Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
He's alive:00hour

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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Need more Smalljon Umber. Guy was great.

GOT really dropped the ball and caved in the casting of young Ned Stark. Terrible decision to use Doogie Howser. Very distracting and there was just no need for it. 1000s of actors could have played it just as well and they should continue with relative unknown actors. Instead of enjoying the scene where we learn Ned almost died and lied about it all I kept thinking is why is Doogie Howser on GOT. Just stupid.

And when was the last time we saw this last Stark brother. It had to be a few seasons ago right? Forgot all about him.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
And when was the last time we saw this last Stark brother. It had to be a few seasons ago right? Forgot all about him.

The last time we saw Rickon Stark was in Season 3 when Bran sends Osha, Shaggydog, and Rickon to the Last Hearth (House Umber). We find out in the most recent episode they made it to House Umber but that was obviously a bad decision. Smalljon Umber ends up killing Shaggydog and delivering Osha and Rickon to Ramsay.

Oh and Doogie rules.


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
Looks like Jon Snow is going to take over the North and conquer everything, maybe team up with the dragon queen?


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 54 "Book of the Stranger" May 15th

Mother of Dragons is back Motherfuckers, she fucked some shit up:com:Do not, I repeat, do not fuck with Daenerys Targaryen:scared

- Jorah and Daario go on a rescue mission to save Daenerys, they get to Daenerys but no way they will be able to get her out of Vaes Dothrak by themselves. Daenerys tells them she has a plan, and wew baby did she have a fucking plan!

- Daenerys confronts the gathered Khals in the temple, and basically tells they are little bitches! She brings up her man Khal Drogo and how he was bad ass and would be ashamed of the current Khals. Well that sure as fuck didn't go over well with the leadership. The leader Khal Moro starts telling her she is going to get gang raped and even fucked by horses, ouch! Well.......Daenerys had set a trap, she goes all pyro and burns all of the Khals to death, yep, Mother of Dragons fucked some shit up:scared After killing the entire leadership, she walks through the flames buck naked and the entire Dothraki tribe bow down to Daenerys. Khal Drogo would be so proud of her.

Note: Do not piss Daenerys off when she is around fire, just don't.

- At the Wall we see that Jon Snow has had enough of fighting, dude is burned out, he's just had enough, can't really blame him. Then, finally the good guys catch a break, Sansa arrives...Wooo hooo! More on Jon and Sansa later.

- Davos and Melisandre are having a talk, Davos asks "What happened to Shireen?" But before we get an answer Brienne buds into the conversation, fuck! It looked like Melisandre was going to confess she burned Shireen to death, but before she could, Brienne stepped in, dammit:mad:

-Brienne informs Fire Bitch and Davos that she killed Stannis and that Stannis admitted to using dark magic to assassinate Renly. She warns Davos and Melisandre that even though she has gotten her vengeance, she does not forget or forgive Davos and Melisandre for their roles in Renly's death....AWKWARD! Pretty sure Fire Bitch won't be going bowling with Brienne anytime soon.

- A UPS package arrives for Jon at Castle is from the huge prick Ramsay. In the message, Ramsay boasts to Jon that he has Rickon in the Winterfell dungeon, and demands the return of Sansa or he will lead his army to Castle Black and kill every Wildling he comes across. He says he will brutally torture and kill both Rickon and Sansa while forcing Jon to watch. Well this news convinces Jon to fuck some shit up, Jon is back people, he is fucking back:bigun:

- Jon is off to Winterfell with Sansa, it is time to go home and it is time to kill some Bolton's.

- My girl Osha tries her best to kill Ramsay, she comes close, very close, but she did not know that Theon told Ramsay that she helped Rickon escape. Osha tried her best to seduce Ramsay but she had no chance because Ramsay already knew she was loyal to the Stark's. Osha almost killed Ramsay but Ramsay was one step ahead of her and stabbed her in the throat, fuck! I will miss Osha, I liked that girl:cry:

- Littlefinger returns to the Eyrie and does some solid mind fucking, he convinces Robin to send the knights of the Vale to protect Sansa, classic Littlefinger right there.

