How does this happen?

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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Hey Eddie....go back to your liberal hole and STAY THERE.

We have things called JUSTICE and personal RESPONSIBILITY that used to be foundations of our country. Unfortunately CRAZY people like you throw common sense 101 out the window and are running around BRAINWASHING people with your ideas.

What is really funny, is trying to come up with what you people are going to crusade against next!!! Currently, the hot movement from the left is trying to ban dodgeball in schools!!!!

Unbelievable!!! Whats next???

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Dr. Freeze:

Wow. Your replying to little ole me!!! The most anal, meanest man on this board who keeps track of everyones exact percentages and berates them if there off!!!! I am indeed honored.

Now lets see, Kansas right. No doubt of german or dutch descent. I am brainwashing people. Ya know, Iceman, I have a funny feeling but, I think us moderates are in the minority on this board. Seems to overtaken with you southern and bible belt midwestern types with them mom, apple pie and Chevrolet ideas.

Not quite sure what dodgeball has to do with anything but I thought I would add a breath of fresh air to the political issues that you right wing, republican hypocrites misconstrue. Too bad Clintons not in office give yall a bunch of stuff to bitch about.

Anyone have a problem with Bushie, Ley and the rest of the Enron connection. Naw, didn't think so. You all are quick to point out the negatives of those that you do not like but deny the negatives of fellow club members. I might change my position on the death penalty if Ley was facing it. Theres true evil.

Eddie, the logical.

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
I think you know good and damn well what it is!

I'll bet you are just sitting there behind your desk, hand on pecker ( Johnson to you ) laughing away at the blood you have began to boil in my veins! I'll bet you got your ass kicked alot in school too didn't you. Well let me let you in on a little secret, you have not only been knocking on me but a bunch of folks in here! I would almost bet my last nickel that there are people looking at this thread, reading all your little snide remarks, laughing there ass off at you for being such an dick and thinking about how your credibility in this forum has just about hit rock bottom! I do this everyday, I make jokes and try to get a laugh out of everbody in here, you on the other hand are just here to cause problems and piss people off! That is all I have ever seen out of you! nothing useful. I would almost bet that you are beantownjims illegitemate child and he is still searching for your companionship, go to him Eddie. He needs you he misses you. Go be asses together!

By the way you are avoiding my question, how did it taste smart ass!

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Man you are in the dark aren't you! He's a Dihk just like you who liked to start crap just like you and he got the boot just like I wish you would so I never have to see any of the nonsense you seem to spew with great velocity!

Damn don't know what a meth head is, don't know what a johnson is, don't know who beantownjim is, who were you calling uneducated? Education is not that degree on your wall it is also how you can demonstrate common sense and the ability to keep up with ones surroundings as they change!

Now you attacked Dr. Freeze! I'll bet you are probably gonna question his edgeumacation too aren't you? Go ahead and give it a shot. See how long you can pester him!

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I hope I don't get the boot. See, I'm learning a whole bunch of neat new things. I've learned that a meth head is someone who does illegal speed, a johnson is a schlonger and that BeantownJim is a dikh.

I'm not trying to pester anyone. I just want to add a little light where there is darkness. I want to bring a song into the hearts of my fellow posters. I want to dream that impossible dream. I want to climb every mountain.

I do have to go. I have a therapy appointment at 7:30 and Dr. Wasoof gets very upset if I am late. I hope I don't get booted and we can continue our discussion at a later date. I hope you are transferred to a northern state.

Respectfully submitted,


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
man I am so pissed

man I am so pissed

that I just now saw this thread again.......Hell yes I believe in the woodchipper for crazy people.....ifn we had a dun it rite we uns wouldn't be worryin none about the likes of you EDDIE.

hey dumbass, I was born and raised in Chicago, moved down here to buy a bigger house and cheaper cost of living, no state tax....I do very well for myself and I now live in Tx. Don't see how that has anything to do with your stupidass argument.....the death penalty to crazy people does not apply as she was found sane enough to stand trial...once verdict read the question of her sanity is null and void you idiot.....the sentence imposed does not reflect the mental stability of the defendant as that has already been ruled it is a question of does the punishment fit the crime and we both know that it doesn't.....Suprised you didn't realize this already you being a Big Shot Lawyer and all...if you are then you suck at it...cuz I am just a dumbass Texan that doesn't have teeth and I knew that.....another stated to Monk, "don't sound like much of a monk to me" you even know who Felonius Monk is or where the name came from..really I have to know....because I would have thought that Natural Selection and Evolution would have taken care of your blood line by now......have a nice day ...idiot


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
Dr. Freeze:

Wow. Your replying to little ole me!!! The most anal, meanest man on this board who keeps track of everyones exact percentages and berates them if there off!!!! I am indeed honored.

... and berates them if THEY'RE off!!!!

Are you getting rattled, Edward? Seems as if your spelling in regards to homonyms is suffering.

Sincerely yours,

I am SixFive, the Kentucky, grit eating, barefoot as I type, college educated, right wing, gun totin', hillbilly, God fearing redneck.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2002
saw a bit of the dog trail oncourt t.v.think they got what they deserved,igot 2 dogs they may lick ya to death, and one is as shepard,they also have acres to run on,not an elevator and apt.victom's of there envirment, or owners.i also think life is worse than worse than than death penalty ,life in jail is hell death is easy. crank and coke is why i can no lounger spell or type!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 10, 2000
Austin, TX
F. Monk - Regarding General Tso's Chicken at Magic Wok, that is one of my favorite Chinese dishes in Austin. Have you had the Crab Rangun?(sp?) I would recommend it.

Eddie - This thread started out innocently enough, with some different individuals expressing their views about a serious issue. But then, what happened? Let's take a look...

"Very interesting how many of you dolts live in Texas. What a shocker."
(We'll let that one slide, first offense)

"I can see you now, sittin on that ole bar stool with your jeans, cowboy boots, and ten gallon hat on sippin on a lone star. The crack of your fat ass hangin out of your jeans talkin bout high school chicks you banged."
(Typical misguided stereotype)

"For those of you from Texas, when I go sking in Colorado, why do I see a bunch of people with Colorado license plates who have bumper stickers on there cars stating "Texans Go Home". Ya don't see any with New Yorker go home or Ohioans go home, just Texans. I wonder why. Could it be that hillbilly, arrogant, LOUD, mentality of yours. Nah, were just jealous...P.S. Just because of you guys, I hope the Ducks cream you tonight."
(Now that's just mean...LOL)

"You sound half-way intelligent (which for me is a major compliment for someone from Texas)..."
(Are we seeing a pattern yet?)

"I really don't think the people of Colorado place Texans go Home bumper stickers on there cars because there are a lot of people from Texas traveling in Colorado. You and I both know why there on there bumpers. Because, in general, Texans are loud, obnoxious, hillbillies."
(Finally I get it, Eddie is clearly just trying to pester us Texans and other Southern "dolts")

"I'm not trying to pester anyone."
(Damn! I thought I had it figured out!):shrug:

Confused hick,

"Ya know I do have to say one good thing about the south, I love sleeping with southern women and they way they talk with that southern drawl gives me goose bumps all over my skinny Yankee ass."
(What is this, the f*cking Civil War?)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Morning Eddie. Comparing a women running a red light to methodically killing 5 of her children. That has got to be the ultimate of spin even from a liberal LOL
Manson,Bundy,Damlier and I could go on were all "mentally imbalanced". It is shame one does not have to be responsible and live by the standards they preach.
Here is my contribution in helping liberals and consevatives get along. Its a get what you preach method.

Rapists murders ect that are let free should only be allowed to kill and rape those that agree they should be set free once they are released back into society.The child molesters released should set up a day care center for their children as well.
Those that think the terrorist prisoners have "conditions to tough"
should be forced to watch how the brave people that have covered their protesting,draft dodging asses for decades were treated or killed as prisoners in addition they should put the ole ankle bracelet (home incarceration) and put 1/household in each's home that have never spent a day in the military yet whine like little bitches bout how we are treating those killing ours.Would be nice also if Bush sent each a draft notice and sent these word warriors into comat armed with only their chin music. I could go on endlessly but I am sure you get the "no spin" picture by now.You see there are those that walk the walk and those that talk the talk.
P.S. I still can't for the life of me believe you of all people are pro Clinton.He's taken any opp for you make any money on high dollar defenses when he's pardoning people on FBI's International Top 10 Most Wanted List.:)

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Hey 65:

How is that thriving metropolis of Bowling Green? How'd UK do last night. I heard this collective groan from across the river about midnight last night. Have anything to do with the game?

With bball over whats there to do in ole KY. Go see an Ashley Judd movie. Well horse racin's commin up. Then, uh lets see, we got.....tobacco growin season. What a putz.

Texas BC6:

You do seem like a confused hick. You have what I call selective recall. Many of your fellow conservatives in power have the same affliction. The disease is defined as choosing facts or statments that support your predisposed belief system, ignore those that don't support such system, then Spin them. You are the pot calling the kettle black.

I am not the type of guy who uses my cut and paste button because I feel that such methodology creates long and boring posts. I will suggest to you that you go back and read the posts prior to my initial post on this thread. As you can see of the twelve posts the majority emanated from Texas, Cullman, I assume Kansas and Kentucky.

Some of the posts advocated various methods of killing Andrea Yates including, inter alia, needles, acid, and my favorite, throwing her into a woodchipper. Do I thing these brilliant ideas thought of by brilliant men were serious, no. But they do reflect on the mentality of such individuals.

Then of course comes that novel attack on lawyers in general. How we will get her off, celebrate with steak dinners, idiot judges and juries, lawyers playing on emotions, etc., etc., etc. (for our New York friends yada, yada, yada). Then comes the astute comments on how some lawyers will sue Andrea Yates doctors for malpractice and drive our good old health care costs up.

So Tex, I beg to differ with you that this "thread started out innocently enough...". The same old song and dance...blame it on the lawyers. And since your cozy group was in total agreement on this issue with the solitary exception as to the issue of how to off the bitch, I decided to add a different position, and I might add, a well-reasoned position that exposes your round-em-up, shoot-em-up mentality.

Ya know something, there is a pattern here. To find it, I think you outta look as your spin, with your circle jerk republican buddies. Ya see Tex, thats the lies, selective memory spin that I like to expose. As the old saying goes...."If the cowboy boot fits...."

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