Game Of Thrones - HBO


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Aug 16, 2002
i guess Tommen took "King's landing" slightly too literally ?

Other than that and time warping, decent season :0074


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
i guess Tommen took "King's landing" slightly too literally ?



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Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
Jon won't die any time soon. It is revealed in the last episode, all though speculated for a long time, that he is a Targaryen.

So he has Stark blood, that has abilities to warg as seen in Bran, and he has Targaryen blood which gives him the Dragon blood as well. Pretty powerful stuff. Making him possibly the most powerful in all of the lands.

Shit, totally forgot about the vision and missed what it meant:facepalm: You are right, going nowhere. There is so much going on, fuk!


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Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
As a non-reader and a self proclaimed literary imp, I have a few questions.

1- Are books like these a product of backward design or is there just an overall end in mind and improvise?

2- How much control does an author have on the adaptation to the large or small screen? I would imagine the tv series is at least a little different. I hear all the time how different movies are from the book and I have always wondered if authors are cool with that. I am sure it is just a contract thing but as a norm do they have any control?


Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001


As a non-reader and a self proclaimed literary imp, I have a few questions.

1- Are books like these a product of backward design or is there just an overall end in mind and improvise?

2- How much control does an author have on the adaptation to the large or small screen? I would imagine the tv series is at least a little different. I hear all the time how different movies are from the book and I have always wondered if authors are cool with that. I am sure it is just a contract thing but as a norm do they have any control?

Ok easy now....Lets just look forward to next season k?....:toast:


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Daenerys and cersi have fights until Daenerys wins kings landing. She then hooks up with John snow. Hence fire and ice. And then they fight the white walkers and Sam saves the day with something he learned.


Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001
I see this happening also

I see this happening also

Daenerys and cersi have fights until Daenerys wins kings landing. She then hooks up with John snow. Hence fire and ice. And then they fight the white walkers and Sam saves the day with something he learned.

The history of the family....( How could he much less anyone not want to get with her )....:SIB:toast:


Myth Legend
Forum Member
Apr 15, 2001


Wow!....I loved this season ( all of course )....But Wow! loved this season....K....that's all....


Registered User
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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
As a non-reader and a self proclaimed literary imp, I have a few questions.

1- Are books like these a product of backward design or is there just an overall end in mind and improvise?

2- How much control does an author have on the adaptation to the large or small screen? I would imagine the tv series is at least a little different. I hear all the time how different movies are from the book and I have always wondered if authors are cool with that. I am sure it is just a contract thing but as a norm do they have any control?

First - you don't have to worry about anyone spoiling anything. The dude (George RR Martin) is still writing them and the show is now well beyond where the books are storywise. I know that sounds incredibly strange (and it is) but it's true. He is on record as saying that he's told the show's producers the general story arc and the fate of the major characters but a lot of how you get from point A to point B is up to them. So the show has already diverged quite a bit from the books and that will only increase.

Which also partially answers your first question. I think it's a little bit of both. I think he knew either at the start or shortly after what was generally going to happen and has had to improvise a lot along the way. The dude sometimes takes 5-6 years to write a book and I don't think he does it to annoy his fans. So clearly there are a lot details he's had to figure out as he goes; word-smithing doesn't take that long. But there's also a lot of things that I'm confident were major pillars of the story and then he backed into how he'd get them to the pivotal points. The series is called A Song of Ice and Fire so I think he knew right from the start that Jon and Daenerys were probably THE two central characters. Because that's been such constant imagery throughout. Jon Snow - the only time that dude gets a break from freezing his ass off at Winterfell or the Wall is when he's freezing his ass off even more north of the Wall. And then Daenerys not only has the dragons but has spent the whole of her existence in searing desert heat. Those aren't things that happen as you go - that's what you do when you know exactly what you want to do with those characters.

For your 2nd question I think that most of the time they just sell the rights and that's it - the studio can do whatever they want. Authors' opinions on the result are all across the board - and not always what you'd expect. But in this case G RR Martin is actively involved, which makes sense since he was a tv writer before he became a novelist. He wrote one episode for each of the first 4 or 5 seasons. And really, really unprecedented thing here. The next book could come out and completely contradict something major that the show did (like maybe Jon Snow stays dead?) - leaving fans to forever bicker about what the "true" story is. Now I don't think that's going to happen; I just think it's very interesting that it could.


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
My predictions and questions for season 7:

I think the reason they had Lyanna whisper to young Ned instead of outright saying that Rhaegar was the father (even though it's obviously him) was so that next season there will be a big moment where Jon Snow is engulfed in flames and walks out of it Daenerys-style. And I'm guessing that Daenerys will be there to see it.

Sam will be responsible for sending out a raven that will arrive at a pivotal time. My guess is he figures out the secret of Valyrian steel or how to make dragonglass.

If I wanna get real wacky, I could imagine that it turns out that the Wall is partially made of dragonglass and so they start mining it to fight. Which works, except that they end up causing the collapse of the Wall, which is what actually was keeping the White Walkers out. Benjen hinted at something being in the Wall that didn't allow the dead to pass. Also explains why they haven't actually reached the Wall or attacked - they can't actually do anything unless the Wall somehow falls.

Arya definitely plays a very critical role. I know a lot of people think her storyline is lame and slow but I really think they spent a ton of time building her story and character and have very big plans for her. We're only just beginning to see the payoff. I think he knew a lot of awful things would have to happen on the road from being a lady of Winterfell to a master assasin for it to be believable.

Cersei starts to go ever more insane and with Daenerys at the gates wants to pull a Mad King and burn the mother down. Jaime is forced to kill her just as he did the Mad King.

Still no idea how Euron and the other Iron Born fit into this - my guess is they ultimately side with Cersei?