- Despite Grey Worm and Missandei's objections, Tyrion arranges a diplomatic meeting with the Masters of Slaver's Bay. Tyrion pulls a Donald Trump and makes a great deal, he wants to make "Meereen great again". He pulls off a deal, but he might be the one that got screwed over, we shall see. Grey Worm and Missandei are not happy with the deal and warn him that the Masters will eventually betray him. Of course when Daenerys returns she'll probably just burn the Masters to death and the deal Tyrion made will mean nothing.

- The High Sparrow takes Margaery to see Loras, well Loras isn't doing well at all. He is starting to break under the Sparrows' torture, and is willing to do anything to convince the Sparrows to set them free. Not looking good for the brother and sister.

- Cersei meets with her son Tommen over how to deal with the High Sparrow. Tommen tells his mom that Margaery's walk of atonement will happen soon. Cersei relays the information to Tyrells and Kevan Lannister, smart move by Cersei, very smart. This news convinces The Tyrells to commit their army to battle the Sparrows. It is on:firing:

- Theon returns to the Iron Islands and reunites with Yara, and man does Theon look like shit, the dude needs a bubble bath. Yara asks Theon why he came back to the Iron Islands, suspecting that he is trying to take advantage of their father's death to seize the throne, but he tells her that he will help her at the Kingsmoot. Yara seems to accept what Theon says. Hopefully Yara lets Theon take a bubble bath, the dude deserves it.



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Really hope Ramsey wipes the floor with that bitch Jon Snow and his fat ugly half sister. I hope Rickon chokes on dicks for days and Jon is tortured and forced to watch. Sadly the writers dont have the guts for it.

Hopefully we get more Sam as well and he drops that stupid girl of his and hooks up with Daenerys to rule the kingdom.

That's how it should go down.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
Looks like Jon Snow is going to take over the North and conquer everything, maybe team up with the dragon queen?

There might be some Star warish moments coming up with those two... Based on what we have seen so far.

That letter to Jon came pretty quickly... and fits nicely on his plans...

Not a top 10 episode for sure, maybe somewhere bottom of top 50



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 55 "The Door" May 22nd

- Sansa finally gets a backbone and confronts Littlefinger, she let's Littlefinger have it, you go girl. Littlefinger gets lucky and Sansa lets him live, for once Littlefinger can't squirm his way out of things. He did let Sansa know that her great uncle, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, has retaken Riverrun, good info for Sansa to have.

- Jon, Davos and Sansa examine their odds of retaking Winterfell from the combined forces of the Boltons, Umbers and Karstarks. Jon and Sansa are confident that with the support of the smaller houses, and the Tullys of Riverrun, they will be able to defeat Ramsay. I ain't so sure about that but if Jon says so then it must be true. Just before everybody leaves Castle Black we see Tormund give Brienne "the fuck me eyes", Tormund wants her bad.

- Jorah reveals his greyscale (Westeros herpes) to Daenerys. He admits his love for her and begins to leave, but Daenerys emotionally orders him to find a cure and return to her so that he can be by her side when she conquers Westeros. The good news for Jorah is he is finally out of the "friend zone", the bad news, unless he gets to a CVS pharmacy quick, he's going to turn into a stone zombie. Things not looking good for Jorah. Daenerys, Daario and the Dothraki depart Vaes Dothrak and head back to Meereen, she's going to be a little pissed when she gets back, but she'll be happy to see her peeps Grey Worm and Missandei.

