Do U think gay couples should be able to adopt?


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country

Darn, exposed for the commie, leftist pinko that I am....LOL... Actually, the 'reds' in redsfann is for the baseball team-- but if the shoe fits.....;)

fatdaddycool saw the same things I did when I responded to DTB's post. If I took it out of context as to what he meant, then I'm sorry. I don't know the first thing about DTB, nor does he know the first thing about me.

If he has served our country, then my hat is off to him and he has my utmost respect. He was willing to put his life on the line so that I may have the right to say pretty much anything I wish without fear of imprisonment by my government. For all you know, I've got a closet full of medals, too.

One of the hardest things about a free society is accepting views that you do not agree with. I feel confident that neither of us like what the KKK or the Aryan Nation stand for-- but yet they are free to apply for a permit and stage a rally-- just as we are free to show up at that rally and disagree with their positions.
Do I find a right wing conspiracy in everything I read? Not in the least. Do I feel that the majority of the posters here in this forum represent the far-right of the political spectrum? Certainly.

Also, mighty big jump of you to assume Bill Clinton is"my boy" I probably despise the man more than you do--which I'm sure is quite a bit-- with good reason as you would surely agree.
Burn a flag in my presence and you won't live to tell about it, that you can be sure about.

What is it about the Right in this country that just assumes that if your not a brain-dead do what your told stoolie of the Republican party that you somehow don't love your country as much as they do? If you had any knowledge of the Constitution you would understand that the right to free speech is paramount to our freedoms and our way of life.
This country was founded by dissidents--
remember your 6th grade History class?
"Taxation without Representation" ring a bell?
Freedom of religion sound familiar?
Know anything about Thomas Paine? Didn't think so-- pick up a book and give him a read-- now there was a patriot.....

Once again, if I took DTB's words out of context, I am sorry. But re-read what he wrote and come back and let me know if I missed anything, because I'm certain I didn't.

Also must comment on the mostly civil tone of this thread. If you've been at this forum long enough, you would know that I haven't always been the most civil in my replys to those I am in disagreement with.
...... I must be getting mellow in my old age, huh?:shrug:

Quick note to JT-- right on, Brother!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
There you go Redsfan. What you mean not civil. :D And you know me no right no left. Give me the middle. Thank god there is alot of us in the middle. Hard work trying to keep that far right and left from going off the deep end. ;)


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
hello there said:

Typical George Bush answer. :rolleyes:

At least I was trying to keep a somewhat open mind, but if you want a solid answer, NO gays shouldn't be able to adopt.

hello there, you don't seem to be offering much to the thread you started except jumping all over the people that have a differing opinion! Perhaps that was your intent from the beginning?

wouldn't some people be offended by the comment and pic you posted near the beginng of this thread?

Pic and comment Originally posted by hello there

I think these two would agree. Ask the tiger.

:shrug: :shrug: :shrug:


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Reds, I was just assuming a few things I guess from previous posts u have made where u have talked about right wingers. If u didn't like Bill Clinton, good for u, I couldn't stand him either. I would argue that most on this forum are far from right wing. For example, the majority here seem to be in favor of gay couple adoption and that is far from right.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Will not debate the issue but emements in society that are concrete.
You have those that have fought for these rights and those that would not, yet exploit them at every opportunity.
You have the cowards and the brave,
You have those with morals and integrity and those with neither.
You have those that give and those that take.
You have those that walk the walk and those that talk the talk.

Is most unfortunate you could not put all of each group on one side of US and the other on the other half and let each side live with those that share their their beliefs.

"Show me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are"


It sounds like you want to have a civil war to secede from the union. you can keep the gays as slaves in your half of the new country. but didn't those southern plantation owners start raping their slaves? uh oh, you better watch out! ;-)

DTB, haven't you ever had a disagreement with someone else's opinion? does that mean that you disagree on every topic? good grief.

just because you might lean towards the left or the right on one issue doesn't mean your burning the flag or want segregation again. and not directed at you or anyone in particular, but half the people here can't have a damn discussion (or arguement, whatever) without getting personally offended, or worse, attacking other people's character because of their opinion.

Code Red

Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2001
New England
All you HOMOPHOBES can kiss my ass

I really hate that phrase. Just because we don't agree with homosexuality means we are homophobes? Well I guess that makes you HETEROPHOBES, right?

Leave it to the Liberals to label people who have differing opinions from theirs. The same people who whine and cry about intolerance will be the first to blast anyone who has an opinion contrary to their own. I can't figure out why Hello There wanted our opinions in the first place if it was going to illicit such juvenile responses on his part. I realize the above quote wasn't yours but the hostility that followed sure was.

I firmly agree with Senor Capper, JSMOOTH, Blitz and DOGS THAT BARK

I unfortunately live in the only state (so far) that legalized same sex "partnerships". Maybe that's why there are so many gays here but I'll tell you one thing, you cannot go to the local river to hit the swimming holes w/o running into certain off-the-beaten-path areas which have been claimed by gays. And they have no qualms about keeping their sexual orientation a secret. Would you want to take your kid fishing and see that?

So no, I don't think gays should be allowed to adopt. And Hello There, yes there still is a taboo among young kids about homosexuality. Anything abnormal is going to be looked upon by them as a freakish thing. Isn't that to be expected? Who cares who is to blame? The fact of the matter is that it exists and the welfare of a child should be more important than proving a point. Don't assign blame, just keep an innocent child out of that predicament.

And if that makes me a homophobe then I am a proud one. :thefinger


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Just one thing gentlemen,just because a person thinks that under certain circumstances it is fine for gays to adopt, does not mean that a person is a liberal.For me, I have views on other subjects that are not liberal thinking.Each topic is taken separately.
But what makes this country so great is that each person has the right,without ridicule,to voice their opinion.Same goes for this forum.A person should not come under attack for voicing a different opinion.

Enjoy the holiday weekend,folks!
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

You see what so few others do. You can have a spin on something, without being liberal, conservative, Dem, or Rep, etc.

I have different views on many things, and have been known to be vocal about them. I won't ever paint myself as any particular sect.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I am not a gay basher by any means. Bout 20 years ago I lived with flight attendant and many of her male counterparts were gay. Was around them at several functions and they were a-ok and I felt safe for Deb when she was out partying with them as they were very protective of the girls.
---but back to my original "times have went downhill past 20 years"I draw the line when they flaunt it in public in front of children and expect me to pay my tax dollar to support their issues.And anyone that thinks this is normal lifestyle,you got some serious problems.
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