August MMA News


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Almost ever fighter rips Jones.........

(bible thumper Henderson....yeah whatever dude)

Joe Rogan

Now the entire UFC card is scrapped because Jones didn't accept a fight with a 185lb'er who is completely out of shape. WOW. Just wow.

Jeff Hougland

@JonnyBones Can I at least get one of your new Nike T-shirts? I'll give it to my kid since I won't have any money for her school clothes.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
nobody blaming Dana for throwing out another shit card that couldn't take one hit. Dana saying how well paid everyone is and now crying broke for other fighters :mj07:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Of course Sponge would blame Dana:facepalm:

Pretty much every UFC fighter wants to shit on Jones face now. It is hilarious reading and listening to all these fighters just ripping Jones.

This is almost as bad as Diaz.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Jones' Response

Jon Jones apologizes to fighters and fans for UFC 151 cancellation, stands by refusal of Chael Sonnen bout
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Aug 23, 2012 - 11:50:39 PM

By: Jamie Penick, MMATorch Editor-in-Chief

<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" width="180"> <tbody><tr><td>
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones received tons of backlash on Thursday following the UFC's decision to cancel UFC 151 next week. With Dan Henderson forced out of their Championship bout on the card, the UFC went into desperation mode in trying to get first Lyoto Machida and then Chael Sonnen into the fight against Jones on nine day's notice, but Machida wasn't prepared for the fight and Jones turned down a bout with Sonnen.

It's that move by Jones that has gotten the brunt of the blame in this situation, despite the fact that he would have had a very different opponent to prepare for in very little time. But it was White who got to make the first statement on the matter, with Jones staying quiet through most of the day. That led to one side being pushed very heavily, backed by vitriolic responses such as the following:

"When you are a champion, much less one of the guys who is supposed to be one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world, you are supposed to step up. Jon Jones is a guy a lot of fans don't like, and I don't think this is going to make him any more popular. Lorenzo Fertitta (UFC chairman and CEO) and I are disgusted with Jon Jones and Greg Jackson... UFC 151 will be remembered as the event Jon Jones and Greg Jackson murdered."

Jones has finally opened up about his decision in an interview with, and he made it clear that there simply wasn't enough time to prepare for the change in opponent.

"Dan Henderson got hurt, and the fight was canceled," Jones said. "I signed a contract a long time ago to fight Dan Henderson. That's what I studied for, and that's what I prepared myself for. To take a fight with a different opponent in which I would basically have three days of training before traveling and then starting to cut weight I just thought would be the dumbest idea ever. I wouldn't have been properly prepared."

One of the other heavy criticisms revolved around the fact that the rest of the fighters on the event now don't have a payday on Sept. 1. Indeed, that's another issue White laid at Jones' feet.

"One thing that you really have to think about are the fighters on the undercard," White said. "Sure, Jon Jones is rich what does he care if he cancels the fight? But 20 other fighters on the card added up to almost a half a million dollars in purse money that Jones and Greg Jackson?s decision stole from them. No champion or headliner in UFC history has ever done that. As difficult as Tito Ortiz could be... even Tito never bailed on a fight.?

?Many people, from fans to PPV distributors, TV networks, sponsors, and more importantly fighters who are working hard to support their families and build their careers are hurt badly by this selfish decision."

While Jones certainly feels for his fellow fighters, and is disappointed in the way he's been portrayed throughout the day, he also wanted to make the point that it wasn't him that made the decision to cancel the entire card.

"I definitely apologize to the other fighters on the card," Jones said. "I feel terrible, but it also wasn't my decision to cancel the whole card. I don't make those decisions. I take a lot of pride in the way I perform, and I want to put on the best performance possible every time I fight. I don't want to go out there just to win the fight. I want to go out there to dominate. I want to make it look effortless. I want it to be a beautiful thing."

That desire to be fully prepared didn't translate well with the time period he had standing in front of him for the fight, and though he does remain remorseful, he felt it was a decision that had to be made.

