How did you end up in Garrett County anyway. I have an excuse for being where I am...I was born here. I moved away to go to college and worked in Baltimore for seven years after. I had just excepted a position with CNN in Atlanta when my father was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease. I decided to move back home to help with him. I've been here ever since.
I hate these Winters too. The older I get the more I hate to shovel snow. This year we've been pretty lucky. This is the mildest Winter I can remember.
If I could be like some retirees and live 6 months in Florida, and 6 months around here, I wouldn't mind it. As you know, there's plenty to do in the Summer around here if you like to fish, boat, ski, etc. But as far as cultural activities, there's not much happening. It would be nice if they made Deep Creek Lake the Lake Tahoe of the East (casinos, etc) but they can't even pass a Sunday liquor sales law, so I don't ever envision casinos on the lake.
I know a couple from New England that stuck a pin in a map and ended up in Eckhart...my neighboring town. If all else fails, you could always try that.
Good luck!