For or against Gay marraige....poll

For or against Gay marraige....poll

  • For Gay Marraige

    Votes: 20 27.4%
  • Against Gay Marraige

    Votes: 53 72.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dirty Foot
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
Gee, PatsJamm, maybe I'm just uneducated... or perhaps unthinking, but I can see a definite difference between using terms such as bigot and homophobe versus using words like cock-sucker and faggot! Aren't the former a wee bit less inflammatory, or is it that they strike too close to home?

Goiing Gone

Registered User
Forum Member
May 13, 2002
Hey sis , have you seen dad and dad around.....(sister)Yes , Dads throwing it in Dads ass:142hump:, what a great loving family we have

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I am all for it.

The beauty of the United States is freedom of expression, along with the pursuit of happiness are the foundation of what we call our society and make up the strata of our society.
I couldn't give a rats ass who Donny or Dora are sleeping with or who they call honey at night.

I guess I have just never elevated my own internal sense of self to the point of judging others lifestyles and choices. As far as insurance costs go, I cannot say with any semblance of sureity that gay marriage has driven the price to what it is now. I have seen too many arguments blaming everything else in this forum to go out and point my finger at such a small percent of the populus for raising my premiums.
One has to wonder if diseases such as aids, toxic shock syndrome, ebola, etc... didn't have a hand in it.

If you find yourself elevated to a position to sit in judgement of those that have the same given rights as you, maybe you should check yourself at the door. I would hazard to guess that neither penguinfan, ozball, myself or any others in this forum, are called upon to make judgemental decisions for the social conscience. It is your opinion and only that, and just to let you know, opinions are NEVER based in fact......Ergo they would be facts themselves.

The bible doesn't allude to gambling unless you want it to. It is simply a novel with many different authors. It is not based in actual events, it is based on folklore and hearsay. Adam and Eve didn't populate the world only to have everyone drown and have Noah and his daughters repopulate it, didn't happen, period. Was there a guy named Noah that may have built an ark? Could be. Or he could have been just like the guy around the way that built his house on stilts in case there was a flood. Unfortunately for him there has been no such flood to date but if there is does that make him a prophet, or a slightly disturbed guy that wanted his house on stilts.

Science and education have provided more than enough factual information concerning both these matters, yet we still try to steep ourselves in what we perceive as right. Quoting or paraphrasing the bible simply to justify your own judgemental views is extremely hypocritical. Especially since the very novel you quote as fact does not "allude" to holding judgement as wrong, but states it very clearly that judging others is wrong.
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
The cost of insurance billings to the employer is a result of premiums paid in by the company and claims paid out by the carrier. For example, if you have an employee who has a kidney transplant or a heart transplant or major illnesses (like advanced aids) the next year the premiums will skyrocket. The company is rated and the increase accordingly. In fact, there are cases where employers were given a 60% increase in premiums which is, in essence, a cancellation in a politically correct way.
If an employer seeks new carriers (if they want to say change plans)the carrier will send the group to underwriting which means they will check usage and make each employee provide medical information. They can elect NOT to ensure the group based on one or two high-usage employees. This does depend on the size of the company and the history of claims paid out.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 3, 2002
Gee, PatsJamm, maybe I'm just uneducated... or perhaps unthinking, but I can see a definite difference between using terms such as bigot and homophobe versus using words like cock-sucker and faggot! Aren't the former a wee bit less inflammatory, or is it that they strike too close to home?

Don't even THINK to pass judgement on me, "lady". I never once used either of those terms so keep your comments to yourself in that regard. The fact of the matter is you use those terms to label people who have differing views than you do. You want to preach tolerance? START AT HOME!

