john edwards busted?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Yep, thats crying like a baby. Very sad for his wife. Yet another politician with no honor

c`mon wocky...a little ball bustin`s good for the soul....

and yes....a tragedy for that family.....what a burden on that poor woman....

thats what makes this so reprehensible...don`t feel the same about clinton,who for some reason seems the lovable rake....a character...(he`s a born swordsman...whattaya gonna do:shrug: ...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
The biggest story here is not so much infidelty but the liberal media trying to keep it under wraps--

Reticence of Mainstream Media Becomes a Story Itself

Published: August 8, 2008
For almost 10 months, the story of John Edwards?s affair remained the nearly exclusive province of the National Enquirer ? through reports, denials, news of a pregnancy, questions about paternity and, finally, a slapstick chase through a hotel in Beverly Hills.

Edwards Admits to Affair in 2006 (August 9, 2008)
Statements from John and Elizabeth Edwards (August 8, 2008) Political blogs, some cable networks and a few newspapers reported on it ? or, more accurately, reported on The Enquirer reporting on it. Jay Leno and David Letterman made Mr. Edwards the butt of jokes on their late-night shows, but their own networks declined to report on the rumors surrounding him on the evening news. Why?

A number of news organizations with resources far greater than The Enquirer?s, like The New York Times, say they looked into the Edwards matter and found nothing solid enough to report, while others did not look at all.

Some of their comments point to a lack of interest in a story about the private conduct of an also-ran presidential candidate, and a distaste for following the lead of a publication they hold in low esteem. Only in Mr. Edwards?s home state, North Carolina, did newspapers aggressively chase the story in the last few weeks.

On Friday, Phil Bronstein, the former editor of The San Francisco Chronicle, in his blog on that paper?s Web site, poked fun at the reticence of the mainstream media, ?picking at it with their noses held, as if looking for something valuable in a moldy dumpster.?

?On journalism sites, the finger-pointing, self-loathing, self-righteousness and tut-tutting was massive,? he wrote. ?Does anyone really think that a story splashed in the tabs and debated on blogs like a powerful fire backdraft is somehow not part of the public discourse??

The Enquirer first reported the affair in October, and it reported in December that the woman, Rielle Hunter, who had done video production work for the campaign, was pregnant and that Mr. Edwards was the father.

At the time, Mr. Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina, was still very much a presidential candidate, though polls showed him running a distant third for the Democratic nomination. He denied the allegations, and a campaign aide said he, not the candidate, was the father ? and Ms. Hunter agreed.

The Los Angeles Times published one brief item in October, focusing on Mr. Edwards?s denial of an affair. The New York Daily News wrote about it a few times over the months. But the three broadcast network newscasts, the three cable news networks, and most of the major newspapers and magazines did not say a word.

On July 22, the Enquirer said that one of its reporters had caught Mr. Edwards visiting the mother and child at the Beverly Hilton, and chased him through the hotel. The general media?s resistance started to crack then, and it began crumbling after The Enquirer, on Wednesday, published what it said were pictures of that hotel rendezvous, including a grainy photo showing what looked to be Mr. Edwards holding a baby.

Fox News Channel, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Miami Herald and the Web site of New York Magazine were among those that first mentioned The Enquirer reports in late July. MSNBC did so only back-handedly, by showing a clip of Mr. Letterman joking about it.

The Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer of Raleigh have each written about the matter several times over the last nine days, and a Los Angeles Times blog took it up.

But many news organizations ? including The New York Times ? weighed in only after ABC News announced on Friday that it had an interview with Mr. Edwards, in which he admitted the affair but denied paternity.

?These kinds of allegations fly around about just about every candidate,? said Leonard Downie Jr., executive editor of The Washington Post, which had not written about the affair until Friday. ?We checked them out and we asked questions, and at no time did we have any facts to report.?

After Mr. Edwards dropped out of the race last winter, it was not clear that there was any relevance to the story, Mr. Downie said. The Post began looking into it more seriously in the last few weeks, in light of a possible Edwards role at the Democratic convention or in a Barack Obama administration.

CNN, which first mentioned the affair on Friday, ?had been working the story since it first broke in The Enquirer late last year,? said Sam Feist, the political director. ?We sent people to Chapel Hill, we sent people to California.?

But, he said, ?Edwards denied it, the woman denied it,? and ?you have to have some sort of evidence before you put something on the air.?

Paul Friedman, senior vice president of CBS News, said the network did not actively pursue the story when it broke last fall. Asked if that was because it had first appeared in The National Enquirer, he said, ?Exactly.?

In the months since then, Mr. Friedman said, CBS kept track of the story but did not actively pursue it. ?We saw no reason to make his life or the life of his family any worse, until it became well-documented or he admitted it, which is what happened today,? he said.

The New York Times looked into the Enquirer reports last fall, though none too aggressively, editors said.

Bill Keller, the executive editor, said in an e-mail message that Mr. Edwards?s dark-horse status and the ?added hold-your-nose quality about The Enquirer? contributed to the lack of interest by The Times and the mainstream media generally.

Like Mr. Downie, he said that the questions seemed irrelevant once Mr. Edwards was out of the race, but that recently, The Times had ?tried to ascertain whether the cloud generated by The Enquirer?s reporting had influenced the Obama campaign in its thinking about a future role for Edwards.?