- Tyrion summons the red priestess Kinvara who says that she believes that Daenerys is the chosen one of the Lord of Light. Ok ummm.....seriously another "Lord of Light Fire Bitch"? I mean come on, not another one. Varys throws some shade on Kinvara with his "Don't give me that chosen one bullshit" or "Get the fuck outta here with that shit bitch" but Kinvara silences Varys by recounting how he was castrated. Yep she pulled the "you have no dick so shut up and respect the Lord of Light" bullshit. Of course Kinvara is sure Daenerys is the chosen one, yep ok whatever bitch.

- Arya as usual continues to spar with the Waif, and continues to get beat up, but hey she doesn't give up, why? Because she is Arya that's why. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya another assignment, warning her that she will not be given a third chance. In other words if Arya tries to cross somebody else off her list without the ok from Jaqen H'ghar then she's on the wall of shame and never coming off. Arya observes her target, an actress performing in a play recounting the death of Robert Baratheon and the execution of her dad Eddard Stark. Back at the House of Black and White, Arya questions Jaqen about the nature of her target, suspecting a rival actress has taken out the contract, but Jaqen scolds her, reminding her that servants do not ask questions. Arya shuts up and doesn't say another word, she doesn't want to go blind again.

- At the Kingsmoot, Yara makes her claim to the Salt Throne, well that goes poorly. Euron Greyjoy comes out of nowhere like he's on the set of Jerry Springer and drops a bombshell, he admits he killed his brother Balon. The crowd goes wild, he gets dipped in the ocean like he's fucking flipper, spits out some water and he's in. As the Ironmen declare Euron their king, Yara and Theon commandeer the entire Iron Fleet and get the fuck out of there. Not sure where they are going, maybe off to Jamaica for some time at Club Med, Theon could use a little rest and relaxation.

- Well we finally find out where the White Walker's came from. Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven get in their DeLorean fire up the flux capacitor and go on a trip. They observe a vision of the Children of The Forest creating the first White Walker by impaling a captured soldier with a dragonglass dagger. Bran then decides to take the DeLorean out for a drive without the Three-Eyed Raven, bad idea! He witnesses a massive army of wights led by the Night's King. The King can see Bran, Bran does not know this. Bran unknowingly gives the White Walkers a key to the cave and the tree, things go to shit.

- Bran's huge fuck up costs us another direwolf, fuck! Bran's direwolf Summer defends him and is killed by the wights. That now leaves us only two direwolves left alive, Ghost (Jon Snow) and Nymeria (Arya), dammit!

- Meera Reed and Bran are the only ones to survive the cave, even gentle Hodor gets killed, poor Hodor or should I say poor "hold the door".


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 56 "Blood of My Blood" May 29th

Ok it is now official.........Daenerys is ready to fuck shit up, if it wasn't official before it is official now. Sure some think Oprah is the most powerful women out there, nope you'd be wrong, it is Daenerys. She is going after those 7 kingdoms hard, watch the fuck out, here comes Daenerys :firing:

- Bran and Meera Reed are fleeing the wights, she's pulling Bran as far as she can, but she didn't drink any Gatorade so she taps out, she can't pull Bran any longer. The wights close in, it looks like another Stark is going to get killed, and then bam out of nowhere some dude on a horse pulls up and saves them!

- We find out that the man on the horse is none other then Benjen Stark, he is alive, well how about that, woooo hoo! We thought he died in Season 1, but Uncle Benjen explains that he was stabbed with an ice blade following a raiding party beyond the wall and left to die. He further explains how the Children of the Forest saved his life by impaling him with a piece of dragon glass. Finally some good news with a Stark, one actually lives, fuck yeah! Major error on Benjen part when he tells Bran that he needs to become the Three Eyed Raven, umm no we don't need that. Bran's brain is mush, the dude is having flashbacks like a strobe light at Studio 54 in 1978, I mean he needs to lay off the mind shit. One after another after another after another of flashbacks and time travel, enough is enough! Bran just needs to keep his eyes open and stay in the here and now, give the brain a little break, sheesh!

