Halladay to Phillies/Lee to Mariners/Lackey to Red Sox

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
this deal was dumb they should kept lee to for at least the year then they would have had a great chance of bringing the trophy back.........they still need pitching(MAYBE GOOD OLE PETIE) like Krukie said what could Halladay do in the playoffs that lee didn't .............dumb dumb dumb if you ask me

Kruk is an idiot. In fact all those ESPN guys are morons except Law and maybe another one.

Bottom line is they still have a payroll to meet. They gave up Lee (9 million) and Toronto kicked in 6 million to help pay for Halladay. Plus they have Halladay locked up for a few more years.

I'm an M's fan though, so i'll take Lee for a year. The prospects the M's gave up were nothing special.


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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
the bottom line is does it make the team better I dont know how it does unless they kept lee they still need pitching...................the mariners have 2 good hurlers now thats one more than the Phillies and kruk maybe an idiot but there is NO WAY halladay could of done better then lee in the playoffs this year unless he pitched every game its common sense even a MORON like Kruk can see that

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
the bottom line is does it make the team better I dont know how it does unless they kept lee they still need pitching...................the mariners have 2 good hurlers now thats one more than the Phillies and kruk maybe an idiot but there is NO WAY halladay could of done better then lee in the playoffs this year unless he pitched every game its common sense even a MORON like Kruk can see that

Ohh yeah. That was last season. You know each season is different. :mj07:

rocky mountain

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Sep 24, 2005
the bottom line is does it make the team better I dont know how it does unless they kept lee they still need pitching...................the mariners have 2 good hurlers now thats one more than the Phillies and kruk maybe an idiot but there is NO WAY halladay could of done better then lee in the playoffs this year unless he pitched every game its common sense even a MORON like Kruk can see that
Believe me when I say I agree that everyone here in philly would have loved to have kept Lee. That being said 2 yrs ago our payroll was below 100 million, now we are at 140 million. You are coming from the richest city in the world perspective, who spends w-out limits to buy a championship. We are all envious. Would love to see the Phillies be able to do the same, and wish they would have foregone a profitable yr, to see lee-halliday combo win them another world series.


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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
I am just saying I don't see how this will help them do better then they did last year and I love the comment of "buying championships" this is not a shot at you but everyone says it and if this is the case I don't know why we haven't won every year for the last 10 years baseball is a funny kind of game..............look at the rays last year marlins in 2003 or the mets this year for that matter(on the other side of the spectrum) I just really don't see how the team is much better I think Halladay is great, but the Lee was Phenominal in the playoffs and they do still need pitching.................so do the Yanks for that matter pitching is what wins championships not money IMO you can never have enough..........................maybe if Hamels goes back to 2008 form then maybe it is a different story anyway I hope we meet again next year I can't wait for baseball again:toast:

rocky mountain

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Sep 24, 2005
I am just saying I don't see how this will help them do better then they did last year and I love the comment of "buying championships" this is not a shot at you but everyone says it and if this is the case I don't know why we haven't won every year for the last 10 years baseball is a funny kind of game..............look at the rays last year marlins in 2003 or the mets this year for that matter(on the other side of the spectrum) I just really don't see how the team is much better I think Halladay is great, but the Lee was Phenominal in the playoffs and they do still need pitching.................so do the Yanks for that matter pitching is what wins championships not money IMO you can never have enough..........................maybe if Hamels goes back to 2008 form then maybe it is a different story anyway I hope we meet again next year I can't wait for baseball again:toast:
There will always be exceptions in sports, obviuously the more you can spend securing the top players the better your chances will be to win. No sense for either of us wasting time on this old boring debate. Lee was bummed out , and apparently upset with his agent. He wanted to stay here and was blindsided when he was traded, after he asked for more years and money. His agent told him that the Phils would counter, and of course that didnt happen and now he is in exile. Hamels will be the key to their success, I didnt like they way he handled his adversity last year, like a spoiled brat. Halliday will pitch 1-4-7 in a seven game series, and I believe he is the best pitcher in baseball.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I love the comment of "buying championships" this is not a shot at you but everyone says it and if this is the case I don't know why we haven't won every year for the last 10 years baseball is a funny kind of game............

