Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Jon Snow will go back north when it?s over and reunite with Ghost and the free folk to live out his days.

Let?s hear some predictions :0corn

If that's true I hope Ghost shits in Jon's bed and bites Jon's face for that total lack of a belly rub/cuddles/petting when he just left Ghost at the gates of Winterfell:cry:

As for predictions, I said in Season 3 Arya was going to run things and I am sticking to it:00hour

Note: It will be very interesting to see what happens to Dany after she went all apeshit.


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Aug 16, 2002
That Bran&dragon plan seems logical and "surprising". I think Tyrion dies in process of killing Dany off.

Jon & Sansa are like "hello" we can fuck now, and not like Lannisters or Targaryens. They will rule north and Genry south. Arya moves back to house of faces (or what ever).

The End


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
What a great way to end things, loved it, now that is how you do a Series Finale, well done Game of Thrones crew well done:0054

The greatest show in the history of television comes to an end, now what?



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 73 ......... May 19th ............ "The Iron Throne"

No recap, just tooooooooooo emotional for me to come to terms with the fact that the greatest tv show in history comes to an end. If I do a recap it will make it real, and nope I just can't do it, I just can't:cry:

I will say this though...........

Ghost gets a nice pet from Jon, hell yeah:0065:spotting::mj05:

Oh and one more thing you could have got Bran at 35-1 odds way back in Season 3, props to those that cashed that ticket:clap:
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Aug 16, 2002
well, decent (disneyish) way to wrap things up.

Thanks for the write ups Kick :0074

so, what next :0003


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
well, decent (disneyish) way to wrap things up.

Thanks for the write ups Kick :0074

1. I really can't think of a better way to wrap it all up, sure you could "knitpick" it here and there, but I think they did a fantastic job on the Finale. There have been some terrible Series Finales (Sopranos was terrible), thankfully Thrones delivered on the Finale.

2. You are welcome for the write ups, I will soon start a thread on Threes Company and will post some recaps in that post. This Jack Tripper dude is so close to banging Janet, so so close.

And oh yeah.........Ghost got some lovies from Jon:00hour


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
The finale was shit. A solid hour of people walking up and down stairs. Fucking stupid and lazy writing. I'm sorry but it was flat out shit. They mailed this entire season in. What a complete disappointment. Horrible

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
The finale was shit. A solid hour of people walking up and down stairs. Fucking stupid and lazy writing. I'm sorry but it was flat out shit. They mailed this entire season in. What a complete disappointment. Horrible

On the other side, but good luck with your play.

The Series Finale was extremely well done and the 73 Episodes of Thrones was the greatest thing television has ever seen:Yep:


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Finale predictions. Let?s go...

Bran is going to warg Drogon. It?s going to happen. He might even make him kill Dany/Unsullied/Dothraki if they get more out of control. He might make him take a nosedive into the earth to kill him. Anyway, he?s going to warg him in the finale.

Dany is obviously going to die. I think Jon snow will kill her.

If the Unsullied aren?t killed, they will go back to Essos and free the slaves after Dany is killed.

There will either be no iron throne, Gendry will rule.

Arya is going to be involved, but she?s over being a stone cold killer. I can?t figure out what she will do.

Jon Snow will go back north when it?s over and reunite with Ghost and the free folk to live out his days.

Sansa will be in charge of the north.

After bran wargs Drogon, he will meet with Sam and write the history of Westeros for future generations.

Let?s hear some predictions :0corn

Well now - hard to be closer than this. No direct warging into the dragon for Bran, although with his last line I think it was implied that he was going to try. Other than that, you were pretty close to dead on. ?No iron throne? - not sure if you meant it how it played out but you were literally correct. Well done!


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
On the other side, but good luck with your play.

The Series Finale was extremely well done and the 73 Episodes of Thrones was the greatest thing television has ever seen:Yep:

I?m somewhere in between FDC?s reaction and Kick?s - although definitely closer to Kick.

Every single season has followed the same pattern where the penultimate episode is where all the action happens and then the finale shows the fallout. This was right in line with that - although Dany dying is clearly more monumental than any other season finale has ever had. Which was fitting. But anyway I?m not on board with the whole ?it was a solid hour of people walking up and down stairs? criticism. I loved that this episode took its time, really slowed down, and provided the space for some great character interactions. It?s what has been sorely lacking in the rest of this season.

