I have played with an offshore book once a LONG time ago,,,Never again,,,My question to some is why do you wire money knowing there is a chance ,,,maybe a small chance,,you'll never see it again if you win OR lose? I am sure some of the books are legit, but what protects you? Nothing other than Jack being a good man and doing his best, which is freaking awesome by the way. And then some charge fees and a waiting period to get your money IF you win? So let me get this straight,,I can get a FREE payout but only once a month IF I win? BUT,,It takes 30 seconds for them to get my money when I deposit? My reason was the 24 hour availability to wager ease. Now any book in the states worth their salt has a computer site now. I know at least 10 guys here and they ALL have websites. Sure not trying to cut down any of the guys that advertise with the site cause it is enjoyable and hope it lasts forever. Just curious as to why you would ever need an offshore book that is usually not regulated ,,And yes,,I know locals can screw you just as easy as offshore,just like my chances if I have ever shook the guys hand. And lastly,just curious as to why Griff would make a deal with another book and that deal did not include paying all the customers in full,the same way as he expected you to wire the money in full to make a play,,,Again,I have to believe there would have been someone who would assume the debt based on the 100's of players alone that MJ sent them? Based on that scenario alone IVICE should have had a customer base in the thousands. And if the customer base is hundreds or thousands that is posting money up front?? NOT a book alive wouldn't love that deal,I know several guys that would have flown to Costa Rica, and one that lives there, that would have bailed Griff out for even a piece of that action,,,Cause if the lights stay on long enough,the return would have been there. Just my thoughts,,,