Gay & Gay How Long?


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I tend to lean in AR's direction--concerning rights but also bring into Dawgs issue on what it cost ave joe in increase in cost of insurance.--after all aids is a preventable disease for most part.
Rather than rant I decided to come up with solution that will let each side live with consequences of their convitions.
Since San Fran-New york--DC will follow decide to snub the law and the mayors seems to think this is cool here is my proposal.
Since actualarily insurances can rate premium on lifestyles--age-gender-smoking-obesity ect I propose each state and county make their own laws concerning this issue. The states that are against allow have their department of insurances allow companies operating in their state to put $10,000 maximum cap on aids benefits. Those that condone it would have no caps.
Results all these rouge states that think this is such good idea would have the entire population as residents and those that do not would have few. Each side would be happy and each would share in consequences of their decisions.
Can make one quarantee. Insurances co would pull all health coverage from those states and each state would have to set up their own coverage--much like wind in insurance in FLA coastal regions.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
DTB I dont know if that would work. The idea is not all bad but. We dont single folks out now OR do we? Maybe we do. Everytime my insurance goes up in Wisky. Im told Calf had a bad year with quakes and fire. The Mid West and South East had bad year with Tornadoes. And the East & Gulf cost had all those Hurricanes.
I believe we all pay.
We are starting to find out with cancer. The older part of US where the first Nuke Plants went in. And the water is so dam bad. The acid rain is ruining small lakes and forest. Rate of Cancer were told is higher. That and US Americans are getting fatter and its all of our faults. My insurance man calls it Sharing the Load. Said if not done that way. There would be areas in the country that could not take the real price increase. Or more folks would just drop it, and cause all of us to pay more anyway.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
We are already singled out and justly I would say. Its all about risk.
I smoke thus pay bout 30% higher health and 80% higher life premiums. Its my damn fault I am so stupid to not quit a known preventable health risk. I don't expect those that don't smoke to share the cost of my mistakes. I pay and hope I'll quit someday and salute those that don't smoke. Same goes for obesity-gender ect. Women live longer so statistically it is fair their life pemiums are less--on flip side they have female operations men don't and their health cost is somewhat higher. If you live in area where they burn their own neighborhoods every time they get pissed expect to pay higher premium if you can get coverage at all. It kind of ironic but they (the insurance companys) make you responsible for you actions and lifestyles.
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