Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
I predict Arya will be back in Winterfell by season's end :0008




Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 57 "The Broken Man" June 5th

Fuck shit fuck fuck shit, Arya close to death, shit fuck shit:cry:

- Well look who is alive....Sandor Clegane lives!. The Hound survived his wounds, he lives, well how about that! It looks like Sandor might finally find some peace, ummmmmm nope! All seems to be going ok with Sandor and his new friends, then the Brotherhood Without Banners shows up on horseback. And that is when things go poorly, the Brotherhood kills everybody, and Sandor is left all alone, poor Sandor:cry:

- Jon, Sansa, and Davos begin searching for allies to retake Winterfell from the Boltons, kind of like a big long sales call. They are just selling themselves like crazy, trying to sign up everyone in the North for some sweet vacation packages. You just have to listen to their seminar for one hour and you get a free buffet anywhere in Westeros. First, they secure the allegiance of the Wildlings, who are still indebted to Jon for saving them at Hardhome, and are aware the Boltons will wipe them out if they do nothing, that was an easy sell, Jon nailed it with a good speech, job well done. They also manage to secure the allegiance of House Mormont when Davos warns the young Lyanna Mormont of the dangers the White Walkers pose. Davos comes up huge, he scares the little kid with the "the dead are coming for you" line, well played Davos well played. Lyanna Mormont is a tough little girl, that kid has moxy, you have to respect her moxy, bad ass kid right there. Sadly the long sales call goes to shit when they meet with House Glover. Sansa calls out Lord Robett Glover with the "you swore your allegiance to my father line", that didn't go well. Glover gets right up in her face and points out how Robb failed to protect his home from the Ironborn, he even throws in the "I watched my wife and kids die" line. He drops the mic walks away and Sansa can do nothing. But hey overall I guess the sales trip went ok.

- Despite being heavily outnumbered, Jon is adamant that they attack Winterfell as soon as possible before the Boltons rally more forces and before the weather turns on them. Yep, you always have to worry about the weather, those storms can be a bitch in the North. Jon clearly has on his Iphone so he's on top of it. Sansa on the other hand says "who gives a fuck about the weather we need more men". Sansa sneaks behind Jon's back logs into Westeros AOL and sends an e-mail. We don't know who she sent the e-mail to? Either way Jon is going to be pissed. Not sure who Sansa sent the e-mail to but I hope whoever it is they check their trash folder, it would suck if they don't get that e-mail. Could she be asking for help from Littlefinger? I highly doubt it, but if so he'd find a way to come through, just not sure she'd ask him. My guess is she found out where Tyrion Lannister was and asked him, of course he is way the fuck on the other side of Westeros so not sure that would do any good. But who else could she be asking for help? I guess we shall see, but pretty much anybody that would help her are dead, so who knows?

- Olenna Tyrell meets with her grandaughter, Queen Margaery, and attempts to convince her to leave King's Landing and return to Highgarden. However, Margaery refuses, stating that as Queen, her place is supposed to be at King Tommen's side. Olenna is like what in the love of fuck is going on? She is telling Margaery to snap the fuck out of it. Thankfully we find out Marg is just acting, yes, woo hoo! Margaery slips Olenna a piece of paper with the sign of House Tyrell drawn on it, indicating that she is still loyal to her family. A big relief, would have sucked if the High Sparrow turned her, he hasn't, she's just playing him.

- Cersei confronts Olenna, and tries to convince her to stay and fight the Sparrows. Olenna lays into Cersei and says "you have fucked up bitch, you screwed this whole thing up, I am getting the hell outta here!" Yep she just bitch slaps Cersei. Despite having no allies in King's Landing, Cersei decides to stay and fight, we shall see how that works out.

- Jaime and Bronn lead the Lannister army to Riverrun, where Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers attempt to coerce the Blackfish into surrendering the castle by threatening to execute Edmure Tully. The Blackfish calls their bluff and refuses to surrender, Lannister steps in. Jaime takes charge of the siege and attempts to work out a deal with Blackfish. Well Blackfish doesn't give a fuck about the Lannisters and says "fuck it, bring it on bitch!" In fact he pretty much dares then double dares em to attack the castle, in other words Blackfish gives no fucks, yep no fucks given.

