Boxing 5/8 - 5/9


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Forum Member
Apr 8, 2008
Mitchell is going to probably land 3 minutes before his walkout....good luck to him in that one....

That is a tough way to go. He'll probably asleep by the time he enters the ring which will suit Shu just fine. Then they can pack Mitchell up and put him on the next flight back to the states.
:142smilie :142smilie :mj07: :mj07: :00x12 :00x12

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008



Marco Huck 199.5 vs Vitaliy Rusal 191.5
(European Cruiserweight Title)
Alexander Abraham 154 vs Magomed Abdurakhmanov 154
(EE-EU Light Middleweight Title)
Yoan Pablo Hernandez 199.5 vs Aaron Williams 197
Venue: JAKO Arena in Bamberg, Germany
Promoter: Sauerland Event
TV: ARD (Germany)
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Forum Member
May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret
never past post

i was really tempted one time Kermit Cintron KO'd Mark Suarez on a small internet ppv

5dimes left the line hanging

i'm glad i didnt

if you're fair to the book, you should get a fair shake down the line or a little luck when you need it


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Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
Added McE 10 rd dec +195 and hedged with Vera ITD +487. Already have a play on the over. Only thing I don't want is McE b4 7 1/2. Good luck.

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
My plays for a rather quiet weekend:

Aaron Williams over Y.P. Hernandez
Under 7.5 same fight

looking for A-Will to let his hands fly in Germany. He is talking a good game - he knows this is a chance to instantly rebuild his image. Hernandez is soft, and can be broken.

I was going to stay away from tonight-but I can't do it. I just feel McEwan is going to win this fight. Vera is a very tough guy, but he is a shit boxer and throws wide off balance punches all night. McEwan by UD is my guess.

I don't want to lay the price on McEwan, so my play is:


Last Play:

Dawson ITD

can't resist the odds - would love to see Dawson step it up and get rid of big mouth.

Good luck everybody !

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008

Dawson, Tarver make weight

From The Joint in the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, for tomorrow night?s
HBO-televised card promoted by Gary Shaw Productions:

Chad Dawson 175 vs. Antonio Tarver 172
Bowie Tupou 257 vs. Chris Koval 256

lightest weight of Tarver's entire career.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 20, 2009
I'm going to try and be at this fight. Depends on my sleep schedule. It's one of the better "higher profile" fights to be shown at The Joint in a long time.


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Apr 6, 2007
Ghost or anybody else

any chance of getting a result from the main evt in italy? Contestabile/Morra....Thx bro


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2003
I think Morra KOed the fav Gianpiero Contestabile in the 8th Round...

But thats unofficial...


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2003
Morra puts ko Contestabile the 8th round!

Meritatissima vittoria a sorpresa dello sfidante all titolo italiano dei s.piuma. Deserved a surprise victory at the Italian title challenger of s.piuma. Castellucci per ko su Molnar al 2? round. Castellucci ko on Molnar for the 2nd round. Sarritzu domina il volonteroso Plavci ai punti. Sarritzu dominates willing to Plavci points. Cima va ko al 1? tempo. Top va ko at 1 time.

Ha avuto il commovente e doloroso prologo di un lungo minuto di silenzio, il match tricolore dei pesi piuma, tra Gianpiero Contestabile e Massimo Morra, per ricordare davanti al pubblico di Avezzano i corregionali coinvolti nel terribile terremoto che ha colpito, un mese fa a pochi chilometri di distanza, la sfortunata terra d'Abruzzo. He had the moving and painful prologue of a long minute of silence, the match flag feather weight between Giampiero Contestabile and Massimo Morra, to remember in front of the public to Avezzano corregionali involved in the terrible earthquake that struck a few months ago km away, the unfortunate land of Abruzzo.

All'inizio del match, diretto dall'arbitro sardo Argiolas, lo sfidante laziale ha cercato subito do accorciare le distanze, per non concedere vantaggi al campione, nettamente pi? alto. At the beginning of the match, led recently by sardo Argiolas, the challenger Lazio sought immediately do shorten distances, not to grant benefits to the sample, much higher. Pur andando talvolta a vuoto in modo eclatante, Morra costringe comunque il pugile di casa a tenere gli occhi ben aperti e nella seconda ripresa lo sorprende con un destro al corpo, poi con uno al volto, approfittando della sua guardia un po' troppo disinvolta e si fa preferire a livello di punteggio. While sometimes going blank so striking, however, Morra forces the boxer to take home our eyes open and in the second shooting with a surprise right to the body, then with a the face, taking advantage of his guard a little 'too easy and you prefer to level the score.

