Game Of Thrones - HBO


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Forum Member
May 26, 2002
I watched a YouTube video today that said ghost is in the episode 4 trailer. I guess he made it some way!

Those "sneak previews" can be misleading, ya never know with these G.O.T. writers, ya just never know. When I see Ghost by Jon's side then I'll believe it:mj23:


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
As long as I view this episode in terms of the cinematic rather than strategic decisions driving it - it really was an amazing spectacle and highly entertaining. For example - watching the Dothraki charge into the horde with swords aflame, then watching the lights get swallowed and extinguished almost instantly was a great moment of television. You get this little glimmer of false hope only to see it quashed almost immediately, and it does a fantastic job of taking the dread even higher than it already was. You can really feel it through the characters too. The way they keep cutting back to first person perspectives real low down. You're right in there with them as the noise in the blackness just builds towards them. And as long as I think about it that way, I love it. If, however, I spend more than 5 seconds thinking about who in the world would ever have come up with that as a plan- I am at a loss. You're defending a position against superior numbers. Since when does the smaller army just go blindly charging into the darkness before they've even seen the opposing force? I guess you could say the Dothraki were so keyed up with the flaming swords and the impending battle that they jumped the gun - but certainly didn't look like anyone was surprised and you would have expected Jon/Dany/or Brienne to say "no!" or "too soon!" or something to that effect if they were. No - just looked like that was the plan all along. A terrible, terrible plan.

I don't want to fixate on this moment and nitpick. This has just been kind of a recurring theme since the show went past the books a couple seasons back. I think that Martin has a crystal clear idea of who his characters are and he uses their decisions and reactions to drive the plot. Without that lodestone, it seems that the show runners decide first what needs to happen, and then they just have the characters do whatever is needed to support that. That's certainly not unusual for tv or movies - some are plot driven and some are character driven. It just feels strange to see this show essentially switch in the middle.

If you haven't checked out the "Inside the Episodes" series on YouTube, I would highly recommend it. The show runners spend ~10 minutes talking about the major scenes in each episode and provide context and what went into their decisions. This is the one about Episode 3. They talk about how they worried that doing over an hour of non-stop, full-fledged battle would eventually lose the viewer. Which is why halfway through we switch to Arya in stealth mode, and have more small battles in the claustrophobic setting inside the halls of Winterfell. And of course they are absolutely right - doing it that way kept it fresh while still maintaining the tension and excitement. It just felt false that you see thousands of wights literally pouring up and over the walls and yet inside the library there's just a couple of 'em, quietly shuffling around like Walking Dead extras.

Then there's the thing where absolutely everyone is getting slaughtered and dying by the hundreds, expect for these couple characters we like who can seemingly fight off unlimited wights indefinitely and we get to check in on them every 10 minutes as they are about to get overrun and yet no matter how many times we switch back to them they're still just "about to get overrun."

Again - I don't want to make it sound like I'm pissing on the episode. I really did like it a lot. I just feel like when (if) Martin ever gets around to writing this battle that it will all proceed in a much more logical and thoughtful way. But of course that's the beauty of literature.

Alright, enough of that. Some quicker thoughts.

Another thing that didn't seem to make sense, but that I think we WILL get an explanation for, is what the purpose of Bran jumping into all the 3-eyed ravens was all about. It didn't seem in any way to directly help - he could have been relaying information on where the Night King was and what he was doing but he didn't. Pure speculation, but my guess is something along the lines that the Night King can either also use the ravens or since he touched Bran he can now see what he sees. So Bran put his consciousness into the ravens and sent the ravens to where the Night King was so he couldn't get any extra information. Bran doesn't return to himself until the Night King is in the Godswoood with him. I feel like this might be how Arya was able to surprise him.

Good deaths for Jorah and Theon - both completing their redemptions. Edd and Beric - fine. Supporting characters who weren't without their moments but their time had past. Melisandre - pretty anti-climactic there. She has two contributions to the battle - neither of which really do much. Then her main contribution appears to be reminding Arya of the Braavos expression she learned from Syrio Florel - which somehow gives her the idea to head to the Godswood. I don't know - seemed a little forced. Kinds seems like that whole scene was there just because earlier in the series Melisandre said they'd meet again. But I know her death pleased Kick immensely, so I'll enjoy it just for that.

