Hey 65:
How is that thriving metropolis of Bowling Green? How'd UK do last night. I heard this collective groan from across the river about midnight last night. Have anything to do with the game?
With bball over whats there to do in ole KY. Go see an Ashley Judd movie. Well horse racin's commin up. Then, uh lets see, we got.....tobacco growin season. What a putz.
Texas BC6:
You do seem like a confused hick. You have what I call selective recall. Many of your fellow conservatives in power have the same affliction. The disease is defined as choosing facts or statments that support your predisposed belief system, ignore those that don't support such system, then Spin them. You are the pot calling the kettle black.
I am not the type of guy who uses my cut and paste button because I feel that such methodology creates long and boring posts. I will suggest to you that you go back and read the posts prior to my initial post on this thread. As you can see of the twelve posts the majority emanated from Texas, Cullman, I assume Kansas and Kentucky.
Some of the posts advocated various methods of killing Andrea Yates including, inter alia, needles, acid, and my favorite, throwing her into a woodchipper. Do I thing these brilliant ideas thought of by brilliant men were serious, no. But they do reflect on the mentality of such individuals.
Then of course comes that novel attack on lawyers in general. How we will get her off, celebrate with steak dinners, idiot judges and juries, lawyers playing on emotions, etc., etc., etc. (for our New York friends yada, yada, yada). Then comes the astute comments on how some lawyers will sue Andrea Yates doctors for malpractice and drive our good old health care costs up.
So Tex, I beg to differ with you that this "thread started out innocently enough...". The same old song and dance...blame it on the lawyers. And since your cozy group was in total agreement on this issue with the solitary exception as to the issue of how to off the bitch, I decided to add a different position, and I might add, a well-reasoned position that exposes your round-em-up, shoot-em-up mentality.
Ya know something, there is a pattern here. To find it, I think you outta look as your spin, with your circle jerk republican buddies. Ya see Tex, thats the lies, selective memory spin that I like to expose. As the old saying goes...."If the cowboy boot fits...."