Otherwise you're nothing but a "heterophobe":thefinger

big joe

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2001
Just look at all the remarks about not judging others.
Folks, everyday we have to judge others to move about this universe and manage ourselves.
How do some of you raise children? We have to judge to take our positions. Do you tell the children, "whatever anyone says or does to you is okay, remember they're human-beings, too. Now, you go out there and play with them, and join in with their 'fun' games so you won't be called a judger."
What do some of you do,, sit around and sing songs all the time?
You have to stand for something. If we allow "anything", we are heading down a slippery slope.
I'm also saying there's a way to do this without hatred, there's no place for that.
All these remarks like " I could care less what someone else does in their own bedroom....". Some of you just don't get..when gays want to take it from the bedroom to the streets, TV shows, talk shows (real influence) to the Fed. G'vment (benefits), this is hardly staying within the privacy of their bedroom!
These people have an agenda and they won't quit until they have it mainstream.
I have an agenda, too. It is my responsibility to my family to stand for something and I am.
I really respect all these opinions, but I judge many of them to be wrong,,personally.


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
big joe said:
Just look at all the remarks about not judging others.
Folks, everyday we have to judge others to move about this universe and manage ourselves.
How do some of you raise children? We have to judge to take our positions. Do you tell the children, "whatever anyone says or does to you is okay, remember they're human-beings, too. Now, you go out there and play with them, and join in with their 'fun' games so you won't be called a judger."
What do some of you do,, sit around and sing songs all the time?
You have to stand for something. If we allow "anything", we are heading down a slippery slope.
I'm also saying there's a way to do this without hatred, there's no place for that.
All these remarks like " I could care less what someone else does in their own bedroom....". Some of you just don't get..when gays want to take it from the bedroom to the streets, TV shows, talk shows (real influence) to the Fed. G'vment (benefits), this is hardly staying within the privacy of their bedroom!
These people have an agenda and they won't quit until they have it mainstream.
I have an agenda, too. It is my responsibility to my family to stand for something and I am.
I really respect all these opinions, but I judge many of them to be wrong,,personally.

Couldn't have said it any better.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country

The bible doesn't allude to gambling unless you want it to. It is simply a novel with many different authors. It is not based in actual events, it is based on folklore and hearsay. Adam and Eve didn't populate the world only to have everyone drown and have Noah and his daughters repopulate it, didn't happen, period. Was there a guy named Noah that may have built an ark? Could be. Or he could have been just like the guy around the way that built his house on stilts in case there was a flood. Unfortunately for him there has been no such flood to date but if there is does that make him a prophet, or a slightly disturbed guy that wanted his house on stilts.

Science and education have provided more than enough factual information concerning both these matters, yet we still try to steep ourselves in what we perceive as right. Quoting or paraphrasing the bible simply to justify your own judgemental views is extremely hypocritical. Especially since the very novel you quote as fact does not "allude" to holding judgement as wrong, but states it very clearly that judging others is wrong.

i'm not entirely sure if this was directed towards me....and given the confusion, i feel compelled to address the issue with the belief that this was in fact a response to my earlier comments....

i completely respect your opinion, as always....i even agree that since the bible is a collection of works by different authors, the majority of the stories are not fact, i perceive them to be simply morality tales....and i believe that you are mistaken in thinking that i buy into what is being said in the text....however, the initial discussion/debate with freezie dealt with him calling someone ignorant and stating that there was no reference to gambling in the bible....i was merely stating that there are references to it....neither agreeing nor disagreeing with positive or negative inferences and most definitely not holding judgement on the subject or people....supplanted afterwards by the whole KMA i do take a little offense to your implication that i am being hypocritical....the fact of the matter is, i could care less about the intended lessons....furthermore....the whole idea of using the bible justify my hypocritical views is nothing short of ridiculous....*L* was the text that was in question at the time and i was merely pointing out the references to gambling in order to substantiate my thesis....taking the actual definitions of both gambling and "casting lots"....

Gambling is defined by Webster's Collegiate Dictionary as "to play or game for money or other stake; to hazard; wager."

the definition of casting lots....

(click to hear the word) (lt) n.

An object used in making a determination or choice at random: casting lots.