Nel terzo round, sempre chiuso a testuggine, Massimo Morra attacca ancora, per? Contestabile comincia a prendere le opportune contromisure e con il lungo jab sinistro, doppiato con il montante o il diretto destro, giunge talvolta a bersaglio seppure con effetti non particolarmente rilevanti. In the third round, also closed a tortoise, Massimo Morra attacks again, but Contestabile begins to take appropriate countermeasures and the long left jab, dubbed with the amount or the direct right, sometimes reaches a target although the effects are not particularly relevant.

Nel quarto lo sfidante rallenta l'azione ei suoi colpi larghi faticano a trovare il pi? mobile detentore che, con alcuni precisi diretti sinistri e un paio di montanti affondati al corpo produce alcune smorfie sul volto dell'indomabile sfidante. In the fourth challenger slows the action and its broad strokes are struggling to find the most mobile holder who, with some precise direct claims and a pair of uprights sunk the body produces some grimaces on the face dell'indomabile challenger. Il combattimento comincia a farsi farraginoso e confuso e l'arbitro ha il suo daffare a mantenere il combattimento in pugno. The battle begins to get cumbersome and confusing and the referee has his DAFF to maintain the combat punch.

La quinta ripresa premia Morra e il campione ? in difficolt?, spesso al tappeto per scivolate e spinte reciproche, ma anche per una certa stanchezza che gli rende difficoltoso tenere a bada un Morra determinato e ?cattivo?, certamente pi? proteso verso il contatto duro che non all'eleganza del fraseggio tecnico. The fifth shooting Morra premia and the sample is in trouble, often to the carpet to slide and pushed each other, but also to a certain weariness that makes it difficult to keep at bay a Morra determined and "bad", certainly more towards the hard contact not the technical elegance of phrasing. Contestabile riceve anche un'ammonizione proprio per ripetute spinte. Contestabile also receives a warning for repeated thrusts.

Nella sesta, il pugile di Franco Cherchi ? scatenato; costringe alle corde l'abruzzese e bombarda con pesanti ganci al corpo che il filiforme Contestabile pare accusare e si rifugia in clinch perch? probabilmente commette l'errore di lasciare troppo l'iniziativa nelle mani del volitivo sfidante. In the sixth, the boxer Franco Cherchi is unleashed, forcing a corner of Abruzzo and the bomb with heavy hooks to the body that the filiform Contestabile seems to acknowledge and take refuge in the clinch because probably make the mistake of leaving too much initiative in the hands of voliť challenger.

Nel settimo e ottavo tempo il combattimento prosegue sulla stessa falsariga, ma improvvisamente a met? del tempo, mentre Gianpiero Contestabile ? costretto al proprio angolo, viene raggiunto da un largo destro che lo fa cadere a terra completamente vuoto; si rialza, ma ? palesemente groggy e dopo pochi istanti finisce di nuovo al tappeto?L'arbitro Argiolas si perde un po' e non si capisce se voglia effettuare il conteggio o far proseguire il match, tanto che i pugili riprendono a scambiarsi colpi?Interrompe le ostilit? e riprende il conteggio evidentemente iniziato senza che i protagonisti se ne avvedessero?.Si riparte! In the seventh and eighth time the fighting continues along the same lines, but suddenly at half time, while Giampiero Contestabile was forced to his corner, is reached by a right-off that makes it fall to the ground completely empty, it raises, but it is clearly groggy and ends after a few moments back to the table ... The arbitrator Argiolas you lose some 'and it is unclear whether it wants to count or to continue the match, so that the boxers take to exchange blows ... Stop hostilities and resume the countdown obviously started with the players that if they circumspect .... It is again! Di nuovo alla merc? di Morra, Contestabile subisce alle corde un tremendo destro e cade?Finalmente Argiolas decreta lo stop e Morra ? meritatamente il nuovo Campione d'Italia dei s.piuma! Again at the mercy of Morra, Contestabile undergoes a tremendous corner and falls right ... Finally Argiolas decreta stop Morra went and the new Italian Champion of s.piuma!

any of you wops wanna take shot at translating that....Google wasnt the best translator for me..


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
I think Morra KOed the fav Gianpiero Contestabile in the 8th Round...

