Tua fight in progress - LIVE UPDATES: Tua vs Ahunanya
Tua fight in progress - LIVE UPDATES: Tua vs Ahunanya
David 'The Tuaminatory Tua' vs 'Friday 13th' Ahunanaya- scheduled for 12 rounds
By Nikolai Smith
Round 1 Tua sizes up Ahunanya before going in for a couple of body shots. Both fighters feel themselves into the round. Tua was the most aggressive of the two but didn't land any really big blows.
Round 2 Tua wins the second round. He lands more shots than Ahunanya. Both fighters are still tentantive, feeling their way into the fight.
Round 3 Tua's round - just. He landed a nice left hand shot into Ahuananya's face that. The round was close though.
Round 4 Tua comes out early and lets rip hitting Ahunanya well with one of the shots. Tua wins that round.
Round 5 Some more intense action from Tua as he grows with confidence this round and is landed some good body shots.
Round 6 Ahunanya is looking tired and is dropping his left hand as a result of the body shots Tua has been regularly landing. Tua's round.
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