"Chael is completely different fighter [than Henderson]," Jones said. "This is war. This is strategy. You have to go in there prepared and know that you did your homework. I wouldn't be the same warrior if I just jumped in there blindly and was cutting weight while I was trying to prepare for the fight. Greg Jackson wasn't going to show up until Friday. Coach [Mike] Winkeljohn wasn't going to be there until Wednesday or Thursday. I would have been pretty much on my own trying to prepare for a new opponent. That's just not the best way to prepare."

"If this was my first fight in the UFC and I really didn't have a choice and they needed somebody to step in last-minute, if it was that type of scenario, then I'd probably more open to it," Jones continued. "But I'm a UFC champion, and I need to perform that way. If I would have taken this fight, that would have been letting my ego get in the way and not using my intellect. This is war, and you have to go in there prepared."

"The criticism does bother me, but I have to stand by my decision. I have to be the man that I am. With such large audiences comes great criticism. There will be a lot of scrutiny, but I've got to do what makes me happy and feels right to me. At the end of the day, I have to make the best choice for me and my family."

The last group affected by this entire situation are the fans, writers, and more who had booked travel, hotel rooms, and had bought tickets to an event that will now not take place. Jones again is sorry for that, but there wasn't a realistic reason in his mind to take a switch in opponents like that on as short of notice as he had.

"I apologize to the people that lost money on tickets and travel and things like that," Jones said. "I don't apologize for my decision, but I do apologize for the way it affected people. I hope people can understand I was just trying to do the best thing for my career."

"Dan Henderson got hurt, and our fight was canceled. As difficult as it is to deal with everything that's happened, I just didn't feel like I had enough time to prepare both physically and mentally for a fight with a new opponent. I just didn't feel I had enough to prepare properly and perform at my best. Whether Chael Sonnen actually deserves a title shot really isn't my place to say. But if he wants to fight on Sept. 22, then I'm fine with that."

Penick's Analysis: Jones could have taken the fight. He could have hopped in the cage with zero preparation against Chael Sonnen, and he may win in that scenario nine times out of ten. But Sonnen is a very different style of fighter than Dan Henderson, making it a completely different fight for Jones to prepare for, and leaving the possibility that a Matt Serra vs. GSP type result happens. That's a disastrous, hard to rebound from situation that didn't make sense to risk for Jones, and that's ok. It's disappointing, but it's ok. Jones didn't make the decision to cancel the event next week, and it's not fair to hold it all against him. The UFC was faced with that choice because they didn't have any other viable options than trying to strong-arm Jones into a bout he wasn't comfortable with on a week's notice. It's not his responsibility to make sure the rest of the card is getting their paycheck. Would he have been getting this same type of vitriol sent his way if he would have gotten injured? Of course not. This was an impossible spot he was put in, and the UFC throwing him under the bus hasn't helped anything. Does he have his share of the blame? Absolutely. But it's not all on him, and it's not fair to hold it against him with as much vitriol as has been thrown on Thursday. One more note, it's been pointed out on Twitter that this isn't even the first time this situation has happened this year, just the first time it's happened this close to an event. The UFC was supposed to head to Montreal in March, but in an ironic twist, it was reportedly Dan Henderson refusing to step into a fight in that main event that caused the UFC to scrap it and move the fights for that card to Atlanta. Regardless, there is plenty of blame to spread around, and it doesn't all need to be aimed at a Champion making a decision that makes sense for himself.

[Jon Jones art by Grant Gould (c)]

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Of course Sponge would blame Dana:facepalm:


I can see it now. If this was GSP the conversation would be like this.

Six Five: GSP is a pussy
KIck: Six Five u can't possibly think GSP can be ready in eight days.