Kinda surprised we didn't see a recognizable Ned Stark wight in the crypt. Guess they thought it might be a bridge too far in fan service or pull people out of the moment.

The Arya moment was definitely awesome. It always felt like everything she had gone through was prepping her to have an extremely pivotal role in the end game, so nice to see that get paid off. With all my criticisms above, I will say that this moment really did feel like classic GoT subverting expectations with everyone expecting it would be Jon to rush in and have the big confrontation but no. It's Arya who gets to strike THE blow.

Might be wrong, but I'm not convinced there will be another giant battle. Blackwater Bay and the Battle of the Bastards have been the definitive human vs. human battles. Hardhome and Battle of Winterfell have been the definitive human vs. the dead battles. And after you win the unwinnable battle with the fate of humanity in the balance - how do you top that with another "regular" battle for the Throne? Seems like maybe there will be another Renly-like situation where we get to the eve of battle but something pivotal happens and it doesn't actually happen. Or maybe it will be like the capture of Jaime or Stannis's final battle where the action largely happens off-screen.

I guess I should stop now before I break the record for longest post of all-time.


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Oh - and I guarantee that Ghost is still alive. Summer and Ghost were by far the most significant of the direwolves and there is just no way they killed off Ghost off-screen without any mention. Only direwolf who truly died off-screen was Shaggy Dog, but him and Rickon were always kind of the leftover Starks anyway. Technically Grey Wind died off-screen but they showed him caged while Rob was at the wedding, so it was very very clear he was in danger. Last we see of Ghost is him running back away from the battle so we know he survived his initial charge. You think maybe he wandered off into the woods and ate some bad berries or something? There's just no way he's dead.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
As long as I view this episode in terms of the cinematic rather than strategic decisions driving it - it really was an amazing spectacle and highly entertaining. For example - watching the Dothraki charge into the horde with swords aflame, then watching the lights get swallowed and extinguished almost instantly was a great moment of television. You get this little glimmer of false hope only to see it quashed almost immediately, and it does a fantastic job of taking the dread even higher than it already was. You can really feel it through the characters too. The way they keep cutting back to first person perspectives real low down. You're right in there with them as the noise in the blackness just builds towards them. And as long as I think about it that way, I love it. If, however, I spend more than 5 seconds thinking about who in the world would ever have come up with that as a plan- I am at a loss. You're defending a position against superior numbers. Since when does the smaller army just go blindly charging into the darkness before they've even seen the opposing force? I guess you could say the Dothraki were so keyed up with the flaming swords and the impending battle that they jumped the gun - but certainly didn't look like anyone was surprised and you would have expected Jon/Dany/or Brienne to say "no!" or "too soon!" or something to that effect if they were. No - just looked like that was the plan all along. A terrible, terrible plan.

If you haven't checked out the "Inside the Episodes" series on YouTube, I would highly recommend it.

Another thing that didn't seem to make sense, but that I think we WILL get an explanation for, is what the purpose of Bran jumping into all the 3-eyed ravens was all about. It didn't seem in any way to directly help - he could have been relaying information on where the Night King was and what he was doing but he didn't.

But I know her death pleased Kick immensely, so I'll enjoy it just for that.

Kinda surprised we didn't see a recognizable Ned Stark wight in the crypt. Guess they thought it might be a bridge too far in fan service or pull people out of the moment.

The Arya moment was definitely awesome. It always felt like everything she had gone through was prepping her to have an extremely pivotal role in the end game, so nice to see that get paid off.

Great write up johnnyonthespot, good stuff:clap:

1. Yes not the best plan for the Dothraki to charge into the darkness, but remember many times we heard Robert Baratheon say "Only a fool would meet The Dothraki in an open field" but I guess the wights didn't get the memo on that:142smilie Although I will say if Khal Drogo was still alive he would have got the job done:SIB

2. I totally agree with you on your "Inside the Episodes" thoughts, every Game of Thrones fan should watch those videos.

3. Bran jumping into all the 3-eyed ravens and then really doing nothing with that info was odd. I mean maybe we will get an explanation but what was that all about anyway? I mean he tracked down the Night King but didn't tell anyone where he was at? That whole segment made zero sense.