The Yankees do buy championships. Its the unlevel playing field that has ruined the game of baseball. The Yankees and other teams with huge payrolls can make many more mistakes than other teams. Just because you went almost a decade without a title just shows you what morons are running your team.


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
The yanks spent over 400 million dollars on three players last year to win a championship.

If that is not buying a championship I do not know what is.

However, I have no problems letting the yankees do it.

My problem is with teams that get the revenue sharing from teams like the yankees but do not put the money back into their teams.

The yanks by far outspend everyone and have one championship to show since 01.

The yanks do not have much depth in their system so they are going to continue to be the team that goes after the big ticket free agents.


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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
The Yankees do buy championships. Its the unlevel playing field that has ruined the game of baseball. The Yankees and other teams with huge payrolls can make many more mistakes than other teams. Just because you went almost a decade without a title just shows you what morons are running your team.

first off you really are a moron so the phillies bought one the year before because they had a higher payroll then the Tampa secondly why didnt they play the mets in the world series they had the 2nd highest payroll if this is true your team is definitely screwed next year and if they are buying them I am loving every minute of it the best part of it all is yanks have won every world series in the last 10 years because they out spend everyone come on have an argument the money doesnt hurt but it doesnt get a ring and dont be jealous either douche bag.............:142smilie


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Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
The yanks spent over 400 million dollars on three players last year to win a championship.

If that is not buying a championship I do not know what is.

However, I have no problems letting the yankees do it.

My problem is with teams that get the revenue sharing from teams like the yankees but do not put the money back into their teams.

The yanks by far outspend everyone and have one championship to show since 01.

The yanks do not have much depth in their system so they are going to continue to be the team that goes after the big ticket free agents.

I hope everyone else reads this these are very good points like the twins they don't spend or the pirates or the mariners those are the teams that I don't know how people root for............ the owners don't want to win they just want to make money.............when they started revenue sharing it was becasue of the yanks they make everyone money they made more money then 3 teams put together in 2003(I think thats the year)you can't fault the steinbrenners for wanting to win

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
first off you really are a moron so the phillies bought one the year before because they had a higher payroll then the Tampa secondly why didnt they play the mets in the world series they had the 2nd highest payroll if this is true your team is definitely screwed next year and if they are buying them I am loving every minute of it the best part of it all is yanks have won every world series in the last 10 years because they out spend everyone come on have an argument the money doesnt hurt but it doesnt get a ring and dont be jealous either douche bag.............:142smilie

Your lack of intelligence is staggering. If you don't understand the issue, its a good idea not to open your mouth.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I hope everyone else reads this these are very good points like the twins they don't spend or the pirates or the mariners those are the teams that I don't know how people root for............ the owners don't want to win they just want to make money.............when they started revenue sharing it was becasue of the yanks they make everyone money they made more money then 3 teams put together in 2003(I think thats the year)you can't fault the steinbrenners for wanting to win

Seattle has one of the highest payrolls around. They were 10th this year. Why don't you do some research before trying to make a point. It might add something to your posts in the future.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
first off you really are a moron so the phillies bought one the year before because they had a higher payroll then the Tampa secondly why didnt they play the mets in the world series they had the 2nd highest payroll if this is true your team is definitely screwed next year and if they are buying them I am loving every minute of it the best part of it all is yanks have won every world series in the last 10 years because they out spend everyone come on have an argument the money doesnt hurt but it doesnt get a ring and dont be jealous either douche bag.............:142smilie

P.S. Punctuation is overrated.


