For or against Gay marraige....poll

For or against Gay marraige....poll

  • For Gay Marraige

    Votes: 20 27.4%
  • Against Gay Marraige

    Votes: 53 72.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Penguin Fan and Big Daddy,

You guys are RIGHT ON! Its about medical benefits which are already spiralling out of control. Besides, noone is keeping the fruits from living together as if they are "married" so why is this so damned important to them? We relatively normal people with "real" families will lose medical coverage for them because of this.

And anyway, what is next? What's to say someone next doesn't have the right to marry more than 1 other person? It IS only a religiously based restriction isn't it? Then we can have 12 or 13 "Dads" all living together with AIDS and living off the one employed one's medical coverage; i.e. OUR medical coverage.

Sorry, but this one of those slippery slopes. The nancies can live with each other now and frankly most of us would really rather not think about what they are doing to one another in their beds...but they insist on pushing their luck. As indicated by this poll, most people are sick of it.


Thread banned
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
This thread has been nothing but interesting reguardless, at least it has served to seperate the conservative, educated, thinking bunch from those willing to accepct cock-suckers getting married. I'd say thats a pretty safe place to draw the line. After all this is what this is about right, the right for faggots to get married, not sure why anyone would defend anything a faggot wants to do, UNLESS maybe you are one of them, damn it, where is Beantown Jim when you need him most.



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
penguinfan :rolleyes:

you and Dr. Freeze should go two would get along great :p

and yes you are correct........this thread has been interesting that's for sure.......

would be one hell of a fun time putting Dr. Freeze, Penguinfan, ozball and kickserv in a room.......wew baby :eek:

of course ozball and I would have to listen to scripture most of the time :rolleyes:

and by the way:

"not sure why anyone would defend anything a faggot wants to do"

maybe it's different on your planet...but I always thought they were still considered people? Guess I was wrong....:p Thanks for clearing it up for me.


Dirty Foot
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
the conservative, educated, thinking bunch

Is it considered "educated" to belittle those who think differently from you? Is it considered "thinking" to name-call??? I think not! Pardon me, but your bigotry is showing!

Maybe I should just get you a white hood and a cross to burn while you're spouting your venom?


PS I was a "cock-sucker" who got married and my husband didn't mind one little bit!
Last edited:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

people like PenguinFan and Dr. freeze will never get it......I mean how can you not be a biggot when you say something like ""not sure why anyone would defend anything a faggot wants to do"

I mean you'll never get through to people like that........I have respect for those who differ with my opinion (like Dogs that Bark...he won't spout off racists biggoted remarks..actually tries to make his point..which I respect) but when you get this racist closed minded crap....ya just have to feel sorry for them...


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
and the best part.........they worry about "the kids"....I'm sure little Jimmy would learn so much from comments like that :nono: :nono:


Registered User
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Dec 6, 2000
Alberta, Canada
i love that phrase that the religious sometimes use...

What would Jesus do?

Yeah, he'd probably talk about cock-sucking faggots, and denying their humanness. He'd probably promote the seething hatred that we see here...not.

I thought he preached love and acceptance...It was the Old Testament God who was the fire and brimstone guy.

We keep coming back to this health benefit cost issue...Why not deny Blacks or North American Indians the right to marry, because thier health costs are higher...that sounds like a progressive move for ya.

Yours in "Christian Values"

ozball (a recovering Catholic)


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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Kickserv, for the record I never said I didn't dislike that lifestyle and the people who live it, not hiding behind anything there.

Va Nurse, good for you, I think in your case, being female, that it is acceptable for you to partake in such activities, as a matter of fact I comend you for doing so.


Turgid Member
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2001
PS I was a "cock-sucker" who got married and my husband didn't mind one little bit!

Let this be a lesson to all of you single guys out there.

Just focus on the word "was" :eek:


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
I wonder if, in a gay marriage, if one of the "grooms" or "brides" is a foreigner if they get automatic US residency. This is kind of a business in some parts, where folks get married for "the papers" and stage a whole wedding theatre and everything. The INS follows up on it a lot. Wouldn't this make that even more prevalent? Especially since in the gay community promiscuity is the norm, so marriages and quick divorces would seem would be even more common than for straight folk. BTW, I don't make the "promiscuity" comment just out of the blue. Many of my gay friends and MY WIFE'S gay friends agree that that is true.

Abdul, from Syria, marries Gary from San Fco., whom he met a month ago. Abdul is now a resident because of his marriage. He divorces Gary since they just can't get along. He proceeds to gain residency, then citizenship and commits a terrorist act.
I ain't nitpicking, one case in 5,000 can do severe damage.

Yeah, same thing can happen in straight relationships, but doesn't it overburden the INS? How many get through while a system is perfected to minimize it?

I'm not against a civil union of gays, but if marriage of gays becomes equal to that of straights, for the reasons mentioned above and others of legal implications, I really can't support it. Folks gotta see beyond their nose. The enemy is out there and will use any and every means to gain advantages against us. This is not paranoia, just travel around a bit and see the nut cases out there.
Just beware. These societal value revolution battles frequently bring about more than meets the eye when changes of tradition occur. That's what worries me most.

Just some food for thought for bo those pro and against. Thesre's much more at steak here than just "feelings' and "rights" and other BS.



Registered User
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Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country

first's the definition of casting lots....

(click to hear the word) (lt) n.

An object used in making a determination or choice at random: casting lots.

