Game Of Thrones - HBO


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
for any other van houten fans...check out a movie called,"black death"...she plays a role very similar to her game of thrones character and kills it....


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 52 "Home" May 1st

Jon is back motherfuckers:spotting::Yep:x23:x32::0058

- Melisandre still deserves to die for burning that poor little girl Shireen to death, but at least she did some good bringing Jon back. It will be very interesting to see what Davos does when he finds out about Shireen, remember he still doesn't know Shireen died.

- Roose and Ramsay both learn that Walda has given birth to a son, so what does Ramsay do? Does he throw a party? Does he go on and order a nice gift for the baby? No, no he doesn't do that, not even close. In true Ramsay style he kills his father Roose and then proceeds to feed his 2 day old brother to his dogs. Yep, it is official Ramsay is one mean motherfucker. He has now surpassed Joffrey as the most hated evil fucker in Game of Thrones history. Feed your 2 day old brother to your dogs and watch the dogs rip the baby apart, fucking hell:scared He just stood there and watched, he is one evil fucker. I guess Ramsay is the new lord of House Bolton and Winterfell. I guess he was a little sick of taking instructions from his father, nope he doesn't respond well to authority.

So to recap......Ramsay is not a nice person.

- Myrcella dead body lies in the Great Sept of Baelor, Jaime none to pleased to see that prick High Sparrow walk in, nope not pleased at all. Of course the High Sparrow has his Faith Militant with him, so Jamie can do nothing. It is pretty clear that King's Landing is going to have one hell of a brawl between the Faith Militant and Jamie's crew.

- King Tommen asks his mom Cersei how to be strong, oh fuck:facepalm: Great, just great, she's going to turn him into a Joffrey:facepalm:

- Tyrion learns that Astapor and Yunkai have been retaken by the Masters, leaving Meereen as the only free city in Slaver's Bay, in other words all the work Daenerys has done has all gone for not. Tyrion knows he needs the dragons, Tyrion heads to the dungeons and frees them, well sort of frees them, they are still in the dungeon, but he frees them from their shackles. Nice to see my boy Grey Worm again, we all need a little Grey Worm in our lives.

- Arya continues to get her ass kicked by the Waif, but this time she catches a little break. The man himself Jaqen H'ghar shows up. Jaqen H'ghar attempts to tempt her with food, a 2 week reservation at the Marriot and even the return of her vision. Arya refuses and passes the test, thatta girl Arya, thatta girl.:00x15

- Bran continues his training with the old dude (Three-eyed Raven). We get to see some young Starks in action. We see Benjen and Lyanna Stark training together, and fuck yeah we get to see a young Ned Stark, woo hoo! The studs of studs himself in action, simply awesome! We even learn Hodor's real name is Wyllis, and shit Hodor can talk:eek:

- Balon Greyjoy and Yara have a fight, Yara wants the fighting against the North to stop, Balon disagrees. After the fight Balon heads outside, he encounters his brother Euron Greyjoy on a bridge. The meeting with his bro does not go well. Euron throws Balon off the bridge and kills him. And bammo, there we go, another ruler killed off. And who knows who will take over? At Balon's funeral, Yara swears revenge against Balon's killer, but is reminded that her position as successor depends on the results of the Kingsmoot. No idea what the Kingsmoot is, but I am guessing it is not the Electoral College.

Oh and the death of the dude who pulled out his cock to Cersei was funny, bam, there goes his head. And umm speaking of tough ways to die, the dude that shot an arrow into the giant Wun Wun shoulder was a rough one. That giant just picked him up and smashed him into the wall, that had to hurt.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
looks like show got some steroids when aparting from a book storyline...

not sure if it's a good thing :0corn


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 53 "Oathbreaker" May 8th

- Jon Snow is back from the dead and has had enough of Castle Black, yep he's had enough of that shit. But hey before he leaves he needs to kill the dudes that killed him, I mean that is only fair. Ser Alliser, Othell Yarwick, Bowen Marsh and yes even little Olly get killed. Poor little Olly, but hey he did stab Jon in the heart so I guess you can't feel bad for little Olly. Jon gives his coat to Edd, stating that he is had enough of this Castle Black. As he leaves he drops the mic and says "now my watch has ended". Bad ass I tell ya, fucking bad ass! Oh and now fire bitch is all happy again, Melisandre tells Jon that a "Prince that was promised". She initially thought it was Stannis, now she thinks it is Jon, for fucks sake:facepalm:

- Samwell and Gilly make an appearance, they are such a cute couple, who knows where they will end up? He wants to leave her and the baby with his family at Horn Hill but I don't think that is going to happen.

- Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven observe a vision of young Eddard Stark and Lord Howland Reed at the Tower of Joy in Dorne during Robert's Rebellion. A battle ensues and Stark is about to get killed but Howland Reed sneaks up behind Stark's attacker and stabs him in the neck. I guess Eddard sister is trapped in castle but we don't know for sure, the vision quest ends. We do learn that Bran has the power to be heard when he goes back in time. He called out to his father and Eddard heard him, or did he?

- Daenerys arrives at Vaes Dothrak, otherwise known as the hang out for widowed Dothraki chicks. It doesn't look good for Daenerys. I think one of her dragons needs to save her because it ain't looking good.

