Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Upcoming episodes............

Episode 51 "The Red Woman" April 24th

Episode 52 "Home" May 1st

Episode 53 "Oathbreaker" May 8th


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
April 24 = Season 6 bitches:Yep:

It is time:spotting:



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 51 "The Red Woman" April 24th

- Jon Snow is dead, fuck...fuck fuck, and fuck:cry:

- Ramsay mourns the death of Myranda, just for a split second you think Ramsay has a heart, but no, no he does not. He commands that her corpse be fed to the hounds rather than buried:facepalm:

- Sansa and Theon don't get far with their escape, a squad of Bolton soldiers catches em quick. But look who comes to the rescue....Brienne and Podrick out of fucking nowhere, wooo hoo:Yep:. Brienne for the 986th time offers to pledge her loyalty to Sansa, finally Sansa accepts. Brienne promised her mom that she would protect the Stark daughters, she finally gets to live out her promise. Well sort of, Arya is kind of fucked right now and Brienne is on the other side of Westeros, but hey you can only do so much.

- As fucking usual Arya can not catch a fucking break, I mean hasn't she been through enough? Now she's blind and begging on the streets of Braavos, poor Arya:cry: And if that isn't bad enough The Waif beats her up and then promises to return tomorrow to beat her up again. I guess Arya really pissed off Jaqen H'ghar, I mean he blinded her and kicked her out on the street, man that's harsh. Note to self, follow Jaqen H'ghar instructions he has a mean streak in him.


- Tyrion and Varys walk the streets of Meereen and man oh man has that place gone to shit since Daenerys took a ride on one of her dragons, wew baby has it gone downhill. And to make it worse those fuck heads the Sons of the Harpy burned all the ships. Nobody is taking any cruises any time soon that's for sure. Hopefully Varys can do his magic and find out who the leader of the Sons of the Harpy is.

- Well the leadership in Dorne sure has taken a turn. Doran Martell is murdered by Ellaria Sand, it seems the people of Dorne were not thrilled with the lack of decisive action by Doran when dealing with Oberyn and Elia's deaths. I guess since Ellaria Sand also killed Trystane Martell (she ordered her sand snakes to do it) is in charge now, she will be fucking some shit up, that is for sure. By the way speaking of her ordering the hit on Trystane Martell, total cheap shot by Obara Sand putting a spear through his head when he wasn't looking, that was a bush league move right there, totally bush league.

- Jaime arrives back in King's Landing with Myrcella's body, Cersei cries, and we feel bad for her........NOT:lol: Jaime promises revenge against all those who have taken from them, not sure what that means but I guess we shall see? Does he know Ellaria Sand killed his daughter? Maybe? Maybe not?

- Margaery still in captivity, and as usual the High Sparrow is being a dick. Margaery just wants to know how her brother is doing and he can't even show her a quick 7 second video on his Blackberry, nope nothing, what a dick. It seems Margaery will be hanging out with the High Sparrow for quite some time.

- Under the category of "here we go again".......Daenerys is back in the land of the Dothraki. I am sure she's thinking "Oh fuck, this again, I thought I was done with this shit!" Nope, no she is not. Ok so does Daenerys catch a break for being Khal Drogo's widow? No, no she doesn't. She meets with Khal Moro (the current leader), who has taken her prisoner. We think maybe our Dragon lady will catch a break because of her past bonds with the tribe, ummmmm no! She requests to Khal Moro that he escort her back to Meereen, but he refuses, citing how it is Dothraki custom to take widows of dead Khals to the temple in Vaes Dothrak to live out the rest of their lives. Well, that doesn't sound good now does it! On the plus side at least she didn't get raped this time and she didn't get her head chopped off, so that is a win.

- Melisandre is devastated when she learns of Jon's death, she has lost her faith in all that fire shit. We finally find out why she always has that necklace on. When she takes that necklace off we see what she really looks


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
eh, how about spoiler tags kick ?

like this:

solid, but in GoT standards slightly lamish opening


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 3, 2002
I always love reading your summary of each episode.

I don't understand how Margaery is still being held captive.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
give the g.o.t.`s honchos credit......ending a fairly pedestraian first episode with another shot of carice van houten`s 5 star rack was a game saver....

sure looks like van houten is brought back from the brink of despair and becomes a player again by way of somehow resurrecting snow to get revenge on his murderers...personally,i think that`s pushing it and they should leave the dead lie...I know it`s fantasy but you have to have some f`ing parameters...

there were a few solid touches...killing off headey`s daughter and making the sand broad and her daughters real villains(the one daughter has the second best rack on the show) was solid....

the whole arya stark schtick with the mystical "no one" crew is a waste of time.imo...I`m bored to tears watching this play out....what`s the point?...if they`re going to make her some kind of blind,mystic,middle school warrior why draw it out?....tedious...


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
I always love reading your summary of each episode.

I don't understand how Margaery is still being held captive.

The High Sparrow might have a deal with that cunt Cersei. that pic I think she's holding the necklace. Pretty sure when the necklace is out of her possession she turns into her true form.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
making the sand broad and her daughters real villains(the one daughter has the second best rack on the show) was solid....

I don't think the "Sand Snakes" are villains now, I am pretty sure the audience will be cheeering for them like I am, but hey maybe I am wrong? Oh and remember the "Sand Snakes" are the eight bastard daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell. We haven't seen all of em, so far we have focused on the three oldest sisters (Obara Sand, Tyene Sand, and Nymeria Sand), there are 8 siblings in total so we may see more this season.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I don't think the "Sand Snakes" are villains now, I am pretty sure the audience will be cheeering for them like I am, but hey maybe I am wrong? Oh and remember the "Sand Snakes" are the eight bastard daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell. We haven't seen all of em, so far we have focused on the three oldest sisters (Obara Sand, Tyene Sand, and Nymeria Sand), there are 8 siblings in total so we may see more this season.

that spear through the back of the head was a nice touch....those girls have some "edge" to em:lol:.....on second thought,it wasn`t a bad episode...they`re obviously setting future craziness up...

I`m waiting for the zombie knight to go all medieval on jonathan pryce and his fanatical female sidekick...that`s gonna be wild...I think headey and her bro are in a bad state of mind and are looking to vent ...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
HFboards StLouis pre-game thread:

For those that watched GoT yesterday, that final scene with Melisandre accurately
depicts how the Blues look in the regular season followed by how they look in the playoffs.

spot on :142smilie

9/10, i guess i haven't been paying attention:
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