Saint, I imagine you too your child to a crowded busy ER. Have been to them many times and expect to wait.
BP, this wasa break where the bone ended up on top of itself. It that makes sense. Like a compound but it did not break the skin. A big bump in her skin holding the bones together. The surgeon had to move the bone back in place. We go on Wednesday for an evaluation if she needs surgery or not.
I work on computers. There are times we need to be on call. We can't be on the golf course weekends we are on call. Sorry but my plumber cannot either.
This was not a busy day for them. I dropped her off at the ER door. They met her with a wheelchair. I went to park the car and by the time I got in the ER she was already in Triage. A nurse saw us right away in the room. The ER Doctor followed very shortly and ordered x-rays.
Everything was like clockwork. The four and a half hour wait was from when we got into the ER Room until the surgeon came in the room.
This was a bad break. I fractured my ankle before but this was nothing like that. I could see my fracture not being an emergency but this was.
If my plumber was golfing I would expect him to say sorry guys I got to go. I expect that out of my doctor.
Health and DENTAL care in this country has gone to Hell. I know why we got Obama Care and we didn't get it because everything was all rosey. I am saying it is still terrible.
well then that is shitty, if he wasn't jacking around then what was he doing?