The use of objects in making a determination or choice at random: chosen by lot.

so....once bible does NOT specifically mention the word GAMBLING....BUT....casting this particular case....does ALLUDE to i have stated the above definition does not sound like a form of a lottery....then my was a topic brought up in tutorial LAST year....and this is what we came up with!!! for the references....i must admit that i was lazy and couldn't remember exactly where these passages were in the, i simply did a google search and pasted my i agree or disagree with the author....NOT the point....the point is....these are the references to gambling that i wanted to show freezie in order to subtantiate my thesis....not whether it is good or bad nor condemnations or praises....because....the argument was....there is no mention of gambling in the bible!!!

Nice try though. Keep reading, you'll get there.
The only thing worse than a person who thinks they know the bible is the one who doesn't understand yet acts as if he does. for this statement....i don't believe that i ever claimed to "know" the bible or act as if i do....being raised a Roman Catholic....which in itself i find absolutely hypocritical....i have no problems with Christianity or any other religion....i simply try to learn as much as i can about it as well as judaism, greek mythology, islam, hinduism, etc....i do believe, however, that you are the one who is being condescending and does in fact think that he "knows" the bible and sure as hell acts like it!!!



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2003
Toronto, Canada
ChrryBlstr said:

first's the definition of casting lots....

(click to hear the word) (lt) n.

An object used in making a determination or choice at random: casting lots.

The use of objects in making a determination or choice at random: chosen by lot.

so....once bible does NOT specifically mention the word GAMBLING....BUT....casting this particular case....does ALLUDE to i have stated the above definition does not sound like a form of a lottery....then my was a topic brought up in tutorial LAST year....and this is what we came up with!!! for the references....i must admit that i was lazy and couldn't remember exactly where these passages were in the, i simply did a google search and pasted my i agree or disagree with the author....NOT the point....the point is....these are the references to gambling that i wanted to show freezie in order to subtantiate my thesis....not whether it is good or bad nor condemnations or praises....because....the argument was....there is no mention of gambling in the bible!!!

Nice try though. Keep reading, you'll get there.
The only thing worse than a person who thinks they know the bible is the one who doesn't understand yet acts as if he does. for this statement....i don't believe that i ever claimed to "know" the bible or act as if i do....being raised a Roman Catholic....which in itself i find absolutely hypocritical....i have no problems with Christianity or any other religion....i simply try to learn as much as i can about it as well as judaism, greek mythology, islam, hinduism, etc....i do believe, however, that you are the one who is being condescending and does in fact think that he "knows" the bible and sure as hell acts like it!!!


Rhon would you happen you be an english major?


P.S. Want to meet up at school for lunch this week?


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country

sure thing....only there mon & tue....same classes/breaks to make up for all those God love 'em jewish holidays....HA HA HA HA....*LOL*

breaks from 12:30-2:30 both days....

i'll call you on your cell!!!

lemme know....

now i really gotta get some sleep!!!



Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
so....once bible does NOT specifically mention the word GAMBLING....BUT....casting this particular case....does ALLUDE to i have stated the above definition does not sound like a form of a lottery....then my was a topic brought up in tutorial LAST year....and this is what we came up with!!!

Who is "WE"??? It was brought up in TUTORIAL last year??? YOU did a google search and pasted your findings, without even giving credit to the google search engine!!! Not only lazy but lazy and uneducated!!! for the references....i must admit that i was lazy and couldn't remember exactly where these passages were in the, i simply did a google search and pasted my i agree or disagree with the author....NOT the point....the point is....these are the references to gambling that i wanted to show freezie in order to subtantiate my thesis....not whether it is good or bad nor condemnations or praises....because....the argument was....there is no mention of gambling in the bible!!!


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
You know I wish I'd never got involved in this thread but its a little late. While thought of uno on uno is disgusting to me I think it equally disgusting to bash them for a life style they live. I believe in live and let live. However what gets my goat is push by rights group like ACLU and others on everything that has been
synonomous with American history.
You have folks like Ed who likes to refer to conservatives as patriotic flag wavers and the moral majority--well in his analysis I guess that would make him the unpatriotic immoral minority.
I think anything to extremes whether left or right is tainted.
There are Dem that lean conservative and Rebs that lean liberal and I think it is good in both views and find it necessary that we have both. However there has been assualt by the far left in past year on these "rights " issue that just doesn't float.
I agree all minority groups have rights but so do the the majority of those from both sides in the middle.

What about our rights:

To take kids to places Disneyland and not have them subjected to same sex people playing grab ass and making out.

To able to celebrate Christmas,Hannaka and any other relgious holidays.

To say pledge of alliegence in school or have prayer if that is child and parents choice.

To able to read history book the same as our parents with out deletion of words like founding fathers-snowMAN ect.

To have traditional org of Boyscouts ect use our public areas the same as these special interest groups.

To use computer without being subjected to child pornogaphy
which the ACLU is defending.

---and I could go on but point in question is where do you draw the line on letting these far left minorities recind the rights of the basic American culture.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 3, 2002
Is it considered "educated" to belittle those who think differently from you? Is it considered "thinking" to name-call???

You mean like calling someone a "bigot" or a "homophobe"? Both of which you've already done in this thread?

You know what they say about glass houses.....:thefinger


Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
You guys are RIGHT ON! Its about medical benefits which are already spiralling out of control. Besides, noone is keeping the fruits from living together as if they are "married" so why is this so damned important to them? We relatively normal people with "real" families will lose medical coverage for them because of this.

This is correct:

Insurance companies look at medical history of what they payout to the employees. Not on an employee by employee level but as a whole. Yes, if there are alot of claims on the insurance the rates will go up for the employer which is then passed onto the employee.
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