I think people?s reaction to the finale were almost direct carryovers from last week. If you either were holding out hope that there would be some sudden reversal or that they would explain all remaining questions or were just flamingly pissed (NPI) and ready to hate on it - you hated it. If you accepted that what happened last week happened - then things played out very logically from there and wrapped things up as well as they could be wrapped up.

Biggest complaint, as said before, was how horribly rushed everything was and with Dany in particular just did not give credit to her character. Spending the better part of a decade/70 episodes establishing exactly who she is only to do a 180 in the last 3 is just too fast. Similarly, Cersei has been THE principle villain for so long and for her to just be standing around for almost all the last season felt wrong.

I can almost guarantee that the whole Brienne/Jaime relationship will not happen in the books. Barely a point of doing it in the show. Why have him seemingly break with Cersei to go fight up north and get together with Brienne, only to have him immediately reverse and go back to Cersei to die? Makes a lot more sense if he just never leaves Cersei and stays with her until the end.

One thing I wondered is how they were going to keep up all the excitement for the books once people knew the ending. And in that way, I think rushing this last season was unintentionally brilliant. Because there was so little explained in terms of what a lot of these characters were thinking and motivated by - I?m more excited than ever to read them and find out. Now let?s just hope that?s not still another 5 years out.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
although definitely closer to Kick.

That is because kickserv is awesome:00hour

And to those complaining about the Series Finale, you would complain no matter what happened. When you are dealing with the greatest tv show ever, people always find something to bitch about.

I thought the Series finale was well done, bravo I say, bravo:0054

And remember Game of Thrones was 73 episodes of awesomeness, you want to criticize here and there so be it, but to call any episode terrible or any season shit is just silly. The show constantly delivered episode after episode year after year.

There will never be another show like it, that is for sure.

Thanks HBO for bringing this series to the masses, it was awesome:0054


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
That's fine, Kickserv, I don't disagree that it was a fabulous series. I just think the finale was lazy. They could have done the entire show in 3 minutes. How long do we have to watch Tyrian wobble around the ruins over and over. Then we see Arya, wander around, then Jon, I'm sorry I think it's lazy writing. I thought it was rushed and had an awful lot of time filler. What was the crap with Brienne writing about Jaime... stupid... the guy was a killer and a pos. Cersei the same, but suddenly Tyrian is all broken up about them?
Join is the heir to the throne and you're telling me Sansa, Arya, and Bran are going to keep him locked up for weeks because Grey Worm is upside down on women? Gimme a break.
I heard the line about letting him go will start a war and so would killing him. That's how stupid this episode was. The unsullied troops were devastated in the previous episode, the dothraki were killed by the night king and now suddenly they're on equal ground with the king and the armies of the seven kingdoms and the wildlings? It was bullshit and lazy, completely rushed. That's my opinion. It doesn't mean I dislike the series, just this episode and a few others this sassoon. 6 episodes to cover 2 epic ground wars and a couple naval battles and this season started with Jon considered King in the north? How many lines did Cersei have this season, 4? But it's all good brother, o actually fast forwarded through most of the stocking stuffer stuff anyway. I watched maybe 17 minutes and I didn't miss anything whatsoever. Just sayin.

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
And Kickserv, there's quite a difference in complaining and stating am opinion.
I haven't "found a reason to bitch about it" and I've watched since the first episode.

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
That's fine, Kickserv, I don't disagree that it was a fabulous series.

ok then, your all good now, I was going to ban you to the Night's Watch, but you may now travel Westeros at your leisure, no ban is in place.

Oh and I do find it a bit amusing to hear people say "it was rushed' when you can search throughout this thread about the writers "dragging things out". I mean how many times did we read sixfive saying "where are the Whitewalkers? Bring on the Whitewalkers god dammit":mj07:

It is a no win situation.



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
And Kickserv, there's quite a difference in complaining and stating am opinion.

I have no problem with complaining, but going so far as calling any episode of G.O.T "flat out shit" is a bit much.

And I'll say it again, no matter what happened in the Series Finale, people would complain about it.
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