Episode 68 ......... April 14th ............ "Winterfell"
Well it is official, GOT is back:0001:0058
- We start things off with Daenerys arriving at Winterfell. Anybody notice the opening was the exact same thing as the very first episode. Meaning we see a little boy jockeying for a view between the legs of grown-ups, just like Arya did in the pilot when King Robert made his way into Winterfell. And then the camera pans over to Arya, gotta love how things have changed for Arya, she is not a little girl anymore.
- Daenerys ain't the only one arriving, we got everybody making their way in, even the dragons showed up! The Northerners ain't too happy about Ms Dragon lady showing up though, nope, not trusting her at all. They are not a fan.
- Jon gets to meet some of his peeps that he hasn't seen in forever, his meeting with Bran is a bit awkward, Mr mind fuck raven dude Bran doesn't exactly reach out and give him a hug. It would have been nice if Sansa gave Jon a heads up and let Jon know Bran ain't Bran anymore:142smilie
- The super bad ass Lyanna Mormont ain't impressed at all with Daenerys and gives Jon a bit of a tongue lashing for coming back to Winterfell with his side piece and no crown. Yep Lyanna not having it, no she is not!
- Daenerys and Jon ride the dragons, although I think Daenerys should have taken Sansa, that could have smoothed things over between the two, I mean who does not like a good dragon ride!
- Arya reunites with Jon, Gendry and the Hound, good for Arya finally meeting up with some peeps, she deserved that, you go girl!
- Speaking of meetings...... Samwell Tarly meets Daenerys and learns about the fate of his father and his brother, poor Sam, can't the dude catch a break
- Sam visits Jon at the crypts and reveals the true parentage of Jon, revealing him to be the true heir to the seven kingdoms. Jon doesn't seem to clue in that he's banging a relative, when he figures that out he might need to do some Ace Ventura soap and gum action:142smilie What is Jon going to do? I don't think Dany is going to step down, we may have some issues there.
- Mr no Penis Theon Greyjoy steps the fuck up and makes good on his promise to rescue his sister Yara, who gives him a semi-affectionate headbutt for abandoning her last season. He deserved that headbutt, yes, yes he did. Theon wants to return to the Starks, why? it?s a shot at the one thing he?s wanted for so long: Redemption. This is going to be the season Theon kicks some ass, watch out for Mr. no Penis!
- Euron bangs Cersei and wants to get her pregnant, little does he know there is another incest baby already taken up residency in her uterus.
- Qyburn approaches Bronn and gives him crossbow, instructing him to assassinate Tyrion and Jamie under Cersei's orders. And that is not just any crossbow, but the same one Tyrion used to kill Tywin. I doubt Bronn will use it, it seems he's a bit tired of all the Cersei shit.
- Tormund and Beric Dondarrian reach the castle of Last Hearth as they retreat back to Winterfell (they better hurry the fuck up and get there!). They encounter Dolorous Edd, who had evacuated the Night's Watch from Castle Black and is also retreating to Winterfell (smart move). They find its young lord Ned Umber nailed to a wall, confirming the Night King has already wiped out the Umbers. The wall has severed limbs attached to it in a spiral formation. The child wakes up as a wight, and Beric burns him with his flaming sword. I mean it wouldn't be Game of Thrones unless we had a kid set on fire! So, yep one castle down, many to go for "team dead". The Night King ain't fucking around!
- We end things with Jamie Lannister arriving at Winterfell, and he encounters Bran the cyborg, oh shit:scared
Oh and when Lyanna Mormont finds out Jon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, she's going to walk up to Dany and lay down the smack on Dany, yep she's going to lay it down!
More thoughts.......
This episode opened with a scene calling back to the pilot, and closes with a scene that takes us back to the very last scene of the pilot (when Jaime shoved Bran out the window). And speaking of Jamie, how is Daenerys going to treat Jaime? Remember Jaime murdered Dany's father! Yes he was a dick but it was still her father!