Farewell Matt Leinert

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Jan 6, 2003
Good bye Matty! Last year, you had the chance to be the #1 pick and ride out as the undisputed national champ and Heisman winner. You would have gone to your home state San Francisco 49ers, hyped as the next Montana. Despite already having graduated, you decided to stay and grandstand for a while and continue the circle jerk with your boys. Its not all bad. After all you're still going to be a high NFL pick and multi-millionaire, but your legacy has been forever tarnished by the loss to Texas, and your classlessness following the game. Its easy to play the nice guy when you never face any adversity. We fans knew you were a selfish prick, but it took a presser after a loss for us finally to see it in the open. Way to throw Reggie under the bus, I'm sure he appreciates it. Its funny, I remember you completely botched a QB sneak in the 1st when you had a chance to put the horns away. Too bad Reggie wasn't in the backfield to shove your party boy ass past the sticks.

Good riddance and may the New Orleans Saints draft you, and keep you for a very long time! :moon: :moon: :moon:


Forum Member
Sep 29, 2005
Columbus, OH
CWood97 said:
Good bye Matty! Last year, you had the chance to be the #1 pick and ride out as the undisputed national champ and Heisman winner. You would have gone to your home state San Francisco 49ers, hyped as the next Montana. Despite already having graduated, you decided to stay and grandstand for a while and continue the circle jerk with your boys. Its not all bad. After all you're still going to be a high NFL pick and multi-millionaire, but your legacy has been forever tarnished by the loss to Texas, and your classlessness following the game. Its easy to play the nice guy when you never face any adversity. We fans knew you were a selfish prick, but it took a presser after a loss for us finally to see it in the open. Way to throw Reggie under the bus, I'm sure he appreciates it. Its funny, I remember you completely botched a QB sneak in the 1st when you had a chance to put the horns away. Too bad Reggie wasn't in the backfield to shove your party boy ass past the sticks.

Good riddance and may the New Orleans Saints draft you, and keep you for a very long time! :moon: :moon: :moon:
He very well could struggle in NOs, but the only way he becomes the next Montana unless the best QB coach of all time is there Bill Walsh
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Forum Member
Sep 29, 2005
Columbus, OH
CWood97 said:
"hyped" as the next Montana. FWIW I think Leinert will be an average pro.
whoops, it all remains to be seen but for the most part you could have said the same about Palmer coming out and going to Cincy...but Leinert doesn't have the same arm strength...wonder if he could drop in the draft


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Forum Member
Mar 8, 2004
agree w/ all-of-the-above comments.

where he ends up could really put a damper on his pro career.


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Mar 22, 2002
what did he say to throw Reggie under the bus? I didnt hear much of his press conference or other comments.

Just that USC was still the better team.....uh huh. ok.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Agree with you CWOOD

He really threw Reggie under the bus.
That pat on his head on the sideline showed over and over.

Falcons will give up Vick and their @15 pick for Lienart.
That would be fair. No way I would take Young. He reminds me too much of Vick. Things will be differant for Young in the NFL.

Its where the big boys play.


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May 15, 2003
i agree w/ya scott. the defense in nfl is a completely different story. i also think matt blew it by not going pro. i firmly believe that he would have gotten a better deal last year. he might still go #1, but i doubt it. even if its true that the rest of his team didnt perform like thay could have, you dont make comments like that on tv.


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Mar 22, 2002
Scott-Atlanta said:
No way I would take Young. He reminds me too much of Vick. Things will be differant for Young in the NFL.

Its where the big boys play.

Vick won a national championship?


They both can run. Vick has a more powerful arm but often inaccurate. VY seems to be more accurate but doesnt hvae the gunslinger arm that Vick does.

Outside of being a big horns fan, I like VY because of the intangibles you cant teach. Confidence. Guts. Determination. The willingness to take the team on your back AND execute. Size. Speed.
a proven winner. yet thru all that, he always appears calm and relaxed. that sh*t rubs off on the entire team. no panic. no worries. it wont always work in the NFL, clearly...but I think he has a head start on Vick because of some of those "unteachable" traits.

get him with a good OC/QB coach and his ability to read defenses and throw a better pass can come with time.

he can be a good NFL QB. needs some polishing.
if he busts his ass in the NFL and works at his deficiencies..he can be a great NFL QB.
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Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
sdf said:
Outside of being a big horns fan, I like VY because of the intangibles you cant teach. Confidence. Guts. Determination. The willingness to take the team on your back AND execute. Size. Speed.
a proven winner. yet thru all that, he always appears calm and relaxed. that sh*t rubs off on the entire team. no panic. no worries. it wont always work in the NFL, clearly...but I think he has a head start on Vick because of some of those "unteachable" traits.

Couldn't have said it better. Completely agree. I'll root for him to have success in the NFL. I am now a fan of his even though he ruined USC's quest for history. :mj07: (and my quest for 100k of profit)

That motherfawker! :cursin:


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Nov 30, 2005
I think ML will be mediocre to average in the NFL. Could definately be a serviceable qb for any team, much like Delhomme, but the next Montana? I don't think so Tim. Reggie Bush definately lost a lot of mojo after that game. He could possibly be the next Rashaan Salaam, lol. I just think he's is to small to play a large role. On the other hand Lendale White is a complete stud. He's the reason things didn't get as lopsided as they could have. Both ML and RB will get some flack for how they played and even more so the way ML responded after the game. Very TO like of him.


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Jan 8, 2002
Northern Virginia
Agreed that Leinart made an ass of himself with that post-game comment, but seriously, he threw for 350+ on a very good defense. Too much air under it on that int, but even that was a terrific play by the Texas DB. He's a heck of a QB, and I personally think it's a tough call to make right now whether he'll be avg, or above avg in the pros.
Funny how USC-Nation went nuts when Young made the comment about not winning the Heisman, and I'm yet to see any USC fans admit that Leinart's post-game remark was assinine and selfish.
Reggie Bush, in my opinion, will be a stud in the pros. He's gonna need to bulk up a little, but his speed and ability to cut and accelerate is lethal. I also think he's a tough kid which is obviously a total necessity at his position at the next level. If, however, he pulls a bone-headed move like he did last night with that lateral next year, he's gonna catch a beat-down from coaches, and probably teamates alike.
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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Leinharts statements after the game reminded me of another college winner. Ryan Leaf.

All the potential in the world for Leaf, just a terrible attitude. Same way with Leinhart.

I think Leinhart will be teaching Jazz Dance at the local JC in a few years.


Eat my pickle
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Bartlett, TN
CWood97 said:
Good riddance and may the New Orleans Saints draft you, and keep you for a very long time! :moon: :moon: :moon:



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 22, 2005
Maybe I missed something but what did he say that was so bad. All I heard was his team didn't make plays...Texas did.....Vince Young was unstoppable.....feels like SC is still the better team

Roger Baltrey

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Sep 13, 2005
He's the next Paul McDonald. He came back to USC to get laid by the LA babes for another year. Now he will find out that there is poontang in every big city so that was silly as it will cost him a couple of mill.


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Nov 30, 2005
DC, not doubting his ability to produce against any college defense, but were talking about the nfl. He seem like to much of a sally to me IMO. The pac 10 seems like it is quite vaginal compared to the big 10.
The big 10 had 8 of the 11 teams making bowl games and all of them with the exception of Minny sorry ass team doing better than expected.

Just my 2 cents.
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Registered User
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Oct 8, 2003
east coast
he will be better than alex smith,thats not saying much but id rather have m leinhart than smith.i still cant believe he was a 1st overall pick in a draft.