Agent0659 are you going to pay up?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
AR182 said:

that post is uncalled the last few years there have been incidents where there were misunderstandings between posters over money. this has led to hard feelings among posters. i don't blame jack for taking this stand..he doesn't need the hassles.

well AR we can respectfully disagree then, if this was the case then there should have never been contests allowed from day 1, if jack puts a disclaimer as he has then why shouldnt they be allowed if people want to take their own risks? but it also serves a nice dual purpose of putting $ in the books contest from stupid squares on here and a nice policy of "if its not sanctioned by a book, not allowed" keeps that gravy train rolling, gotta love the internet gambling business, it's really on the up and up


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
NySportsfan said:
yeah, we wouldnt want any contests on here where a book isnt getting their coffers lined by the minions on here, if a book isnt getting their palms greased then no contests allowed, gotta love the almighty dollar it speaks loudly and clearly

Originally Posted by kosar
I figured once Jack posted, this guy would appear.

NySportsfan said:
yeah you hit the nail on the head, the next time agent gets off his knees in front of jack will be the first

NySportsfan said:
if jack puts a disclaimer as he has then why shouldnt they be allowed if people want to take their own risks? but it also serves a nice dual purpose of putting $ in the books contest from stupid squares on here and a nice policy of "if its not sanctioned by a book, not allowed" keeps that gravy train rolling, gotta love the internet gambling business, it's really on the up and up

nysportsfan, you might be the most miserable internet fock at this site. Have you ever said anything positive?? IF you have, I've missed it. You're here bitching about everything, but I'll bet you're one of the guys signing up for every free contest ever run on this site. Jack, you know what to do. :s7: :ban: <<substitute me with NySportsbitch
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
NO doubt AR, I feel just "great" about the fact that Jack made an exception to his rule for me and me only, because he knows me and trusted me and was going to "grandfather" it in. I thanked him by fu*king this up not once but twice :com: I feel like a real Ahole about it. Dam things (fantasy pools) were fun too! :sadwave:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
NySportsfan said:
but it also serves a nice dual purpose of putting $ in the books contest from stupid squares on here and a nice policy of "if its not sanctioned by a book, not allowed" keeps that gravy train rolling, gotta love the internet gambling business, it's really on the up and up

i guess i'm one of the squares you speak about because i have entered a few football contests here....& actually won some money. with jack's & a book's backing it guarantees that you will be paid.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
SixFive said:
Originally Posted by kosar
I figured once Jack posted, this guy would appear.

nysportsfan, you might be the most miserable internet fock at this site. Have you ever said anything positive?? IF you have, I've missed it. You're here bitching about everything, but I'll bet you're one of the guys signing up for every free contest ever run on this site. Jack, you know what to do. :s7: :ban: <<substitute me with NySportsbitch

:mj07: :mj07: you've been living in kentucky too long my friend, you need to open your's nice that when I say something I get jumped, yet edludes, 6 foot 11 kosar and others say stuff routinely and hear nothing from the minions.......I dont sign up for the free contests, would rather just use one of the big 6-7 books if need be, but jack needs you to tell him how to run the site i'm sure he needs the help :shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
AR182 said:
i guess i'm one of the squares you speak about because i have entered a few football contests here....& actually won some money. with jack's & a book's backing it guarantees that you will be paid.

no, i'm probably a square too AL, I just was saying why would anyone make bets/fantasy leagues with annoynomous internet people, it's easy to get stiffed in real life by friends youve known 5-10-15 years as i've seen it happen to me and others.....good that you won though, i never doubed youd be paid but i'm sure the books reiterated the message that theyd like their contests to be the ones on the forefront as they are the ones providing the gravy train


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
NySportsfan said:
:mj07: :mj07: you've been living in kentucky too long my friend, you need to open your's nice that when I say something I get jumped, yet edludes, 6 foot 11 kosar and others say stuff routinely and hear nothing from the minions.......I dont sign up for the free contests, would rather just use one of the big 6-7 books if need be, but jack needs you to tell him how to run the site i'm sure he needs the help :shrug:

What's Kentucky have to do with this, you stupid idiot? I'm happy for anybody to call a spade a spade, but why do you even post here if all you do is promote bs and post libleous things about the site owner? You don't know chit about Jack, and you're wrong with your implications about him. You're the one who needs to open his eyes.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
SixFive said:
What's Kentucky have to do with this, you stupid idiot? I'm happy for anybody to call a spade a spade, but why do you even post here if all you do is promote bs and post libleous things about the site owner? You don't know chit about Jack, and you're wrong with your implications about him. You're the one who needs to open his eyes.

