouth

Oh look, here it is


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
LOL I admit to being an Anti-Dentite.

The fact is that ER room should be staffed to handle emergencies. This is a "Top" rated hospital in an affluent city. It is not full of illegals with a cough or worse. It was not even busy that day. The Doctor simply was not available.

The state of Health Care in this country is terrible. Be it ObamaCare or whatever. As I remember it was not so hot before ObamaCare which is why we got ObamaCare in the first place.
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Hahahaha.....What a dick. Still incapable of putting yourself in another man's shoes. Don't ever change, pal!

StevieD, Sorry to hear of the injury. Hopeful for a speedy recovery. I hear ER horror stories, but have been fortunate that NOLA has a pair of excellent suburban ERs, especially for the 3rd world. Be well

Sure buddy. I had to take my son to an Urgent Care on the 4th of July. It took 3 hours to be seen. I patiently waited, and taught him how to patiently wait, instead of pissing and moaning about the terrible state of healthcare in the country. People have lost the ability to simply wait without getting their panties in a wad.


Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001
Sorry to hear this

Sorry to hear this

Sure buddy. I had to take my son to an Urgent Care on the 4th of July. It took 3 hours to be seen. I patiently waited, and taught him how to patiently wait, instead of pissing and moaning about the terrible state of healthcare in the country. People have lost the ability to simply wait without getting their panties in a wad.

I could only imagine how difficult it must have been for you to watch your son in agony....But you taught him well....Nice....:SIB

Stop the nonsense....xstop
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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Sure buddy. I had to take my son to an Urgent Care on the 4th of July. It took 3 hours to be seen. I patiently waited, and taught him how to patiently wait, instead of pissing and moaning about the terrible state of healthcare in the country. People have lost the ability to simply wait without getting their panties in a wad.

We believe you:toast:


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
My wife took a fall in the kitchen yesterday and broke her wrist. It's a pretty bad break and is on her left wrist and she is left handed. Apparently she does quite a bit around here as I am finding out.

Four and half hour wait to get an Ortho guy in the ER yesterday. I could of flown the guy in from Miami to Boston. They were not busy they didn't have a Ortho. They kept telling us it will be about 30 minutes while she laid there bone over bone. When he finally showed he was a Doctors Assistant. Do I get a discount?

Anyway he set it and wrapped it all up in a soft cast. He said she will need a hard cast when they check it next week. She may or may not need surgery we don't know yet. She slept good last night but was in pain this morning. I gave her the pain med and it put her out.

I dunno whats going on in America today. I live in a middle class suburb of Boston. Good town. Hospital ER is thrown for a loop because someone comes in with a break? I first went to Urgent Care and they said it was too complicated a break for them. Then when I am trying to get the pain med a lady about my age, in her 60's, not a spring chicken, asked if I could give her a few of the Oxycodones I was getting.:shrug:

