Okay, I'll amend my opinion to this. I was disappointed in the finale as it relates to the excellent writing I'm used to seeing in the series. I definitely agree the series did, at times, get a bit slow in development. There were parts of the story I thought were going to be explored and they didn't make sense after the finale. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy them but for instance, what was the point of Arya doing the whole no faced man thing if she doesn't use that unique training and skill to simply sneak in to the red keep and kill Cersei? By all accounts of the show she could have easily done so, correct? So why spend an entire season of Arya training as the no face girl if it had nothing to do with the plot line? That's all. There were just little things I honestly thought were poorly done in the finale. Even little things like, how is it that the dire wolf Ghost still had fresh wounds and dried blood on his face some weeks after the battle and everyone else is all healed up and looking good? And how is it that the true heir to the throne suddenly has Reek status when the entire series is about the the rightful seat being on the iron throne?I have no problem with complaining, but going so far as calling any episode of G.O.T "flat out shit" is a bit much.
And I'll say it again, no matter what happened in the Series Finale, people would complain about it.
Ultimately it was an incredible show but I still feel that this season, more specifically, this episode was more about just getting it done in a hurry rather than the usual clever and thoughtful writing.
Okay, (sorry man I just keep remembering different little things that made me feel this way) what about Brienne writing in the history book. Isn't that the portly fellow Sam's only job? And how did Sam suddenly become a lord sitting at the head table while Tyrion and Jon are locked up? It's just hokey to me.
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