I wasnt libleous at all, I just question peoples motives as things arent as they seem, if anyone does this with other posters it is ok apparently.....rick pitino has lived in louisville and loved it and he's a normal guy from the northeast who adjusted so that is good enough for me, out of line there :SIB if I'm wrong I "apologize", great


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
NySportsfan said:
I wasnt libleous at all, I just question peoples motives as things arent as they seem, if anyone does this with other posters it is ok apparently.....rick pitino has lived in louisville and loved it and he's a normal guy from the northeast who adjusted so that is good enough for me, out of line there :SIB if I'm wrong I "apologize", great

If you question the site owner's motives and you think he has a hand in the book's coffers and on players losers, then why are you here? Why not visit another site where you know and trust the owner. I know I don't visit PETA sites nor do I visit Hillary Clinton's chat forum. :shrug:

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
NySportsfan said:
I wasnt libleous at all, I just question peoples motives as things arent as they seem, if anyone does this with other posters it is ok apparently.....rick pitino has lived in louisville and loved it and he's a normal guy from the northeast who adjusted so that is good enough for me, out of line there :SIB if I'm wrong I "apologize", great

huh? :confused:

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
NySportsfan said:
well AR we can respectfully disagree then, if this was the case then there should have never been contests allowed from day 1, if jack puts a disclaimer as he has then why shouldnt they be allowed if people want to take their own risks? but it also serves a nice dual purpose of putting $ in the books contest from stupid squares on here and a nice policy of "if its not sanctioned by a book, not allowed" keeps that gravy train rolling, gotta love the internet gambling business, it's really on the up and up
NYSF, it seems to me that you are always pretty quick to have a strong opinon on any issue that gives you a soapbox concerning the profitablity of this site. I'm not sure that I understand why you, or anyone else for that matter, would begrudge Jack any revenue that this forum generates.

It's not like Jack is constantly shilling for his sponsors and in my experience, he is actually pretty low key about the whole operation. I think that it is probably safe to say that none of us would put in the kind of effort and financial investment that has been necessary for this board to be as sucessful as it is just for the priviledge of hearing the whining from clowns like you over the most mundane topics.

This thread HAD absolutely nothing to do with you and yet you found a way to turn the spotlight on your petty opinions about MJ's business. Why the f*ck do you give any more that a rat's ass how financially sucessful this forum is? I am beginning to believe that it jealousy on your part which I find to be particularlly hilarious.

Have you found a roommate for the Vegas trip yet? I think that was one of your other diatribes against the way Jack runs things. If I remember correctly, you bitched and moaned about the upcoming Vegas trip because you only had three months to find someone to share a hotel room with.

From where I sit, you seem to have a few issues but that in of itself doesn't make you a bad guy. From my perspective, what does make you a rather unpleasant poster is your sniffling.

Life is too short kid, grow up already.
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
The Judge said:
NYSF, it seems to me that you are always pretty quick to have a strong opinon on any issue that gives you a soapbox concerning the profitablity of this site. I'm not sure that I understand why you, or anyone else for that matter, would begrudge Jack any revenue that this forum generates.

It's not like Jack is constantly shilling for his sponsors and in my experience, he is actually pretty low key about the whole operation. I think that it is probably safe to say that none of us would put in the kind of effort and financial investment that has been necessary for this board to be as sucessful as it is just for the priveledge of hearing the whining from clowns like you over the most mundane topics.

This thread HAD]/b] absolutely nothing to do with you and yet you found a way to turn the spotlight on your petty opinions about MJ's business. Why the f*ck do you give any more that a rat's ass how financially sucessful this forum is? I am beginning to believe that it jealousy on your part which I find to be particularlly hilarious.

Have you found a roommate for the Vegas trip yet? I think that was one of your other diatribes against the way Jack runs things. If I remember correctly, you bitched and moaned about the upcoming Vegas trip because you only had three months to find someone to share a hotel room with.

From where I sit, you seem to have a few issues but that in of itself doesn't make you a bad guy. From my perspective, what does make you a rather unpleasant poster is your sniffling.

Life is too short kid, grow up already.

:look: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
The Judge said:
NYSF, it seems to me that you are always pretty quick to have a strong opinon on any issue that gives you a soapbox concerning the profitablity of this site. I'm not sure that I understand why you, or anyone else for that matter, would begrudge Jack any revenue that this forum generates.

It's not like Jack is constantly shilling for his sponsors and in my experience, he is actually pretty low key about the whole operation. I think that it is probably safe to say that none of us would put in the kind of effort and financial investment that has been necessary for this board to be as sucessful as it is just for the priviledge of hearing the whining from clowns like you over the most mundane topics.

This thread HAD absolutely nothing to do with you and yet you found a way to turn the spotlight on your petty opinions about MJ's business. Why the f*ck do you give any more that a rat's ass how financially sucessful this forum is? I am beginning to believe that it jealousy on your part which I find to be particularlly hilarious.