- Theon and Yara take the Iron Fleet to The Bunny Ranch, seems the men need some whores, I mean don't we all? Yara is having a fun lesbian time but her brother ruins it. She's had enough of Theon and his pouting, he tells him to man the fuck up or kill himself. She reveals to Theon that she plans to take the Iron Fleet to Meereen and forge an alliance with Daenerys before Euron can. Theon takes a gulp of Gatorade, mans up and he is good to go. Theon is back, he is a man now, a man with no penis, but he's a man nonetheless. No more pouting, he eats nails for breakfast, yep nails, long rusty nails for breakfast. He's back and look the fuck out. Reek is dead, long live Theon motherfuckers!

- Arya secures passage back to Westeros by bribing a Westerosi trader, not sure where she got all that money, maybe she won on a scratch ticket who knows? Anyway things seem to be looking up for Arya, looks like she's about to get the fuck out of Braavos and then ummmm I can't even say it, just to emotional for me to describe what happens next. An old lady walks up to Arya on a bridge, Arya the nice girl she is says hi, bam the old lady stabs her in the gut, the mask comes off and it is the Waif! Shit fuck shit fuck, shit! Arya manages to jump off the bridge and into the water and escapes. She is left stumbling through the streets of Braavos, critically wounded and unsure of who to trust. She is bleeding badly and close to death, it looks really bad for Arya, really fucking bad!



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
- Arya secures passage back to Westeros by bribing a Westerosi trader, not sure where she got all that money, maybe she won on a scratch ticket who knows? Anyway things seem to be looking up for Arya, looks like she's about to get the fuck out of Braavos and then ummmm I can't even say it, just to emotional for me to describe what happens next. An old lady walks up to Arya on a bridge, Arya the nice girl she is says hi, bam the old lady stabs her in the gut, the mask comes off and it is the Waif! Shit fuck shit fuck, shit! Arya manages to jump off the bridge and into the water and escapes. She is left stumbling through the streets of Braavos, critically wounded and unsure of who to trust. She is bleeding badly and close to death, it looks really bad for Arya, really fucking bad!

So the super hottie waif has that cunt Arya around the neck with the blade and doesn't slit her throat, she stabs her a few times in her stomach? WTF was that. A trained hottie assasin like the waif would never do that. Terrible writing. I hope Arya gets an infection and lies helpless in the street bleeding out and nobody helps her.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
So the super hottie waif has that cunt Arya around the neck with the blade and doesn't slit her throat, she stabs her a few times in her stomach? WTF was that. A trained hottie assasin like the waif would never do that.

She did that because she always hated Arya. Jaqen H'ghar told the waif to "not let her suffer" she did the complete opposite because she wanted Arya to suffer. She didn't want to kill Arya quick, she might get her wish though, things not looking good for Arya.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'm disappointed in Arya. I thought she would have been on guard for an attack like that. She had to know she would be targeted, and obviously was aware of the waif's skill set.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
I'm disappointed in Arya. I thought she would have been on guard for an attack like that. She had to know she would be targeted, and obviously was aware of the waif's skill set.

Come on smurphy, it was an old lady, only natural to let your guard down for 3 seconds. Although I do agree she should have had her needle with her, that was a bad error.

Her guard is up now though, she is walking through the streets bleeding to death and doesn't know who to trust because some on the street could be "wearing the faces". Although she doesn't have much choice now, she's in deep shit.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
She did that because she always hated Arya. Jaqen H'ghar told the waif to "not let her suffer" she did the complete opposite because she wanted Arya to suffer. She didn't want to kill Arya quick, she might get her wish though, things not looking good for Arya.

No, she's not stupid. Yes, make her suffer. No, not walk away and wait two minutes and not look at both sides of the bridge. She's like the hottest and greatest assasin to ever walk the land. She's not gonna stab somebody and then run away when they go in the water. She'd wait and look at both sides.

Did I mention fuck Arya and the starks. More Bolton please.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Arya is a fighter, she'll get her revenge on the waif, just watch.



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Seems like Gendry should be coming back soon. He's taken 2.5 seasons off so far.

Gendry is only one left with Baratheon blood within him, nobody knows where he is though. Maybe he's hanging out with Arya's Direwolf Nymeria:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
Watched last episode again today:

Hounds survival story could have been longer and better
and how in the hell he didn't hear all that killing ?
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