The use of objects in making a determination or choice at random: chosen by lot.

and the authors choosing to use the phrase "casting lots"....then it does in fact hint to some form of gambling....whether it be drawing straws or some other random method determining the outcome of the events....based on the definitions....and that is all!!!


now onto KMA:

Who is "WE"??? It was brought up in TUTORIAL last year??? YOU did a google search and pasted your findings, without even giving credit to the google search engine!!! Not only lazy but lazy and uneducated!!!

first off....i didn't realize that citations were required in an open forum on the internet, unlike formal papers....and to avoid future transgressions....would you prefer MLA or APA format as well as a works cited page???

secondly....i assumed that the words "we" and "tutorial" would have been sufficient enough for one to infer that the "we" included myself, other students and a prof or TA....depending on how a tutorial is run....the prof and TA are pretty much again i apologize for my ambiguity!!!

thirdly....i acknowledged being fact....i was the one who made the statement....however....i take great exception to being called "uneducated"....'cause in my world....a BCom would suffice....and working towards a masters in english and another degree in education would be more than overkill....but....who the hell knows....and who the hell really cares....BUT....the point is....uneducated i am not!!!

finally....your constant condescending tone and attacks more than justify a superfluous sarcastic rebuttal....however....i believe the not so original response of "get a clue, you morose motherf*cker" will suffice in this case!!!

and as much as i would love to stay on this box and await your insightful response....alas....a hockey game followed by a shindig with equally uneducated, pretentious and grotesque individuals await me!!!

good luck on your plays today!!!



Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
You're a student, that does indeed explain a lot about this whole situation, the lameass attempt to sound like something a person is not!!! (if uneducated and uninformed apply, so be it.) Perhaps a 'student' who does not understand the concept of plagiarism and methods of proper documentation should request assistance from their teacher. No work ccited page, just tell who wrote it or who said it, at all times regardless of the place of presentation, be that an open forum or a formal document!!!! After all that is basic acdemics, not to mention good manners!!!!


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
The comments were not directed at any one individual. I was more or less addressing the general. Sorry you took offense, none was intended. Although after reading it again I see were you think it was directed at you, so I am sorry for that. But since you mention it I have to say that I think the mention of casting lots is a stretch to allude to gambling. Casting lots is much like drawing straws and is a selection process used then and now. I don't think that you can tie that to wagering on the outcome of an unknown. Just what I feel.

To say that the homosexuals are taking their lifestyles to the mainstream is not entirely true. Those shows you speak of are cast by all types and you do not have to tune in. You can not deny the rights of an individual just because you feel they are immoral. If you have to turn on the T.V. and then turn it right back off that is not the fault of the television, it is the content. What you are saying is tantamount to saying "I don't care about it as long as I don't have to know about it". The fact is, people must want to "know about it" because they tune in time and time again. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice that those men and women have readily entered into know full well the consequences of their actions. Some will be scorned and abused for doing what they want. The actions of the oppresors is what is morally reprehensible as it goes against the very fabric of what makes this country great. Freedom.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
yeah and who are we to impose restrictions and cast judgements on the 16 year old boy who enters into a loving relationship with a 47 year old man

who are we to impose an 18 year old what moral authority does that have?

and who are we to impose that people should even have to be consenting? what moral authority made that rule?

bunch of judgers live in this country


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
this is an interesting topic for discussion. alot of good comments on both sides of the issue. just to put my $.02 in:

i am not bothered by homosexuals living together or adopting children. it doesn't mean that a child will become gay because his parents are long as a person is a caring individual & knows the diference between right & wrong i would rather see a child being raised by gay people than being a number in the foster care program. i mean has anybody ever seen what goes on in these foster care programs across the country. there are stories of neglect, abuse, & even stories of losing a foster care child in the "system"that tears out your heart. i can't imagine a child not wanting to be in a loving home, then being in a home that treats them as "income".

as long as a person contributes to society, by earning a buck, paying taxes & obeying the law, they have the same rights as heterosexuals.


i am also disgusted with homosexuals locking lips, intensely, in public. but i feel the same way if heterosexuals do it also. that stuff should be done in private.

but the homosexuals who dance around & flaunt their "sexuality" in public bothers me alot. for instance, the behavior i have seen during the gay pride parades, imo are hurting the gay cause. it definitely gives people a bad image of a gay person. and i'm surprised that "mainstream" gays don't criticize this flaunting.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Dr. Freeze...excellent post! Of course I'm assuming it was meant facetiously.