4. I have been saying since Page 17 of this thread that Melisandre had to die, and she finally did, so that is all that matters:SIB #neverforgetshireen

5. I am glad they didn't do the "Ned Stark wight in the crypt" thing. For one it was what everybody expected, and two do we really know he is buried there? And three, he has no head, would be silly if they had him walking around with no head.

6. Arya rules:00hour



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Technically Grey Wind died off-screen

Well technically he died on screen, we heard him die, but we didn't see him die:(

And speaking of the direwolves.......Ned killing Lady might have been the saddest scene of the entire series:cry::cry::cry: I can't think of a sadder scene then that one, well maybe the Shireen death, that could also be number one.

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
I rewatched it again last night.

Few things...

1. I like how Theon tells his men "take your time and make every shot count", like if he didnt preface the fight at Godswoods with that speech, the camera would have panned over just to see one of his men shooting straight into the air or perhaps firing a few arrows at the tree for target practice. If I was there , I would have been like "No shit theon" and made him feel silly....... And how stupid is theon for charging at the night king looking like he is a pole vaulter. I am all for sacrificing yourself so that Bran can live...but use your head man.

2. Kick...I never thought about Ned not having a head
....would have been amazing seeing a headless ned running into the wall....but you are right....I would be shocked if he was actually buried there.....we know his head never made it back as Joffrey used it as a play toy to tease Sansa. And I doubt he wasted any time or effort of his or his men by hauling the body back to the Crypt of Winterfell

3. Gregor clegane is fucking awesome....after fighting for a while vs the dead, he decides he is done and retiring from his zombie fighting career, until Beric informs him that Arya is still in the fight and then The Hound is back at it. She asks him in episode S8E2, "why are you here, you never fight for anyone" , to which he replies "I fought for you, didnt I?" And arya is like yea true but I'm out because I'm not going to die with you and Beric.

4. How in the fuck do we not see a Jon Snow vs the Night King showdown.....I'm totally cool with Arya getting the fact I predicted it to my brother.....but Jon and him needed at least a few swings on eachother....perhaps after we see that Dany is unsuccessful in making him a corpse of a corpse, Jon chases him down and gets the best of him in some hand to hand combat... and once he knows Jon bested him, he chooses to summon the dead back to life ....because he knows Jon ain't fucking around

5. Jorah shouldnt be dead....I dont want to accept it....the only person who coulda bested him with steel was Sir Arthur Bayne but otherwise he is to much.....maybe a 2 handed Jamie could have gotten him....but anyways, fuck that. Kick I know what you are saying that he died serving the one purpose he desired, but man he already had his father dis-own him, Khaleesi embarrass him and kick his ass to the curb....get grey-scale....and have to live with the fact that Tyrion is the hand to, we later find out that Dany would have chose Jorah had she known she would re-unite with him, and ultimately that Jorah is in support of Tyrion remaining the hand....but still just one more blow to the ego....he already suffered enough ....I think that is why he was so endearing to fans.

6. Lastly, I cannot figure what size Army they have left....We know the darthraki are dead....I have to think most of the unsullied are as well as we saw Greyworm drop the hammer on the snare that closed the bridge when most of the entire unsullied army was still outside....(although there is still some left as they are who escort melisandre to the trench to light the fire)....we know all the Mormonts are dead....Jorah and Lyanna....I mean they still have 2 Dragons...and at least 12+ of the main characters which is probably enough to take Kings Landing, as again, they have 2 dragons...

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Aug 16, 2002
Wasn't Neds head returned to WF , not sure about rest of the body/bones ?

When NK was about to finish (?) Bran i was thinking that IF this is some parallel timeline dream of Bran. i'm done with this show. So, i'm kind of ok with Arya finish.