- Sam, along with Gilly and little Sam, arrive at the castle of House Tarly, nice place, a solid three star rating by, yep a very nice place. All seems to be going well until dinner time, the food looks tasty but the conversation not so much. It turns out Lord Randyll hates his son Sam and he's a giant dick. Gilly ain't standing for that shit and defends her man, well that was a bad idea. She fucks up and pretty much says "I am a Wildling hear me roar." Well ummm dad isn't a fan of Wildlings at all. And from that moment on dinner goes to shit.

- Lord Randyll tells Sam that he is to leave Horn Hill the following morning and never return, while Gilly and her baby can remain. Sam grows a big set of balls and says fuck that! He takes Gilly and her baby with him and gets the fuck out of there. But he doesn't leave empty handed, he takes his family's Valyrian steel sword Heartsbane with him. Sam doesn't give a fuck.

- Speaking of huge balls, how about my girl Arya for the SECOND TIME disobeying Jaqen, wew baby! Arya once again returns to watch the play featuring Lady Crane. She sneaks backstage during one of the acts and places poison in the rum that Lady Crane drinks from. At the last minute she stops Lady Crane from drinking her poisoned rum, yep, yep that is what she did. It is now officially on, yep Arya is fucked! Arya knows she is pretty much "dead Stark walking" so she goes and retrieves Needle from the spot she hid it before she entered the House of Black and White. Unknown to Arya, the Waif was watching her during her interactions with Lady Crane and then returns to tell Jaqen H'ghar how Arya blew the mission. Jaqen is upset with his star pupil but he's had enough. The Waif then tells Jaqen that he promised to let her kill Arya and Jaqen says "to not let her suffer", well gee that was nice of him. Arya now has to deal with The Waif, it ain't looking good.

Please note.....if Arya dies I will have a full on psychotic break and will have to be committed, I simply will not be able to handle an Arya death. Arya can not die, I repeat she can not die. I won't be able to handle that.

- At The Twins, Walder Frey (otherwise known as the worst wedding planner ever) receives word that Riverrun is lost, taken by Brynden Tully. He is like "what the fuck are you talking about?" He is flabbergasted, regretting that the Blackfish escaped from the Red Wedding and evaded his soldiers (pretty much the only one to escape by the way, not even the direwolf got out alive!). Walder demands that the Tully stronghold be taken back, refusing to be humiliated by not being able to hold a single castle. In other words he is pissed off, nope not happy at all. Walder Frey does have an advantage in his efforts to overthrow Brynden Tully, it turns out he has Edmure Tully as his prisoner (taken prisoner at the Red Wedding). Walder jokingly tells Edmure not to worry as he is going home, what a dick.

- Daenerys discusses with Daario how many ships she will need to cross the narrow sea with the Dothraki, the Unsullied and the Second Sons. He says at least one thousand, this doesn't seem to phase her, it turns out she has a ton of gift cards from Home Depot and has 9000 North Pole Elves on retainer, thus the ships should be built in no time. As I said, Daenerys is on point, totally on fucking point.

- In King's Landing, Jaime Lannister attempts to rescue Queen Margaery, but learns that King Tommen has united the faith and the crown. Yep, guess who has done it again, the High Sparrow strikes again and mind fucks everybody, man he's good. He has totally played everybody in King's Landing, just totally owning them. Not sure what the fuck is up with Margaery Tyrell though? Her speech to Tommen had my baffled, what was up with that? I mean did the High Sparrow turn her as well? I think that was just an act, it seems the only one that doesn't fall for the jedi mind trick High Sparrow talk is Margaery Tyrell, but hey maybe he broke her as well? Put Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in a room with the High Sparrow, come back in an hour and you'd see Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi blowing him.

Arya's has decided to return to being a Stark, she is no longer "a girl with no name", all about the Stark's now, fuck yeah:0058
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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Margerie and Daenerys should just join forces, kill everyone, and live the full lesbian lifestyle for all to see.

Also, I hope the waif makes Arya suffer for days on end. And then kills her with Needle through the eyes.
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