Nosigar, also a plain statement of truth. Yes, we can judge others and it happens every day by every person. And no kid raised by 2+ dads is going to grow up "fine" and "normal" regardless of whether they experience discrimination from others.

By the way, maybe Canada will allow all the 'mos to have citizenship...they appear to be in a majority there already based on a sampling from this forum :(


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Here's to hoping your 90th post is as completely childish, insulting, rude, and ignorant as your 89th. Maybe letting the "mos" into Canada would prove to be a strategic move for the fine country to the north of us as it would apparently leave us, the U.S. of course, with all the blithering idiots. I find it quite refreshing to provide no intelligent input to a discussion and then insult and stigmatize those that do. Good call. Maybe Budweiser will do a tribute commercial to you much like the others currently aired paying tribute to frivolous, impish sorts. You will certainly be all the rave around the fry machine at work tomorrow. Think of the reception you will receive when those recognize your voice at the drive through after taking their order. Of course they may be gay, so be careful.

Dr. Freeze,
Those decisions were not made by you or I. To correct your last statement, we have a bunch of judges in this country not judgers. They imposed those rules. Next class will be tomorrow at three.

There are a number of studies that can be done to show what the sexual impact same sex parents would have on children. Buggering school boys is not normal behavior and although it is convenient for some to relate said behavior to homosexuals, it is not accurate. Stereotyping is just an easy way to push aside that which we do not accept or understand. I personally think there is a better way to do things.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2000
Alberta, Canada

you can't deduce someone's sexuality from their views on basic human rights...I'm not gay, just believe in letting others live their lives harassment free, Kickserve doesn't sound gay (presumption), but I think VAnurse actually digs guys....

Sometimes the loudest protesters have a little something in their closet....

J Edgar hoover for example...



poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
JT said:
Personally I am curious on what marine's opinion is on this subject.

Sorry to disappoint in my delay... I was out in the north woods hunting bambi and other manly manly things.

As for gay marriages....
I guess my first question is
followed closely by

What do they stand to gain from it? The gay people that is. What is soooooooooooo important (i.e, benefit) that they are going to get out of a "legal, civil contract"?
I havent figured out what the angle is here... ya know.. they fight for the right to marry and put up this huge fight with all the different organizations. There has to be something! Why else would they put up with all this crap to be "recognized" by the same governments that outlaw sodomy and "puts down" the gays?

It sure cant be for money... cuz I fully expect them to file a JOINT return and suffer the same marriage penalty tax that I do with my family!

Butjust for the record and to satisfy the millions of fans of mine out here in cyberland. I am against it.
Of course, I am against a lot of people marrying based on their stupidity and possibility of reproducing, but thats not the topic here.
Some interesting reading here... wish I had been around to see it all go down and add some comments of my own.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2003
Toronto, Canada
ocelot said:
By the way, maybe Canada will allow all the 'mos to have citizenship...they appear to be in a majority there already based on a sampling from this forum :(

I don't know what to say....really, all that MOJO for nothing.....



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
well I'll say this.........heck of a lot more open minded people here in Canada then in the States........phew :rolleyes:

and ozball.......I'm not gay..."cool chick" would be pissed if I was :tongue

and fatdaddy.......well said...well said indeed :Yep:

and to all those who are patients under Dr. Freeze I tell ya :eek:

still boggles my mind why anyone would care if two gays want to marry.....who the fu** cares.......:rolleyes:
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