Do U think gay couples should be able to adopt?


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
i don't care who adopts who in this world as long as the are good parents to the child and give him or her a good up bringing,where they have a chance in life.

they are to many children that suffer in this world due to not being adopted and brought up in a group home there whole life or being born to unfit parent or parents due to drugs or other reasons they shouldnot have brought a child into the world.

i could give a shit who sleeps with who to each there own,as long as they are good people and provide a safe and loving enviorment to there children.

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001

I think these two would agree. Ask the tiger.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
honus why? because they are gay? like i said before there are to many children without families,so its better for them not to have a family just because that family has an alternative lifestyle.well i hate to tell you thats a personal choice,not a choice of mine but have friends that choose to live that way,it doesnot make them bad people nor does it effect my friendship with them. you can talk till you blue in the face but a child isnot better off in a group home,then with a loving family be it single parent,male-female or other.

wondering if its the gay thing if it is then your not concerened about the child you are worried about the gay person. and note i said if they are good providers,and careing and have a safe house hold.

all gay people arenot flames and freaks if you think that i feel sorry for you a person is a person how ever you look at them and due to race sex or reglion shouldnot be judged by others,there actions in the community should be there judge,


i think it could be tough initially on a child (during elementary school and stuff because of other kids making comments and potentially some families not wanting their kids to play at the other's house) but in the end, agree with fletcher that it depends on the individuals.... plus, what about hetero couples that have kids and then divorce and one of the parents goes off with a memeber of the same sex -- it's not like those kids are taken away to social services, so really what's the difference? in reality, there aren't a lot of adoption opportunites for certain races and backgrounds and whatnot, so increasing the pool of potential adopters might be a good thing and actually help those people who are pro-life. although my guess would be that most hard line pro-lifers would be against same sex adoption because of their conservative views. kind of funny that way.


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Aug 17, 1999
Normally i would say NO but i agree with Fletcher. There are way too many unwanted children in this world. For someone to adopt and bring this kid in and accept the child, provide for the child, and love the child is probably the best gift a couple could do throughout there lives. We seriously need to get these unwanted kids in a better enviroment so i could care less if you straight or gay, black or white, male of female, if u adopt a kid and give that kid the best life it can have then im all for it.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
would like some more input here,i would really like to know if you guys and ladies really think it is better for a child to be in a group home or bounced around from foster parents to foster parents who by the way some are good and some do it for the extra money. then being in a family where they feel they belong and someone really does care for there well being and holds true love for that child.

we are not talking about pets for gods sake these are children that need love and a feeling that they have a family,how the hell would you like being alone with out a parent or family at any age it sucks i am sure. i am very close to god,but this bible bealting bs thoughts in the us has to go,thats why i belive in non denom. churchs .don't have to put up with the hipocrits,brought up in split relg. cath and baptish trid not southeren and trust me very big turn off,its how much money you give makes who you are but you can be married and banging your sec. but keep giving that cash and you are a great elder in the chuch. bs

children should come before closed minded bible thumping hipocrits always in my mind. your closeness to god doesnot revolve around the church it is between you and him.

bottom line children deserve a chance to have a life in this world with love ,safety and family not locked up in a pound like a stray anaimal.

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
fletcher, I agree with u, but u have to take in the account that a lot of people here are still stupid enough to believe that being gay is a choice and think the gay couple will influence their adopted kids to be gay, too.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
a lot of people here are still stupid enough to believe that being gay is a choice and think the gay couple will influence their adopted kids to be gay, too.

Since same sex marriages and parenting has just recently been recognized at a state level, I would hazard to guess that the jury is still out on whether or not gay parents would positively or negatively affect a child. There is simply no evidence in support yet of either side, so I think you may be jumping the gun on calling alot of people stupid, as time may or may not tell who is stupid.

That being said I firmly agree with Fletcher and the others. Children need love and support and respect. They also need food and shelter. I would like to think that all options are open to these children of chance that did not choose their fortunes. I find it very sad to think that anyone at all would deny a child a home because of his/her own inane prejudices. It is unfortunate that as the Earth matures, civilization does not grow with it.

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
They love there devious lifestyle more than there Child, if they really loved there child they would not choose that lifestyle. Its like asking would you let 2 heroin addicts adopt, afterall they love there child. Oh I forgot they were born heroin addicts.


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Jul 30, 2000
I think it's a great idea, just as long as they don't live in the United States. Good chance when the kids get older they will become gay too. Just what we don't need! You won't see my kids hang'in with them!


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Mar 30, 2001
Milwaukee, WI
NO!!!!! What is BEST for the kids? Answer: A married couple (one man & one woman). Start there and give the kid the best possible chance in life.

Fletch: Anything can be rationalized.
Would a loving gay couple be better parents than say: a crack Mom, a coulpe child beaters, a welfare mom or dad, or even a degenerate hopeless gambler/handicapper. Of course they would, but lets not set the bar there.

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
For people who are against gay adoptions.....

