Do U think gay couples should be able to adopt?


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Feb 12, 2000
I think the problem here is that most people think all people are the Super-Queen, cross-dressing stereotypes that we see in the media. That stereotype is now even getting positive press with shows such as Will & Grace (I believe this was one of the most popular TV shows the last couple of years).

WHEN gay couples are allowed to adopt for the right reasons, they will go through the same strict guidelines that all couples do. Sure there are couples that shouldn't have kids that get through, but a system is a system. I fully believe that the best thing for orphaned children is to have a source of continuous love--whether that be from a traditional home, an alternative lifestyle home, or a single parent home. Any of these options are better than being a number in an orphanage.

Is it the best option? I am no expert and am not going to try and act like one.

Is it a better option? I don't see how it can't be.

Bluemound Freak

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Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
How could you even present the words heroin addict and being gay in the same reply? I mean living in Cali, don't you see a lot of gay people? What Rational can you possibly use to compare the lifestyle of a drug addict and someone who is gay? I happen to know a few gay folks and I happen to know some "recovering" heroin addicts. I know for a fact I would rather see the gay person end up with legal custody of a child over the other people! People are so afraid of gays and how they are, but does it really affect you? And before you answer this question really think about it! Does someone being gay make them a bad or morally wrong person? Don't get me wrong I personally think that being gay is disgusting, but that is my opinion. Whether or not a guy likes a weiner in his tailpipe or not does not reflect on how this person would raise and nurture a child! Really think about it, most gay people I know are really sensitive and thoughtful of others. This in my opinion are charesteristics of a person that would make a fine parent. And one more point before I let you get back to your Klan rally, I know of a lot of straight parents that are really shitty parents. Sexual orientation should not be any consideration for this subject! But that is what I think and I have been wrong once before!
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
well said freak, lets go find some beeeatches and have some "God" approved heterosexual sex, out of wedlock of course, but thats O.K. I am a Christian. So I have an excuse for my devious actions. But if we see anyone doing something we don't approve of, because we have God on our side, we should chastise them and cast them off as miscreants. You guys in?

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
Truth hurts. It is better to swim upstream than to yield to the mtv whoremongers who try to brainwash. Quit watching so much network television you will be better off.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
I agree with fatdaddycool and fletcher, much better to have 2 loving gay parents then absent drug addicts. Key is a stable enviroment. Btw, I don't watch much MTV anymore anyway. Thought they just promoted worthless music not a gay lifestyle.


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
It's really neat that y'all think this is a good thing, a 5y/o walks in on daddy & daddy stuffin s**t or mommy & mommy lickin cats. Puleeze:shrug:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Oh come on, Ryson....So your saying Junior walking in on Daddy and Mommy is less detrimental....."C'mere boy and watch how DaDa does this, see how Mommy is bent over like that"...c'mon. I am not saying that there are no pratfalls to same sex relationships adopting, but if you really think about it, they are EXACTLY the same pratfalls that are present in hetero relationships. Please do not put your own prejudices ahead of a childs welfare, and unless you kow what it is like to live in an orphanage than I would say you aren't seeing all sides of the story.....any way cheers bro


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
FDC et al.

You are correct, I have no clue on what it is like to live in an orphanage, my mom and pops are still married. I walked in one time while they were doing the pumperia and my dad kicked my a**, I learned how to knock on a door...tut sweet. I have my points on this issue, but it's my opinion. FDC, I have never been through the stuff you have, therefore I willfully decline on any arguments. I do have a 3rd party experience on this, my best friends wife (I am the godfather of both of his children (talk about more levels of complexity)) left him for a woman. She figured this out @ about 33, my godson is in 1st grade and really gets a load of crap about his mom being a queer. I don't know where the kids get it from, but keep in mind they do live in CA so "it's just a part of life" and young children know about queers. Bottom line the kid is heckled on a daily basis by his peers. He now lives with his father and really does not want anything to do with his mom.