Don't know what Bran's ultimate purpose will be. Warg into one of the dragons that Jon eventually rides? Too cliche?

Think Brienne will be forced to kill Jaime at some point too - but maybe not till the following season.

Theon will eventually die trying to redeem himself.

Seems like the characters who are perpetually in danger either never die (Arya, Tyrion, Bran, Daenerys) or don't stay dead (Jon and the Hound) while the people who seem to have it all going for them immediately get gunned down (Joffrey, Tywin, Rob). So who are things starting to go well for? Hmm - I've got Sansa on my watch list.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
My predictions and questions for season 7:

I think the reason they had Lyanna whisper to young Ned instead of outright saying that Rhaegar was the father (even though it's obviously him) was so that next season there will be a big moment where Jon Snow is engulfed in flames and walks out of it Daenerys-style. And I'm guessing that Daenerys will be there to see it.

Sam will be responsible for sending out a raven that will arrive at a pivotal time. My guess is he figures out the secret of Valyrian steel or how to make dragonglass.

If I wanna get real wacky, I could imagine that it turns out that the Wall is partially made of dragonglass and so they start mining it to fight. Which works, except that they end up causing the collapse of the Wall, which is what actually was keeping the White Walkers out. Benjen hinted at something being in the Wall that didn't allow the dead to pass. Also explains why they haven't actually reached the Wall or attacked - they can't actually do anything unless the Wall somehow falls.

Arya definitely plays a very critical role. I know a lot of people think her storyline is lame and slow but I really think they spent a ton of time building her story and character and have very big plans for her. We're only just beginning to see the payoff. I think he knew a lot of awful things would have to happen on the road from being a lady of Winterfell to a master assasin for it to be believable.

Cersei starts to go ever more insane and with Daenerys at the gates wants to pull a Mad King and burn the mother down. Jaime is forced to kill her just as he did the Mad King.

Still no idea how Euron and the other Iron Born fit into this - my guess is they ultimately side with Cersei?

Don't know what Bran's ultimate purpose will be. Warg into one of the dragons that Jon eventually rides? Too cliche?

Think Brienne will be forced to kill Jaime at some point too - but maybe not till the following season.

Theon will eventually die trying to redeem himself.

Seems like the characters who are perpetually in danger either never die (Arya, Tyrion, Bran, Daenerys) or don't stay dead (Jon and the Hound) while the people who seem to have it all going for them immediately get gunned down (Joffrey, Tywin, Rob). So who are things starting to go well for? Hmm - I've got Sansa on my watch list.



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Forum Member
Nov 16, 1999
Remembe that Cersi told Littledick that if he brought her Sansa's head on a spike she would make him King of the North. Now that Jon is KOTN and Sansa has rebuff his advances, killing Sansa would be his plan B.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Remembe that Cersi told Littledick that if he brought her Sansa's head on a spike she would make him King of the North. Now that Jon is KOTN and Sansa has rebuff his advances, killing Sansa would be his plan B.

oh shit:scared


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Here's what I think will happen.

If u look at this author, and his past, he hates war. Look at the war of the 5 kings. Which of the 5 kings is still alive? None of them 😵

What sense does it make that the show ends with a john snow/dragon queen alliance and hookup to defeat the white walkers and live happily thereafter. Doesn't make any sense with this author and how he kills off so many people.

John Snow is the central character. He is the true good, the Jesus if u will (remember, Martin was very inspired by Tolkien), but Martin is not the Good vs evil sort of author.

I think maybe the white walkers aren't the true evil. They seem to need humanity and have had alliances with men (Craster). Maybe the white walkers built the wall? Saying giants helped construct it doesn't explain how it could possibly have been built. The white walkers can manipulate ice; why couldn't they have built it? If they wanted to go over/thru the wall, they could have long ago. Maybe they don't want to?

Anyway, John is the true good guy who can unite the people and forge a lasting PEACE. Think of Martin as a war hating, Vietnam draft dodging, hippie. He just wants cumbaya and everlasting peace. Why would his books be different? Why would this end in a big battle? Maybe the dragon queen is the evil one who will have to be defeated? Lots of questions. Looking forward to next season.

Thoughts? How about u, kickserv?


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Thoughts? How about u, kickserv?

Well it looks like there will be 80 episodes in total, but I don't think it will end after 80 episodes I think there will be a movie to wrap it all up. The amount of money that could be made from that movie would be enormous, can you imagine the hype if a the final episode was a movie, holy hell:scared

As for "Who will sit on the throne at the end?", well good luck guessing that, the show is crazy you never know what the fuck is going to happen:eek:

My guess........I think Arya and Sansa will be sitting on the Throne when all is said and done. Good will finally win out at the Stark family will be the ones in charge.

Also.....mark my words Arya will continue to kill people on her list and the very last one will be Cersei, she will take Cersei out. Oh and Samwell Tarly will save everybody, not sure how, but with all that reading he'll be doing he'll be the one that figures out a way to "save the day", again not sure how but Sam will come up huge.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Who knows what is in store?

Only this guy knows........


By the way David Benioff and D. B. Weiss don't have a clue how it is going to end either, the only one that truly knows is George R. R. Martin. In fact Martin has said that Benioff and Weiss don't even know yet how episodes 65-70 are going to play out, he's even keeping them in the dark. For episodes 40-60 David Benioff and D. B. Weiss have got to do pretty much what they want (of course need permission from Martin for "big stuff"), but in final 20 episodes Martin has gone on record that he's going to keep the final episodes a secret and have much more say as to how it will all play out. Bottom line you can't kill anybody off until Martin gives the ok, he's like a mob boss:142smilie

Martin knows how it will end, and he better not kill off Arya or I am coming for him:firing:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Epic reaction from Walder Frey Death Scene :lol:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Arya = the shit:box2::0058
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