Episode 72 ......... May 12th ............ "The Bells"
Ok it is official, Dany lost her shit!
-Varys is seen writing a letter about Jon Snow's true heritage. Varys is interrupted by a little girl Martha who is keeping a check on Daenerys, I might have missed it but I think he gave the letter to her and burned the other copy, not sure what happened there?
- Varys attempts to convince Jon to take the Iron Throne due to Daenerys's unstable state of mind following Missandei's death, but Jon refuses to betray Daenerys. And that ladies and gentleman was a bad error, wew baby was that a bad error from Jon, yep that was a doozy!
- Tyrion informs Daenerys of Varys' plot and witnesses his friend's execution, Vary's did have a nice parting shot with the "I hope I am wrong" comment, that was a nice
burn, ya see what I did there huh, yep rock solid pun if I do say so myself! Vary's did a lot of bad shit earlier on, but he turned it around and became a good dude. He stood up for what he thought was right, and it turns out he was bang on.
Quick recap.....Tyrion was wrong (again) Vary's was right!
- Tyrion meets with Jaime after learning he was caught (trying to sneak in to see his incest sister), telling him that he must convince Cersei to surrender while making arrangements for them to be smuggled to Pentos. Tyrion again trying to do the right thing but as we know that plan also went to shit!
- Both sides prepare for battle as Jaime infiltrates King's Landing at the same time Arya and Sandor slide right in. Daenerys arrives with Drogon and destroys both the Iron Fleet and the Golden Company, before breaching the walls and allowing her army to enter the city. You gotta hand it to Dany, she was flying like the Red Baron and had her GPS on fire (another pun). She used the sun to dive in and she flew low and fast to avoid the arrows. Some rock solid flying from the Dragon lady. Of course give credit to Drogon as well, he was flying with the expertise of the great Falkor (don't remember who that is, look it up!), yep Falkor would have been proud of that artistry in the air.
- The remaining Lannister forces see they are totally outmatched and surrender, and the battle is over and everybody gets a massage, a bowl of cocoa, and sleep in a nice warm bed.......
Oh wait.......fuck that shit!
Dany goes off her meds and goes full on Pulp Fiction/Chuck Norris/Rambo/Predator, yep she just goes full on bat shit Bill O'Reilly "we'll do it live" crazy!
- Dany proceeds to burn both soldiers and civilians alive while the allied army follows her lead and slaughters everybody in their path, oh shit!
- While Dany is going full on ape shit, Euron is having a little fight with Jamie. Euron clearly did not stop by Maury Povich show for an update. He still thinks he's the father of Cersei's baby. Jaime ends up kills Euron and heads to meet his sister.
- Sandor puts some sense into Arya and tells her to get the hell out of there, she listens.
- Ceersei tries to escape but is encountered by Sandor. The Mountain kills Qyburn. Cersei just says "excuse me" and walks down the stairs.
- The brother versus brother of all brother fights finally takes place. The Mountain looks like he's going to use the same move he used on the Viper and do some eye and skull crushing. But it doesn't work, Sandor gets what he always wanted, he got to kill his brother. Of course he died in the process, but he went out the way he wanted to go out!
- Jon gets everyone to fall back (finally!) An unconscious Arya (who is having a really bad time dealing with Dany and her dragon) wakes up to find everything in rubble. Arya tries to get the common folk to escape, it doesn't work. Arya is pissed off, like really really really pissed off. Like if you forget your wifes birthday kind of pissed off.
- Jaime and Cersei try to escape but they get trapped. Cersei says she wants her baby to live. Jaime tells her nothing else matters, only them, they die together. Cersei got lucky she should have got tortured and died a slow death for all she has done, yep she got lucky. I wish Arya was the one to kill her, but it didn't happen. Olenna Tyrell was right when she told Jamie that Cersei would be the death of him, yep she nailed that one!
- Arya encounters a horse and rides away, and Arya is not a happy camper.
Arya is going to have a long long long talk with Daenerys when she sees her at the next bowling night, a long long talk!
Oh and ummm pretty sure when Missandei said "Dracarys" before she got her head cut off she didn't mean to burn children:facepalm: