Florida sees 2 consecutive days of 2,000-plus new COVID-19 cases

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
12 states have set record highs in new COVID-19 cases since Friday


Meredith Deliso
Arielle Mitropoulos
June 21, 2020, 8:06 PM
6 min read

A dozen states have seen record highs of new COVID-19 cases since Friday, an ABC News analysis has found.

The states that saw the increase were Florida, Texas, Utah, South Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Arizona, California, Tennessee and Oklahoma, according to the analysis of state-released data compiled by the COVID Tracking Project.

MORE: Florida sets new record of COVID-19 cases with over 4,000 more
On Saturday, Gov. Ron DeSantis attributed the rise in the state's positive cases to an increase in testing. During a news briefing, he said that the state was in a "much better position today than we were at the beginning of April," pointing to an increase in hospital beds and a decreasing mortality rate.

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Amid the rising numbers, more Florida counties are now requiring facial coverings. Orange County, home to Orlando, started a new order requiring the use of masks in public on Saturday. And in Monroe County, which includes the Florida Keys, masks are now required in restaurants and other businesses. Palm Beach County is set to vote on the use of masks on Tuesday.

South Carolina, Nevada and Utah saw their second day in a row of record daily new cases on Saturday, and Missouri had its second straight day of record cases on Sunday.

On Sunday, the same day Oklahoma set a record number of daily new COVID-19 cases, the state health department was urging anyone who had attended "large-scale gatherings in recent weeks" to get tested for COVID-19. Tulsa notably hosted thousands of supporters of President Donald Trump at an indoor rally on Saturday.

"As expected, Oklahoma's urban areas as well as a few communities around the state are experiencing a rise in active COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations due to increased social activity and mobility," Interim Commissioner Dr. Lance Frye said in a statement. "[We] need Oklahomans to get tested, even those without symptoms, so we can identify active cases and work together to minimize community spread."

The ABC News analysis also found that hospitalizations for COVID-19 are increasing in 17 states across the country. Those states are Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

MORE: How to form a COVID-19 social bubble
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf said on CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday that the White House task force is "on top of all of these outbreaks," including states like Arizona, Texas and Florida that are "having those upticks."

He also told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that the White House coronavirus task force has been working with governors to make sure the United States "can open up this economy in a safe and reasonable way."

ABC News Joshua Hoyos, Josh Margolin and Jason Volack contributed to this report.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Oldschool, are you capable of independent thought, or is the only thing you can do is regurgitate news articles and bold selected areas that fit your narrative? Since you like to bold and underline, I would appreciate your answers to that which I do the same.

You keep posting articles screaming that cases are skyrocketing. My question to you is: What did you expect to happen when we reopened? We are in the middle of a pandemic. Of course, of course when we reopen there is going to be a resurgence of cases. What would your solution be? I guess what I don't understand here, is what the alternative is. I'm assuming you expect us to be locked down forever? Until.....a vaccine is made? Even though vaccines typically take 10-20 years to get right, you are holding out for the miracle vaccine that is has just as much chance as creating sickness than preventing it. So, what do you propose? I'm not going to do all of the homework for you but deaths from societal shutdown will be way more over time than the loss of life with COVID. That doesn't make death from COVID any less tragic. It's just a fact that's been borne out by data from multiple sources. So again, I ask you, what do you propose we do, stay shut down forever? This virus isn't going to just up and magically disappear some day.

You seem quite stuck on increases in the number of + tests. So my question to you is, is this the only statistic for the virus? In your mind is this the most important statistic? I only ask, because this is all you seem to be posting. See, for me, hospitalizations is one, but really deaths is the most important. You do know, there is more to just looking at the number of new + tests. For example- WHO is more likely to test positive out of the gates. Data shows it tends to be those 49 and under. The ones more likely to be congregating at bars, protests, parties. But....wait for it....they also are the ones least likely to die from this. So, shocker, despite cases "skyrocketing" in Florida, the hospitalizations and death rate average has remain unchanged. Don't you think that's an important qualification of the data? Now, I hate to break your brain with actual data, but let's look at the actual data. How are hospitalizations and deaths in Florida looking?


Perhaps the most important question of my post. Find me one country in this world that has just had infinite increases of cases. Where the chart just explodes, and goes on with forever increases. Spoiler alert, don't waste too much time, because it doesn't exist. Interestingly enough, when you look at charts of every country in the world, found here:


You will actually see the same graph for every country, at least the same shape. A bell curve. There will be a ramp up, there will be a peak, and there will be a bottoming out. So what variables are there? How quickly does it take to peak. You know what impacts this? How quick, or not quick, and how effective the shutdowns were. But don't take my word for it. Let's break our brains again and look at the data.

Let's look at countries/states that did a poor job shutting down. This isn't an opinion, that's fact. The ones that had 0-100mph outbreaks, the ones that dominated the news early in the Spring. Let's just throw out there Italy, Spain, New York, and New Jersey. Take a look at their graphs:

New York.jpg

Hmm, what do we see here? All 4 countries had a rapid increase, a peak, and then bottoming out. Do you know in the countries on the Eastern side of the globe that got this first, this is the same graph/pattern that we see? I added the little red dots. It basically was to show that from the inflection point, ie, about the average peak, it took about 2 months to bottom out in all 4 places. Now this isn't me manipulating data to have an agenda, this is me just using the data out there combined with critical thinking to make observations. Wow, that's interesting. It reminds me of the Israeli mathematician who said back in April that the data shows the virus has about a 2 month life cycle and then slowly dies out.


So what is my point in all of this? Every state has to experience the "surge", and get to the "peak", before they will see the drop. There is no other possible solution. So what impacts how long it takes to get to the peak? Well, the speed and effectiveness of the quarantine, of course. How quickly we forget, that the entire point of the quarantine was to slow and spread the curve to preserve hospital resources, not make it go away completely. So it's a fact, in every state that is experiencing increases, it's not possible to avoid them, and in fact, that HAVE to happen. They won't all follow that neat 2 month curve because the shut-downs dragged that out, but it remains to this ponit a fact...you have to get to the peak before you will get to the drop. Why this matters is multi-factorial, but we are also seeing that in places like NYC, the herd immunity may be reached much lower than normal because there is cross-protection from other covid viruses among other things. Basically, NY, NJ, Italy- they took it on the chin pretty hard, but they got over the hump much faster than places that slowed the curve.

Like California- Really good job shutting down. Look how much they slowed the virus. But it doesn't change the fact that they are going to have to reach the inflection point (Peak) before they come back down.


Listen, I don't pretend to have all of the answers. But I do actually take time to look at the data and generate original thought. The simple regurgitation of headlines about cases increases that are obviously being politicized as part of a bigger picture just isn't productive. Look, it doesn't make the deaths less sad. My family has lost close personal friends to this. Moving forward, the people that should stay quarantined are the high risk people. Low risk, under 50, need to get out and get living. The long term loss of life from the shutdown is way worse than was COVID will do. We have to get to the peak before this is going to get better. There is no way around this. I do think we have handled things well. I do think the original quarantines were worth it. We now have better treatment options to reduce death rates in severe cases. There is evidence that the virulence of the virus is decreasing as it mutates and time goes on. The R0 is much lower than originally thought. The infection fatality rate (IFR) is looking like it's 0.5% to 1%, much more in line with things like the seasonal flu https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01738-2.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Oldschool, are you capable of independent thought, or is the only thing you can do is regurgitate news articles and bold selected areas that fit your narrative? Since you like to bold and underline, I would appreciate your answers to that which I do the same.

Have you seen some of the "independent thought" posted around here? A lot of these guys don't know how polls work or the difference between a news report and an Op/Ed.

I'm sure these reports aren't great for your practice, but he shouldn't be attacked for posting them.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Have you seen some of the "independent thought" posted around here? A lot of these guys don't know how polls work or the difference between a news report and an Op/Ed.

I'm sure these reports aren't great for your practice, but he shouldn't be attacked for posting them.

Not sure what my practice has to do with anything. Interesting comment though.

You know the point. At least I thought you would. That's good though, since there's nothing really to refute in my post. If so, surely you would have attacked it, vs. reaching for the low-lying fruit.


Forum Member
Oct 22, 2012
Not sure what my practice has to do with anything. Interesting comment though.

You know the point. At least I thought you would. That's good though, since there's nothing really to refute in my post. If so, surely you would have attacked it, vs. reaching for the low-lying fruit.

Agree with your original and this post,,Just spent 6 days in Florida playing golf,,,the Cases exploding all around me,,:shrug:yet rode in the cart with my buddy,pulled the flags out,raked the bunkers,and even drank water from the cooler,:scared,Still here kicking,,This weekend taking my son to a baseball tournament with 18 teams from around the southeast,,Staying in a hotel where I am guessing other people will be ,,Hope I don't get killed in a car wreck.Or in a riot,,,,,or get corona,or cancer,or shot,,,


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Not sure what my practice has to do with anything. Interesting comment though.

You know the point. At least I thought you would. That's good though, since there's nothing really to refute in my post. If so, surely you would have attacked it, vs. reaching for the low-lying fruit.

There is nothing to say about the situation other than it sucks and there really isn't a plan on the best way forward. I'm not in favor of hunkering down but I also think it's foolish to go back to the way things were. If you are still operating business as usual, good on you and your practice. I would think that a lot of your patients might be slow to jump back into the chair while things are still uncertain.

I still think it's shitty to jump on someone that is obviously concerned about the pandemic but I think the rest of your post was great. I'm still waiting for those bands of South American refugees and gang bangers to storm the border and am stockpiling weapons in preparation for this year's War on Christmas.



Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Agree with your original and this post,,Just spent 6 days in Florida playing golf,,,the Cases exploding all around me,,:shrug:yet rode in the cart with my buddy,pulled the flags out,raked the bunkers,and even drank water from the cooler,:scared,Still here kicking,,This weekend taking my son to a baseball tournament with 18 teams from around the southeast,,Staying in a hotel where I am guessing other people will be ,,Hope I don't get killed in a car wreck.Or in a riot,,,,,or get corona,or cancer,or shot,,,

Hey Saint, how's the post above for some "independent thought"? :mj07:


Forum Member
Oct 22, 2012
Hey Saint, how's the post above for some "independent thought"? :mj07:

Hey saint,,How is this post above related to people being a douche,,:mj07:And for as independent thought I guess I just believe we are free to make our own decisions still in this country? But somehow or another I feel like I will be wrong?

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
I don't believe in economics over death...

There is plenty of cash hoarded all over the world to see humans through this pandemic.

Just a matter of what matters most.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I don't believe in economics over death...

There is plenty of cash hoarded all over the world to see humans through this pandemic.

Just a matter of what matters most.

It's not economics. Missed cancer diagnosis. Missed heart conditions. Depression/suicide increases. Previous history in the US and other countries have shown that recessions increase the death rate. It's not about hoarding cash, it's about saving more people in the long term.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Speaking of economics just wait until the unemployment ends and the rents come due. Austerity isn't the answer and all you have to do is tax the rich like they did before Nixon. Need to spend at least 10 trillion to even come close to surviving this.


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Speaking of economics just wait until the unemployment ends and the rents come due. Austerity isn't the answer and all you have to do is tax the rich like they did before Nixon. Need to spend at least 10 trillion to even come close to surviving this.

In our area landlords can't evict for non-payment until at least September (courts are closed)....Tenants aren't paying rents yet collecting unemployment check, stimulus checks.....Landlords have zero rights...
Last edited:


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
As a whole Europe has handled this situation much more effectively. Having a society that is not as unequal as ours in regards to income inequality and UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE with leaders who took this seriously from the start, except Sweden and England. Simply amazing that the four worst countries in the world handling this are all right wing authoritarian wannabees, US, Brazil, India and Russia. Well, the last one isn't a wannabee. He is.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
When I talk about the at least 10 Trilliion I would certainly would want part of that to go to Landlords. We have enough homeless as it is.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
In our area landlords can't evict for non-payment until at least September (courts are closed)....Tenants aren't paying rents yet collecting unemployment check, stimulus checks.....Landlords have zero rights...

As a landlord, I've been lucky that my tenants are still paying but if they weren't, my lender has a payment deferment option for COVID-19 hardship.....including coverage for investment property.

You're pretty much spot on about the landlord rights. Everything is set up in favor of the tenant. I'm curious to see what happens when the courts re-open and the deferments are pulled. Mayhem.


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
As a landlord, I've been lucky that my tenants are still paying but if they weren't, my lender has a payment deferment option for COVID-19 hardship.....including coverage for investment property.

You're pretty much spot on about the landlord rights. Everything is set up in favor of the tenant. I'm curious to see what happens when the courts re-open and the deferments are pulled. Mayhem.

We took advantage of that as well, it was for 3 months and our time is up....Our local courts won't be opened until Sept. at the earliest to START the eviction process....For now I'm the proud owner of a Homeless Shelter....:facepalm:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
USA is not built for this kind of emergency. We only work together to kill human enemies, otherwise it's like herding cats to get everyone to cooperate.

Yes - there is plenty of money to get through this, but it's hoarded by billionaires building super-bunkers and Mars rockets. They will never help the rest of us and the government won't make them like they used to.

As our final act of financial strength I think we should send as much money as possible to the cruise ship industry.
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