- Varys finds out that the slave masters of Yunkai, Astapor and Volantis have been financing the Sons of the Harpy. Grey Worm notes that the Unsullied have taken Astapor and Yunkai once before, but Tyrion warns him that marching on the cities will leave Meereen defenceless. I guess they need to go old school and hunt the masters down one by one, should be fun. My man Grey Worm is going to fuck some shit up.

- Arya trains with the Waif in the House of Black and White, and as usual the Waif is kicking her ass, but slowly Arya gets better. The Waif questions Arya about who she used to be. Arya reveals all of her family members and reveals that she had taken the Hound off of her kill list before she left him to die. The waif asks for the entire list, Arya rings off some more names, she mentions Cersei Lannister, Gregor Clegane and Walder Frey. After this Jaqen takes her into the main chamber and offers her sight back if she says her name. Arya says "A girl is no-one", Jaqen makes her drink from the well in the chamber and her sight is restored. Sweet, Arya has her sight back, woo hoo! Jaqen knows the names on Arya list now so it is possible Arya will have permission to kill one of her people on her list, and once she has permission look the fuck out Arya will be on the war path!

- Smalljon Umber meets with evil fucker Ramsay at Winterfell. He explains to Ramsay that Jon Snow has been letting hundreds of Wildlings through the wall and fears that they will make their way south. Smalljon Umber and Ramsay make a Donald Trump deal and have one another's back. As a token of appreciation Smalljon says that he has a gift for Ramsay. He gives Ramsay Rickon Stark and Osha, fuck! And just to prove to Ramsay that it is in fact Rickon Stark, Smalljon shows Ramsay the severed head of Rickon's dire wolf 'Shaggydog', thus proving it is in fact Rickon. I say again, fuck! Now Ramsay has his hands on a Stark again, oh shit!

- Tommen marches into the Sept of the Faith Millitant with his kingsguard, demanding shit, he gets nothing, The High Sparrow mind fucks him and the trip is useless. Meanwhile smoking hot Margaery Tyrell is rotting in her cell, sheesh!

Where is Jon off to? Maybe off to Vegas for a nice getaway? Perhaps he's off to a spa? The dude deserves a nice massage, he's had a rough winter.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Upcoming episodes......

Episode 54 "Book of the Stranger" May 15th

Episode 55 "The Door" May 22nd


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
direwolf count 3 / 6, Jon's and Bran's are alive, Arya let hers go in previous season.

Osha deadpool odds, really not good.

Interesting to see if Tomund and wildlings come along with Eddison Tollett.
Nights watch has been left short of a leadership and men.

Kind of a breath taker episode before we get to solving problems like Son's of Harp,
High sparrow, useless King's landing bureaucrats, Sand snakes etc...

Did i hear fart when mountain enters Small Council meeting :142smilie



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Kickserv, your sole purpose on Madjacks is to continue delivering these great recaps of GOT. They are great and help those of us like me who can barely keep up with all the characters. Thanks.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Kickserv, your sole purpose on Madjacks is to continue delivering these great recaps of GOT. They are great and help those of us like me who can barely keep up with all the characters. Thanks.


And yes I can get difficult to follow along with all the characters, especially when we have "vision quests" that go back in time, that just adds to it. It is one thing to add characters and bring back characters (like Osha for example) but when we go back in time and add characters well that really makes it difficult.

It does get tough to keep up at times.

Osha is a bad ass, and she has killed plenty of men, but now she's dealing with Ramsay so I think she's going to die a grizzly death soon. Hopefully she can save Rickon Stark before she dies, she's good at protecting Stark's but not sure she can save a Stark this time around.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Last night I was totally lost....

Episode 53 was a tough one, lots of character additions and many characters coming back. Numerous story lines going on that's for sure.

The "vision quests" are cool but it does make it tough to follow, but I guess we will finally find out the story about Eddard sister and why he never talked about her or why she was never around. Maybe she is still alive? There are not many Stark's left so any that can stick around is a good thing. I am pretty sure Ramsay is going to kill Rickon Stark soon so you can cross another Stark off the list.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
By the way it is time to let Arya free so she can start killing people on her list (she's only killed one if memory serves me correctly, well she did kill a couple more but she had help). We need to start seeing the Stark children getting some payback.

Oh and by the way now that Jon is leaving Castle Black, Sansa is going to arrive at Castle Black and Jon won't be there:facepalm:

The Stark children don't even know if they have any siblings left? They are all separated and have no idea if they are the only one left standing. And as stated Rickon is fucked Ramsay has him now.

Snafu also brought up a good point, I think the only Direwolfs left are Jon Snow's and Bran's. Nymeria was the name of Arya's wolf, she let Nymeria go so Joffrey wouldn't kill Nymeria, so no clue where Nymeria is at now?

- Robb's Direwolf (Grey Wind) was killed at Red Wedding (so sad when he was stabbed to death in his stall).

- Cersei Lannister killed Sansa Stark's Direwolf (Lady)

- Smalljon Umber killed Rickon Stark's Direwolf (Shaggydog)


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
i was thinking that Osha is an assassin plot to kill Ramsay off, don't see Ramsay ruling anything.
So far he was tolerated because of his dad. Jon might be heading that way too before he takes visit to Twins

and those Tower dreams might reveal us Jons real mam&dad...

just speculation, it gets kind of complicated.


btw, this is pretty complete source to look up anything in GoT:
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