Have you found a roommate for the Vegas trip yet? I think that was one of your other diatribes against the way Jack runs things. If I remember correctly, you bitched and moaned about the upcoming Vegas trip because you only had three months to find someone to share a hotel room with.

From where I sit, you seem to have a few issues but that in of itself doesn't make you a bad guy. From my perspective, what does make you a rather unpleasant poster is your sniffling.

Life is too short kid, grow up already.

a diatribe pal? I didnt find a roomate and cant go for a variety of reasons, life goes on without gambling but it was something i wanted to do, going to vegas that is...."whining" about the profitability of the site isnt really what I mean, it's more so that everyone bows down to people and takes everything at face value, but no it really doesnt "effect" me as you said, and in my experience peoples "internet" act is far different from person so it really is irrelevant, i just like how others throw crap at people daily and since they are on their knees for jack they hear nothing, but that is life, everyone has favorites in all walks of life and all avenues


Staff member
Forum Admin
Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
nysportsfan = totally clueless once again. totally!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
when moving money or paying people why not use electronic means; ie. neteller. or others. also does not cost much to have it tracked and registered (registered mail) is $5 or less (worth all of this hassle.)



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
Agent 0659 said:
NO doubt AR, I feel just "great" about the fact that Jack made an exception to his rule for me and me only, because he knows me and trusted me and was going to "grandfather" it in. I thanked him by fu*king this up not once but twice :com: I feel like a real Ahole about it. Dam things (fantasy pools) were fun too! :sadwave:

Thanks! Thanks for teaching us all a lesson. Thanks for nothing.



Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

Jack has let many of these contests happen in the past. Many.

Several have went off without problems, but far too often, you have deadbeats, and slow pays, who can cause hard feelings between posters.

Sure, it's easy for a big city smart fella like yourself, to see this stuff well in advance, but the other 10,000 guys here aren't as smart, so please......cut us some slack.

Now, when a "book" runs the show, it is free entry, or deposit driven, with rules. The "book" has no grace period, and everyone lives with that. No one sends the book email calling them a scumbag, and starting threads in the forum, running them into the ground.

On the other hand, the "social" events Jack has allowed in the past, have been buyer beware, as you have stated. Personally, I won't get into them so as to avoid the potential pitfalls we have all come to know.

I know from emails with Jack, he really has a hard time with these damned things, but not because he "makes no money off of them". That is the dumbest thing I've heard around hear in a while, and I still read the Politics forum!

He doesn't need to be a mediator for these disputes, as I'm sure you can imagine, and it is a black eye on his place, as well.

So, with more and more of these contests having "issues", do you really think Jack is licking his chops over pulling them because it puts money in his pocket? If you seriously think that is the case, I feel some pity for your big city soul.


The Sage
Forum Member
Twofingers NCAA Basketball Tourney Pool was also grandfathered in and doesn't seem to have any problems.... I guess the difference comes down to the people involved....

I certainly hope that Jack will continue to allow twofingers to run his pool and this little snafu doesn't fuk it up for the rest of us that manage to act like adults....

p.s. NYSPFAN, please STFU!!! Geeze!

Franky Wright

Registered User
Forum Member
May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
NySportsfan said:
"whining" about the profitability of the site isnt really what I mean, it's more so that everyone bows down to people and takes everything at face value, but no it really doesnt "effect" me as you said, and in my experience peoples "internet" act is far different from person so it really is irrelevant, i just like how others throw crap at people daily and since they are on their knees for jack they hear nothing, but that is life, everyone has favorites in all walks of life and all avenues

This is a gambling site :SIB
If I remember correctly, you were going to Florida, or was it Vegas to get a job/jobs. :com: You would ask for help from many of the members here to facilitate your moves.
You also asked for help with the in's and out's of how to handicap. I believe a large # came in to help you out here. :)
Did you lose your life savings or something and feel the need to bash this site and most who are on it? :shrug:
If this is not you then I am wrong and thinking of someone else. But this "attitude" you have, well, I have had enough of it :nono:
Go back to AA :mj07:

Franky :scared


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Franky Wright said:
This is a gambling site :SIB
If I remember correctly, you were going to Florida, or was it Vegas to get a job/jobs. :com: You would ask for help from many of the members here to facilitate your moves.
You also asked for help with the in's and out's of how to handicap. I believe a large # came in to help you out here. :)
Did you lose your life savings or something and feel the need to bash this site and most who are on it? :shrug:
If this is not you then I am wrong and thinking of someone else. But this "attitude" you have, well, I have had enough of it :nono:
Go back to AA :mj07:

Franky :scared

lmfao!! I remember all those threads. Maybe we should bump them up?? What a bitter, bitter person this guy is. Probably enjoys kicking dogs too.
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