Carl Framton coming up. McGuigan calling him "the best prospect from Ireland in 30 yrs". Looking forward to seeing him for the 1st time. Us Irish have been getting our asses kicked for yrs :facepalm:. Got him in a parlay
down twice again in round 6
and the fight is over
fun fight to watch because of the guy's bravery
but he was awful and they could have stopped it earlier
4 knockdowns and a lot of blood
Kessler TKO 6 over French pastry
rd1-fram looks pretty decent...puts his punches together well both up and down...hands up elbows tucked and punches with authority...very economical but he buzzed turley with a nice hk...i like this kid so far
rd2-fram just has too much for turley...turley has no zip on his shots...fram a bit low and gets a warning...good body wrk though...gets warned again for a shot i thought was good...turley looking beat up already...these guys think he had a good rd :shrug:
rd3-fram opening up...turley trading and eating some hvy shots...he's tough but taking a little beating...Fram looks more eastern euro style to me...looks like a tough little bastard...3-0 fram...i think he'll wear turley down and stop him in a few rds
rd4-stream is breaking up...fram is cut on the rt eye...bad cut...havent called it a butt...turley now has a shot here...dont know how bad it is...cut is from a punch
rd5-cut is bad but under control...turley feeling confident...he's taunting but he's also getting smacked upside the head...framton landed some hvy shots...i have it 5-0...framton wins as long as fight isn't stopped...good test for him at this stage but he should come through
rd6-turley having his best rd...he's very scrappy but also dirty...holding hitting and sticking his arm out...ref letting him get away with it...not sure why...rd to turley...fram looking a little tired...
close rd 7...fram lands better shots but not busy...turley stealing the rd but gets caught and goes down...more of a slip but still a kd...turley lands after the bell and gets a pt taken....9-8 rd for fram and turley needs a ko to win...fram tiring and looking a little frustrated..
rd-close rd...turley busier...fram better it even...i have it 6-1-1...fram showing his lack of experience but also showing some decnt fundamentals...has some work to do...i see potential
fram has a big rd 10...turley gets buzzed...he holds but fights on...dirty shots by turley...blatant kidney shots....fram rips him and turley holding on in final secs...wish they had 1 more rd...fram would have taken him out with 1 more to go...turley raises his hands...i have it 7-2-1... 97-92
I've got Erdei as well. Odds opened much closer than expected...even playable. Straight and parlayed.
Well, lost on Bouadla over. Tough I guess, but totally outclassed. The first two rounds looked good, but he had no movement. Standing right in front of Kessler. Apologies for the ill-advised play.
Hope to turn things around before the night's over.