I once worked in a small town ER but can try to find out answers and maybe answer questions. First, Urgent Care isn't going to do much for you with break. Ok was the 4.5 hour wait from the time you walked through the door? or was it from the time she was sitting in an ER bed? Cause when you walk through the door the triage nurse should be assessing the arm, checking the hand for circulation, obtaining a history and vitals etc. I wasn't there but I don't know if this break has thrown them for a "loop" Unfortunately what patients and hospital staff consider an emergency are two different things. A break that didn't penetrate the skin or require surgery isn't an emergency. So after triage if they weren't busy they should have got you to a room right away, at this point they probably didn't call a ortho MD, you are probably waiting to be seen by the ER doc, then he evaluates it and hopefully he is ordering X rays or the triage nurse went ahead and got the order before he looked at it, some docs will and some won't though until he/she examines for them self. When ER doc finally looks at X rays and sees the break, he probably thinks, "well I will consult an ortho." Well they send out a page, if they consider it non emergent then the page may not be answered til top of the hour. On calls should have a phone for emergent and a page system non emergent, often times they wait til top of the hour to address the pages after all they are non emergent, thus the staff told you 30 minutes but in reality the staff has no idea. Now the On call gets the page talks to ER doc, hangs up says he is coming, well this guy probably on a saturday or Sunday is not sitting in his house, he could be on the golf coarse, fishing or doing family functions. I don't know Boston Traffic but he probably had to drive home, get cleaned up then drive to the hospital. (pure speculation but a likely scenario of this type). Then he gets to the hospital probably dresses in MD garb looks at x rays and comes and sees you. Lot's of BS. If this is not the events can you please just give some detail on your waiting experience.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I once worked in a small town ER but can try to find out answers and maybe answer questions. First, Urgent Care isn't going to do much for you with break. Ok was the 4.5 hour wait from the time you walked through the door? or was it from the time she was sitting in an ER bed? Cause when you walk through the door the triage nurse should be assessing the arm, checking the hand for circulation, obtaining a history and vitals etc. I wasn't there but I don't know if this break has thrown them for a "loop" Unfortunately what patients and hospital staff consider an emergency are two different things. A break that didn't penetrate the skin or require surgery isn't an emergency. So after triage if they weren't busy they should have got you to a room right away, at this point they probably didn't call a ortho MD, you are probably waiting to be seen by the ER doc, then he evaluates it and hopefully he is ordering X rays or the triage nurse went ahead and got the order before he looked at it, some docs will and some won't though until he/she examines for them self. When ER doc finally looks at X rays and sees the break, he probably thinks, "well I will consult an ortho." Well they send out a page, if they consider it non emergent then the page may not be answered til top of the hour. On calls should have a phone for emergent and a page system non emergent, often times they wait til top of the hour to address the pages after all they are non emergent, thus the staff told you 30 minutes but in reality the staff has no idea. Now the On call gets the page talks to ER doc, hangs up says he is coming, well this guy probably on a saturday or Sunday is not sitting in his house, he could be on the golf coarse, fishing or doing family functions. I don't know Boston Traffic but he probably had to drive home, get cleaned up then drive to the hospital. (pure speculation but a likely scenario of this type). Then he gets to the hospital probably dresses in MD garb looks at x rays and comes and sees you. Lot's of BS. If this is not the events can you please just give some detail on your waiting experience.

Also had the break been what they call emergent requiring immediate surgery I am betting they would have been much more prompt, they would have contacted the head honcho via phone not the assistant, and should have a surgical team within minutes, jut my .02


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Saint, I imagine you took your child to a crowded busy ER. Have been to them many times and expect to wait.

BP, this wasa break where the bone ended up on top of itself. It that makes sense. Like a compound but it did not break the skin. A big bump in her skin holding the bones together. The surgeon had to move the bone back in place. We go on Wednesday for an evaluation if she needs surgery or not.

I work on computers. There are times we need to be on call. We can't be on the golf course weekends we are on call. Sorry but my plumber cannot either.

This was not a busy day for them. I dropped her off at the ER door. They met her with a wheelchair. I went to park the car and by the time I got in the ER she was already in Triage. A nurse saw us right away in the room. The ER Doctor followed very shortly and ordered x-rays.

Everything was like clockwork. The four and a half hour wait was from when we got into the ER Room until the surgeon came in the room.

This was a bad break. I fractured my ankle before but this was nothing like that. I could see my fracture not being an emergency but this was.

If my plumber was golfing I would expect him to say sorry guys I got to go. I expect that out of my doctor.

Health and DENTAL care in this country has gone to Hell. I know why we got Obama Care and we didn't get it because everything was all rosey. I am saying it is still terrible.
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
LOL I admit to being an Anti-Dentite.

The fact is that ER room should be staffed to handle emergencies. This is a "Top" rated hospital in an affluent city. It is not full of illegals with a cough or worse. It was not even busy that day. The Doctor simply was not available.

The state of Health Care in this country is terrible. Be it ObamaCare or whatever. As I remember it was not so hot before ObamaCare which is why we got ObamaCare in the first place.
Hey bro, my bad. That was for saint not you. Could have sworn i quoted his post but obviously i did not. Sorry man.

Hope the wife feels better bro

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