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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD

Money doesn't buy championships, but it sure as hell helps... I can understand the Yankees spending it though. They make it and they put back into the team.. Could you imagine the uproar if the Yankees sucked and the owner just lined his pockets? Back to the money thing.. You yourseld said that pitching wins championships, not money. Well we see that there are only a handful of teams that can afford top line 20 plus million dollar a year pitchers.. The Yanks are one of them.. Allso the Yanks are able to sign key players that other teams lose.. Its just a matter of time before the Yanks get Greinke too.

Let's put it this way... You say the Yanks don't buy the championship? So would you in fact say that the Yanks would of won without Sabathia, Burnett, and Texiera?? I think we all know the answer would be no. So the Yanks were lucky that they were all free agents last year otherwise they wouldn't of won.. Again I don't blame the Yankees for doing it but to say that they don't buy championships is absurd. There is a reason why they have made the playoffs every year except one in about 15 years? At first it was scouting but it sure as hell hasn't been lately.


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Forum Member
Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV
Your lack of intelligence is staggering. If you don't understand the issue, its a good idea not to open your mouth.

I have to say your argument is they buy championships then you say they haven't won very many rings in the last 10 years because morons are running the team.................which is it princess BTW I said seattle to get your panties in a bunch it worked............... come on what are you an edukator..... lack of intelligence nice try pumpkin:violin:
Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2003
Las Vegas,NV

Money doesn't buy championships, but it sure as hell helps... I can understand the Yankees spending it though. They make it and they put back into the team.. Could you imagine the uproar if the Yankees sucked and the owner just lined his pockets? Back to the money thing.. You yourseld said that pitching wins championships, not money. Well we see that there are only a handful of teams that can afford top line 20 plus million dollar a year pitchers.. The Yanks are one of them.. Allso the Yanks are able to sign key players that other teams lose.. Its just a matter of time before the Yanks get Greinke too.

Let's put it this way... You say the Yanks don't buy the championship? So would you in fact say that the Yanks would of won without Sabathia, Burnett, and Texiera?? I think we all know the answer would be no. So the Yanks were lucky that they were all free agents last year otherwise they wouldn't of won.. Again I don't blame the Yankees for doing it but to say that they don't buy championships is absurd. There is a reason why they have made the playoffs every year except one in about 15 years? At first it was scouting but it sure as hell hasn't been lately.

I totally understand that spending helps, but there are many factors in baseball besides the money that is all I am saying I wish money bought more championships to be honest with ya I am a yankee fan..............there are many arguments over the years that money does not buy a ring great example the new york yankees ...........it did work this year but it didn't work in years past.....that is all I am saying pitching is the most important factor if the yankees did not get CC and AJ the yankees would have done nothing this year.....I am a huge baseball fan and I just think that the argument is weak especailly with all of the examples over the years with a team that have not spent money like the yanks and made it to the world series but I do know it helps most of the teams that do spend get into the playoffs, I tell what they should not change in the playoffs is the first round short series....I think anything can happen in a short series and I actually hate it.....but I Think it is good for baseball

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I have to say your argument is they buy championships then you say they haven't won very many rings in the last 10 years because morons are running the team.................which is it princess BTW I said seattle to get your panties in a bunch it worked............... come on what are you an edukator..... lack of intelligence nice try pumpkin:violin:

The argument is that some teams have an unfair advantage that has ruined the sport. MLB is behind the NBA and the NFL. Not many people care about MLB anymore. The sport has a few teams that can win year after year. It doesn't have anything to do with how intelligent their GM is. Its based on money. Cashman is NOT a good GM.

The Yankees went to the playoffs 15 years in a row and missed it the next year and went out and spend over 100 million dollars. Its not a fair fight. A smartly run team like TB can compete but they cannot win at the highest level year after year. Its all about money. Wake up.

As for your comment about Seattle, I do believe that you don't have any idea what you are talking about. Nice try. You should research the facts and maybe use a period now and then to help you out.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Just to show you what a joke baseball is, the Yankees already have over 95 million tied up in their 2013 payroll. Fuck that is incredible. Thats more than 18 teams have spent in 2009.
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