But thats unofficial...

not what I wanted but thx for the reply

just looked again....jees that was a +1000 doggy.
I wanted the over
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2003
Kid got beat up pretty bad in his hometown if its correct.. Still unofficial, so keep the faith. Sorry it may not have fell the way u wanted.

I'm waiten to grade in case the ringside reporters are drunk on grappa and got it backwards..


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
Kid got beat up pretty bad in his hometown if its correct.. Still unofficial, so keep the faith. Sorry it may not have fell the way u wanted.

I'm waiten to grade in case the ringside reporters are drunk on grappa and got it backwards..[/QUOTE]

If it were a Frank Warren fight, I'd have a little faith but this one is as good as done. A few months back Boxrec, a Brit site and the books got one wrong.Thx Odessa.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 12, 2009
Morra KOed the fav Gianpiero Contestabile in the 8th Round...


played a small amount an Morra, but by far more important I have some open parlays and Morra is a part of those :)

btw. did anyone bet on vera? I had some money on him but it didn?t worked out.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2003
Shumenov crushes Mitchell in 4!

By Leonid Yuryev (ringside) and Alexey Sukachev

Sky is the limit for the Kazakh light heavyweight sensation Beibut Shumenov (8-0, 6 KOs). Moments ago at Khadjimukan Stadium, in Chimkent, Kazakhstan, Shumenov scored maybe his most impressive victory so far by stopping former two-time world champion Byron Mitchell (27-5-1, 20 KOs) in four bloody rounds. Both pugilists gave their all in three starting stanzas of the fight with no one achieving a notable advantage. However, in round four it was Beibut who started to dominate his foe with the sheer aggression and overall power. Mitchell was dropped after a powerful combo by relentless Shumenov, stood up but failed to sustain the subsequent attack of the sky-rocketing prospect, which forced his team to throw in the towel and to end the contest in the fourth round. After just eight professional fights, Shumenov, previously ranked #8 by the WBA and #9 by the WBO, had two former champions (Mitchell and Montell Griffin) to his resume and an assortment of various minor titles, including the IBA, WBO Asia Pacific, WBC ABCO belts and the interim version of the PABA light heavyweight regalia.

Bored outa my skull 2day, so figured I'd post some early results..

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
Shumenov crushes Mitchell in 4!

By Leonid Yuryev (ringside) and Alexey Sukachev

Sky is the limit for the Kazakh light heavyweight sensation Beibut Shumenov (8-0, 6 KOs). Moments ago at Khadjimukan Stadium, in Chimkent, Kazakhstan, Shumenov scored maybe his most impressive victory so far by stopping former two-time world champion Byron Mitchell (27-5-1, 20 KOs) in four bloody rounds. Both pugilists gave their all in three starting stanzas of the fight with no one achieving a notable advantage. However, in round four it was Beibut who started to dominate his foe with the sheer aggression and overall power. Mitchell was dropped after a powerful combo by relentless Shumenov, stood up but failed to sustain the subsequent attack of the sky-rocketing prospect, which forced his team to throw in the towel and to end the contest in the fourth round. After just eight professional fights, Shumenov, previously ranked #8 by the WBA and #9 by the WBO, had two former champions (Mitchell and Montell Griffin) to his resume and an assortment of various minor titles, including the IBA, WBO Asia Pacific, WBC ABCO belts and the interim version of the PABA light heavyweight regalia.

Bored outa my skull 2day, so figured I'd post some early results..

Thanks very much Oddessa....appreciate it
This guy Shumenov does seem to have some power and skill
I know his people are really pumping him up...but I am curious to see where they move him from here
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i was gonna do some landscaping(ripped everything out of the front shrub beds),but i feel a little constipated(yeah,that`s a good enough reason)...

when does the german card start?

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
i was gonna do some landscaping(ripped everything out of the front shrub beds),but i feel a little constipated(yeah,that`s a good enough reason)...

when does the german card start?

German card has already started
Dominik Britsch won a decision
Alexander Frenkel is fighting right now
I believe Williams and Hernandez is next
no TV feed as far as I know has a round by round

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
Frenkel wins by TKO in the seventh round and after 2:23 minutes.

In a few minutes is the championship in Eastern Europe Halbmittelgewicht between Alexander Abraham and the Russian Magomed Abdurakhmanov.

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
Abraham fight is in round 2
ard is listing the tv start time as 3:30 EST
so a stream may be available in about 20 minutes
2 fights remain
Williams vs. Hernandez
Huck vs. Rusal
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