It's not a product of environment, have you ever been around a gay child, a toddler?
Read B.F. Skinner's "Walden II" Quite the MIND FUCK of a book, and Skinner, in my opinion is an asshole.
Angelina Jolie is a "Switch Hitter" are her parents gay?
And what about all the other gay people in the world for that matter, are their parents gay that led to their "lifestyle"? Most gay people deep down will tell you they would rather not be gay and live a "normal" heterosexual lifestyle. Being gay is not a choice, it's not dictated by environment, not dictated if a young boy is at home with his mother and watches fashion shows on the E Network or other MIND WARPING CRAP.
Your religion is over riding your common sense and common decency to accept people for who they are. Get over yourself, get over "THE BOOK" you really need to relax and accept everyone, except the assholes, killers, rapists and child molestors of course and just hang out with everyone. I hate to say it or sound like I am taking a page from Barry's book, but people have been having "Beer Summits" for a long time before chuckle head did it.
I am a student of people and life. I go on anthropology projects all the time just to get to know more people. I get invited to parties all the time by my employees, two hispanics, born here, but they are a blast, I am the only white face there. I go to many different bars around town just to get out and meet people, I really don't care who they are, what the do, black, hispanic, gay, lesbian, whatever ? I want to know and understand people because how can I criticize or defend them with out really knowing them? DO you think Limbaugh. Beck or Savage goes outside their tight little circle and take off their hoods to do this ? NO ! they read off a script and press releases, they have interns put together the show for them ! They are so myopic and hateful and get so wound up I am suprised that their hearts, if they even have one, don't explode?
Step outside your circle Hedge, get out and know someone different. The "Fags" aren't always thinking about fucking you. Go in the bar, relax talk to people, if they hit on you tell them no thanks, it's just that simple. Don't get all riled up.