There was potential to do so much more in this episode_

-resuscitating dothrakis ( + Ghost ) and sent them back to WF

-Hodor and other characters "killed" by ww's

-crypt ww with large sword, why not Ned or some other known character

-Sansa committing suicide for nothing after 7? seasons

-A-list bodycount, now it was more like B-list

Picture was pretty dark at the times and it was hard to see WTF was going on.
edit here: watched it again today and PQ was good, fly+fire scenes were awesome

Somehow i have feeling that NK and whitewalkers aren't done yet... :shrug:
Last edited:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
addict having troubling accepting the death of Jorah (and you right Sir Arthur Bayne was the shit). I know how ya feel addict I am still not over the death of Shireen:cry:

Snafu saying the White Walkers are not done:scared

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Just watched for a 3rd time....

NK knew what he was doing in 2 instances

1. When his army is just getting to the walls to breach the castle, Jon is right there with his dragon and could light them up...instead, the NK kind of floats right above him, knowing jon will come for him instead which allowed his army to get inside unhindered

2. He had to know Jon would have bested him....he doesnt even entertain the thought of pulling his sword against him...he immediately goes to his undead army.


I dont think enough ppl know what a badass Arya is...hopefully Sir Davos and Bran tell the world what's up after witnessing it...

Theon is still dumb for charging him...

What is Jon doing towards the end...he is just standing in front of the Night Dragon screaming...bro it's a dragon.. that breathes death...come more prepared then that...

Also....after Dany comes to Jon's aide after he chases down the NK.... why wouldnt she take flight...instead she stays sitting on her Dragon, just sitting there watching him run away like a dog in heat ....that's why Jorah had to expose himself outside the wall ....I blame Dany....bitch! And jorah is such a fucking beast....he takes like 30 blows from the WW's and is still swinging...

But Jorah isnt dead...when Melisandre went outside at the end, right before she removed her pearl necklace, she saw him dying and let out a magic fart that brings him back to on it...

Or maybe he was just fucked up, and Dany is just crying because its over...not to mourn him...

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
I dont think enough ppl know what a badass Arya is...

They know..........

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Mall Food Court Game of Thrones Reaction:mj07:

"Melisandre magic fart":lol:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Arya Stark.........Not Today

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Just watched for a 3rd time....

What is Jon doing towards the end...he is just standing in front of the Night Dragon screaming...bro it's a dragon.. that breathes death...come more prepared then that...

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Ok...for some clarity on this

I just saw a clip where its explained that Jon isnt screaming sweet nothings at viseron the night dragon...

His character is actually being blocked by the dragon, so to help Arya sneak in, he distracts it, and then is screaming "go-go-go" to Arya to get to the NK

And then it shows Arya filming the clip where she ends the Night King...pretty amazing

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
My thought is Tyrian wil kill the Mountain shortly after the mountain kills or almost kills the hound who's protecting Arya who is trying to kill Searcy. Ultimately, I think Jamie Lannister steps aside and Briann kills Searcy.

Just a thought

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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
My bold predictions:

Cersei arrives and they end up agreeing that rather than war they will each send a champion to decide (i.e. what Jon proposed to Ramsay before the Battle of the Bastards) and that is how we will finally get Clegane Bowl. I further think the Hound will win but then Cersei will renege and say she's attacking anyway. Somehow it will come down to Brienne trying to kill Cersei and Jaime will step between them. But instead of defending her, he will turn around and kill Cersei.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 71 ......... May 5th ............ "The Last of the Starks"

Well fuck shit fuck, Missandei is beheaded, that ain't cool, nope that ain't cool at all! On the plus side Ghost is ok, but damn, why did innocent Missandei have to die like that, not cool man, not cool!

- The North burn the dead that died in the battle of all battles (gotta be on the safe side, you don't want em coming back, ya just never know). Jon then gives a speech about how they must keep the dead alive in their memories, yep yet again Jon shows why he is a true leader. I love the part where Jon is the one that burns Lyanna Mormont, she deserved Jon to do the deed and she got it!

- Daenerys mentions that Gendry is the true son of Robert Baratheon, and makes him Lord of Storms End. But all Gendry really cares about is some Arya action. Well it doesn't go so well for poor Gendry, Arya shoots him down, poor Gendry! Arya ain't the marrying type, she's got other things on her mind, yep Arya gotta finish that list!

