Episode 54 "Book of the Stranger" May 15th
Mother of Dragons is back Motherfuckers, she fucked some shit up:com

o not, I repeat, do not fuck with Daenerys Targaryen:scared
- Jorah and Daario go on a rescue mission to save Daenerys, they get to Daenerys but no way they will be able to get her out of Vaes Dothrak by themselves. Daenerys tells them she has a plan, and wew baby did she have a fucking plan!
- Daenerys confronts the gathered Khals in the temple, and basically tells they are little bitches! She brings up her man Khal Drogo and how he was bad ass and would be ashamed of the current Khals. Well that sure as fuck didn't go over well with the leadership. The leader Khal Moro starts telling her she is going to get gang raped and even fucked by horses, ouch! Well.......Daenerys had set a trap, she goes all pyro and burns all of the Khals to death, yep, Mother of Dragons fucked some shit up:scared After killing the entire leadership, she walks through the flames buck naked and the entire Dothraki tribe bow down to Daenerys. Khal Drogo would be so proud of her.
Note: Do not piss Daenerys off when she is around fire, just don't.
- At the Wall we see that Jon Snow has had enough of fighting, dude is burned out, he's just had enough, can't really blame him. Then, finally the good guys catch a break, Sansa arrives...Wooo hooo! More on Jon and Sansa later.
- Davos and Melisandre are having a talk, Davos asks "What happened to Shireen?" But before we get an answer Brienne buds into the conversation, fuck! It looked like Melisandre was going to confess she burned Shireen to death, but before she could, Brienne stepped in, dammit
-Brienne informs Fire Bitch and Davos that she killed Stannis and that Stannis admitted to using dark magic to assassinate Renly. She warns Davos and Melisandre that even though she has gotten her vengeance, she does not forget or forgive Davos and Melisandre for their roles in Renly's death....AWKWARD! Pretty sure Fire Bitch won't be going bowling with Brienne anytime soon.
- A UPS package arrives for Jon at Castle Black....it is from the huge prick Ramsay. In the message, Ramsay boasts to Jon that he has Rickon in the Winterfell dungeon, and demands the return of Sansa or he will lead his army to Castle Black and kill every Wildling he comes across. He says he will brutally torture and kill both Rickon and Sansa while forcing Jon to watch. Well this news convinces Jon to fuck some shit up, Jon is back people, he is fucking back:bigun:
- Jon is off to Winterfell with Sansa, it is time to go home and it is time to kill some Bolton's.
- My girl Osha tries her best to kill Ramsay, she comes close, very close, but she did not know that Theon told Ramsay that she helped Rickon escape. Osha tried her best to seduce Ramsay but she had no chance because Ramsay already knew she was loyal to the Stark's. Osha almost killed Ramsay but Ramsay was one step ahead of her and stabbed her in the throat, fuck! I will miss Osha, I liked that girl
- Littlefinger returns to the Eyrie and does some solid mind fucking, he convinces Robin to send the knights of the Vale to protect Sansa, classic Littlefinger right there.
- Despite Grey Worm and Missandei's objections, Tyrion arranges a diplomatic meeting with the Masters of Slaver's Bay. Tyrion pulls a Donald Trump and makes a great deal, he wants to make "Meereen great again". He pulls off a deal, but he might be the one that got screwed over, we shall see. Grey Worm and Missandei are not happy with the deal and warn him that the Masters will eventually betray him. Of course when Daenerys returns she'll probably just burn the Masters to death and the deal Tyrion made will mean nothing.
- The High Sparrow takes Margaery to see Loras, well Loras isn't doing well at all. He is starting to break under the Sparrows' torture, and is willing to do anything to convince the Sparrows to set them free. Not looking good for the brother and sister.
- Cersei meets with her son Tommen over how to deal with the High Sparrow. Tommen tells his mom that Margaery's walk of atonement will happen soon. Cersei relays the information to Tyrells and Kevan Lannister, smart move by Cersei, very smart. This news convinces The Tyrells to commit their army to battle the Sparrows. It is on:firing:
- Theon returns to the Iron Islands and reunites with Yara, and man does Theon look like shit, the dude needs a bubble bath. Yara asks Theon why he came back to the Iron Islands, suspecting that he is trying to take advantage of their father's death to seize the throne, but he tells her that he will help her at the Kingsmoot. Yara seems to accept what Theon says. Hopefully Yara lets Theon take a bubble bath, the dude deserves it.