Bottom line Dana and Joe Silva put out another shit card that couldn't take the top fight getting wiped out.
Dana not Jones canceled the card.
Henderson got hurt not JOnes which started this whole mess.
In closing Jones deserves some heat but to say Dana shouldn't get any would mean u have your lips so tightly secured to Dana ass , it would take a Palhares leg lock to make you release. To me this might be a win win for the fans of MMA. Maybe now we will get some better cards because of this. If not the UFC will continue to get bad pay per view numbers.


Registered User
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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
It's a puss move by Jones. I would say 99 times out of 100 Jones easily beats him Sonnen. Since when did Sonnen become a great fighter? His standup is average at best and since nobody else has taken Jones down I doubt he could.

It was a no lose for Jones. If he somehow did lose you know he would get an instant rematch and then if he won everyone would say the first loss was a fluke. More than likely he would have won and none of this would have mattered.


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
Ridiculous by Jones. He speaks of fighting for $, and Machida was a bad draw previously, so now he had the opportunity to just sit back and let Chael run his mouth to drive up PPV's. Also, he has been training for an opponent with a solid wrestling pedigree and a dangerous right hand, in sonnen he would already be prepared for wrestling somewhat and wouldnt have to worry about Chaels standup at all. Easy win in my opinion. Chael poses no threat and wouldnt be able to get close enough to get the take down without eating a few big shots, which nobody else has been able to solve or take. Stupid.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
A. Silva offered to fight but of course not against Jones. We could have saw Silva Weidman but Dana canceled the show. :shrug:

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Ridiculous by Jones. He speaks of fighting for $, and Machida was a bad draw previously, so now he had the opportunity to just sit back and let Chael run his mouth to drive up PPV's. Also, he has been training for an opponent with a solid wrestling pedigree and a dangerous right hand, in sonnen he would already be prepared for wrestling somewhat and wouldnt have to worry about Chaels standup at all. Easy win in my opinion. Chael poses no threat and wouldnt be able to get close enough to get the take down without eating a few big shots, which nobody else has been able to solve or take. Stupid.

JR i haven't saw Hendon wrestle in ten years. He only wrestles when he is forced to. Sonnen is a great take down artist but i doubt even he would have been able to take down Jones.


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
JR i haven't saw Hendon wrestle in ten years. He only wrestles when he is forced to. Sonnen is a great take down artist but i doubt even he would have been able to take down Jones.

You are right with Hendo but it is still a threat to pay attention to. With Chael even if he took Jones down probably not going to finish him. Now, it appears this injury happened 3 weeks ago. I know Dan is a warrior and probaby his last gig or shot at the big one, so Im sure he wanted to see if he could give it a go, but this whole scenario stinks with the cancellation.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006

You are right with Hendo but it is still a threat to pay attention to. With Chael even if he took Jones down probably not going to finish him. Now, it appears this injury happened 3 weeks ago. I know Dan is a warrior and probaby his last gig or shot at the big one, so Im sure he wanted to see if he could give it a go, but this whole scenario stinks with the cancellation.

Three weeks ago Hendo is injured and we have Sonnen twitting Jones two weeks ag?. No wonder Jones didn't want to give Sonnen a shot. Sounds like a calculated plan by Sonnen knowing Hendo was hurt. I hear the rest of the card had one guy in the top five of his division. I know KIck doesn't want to ever give Dana any blame but this card fukin sucked after the main event. A main event that most likely would have ended within three rounds. Dana had all kinds of fighters applying for a fight but he cancelled it because he shoots from the hip without thinking most of the time.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Sponge thinks every fighter outside the Top 5 sucks. Sponge thinks every fight card sucks. I don't know whey he even watches MMA? Sponge is happy the card was cancelled.

Never met anybody that hates MMA as much as Sponge, but he still watches.


Jones has zero friends in MMA now......well except for the bible thumper Ben Henderson.

Jones pulled a Nick Diaz. What a complete fuck up by Jones. What a dipshit.