- Jaime, Brienne, Tormund, Tyrion and Podrick play a drinking game, which results in Brienne leaving after Tyrion asks if Brienne if she is a virgin. It would have been nice if Tormund took her virginity, but nope Mr. golden hand Jamie decided to ride the Knight and give Brienne some lovin'

- Daenerys confronts Jon and tells him not to tell anyone about his parentage, she's begging hard, but Jon ain't going for it. Danny is not, I repeat NOT liking this whole "Jon is the rightful ruler" thing, nope she is not a fan of it at all!

- Daenerys wants to storm Kings Landing, but Sansa disagrees. And we are not talking about a minor disagreement here, we are talking a hardcore disagreement. Sansa gives Ms Dragon lady a cold hard stare, like when you tell your girlfriend/wife she looks fat, like that kind of stare! They decide that Jon and Ser Davos will take the Kings Road, while Daenerys and her fleet will sail to Dragonstone with Jaime remaining in Winterfell.

- Arya and Sansa tell Jon about their mistrust of Ms Dragon Lady. Bran then gets in his DeLorean time machine and lets the sisters in on the big secret.

- Bronn turns up to kill Jaime and Tyrion but they offer him Highgarden in exchange for their lives. Not sure how the fuck that is going to work out, but I guess we shall see. No way all three of those dudes live at the end, one of them will die.

- Arya joins The Hound on the way to Kings Landing, the two BFF's are back together, awesome, simply awesome!

- Brienne tells Jaime about what Cersei did and that night Jaime sneaks out to go to King's Landing despite Brienne begging him to stay. You just knew Jamie was going to head back, it was just a question of when.

- As Dany, her dragons and her fleet approach Dragonstone, they are attacked by Euron's ships, killing Rhaegal and capturing Missandei. Yep safe to say that little ride on the dragons went poorly. Dany now down to one dragon and super nice Missandei is captured.

- Varys tells Daenerys to not burn King's Landing and Tyrion convinces her to talk to Cersei first. Later, Varys admits to Tyrion he thinks Jon would be a better leader, but Tyrion remains loyal to Daenerys. Or to put it another way Dany is all power hungry and wants to fuck shit up, and Dany ain't listening to reason.

- Euron returns and reports of the death of Rhaegal and capture of Missandei. Cersei orders the gates of King's Landing remain open, intent on using the citizens as hostages to deter an all out assault on the city. Yep, vintage Cersei cunt bitch action, she's at it again. Oh and speaking of Euron, he thinks he got Cersei pregnant, whoops! I guess King's Landing doesn't have access to Maury Povich because that boy needs to hear "You Are Not The Father"!

- Daenerys, Tyrion and Grey Worm arrive at The Red Keep and both Cersei and Daenerys demand the other surrender, you know that ain't happening.

- Tyrion attempts to appeal to Cersei's humanity (good luck with that plan) and asks her to surrender for the sake of her child. However, Cersei refuses to back down and has Missandei beheaded in front of Dany and Grey Worm. Poor Missandei, one of the worst deaths in the shows history, top 10 for sure (Shireen number1), so sad, so very sad!

Note 1: Watch out for Grey Worm, he is going to go on a rampage. I know everybody is waiting for the big fight between The Hound and his brother. But now that Gregor Clegane cut Missandei's head off I hope we see Grey Worm take him out.

Note 2: I said way back in Season 4 that Arya was going to be the one to kill Cersei and I am sticking to that prediction. Jamie is going to play a role in that, but I think Arya will be the one to makes the kill.

And oh yeah glad to see Ghost will be ok, yes it sucked he had to leave Jon, but he'll live out his final days getting belly rubs from Tormund so it will be a good life for him! I would have liked if Ghost picked up his sister Nymeria before he took off with Tormund, but oh well. At least two of the direwolves survived so that's good! I will say this though, why the hell didn't Jon give Ghost a good hug before he left? I mean come on dude! Ghost has been with you since the beginning, have a nice "shake a paw" before you leave for fucks sake!
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Aug 16, 2002
"like when you tell your girlfriend/wife she looks fat"

been there done that ?


Two episodes to go... not many plots solved yet :shrug:

I guess we need GoT the Movie (three part three hour each LoTR-extended kind of movie) :shrug:
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