U know what might be one of the the problems with you people who are against gay adoptions is that you guys think you are somehow superior than gays, as if gays not only had something wrong with their sexual preferences, but their character and their ability to take care of a child. Maybe it's not that, but it's fear that you guys can never experience what a gay person feels like or never knew personally, a gay person, who raised kids. If the kids turns out bad, it won't be because the parents are gay, it's because of the parent's character and lack of care for the child that would be the problem.

People say, the child will have a hard time with life because of the ridicule they'll have because other kids willl tease them because of their gay parents, well, I say don't blame the gay parents, blame those straight bastards who are teasing the kids with gay parents. Those people who ridicule gay parents and and their kids are the ones that are the problem.

Gays don't choose to be gays, they were born that way. Something in their genetic makeup or chromosones did not connect properly so instead of being attracted to the opposite sex, they were attracted to the same sex. Just like some people are born with only one leg or one arm, but doesn't mean they won't develop in life to be a good person that can love and raise children. And because being straight or gay is not a choice, then having gay parents cannot influence their kid to turn out like they are. If a single mom raises a boy, it don't mean the boy will eventually have the urge to want to go shopping for dresses like their mom and wear heels and lipstick.

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
The media and the science community brain wash everyone into thinking people are born that way. I have coached girls athletics and I know the Lesbians put huge peer pressure on the straight girls, it is a constant pressure they put on and eventually they get caught in a vulnerable situation and give in to the demonic spirit, they get labeled that way because they are big boned and dont wear makeup. Then you have the totally deviant behavior seen in the Hollywood types, the pretty boy Ricky Martin or George Michael types that get burnt out of being with diffrent girls they end up with same sex relationships. It is a spiritual battle and if you are not grounded in the word of God, demonic spirits will deceive those who are weak.

Yes I think it is better to be bounced around from foster parent to foster parent, than to be trapped in a home with a same sex marriage. It is very unfair to put a young child in a situation of 2 gay men raising them, it is bad enough that they chose that devious lifestyle, but to subject an innocent child to that is beyond dispicable.


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Jul 27, 1999
Fletch (and others):

I have nothing against alternative lifestyles. That was not the question, though. The question was about adoption of children in same sex partnerships.

In my opinion, that is not an atmosphere conducive to raising children.

I stand by my answer: "no".


since there are plenty of babies that wind up in trash dumpsters because the typical anglo couple doesn't want to adopt a 'crack-head' baby, maybe there should be room for other options? It's a double standard when you have these pro-life people ranting and raving (and sometimes worse) against abortion but its the same ones that don't want the babies adopted by people who believe or act differently than themselves... looking at the percentages, the numbers don't add up of babies that need adoption and those that are willing to adopt. so somethings got to give. and for he hate me and the others that are along his lines, what's the deal with so many gay and lesbians now? they're obviously born or developing out of heterosexual families for the past thousands of years, so sticking to heterosexual couples isn't ridding the world of your homosexual 'problem,' as you describe.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
You know I hate when people bring "The word of God" into a rational discussion. "The Word" has absolutely nothing to do with the laws of the land as Church and State have been distinct and seperate since the onset of this Nation......So, I suggest that you get off the whole demonic spirit thing because it has no place in this arguement....the question is a matter of legality not morality, once again these are seperate distinct issues.
The last thing anyone needs to do on this forum is go into a religion issue. Children are children and adults are adults. For ANYONE to sit there and judge another man or woman because of his lifestyle choice has absolutely no clue what the Bible is all about. You are not judge and jury to decide if one man is a good human being or not. Question: I thought Man was made in Gods image and if so then why would he make them gay? That question is almost equally as stupid and short sighted as
Yes I think it is better to be bounced around from foster parent to foster parent, than to be trapped in a home with a same sex marriage. It is very unfair to put a young child in a situation of 2 gay men raising them, it is bad enough that they chose that devious lifestyle, but to subject an innocent child to that is beyond dispicable.
Tell me something were you bounced around from foster home to foster home....I was...........Did anyone ask me if I would have liked a Dad or Mom to throw the ball to me....would I have liked to go to even ONE STINKIN BASEBALL GAME as a kid youre damn right. Don't you think I would have liked to have been taken shopping for school clothes? Or how about a birthday party where I get to pick my friends. Maybe a day at the zoo without a name tag........All you HOMOPHOBES can kiss my don't know the first thing about orphans or growing up in an orphanage, and then you try to bring God into the arguement as if this allows you some leeway or levity to judge others..Let me ask you this do any of you drink, or smoke, maybe lie, or cheat......Give me a are posting your opinions on Gods Word in GAMBLING forum......hello....what a frickin hippocrite.
They love there devious lifestyle more than there Child, if they really loved there child they would not choose that lifestyle. Its like asking would you let 2 heroin addicts adopt, afterall they love there child. Oh I forgot they were born heroin addicts.

Dude I don't know you but that may actually be the dumbest statement I have ever read....and trust me I read us orphans that don't deserve Dads and Moms get free library cards....whoopee.......Where was your "Close relationship with God" when I was wearing hand me down underwear..........If I were you guys I would go back to the "Book" and read it carefully.....very good novel, if you choose to live your life by it you may want to understand it. You owe the world an apology.
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