Game Of Thrones - HBO


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
"And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." - Maggy the Frog, to Cersei

She correctly predicted that all 3 of her children would die, so this would seem to nix any chance that Arya kills Cersei. Has to be Tyrion or Jaime. But also doesn't rule out the possibility of Jaime dying this episode, being turned into a white walker, and then killing her later. That would certainly also support what Bran said to Jaime, although I kind of interpreted his "what makes you think there will be an after" as speaking more generally about all of humanity - not Jaime specifically.

I'll give you one dude for sure who's dead this week: Beric Dondarrion. Dude's only real purpose was to bring the Hound back into the fold; kinda shocked he didn't die when Thoros did last season. Can't see him having any other role.

I think Tormund dies too - likely while saving Brienne. Although Brienne could be a goner too. Having Jaime asking to serve under her and then her finally getting knighted - man that just feels like they've tied everything up with her character arc doesn't it?

Kick, I think you're exactly right about the Night King. He's gonna show up in the crypt - not the godswood. Zombie Ned and possibly Lyanna? We shall see. Theon could definitely die too - his arc seems pretty complete as well. But he's protecting Bran so if the Night King indeed doesn't show up there it would seem there will be a lot of sitting around with nothing to do there.

The reaction to Arya having sex says something really disturbing about our culture. Watching her turn into a hardened killer and professional assasin, culminating in her calmly slitting Littlefinger's throat last season - the masses say yeah that's totally fine. Arya acting like an actual woman with sexual feelings- ewwwwwww that's yucky! I get that her transformation into a killer was well-earned over many seasons, while this was kind of out of the blue. But it's also a subtle callback to episode 1 when Robert Baratheon says to Ned - "we should join our houses." Of course, at the time he was referring to Sansa and Joffrey, but instead it's his bastard and Arya that actually happens. Yeah, they could have cut away from the scene earlier but other than some of Ramsay's more vicious acts, when has GoT ever shied away from showing things? And what did we see? Her bare ass and some side boob? Pretty tame by GoT standards.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Kick, I think you're exactly right about the Night King. He's gonna show up in the crypt - not the godswood. Zombie Ned and possibly Lyanna? We shall see. Theon could definitely die too - his arc seems pretty complete as well. But he's protecting Bran so if the Night King indeed doesn't show up there it would seem there will be a lot of sitting around with nothing to do there.

a subtle callback to episode 1 when Robert Baratheon says to Ned - "we should join our houses." Of course, at the time he was referring to Sansa and Joffrey, but instead it's his bastard and Arya that actually happens.

Yep, the Night King is the Einstein of the dead, he ain't fallen for that "Bran is bait" shit. You gotta come at that dude directly, he won't fall for the shady shit:142smilie

Wow great call on the "we should join our houses" quote, you went deep on that one, impressive:00x15

Oh and if johnnyonthespot is right with all his death predictions there will be no characters left for the final three episodes:mj07:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
My dream has always been for Bran to warg one of the dragons. Now that there's a zombie dragon and winter has come, this dream becomes potentially even better! ....I can't believe I'm saying these words:facepalm:


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
What if the Night King flies to King?s Landing and burns it all up, and then, goes to the red keep and raises Balerion as a skeleton dragon and rides it?

Cersei definitely getting killed by one of her brothers. Melisandre definitely getting killed willingly so she can give power to her killer. Beric getting killed for sure in episode three.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Arya motherfuckers:0065:00x30

Fuck Yeah:firing::firing::firing::firing::firing::firing:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 70 ......... April 28th ............ "The Long Night"

Well holy shitballs what an episode that was, my fucking hell does this show kick some serious ass!

- We start things off with everybody waiting for the dead to attack, but wait....... Melisandre arrives out of nowhere and ignites the swords of the Dothraki horde with fire.

- The Dothraki draws the first charge and is quickly annihilated in the dark, turns out the swords of fire didn't work very well.

- Eddison Tollett (the last of the night's watch) is killed saving Samwell Tarly, thought we were going to lose Sam, but we didn't!

- Using the dragons Rhaegal and Drogon, Jon and Daenerys, burn the advancing wights as the living begin retreating to the castle, protected by the remaining unsullied.

- At the Godswood, Bran wargs on a nearby flock of crows to GPS the Night King, yep we finally see where he's at. He's flying around on Viserion being a cocky little shit.

- Daenerys is all caught up in a major heep of dust and can't see shit. She is unable to light the defensive trench to delay the undead. Grey Worm steps up and the Unsullied protect Melisandre as she turns herself into a bic lighter and lights the trench. That stops the wights for a bit, but not for long.

- While defending the northern wall, Arya is doing her Chuck Norris impression and is fucking up the dead. But she is injured and chased off by a pack of wights. She is followed by Sandor Clegane and Beric Dondarrion. Beric sacrifices himself to let Arya and Clegane escape to Melisandre. But is Beric really dead, he might still be alive, ya never know with that dude. Remember Beric was on Arya's list, but he redeemed himself so clearly he's off the list now!

- The Night King uses his dragonfire to breach the north gate as a wight giant enters and attacks the Mormont banner. But you ain't going to get past the biggest bad ass in Westeros are ya, no you are not! Lyanna Mormont sacrifices herself and kills the giant, it sucks that she died, but she went out like a boss!

- The Night King gets caught all alone just outside the gates of Winterfell, Dany has him in her sights and lays down some fire on his didn't work, nope dragonfire does nothing.

- Jon runs to face him in combat, but the Night King summons all the dead with his "come at me bro" hand signal. The dead rise up, including those buried beneath the crypts.

- Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Varys, Gilly, Missandei and the civilians in the crypt look like they are goners, nope not looking good.

- Daenerys is dismounted from Drogon (Drogon barely survives being taken over by 100's of wights). She is surrounded by the dead, it looks like Dany is about to get turned into zombie food but she is rescued by Jorah Mormont. Jorah dies defending her, and that is the way he wanted to go out. Well done Jorah, well done!

- Theon is on full redemption duty, he's in full protection mode and just protecting Bran like a Trojan condom, full protection! Bran tells Theon he's a good boy, and his redemption is complete.

- The Night King finally arrives at the Godswood for Bran. Theon goes full on pole vault run at The Night King, but remember that The Night King is an Olympic champion so he's seen that run before, he kills Theon without breaking a sweat.

- It looks like all of Westeros is completely fucked, yep it looks bad, real bad. Like we are about to watch everybody die, like friggen everybody! I myself am thinking, are we going to watch everybody die except for Cersei?

The Night King prepares to kill Bran............and then...........

Arya ambushes him from the dark!

He manages to catch her by her throat, but she drops the dagger to her other hand and stabs him with her Valyrian steel dagger, FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!

- The Night King's death also kills his host of wights and White Walkers, yep Arya saved everybody, yep Arya is da shit!

- As the sun begins to rise on the horizon, Davos watches as Melisandre leaves the castle and wanders off into the snow. She removes her necklace, she begins to age rapidly and fades away. Shireen then comes back from the dead and shits on her face. Ok that part didn't happen but yep Shireen is happy she's dead!


Note 1: Ghost better be ok, can't lose another Direwolf, nope that ain't happening.

Note 2: That Valyrian steel dagger that Arya used to kill The Night King was given to her by Bran And Bran got that dagger from Littlefinger! That was the same dagger that was used by a would be assassin who tried to murder Bran in Season 1. It all comes full circle as they say!

Oh yeah Melisandre is finally dead, wooooo hoooo!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
"That Valyrian steel dagger that Arya used to kill The Night King was given to her by Bran And Bran got that dagger from Littlefinger! That was the same dagger that was used by a would be assassin who tried to murder Bran in Season 1. It all comes full circle as they say!"

and Arya killed LF with that same dagger :0008


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Nice recap as usual 👍

It looked to me like Sam died? The last we saw, he was covered with wights, Jon saw him, and he moved on. What about Jon?s dragon? Looked like he died too, but I guess not because it would have been a bigger scene. I think they are both just very injured, and after rewatching the trailer for next week, both dragons are in it.

No way ghost survived that horde, or maybe he did?

All the speculation, and we were never told who the Night King is. That?s ok though.

Now, on to Cersei.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
It looked to me like Sam died? The last we saw, he was covered with wights, Jon saw him, and he moved on. What about Jon?s dragon?

All the speculation, and we were never told who the Night King is.

Sam's ok, he had a rough go of it in the battle, but he pulled through. Dany and Dragons S3E7
Daenerys and her Dragons.

Drogon and Rhaegal are alive, but both took a beating, especially Drogon. Those two dragons need a nice whirlpool and a massage, perhaps a little vacation as well, yep they need some rest.

And something tells me we will find out who the Night King was.

RIP Lyanna Mormont:cry:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
No way ghost survived that horde, or maybe he did?

I am hoping he took off into the forest and hung out with his sister Nymeria. Hopefully we see Ghost again, he better not be dead. There are only two left, and if Ghost did perish that means only 1 of the 6 is still alive.

Lady: Adopted by Sansa Stark. Killed by Ned Stark in place of Nymeria for biting Joffrey.

Grey Wind: Adopted by Robb Stark. Killed by the Frey men during the Red Wedding.

Shaggydog: Adopted by Rickon Stark. Killed by the Umbers when they betrayed Rickon to Ramsay Bolton.

Summer: Adopted by Bran Stark. Killed by Wights at the Cave of the three-eyed raven.

Note: The killing of Lady was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in G.O.T. history, it is right up there with the the death of Shireen and of course the Red Wedding.:cry:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
At the end of the day (no pun intended) Night King went out like a bitch. He was wwaaayy too cocky. Had all the advantages and gave them up just to slowly step up to a cripple. He should have been a tougher kill, it should have required Bran warging his zombie dragon!


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I feel like that battle was the Miracle on Ice. ....But they still need to beat Finland for the gold.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
At the end of the day (no pun intended) Night King went out like a bitch. He was wwaaayy too cocky. Had all the advantages and gave them up just to slowly step up to a cripple.

Almost as cocky as Oberyn "the Viper" Martell was when he was fighting Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane in the "trial by combat".



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I am hoping he took off into the forest and hung out with his sister Nymeria. Hopefully we see Ghost again, he better not be dead. There are only two left, and if Ghost did perish that means only 1 of the 6 is still alive.

Lady: Adopted by Sansa Stark. Killed by Ned Stark in place of Nymeria for biting Joffrey.

Grey Wind: Adopted by Robb Stark. Killed by the Frey men during the Red Wedding.

Shaggydog: Adopted by Rickon Stark. Killed by the Umbers when they betrayed Rickon to Ramsay Bolton.

Summer: Adopted by Bran Stark. Killed by Wights at the Cave of the three-eyed raven.

Note: The killing of Lady was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in G.O.T. history, it is right up there with the the death of Shireen and of course the Red Wedding.:cry:

I watched a YouTube video today that said ghost is in the episode 4 trailer. I guess he made it some way!
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