And oh yeah......Sonnen just made another half million. He knows how to market himself like no other. And Sonnen will always fight....anytime...anywhere...he fights.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Sponge thinks every fighter outside the Top 5 sucks. Sponge thinks every fight card sucks. I don't know whey he even watches MMA? Sponge is happy the card was cancelled.

Never met anybody that hates MMA as much as Sponge, but he still watches.


Jones has zero friends in MMA now......well except for the bible thumper Ben Henderson.

Jones pulled a Nick Diaz. What a complete fuck up by Jones. What a dipshit.

And oh yeah......Sonnen just made another half million. He knows how to market himself like no other. And Sonnen will always fight....anytime...anywhere...he fights.

KIck u like putting words in my mouth. Bottom line and you know it, the card was terrible. Although u are the biggest suck ass the ufc has ever seen when it comes to Dana, here is what another suck ass had to say and Hardy is about as big as a company man as their is. Im sure most fighters think this way but can't afford to get cut by Dana.

??Myself and Jon Jones are very different people and I?m very proud to say that as well,? Hardy told ?From his point of view I can see why he would turn down the fight. Chael Sonnen in my opinion doesn?t deserve a title shot in his first fight in the weight class. He needs to win a couple of fights first. He hasn?t really earned a shot, there?s nothing for Jones to gain out of it. He?s fully in his rights to turn down the fight, it?s disappointing obviously, the fans want to see the fight, but these things happen. He doesn?t have enough time to alter his game plan as the last week is about cutting weight and resting. I also don?t think it?s his responsibility to make the sure the event goes on. The UFC needs to make sure these events are balanced enough so if we do lose a big fight there are still alternatives and that the other fighters will still get paid.?

The undercard fighters who have lost a paycheck are the ones I feel for. They have families to feed, coaches to pay and they don?t have seven figure endorsement deals to fall back on, but like Hardy said that responsibility can?t fall squarely on the shoulders of Jon Jones. The UFC was banking on this one fight to sell a pay-per-view and while there were some exciting match-ups scheduled, they weren?t strong enough to influence fans to spend $50 on this event. Even the co-main event which can usually be counted upon to have name value and/or title implications offered fans very little.

Jake Ellenberger is fun to watch, but he isn?t a big enough star yet and matching him up with Jay Hieron, a man known for his less than thrilling fights was a huge mistake. Once Koscheck got injured I knew that this card was in trouble. People pay to see Koscheck win or get beat up, he has that type of value, plain and simple. When you have Dennis Siver vs. Eddie Yagin, Dennis Hallman vs. Thiago Tavares and John Lineker vs. Yasuhiro Urushitani rounding out your main card you are asking for trouble. Those bouts are better served on an FX or Fuel TV card.

Yesterday history was made, but for all the wrong reasons. For the first time since Zuffa purchased the UFC an event has been cancelled. For the first time a reigning champion has turned down a fight and for the first time a fighter who has been competing in one weight class will get a title shot in their reintroduction to a new weight class. Kudos to Belfort, Silva and Sonnen, three middleweights who were willing to move up to help save the day for the company they work for. I am not going to bash Jones, enough people are doing that, I am disappointed, but there is enough negativity going around.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
vitor has no chance againt jj

Not sure why everyone is saying this. I think Vitor had a better shot than Hendo. Hendo has basically nothing but a big right hand that is so slow Jones would have never got hit by it. Hendo never uses his biggest strentgh which is his wrestling and in this fight his biggest strength would have been Jones biggest strength. Vitor has a shot to land one a lot easier than Hendo does and Hendo never shows a sub game which Vitor has.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Sponge, you'd be happy if every MMA card was cancelled.

You think every card sucks.


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Forum Member
Dec 12, 2003


Sponge is right. It's not Jones fault that the UFC was not strong enough to stand on it's own. Also, where's everyone talking shit about Machida now? He had a lot more notice than Jones and still won't fight him. Some of you need to use your heads, for a title fight you want to be 100% prepaared.
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