Seems I'm one of the "older guys" at 48...sheesh, how'd I get to be this age? In SOME things, I still have the same approach to life that I did when I was 21.
But that's ge-ge-generation had:
1) a lot of good music that served as a catalyst (or a backdrop..depending on your point of view) for one of the biggest and swiftest cultural changes in modern history. Woodstock, as well as other events like it, is still clearly etched in my memory.
2) Free Love (no AIDS..yippee!)
3) Idealism...true, a very naive idealism, but what the heck, we cared about SOMETHING..(Draft Beer..Not Students!) Really did think "Love" could change the world.
Now...Of course we had a lot of not so good stuff (Vietnam, heavy drug and alcohol use that led many into addiction, returning Vets treated like diseased dogs..etc., etc)...but when you get older, it's your prerogative to have selective memory.
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Most of the above is said tongue-in-cheek and is NOT intended to promote or condone unsafe (or otherwise craaaazy) behavior of any kind, anger, hurt feelings, or nausea. ( not try this at home.)
I mean...I even wear a suit and tie to work these days, have a mortgage, go to church, pay my taxes, the whole nine yards!! Arrrggghhh...I've become part of the establishment I protested against!!
Oh yeah?? Well, in the deep canyons of what's left of my blown mind I can still hear the echo of "Inna Godda Da Vida, Baby....doot, doot, doo-doo, do, doot" maybe there's hope yet.
Peace, Love, and Happiness,
[This message has been edited by dc (edited 07-02-2001).]
[This message has been edited by dc (edited 07-02-2001).]