Just my .02
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hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
For those against gay adoptions.....
Are you telling me that Mike Piazza would not make a good parent???


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Jan 15, 2002
South Mississippi
I'am not going to get into this discussion, but I would like to know why we are haveing so many adoptions. What are we teaching our youth, that we have children haveing children. The real parents aren't doing something!! INMO The parents that we had were much more strict than today's parents. The private school that is in my town expells both kids when a girl gets pregnant. They have had to do this a few times.

I know that adoptions have risen in the last 10 years. This should tell the parents something. I know of at least 3 people who have taken custudy of there child's children. This is not always an option, but it would give parents something to think about the next time they just drop off there young girl at the ballpark.Maybe they should look at this from another prospective.
These kids are being tought that they can get away with anything.They took the paddle out of the school, and we have gone downhill ever since.I do not wish to anger anyone, but when I ask my sister this question she replied "You would never put a child up for adoption, because your brother, or me would take care of them." I am sure glad she never had to do this for me.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Ryson, Good reply and I thank you for your input. My experiences or lack thereof certainly don't make me an authority on the issue, but someones religious beliefs have even less to do with who or what is correct on the issue. Thanks for the reply.

mikes gay?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
No. I don't think I'm a homophobe either for saying that. I also don't think being gay is in the genetic makeup, I think it's a choice. Homosexuality is nothing new, take a look in history at the Roman and Greek societies when it was even encouraged for the young men. When the choice is a group home or gay parents, I think u have two bad choices, and I don't know which is worse.

On a sidenote, there are tons of gay couples raising children. Most of the lesbian couples I know, at least one of them has kids. Then, when they shack up together, the partner helps to raise the child, so it's a gay couple raising the kids. Maybe in a few years, somebody will do a study on how these kids turn out. I know if there are a lot of situations like that here, there have to be many more cases like that in the USA.

It takes a special person to adopt. I can't say I'm special enough to do that, and I applaud those who have or are doing now.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Obviously it would be better to have a "normal" environment, but that is not always possible. I lean towards saying No to gay adoptions, but I don't have a solid opinion.

I think one problem is that some people equate gays with pedophiles. (which is very wrong)

FDC, I can not remotely relate to what you have gone through in your life, but I'm sure that there are way too many in this world that do. I give my best wishes and all the respect in the world to you.

hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Being gay is not a choice. Young adults get teased and ridiculed about being gay. Some gays even commit suicide because they are gay. WHY IN HELL WOULD SOMEONE "CHOOSE" to be gay!??


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Nov 9, 2000
There is not much more that I can add to what has already been said..If gays pay taxes,vote in elections & hold jobs,then they should have every right to be treated just like everyone else.If they want to get married they should be able to.If they want to adopt they should be able to. They should face the same criteria as a heterosexual couple face when adopting.To be financially able to support the child & to show the love that an adopted child craves.IMO this is much more desirable than a child living in an institution(orphanage)or moving from foster home to foster home.
I find it hard to believe that in today's society that people have a narrow view on people being "different".I thought that the Bible preaches inclusion,not exclusion.
I remember that right after the 911 attacks,that famous comedy team of Falwell & Robertson blaming the gays & other "different"
people for causing the attacks.I was glad to hear that a great majority of Americans criticized them & exposed them for what they truly are, "self rightous hucksters".
I am also happy to see that so far most of the posters here are open minded to accept "different" people.

I would like to compliment Fletcher,Freak,& Dawgball for doing a good job in expressing their opinions on this subject.
And FatDaddy,I felt your passion from here,Goodjob!

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
So some of you don't mind seeing innocent children being brought up by either 2 men or 2 women whom be the way are living in sin.

Ok whatever.

I can see it now little Johnny asks about sex and is told that they do each other up the butt :confused: or with strap-ons :D

Fletch if you had children of your own I believe you would see this in a different light.

The gay lifestyle & children go together like Football & milk.

Can't imagine any kids growing up in a gay household.

:director: Its NOT normal & is totally disgusting.

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