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
That is funny DTB. Olberman did the first 20 minutes of his show on this basicically saying what i did in my last post. You think Fox would have even brought this up. He also rip Pelosi again. If this was a republican Fox would have said nothing or put a D under his name and then attacked him.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
That is funny DTB. Olberman did the first 20 minutes of his show on this basicically saying what i did in my last post. You think Fox would have even brought this up. He also rip Pelosi again. If this was a republican Fox would have said nothing or put a D under his name and then attacked him.

funny Sponge I only see 2 sources listed in this thread enquirer and Fox--and those that figured it had merit and those that didn't


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
you know what`s amazing....that the woman was put up in the most extravagant,lavish apartments and gated communities during this debacle...

and someone footed the bill....

edwards said it wasn`t him....but,he said maybe it was his staff that was taking care of the woman...

what makes that interesting is that different members of edward`s staff have been on shows saying that they weren`t aware of the situation or that they took edwards` word that he wasn`t involved with the woman....

soooooooo......why would his staff independently go to all the trouble and expense for this woman if it were a non-issue?...

so much subterfuge....


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
More remarkable is spongesbobs reference to Oberman segment which was August 8th--after Edwards confessed.

Might explain obermans rating--it ain't news when its broke by others weeks prior--off course explains why he and his followers-- are all a week late and $ short :142smilie

Countdown Friday: The Edwards Affair Posted: Friday, August 08, 2008 8:59 PM by Countdown
Filed Under: Blogging the Countdown

be that what it may--I feel sorry for Edwards and they need to let it be--unless he comes back with the 2 americas/holier than thou bit again.
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
funny Sponge I only see 2 sources listed in this thread enquirer and Fox--and those that figured it had merit and those that didn't

Dogs, most legitimate news stations wait for the complete facts to come in before they say anything. JUst watching you spout the word "liberal Media" over and over again when it is owned by corporations is a comedy act all in itself. Now with me Edwards is dead in my eyes. A complete disgrace and an embarrassment. Now with you, i never saw one thing you wrote about Vitter (or what ever that sleaseballs name was from La. i think). why don't you try to put the country before your party for once in your life? Oh and Fox? They have been going after Edwards for years. Didn't slimeball Cheney have an attorney's place ransacked who was a big supporter of Edwards a couple of years ago? Can't remember the guys name but he is usually on Fix News as well as some news stations.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Yes sir John boy didn't do to bad. At least he was not taping some guys foot in the can. Last 8 years score Reb 5 Dem 3. Shame on all 8.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Well I knew it all along.


occupational hazzard:nono:

3 lawyers shielded Edwards affair
By Serge F. Kovaleski and Mike Mcintire, The New York Times

As tabloid reports of a sex scandal threatened former Sen. John Edwards' presidential campaign last December on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, two lawyers surfaced with written statements that appeared to exonerate the candidate.
One of them, Robert Gordon of New York, said that his client, Rielle Hunter, a pregnant 43-year-old filmmaker, was not carrying Edwards' child. Soon, the other lawyer, Pamela Marple of Washington, sent word that her client, Andrew Young, an Edwards campaign aide, was the baby's father.

Seemingly issued independently of Edwards, the statements appeared to deflate the anonymously sourced reports of an Edwards tryst.

But what went unnoticed was that the two lawyers shared an important connection to Edwards that raises questions about whether they were part of an orchestrated effort to protect him, one that is continuing even after he admitted last week that he had an affair with Hunter but denied that he fathered her child.

The lawyers are linked through Fred Baron, a wealthy Dallas lawyer and former finance chairman for the Edwards campaign who was a key player in the campaign's response to the scandal. Gordon has worked with Baron on class-action personal injury cases, and Marple helped defend a lawsuit brought against both men and their law firms by an asbestos manufacturer.

After initially saying that he did not know how the lawyers were chosen to represent Hunter and Young, Baron acknowledged that he might have played a role.

The revelations of ties among the lawyers emerged through public records and interviews with people close to Edwards and Hunter, which suggested that their affair went on longer than Edwards admitted and that the effort to conceal it by Edwards' inner circle was much more extensive than has been reported.

The review found that Edwards' political action committee went to unusual lengths to make a final $14,000 payment to Hunter's film company months after its contract with the committee had ended. The payment was issued while the committee was short on cash and could pay its bills only after receiving thousands of dollars from Edwards' presidential campaign and donations from four people, including Baron's wife.

Furthermore, a woman who helped Hunter create a Web site on New Age spirituality in 2006 says she regularly corresponded with her about a married North Carolina man named John whom Hunter was dating in March of that year, if not earlier. Edwards has said his affair with Hunter did not begin until after she had started doing video work for his political action committee months later.

The woman, Pigeon O'Brien, who says she worked with Hunter to build her "Being Is Free" Web site and a related foundation, said that Hunter recounted how she had met "John" at the Regency Hotel in New York in early 2006 and that they had started dating soon after.

O'Brien said that Hunter made at least one trip to North Carolina in March 2006 to visit him and that, during the next few months, she never made any references to Young, who later claimed to be the father of the child, or indicated that she even knew him.

Gordon, Hunter's attorney, declined to comment, citing the privacy of Hunter and her baby.

$14K for furniture

Hunter's work for the political action committee involved making short videos of Edwards. The committee made six payments totaling $100,000 to Midline Groove Productions, Hunter's production company, before its contract ended on Dec. 31.

But three months later, on April 1, 2007, the committee made another payment to Midline for $14,086, which coincided with the receipt of $14,035 by the committee from Edwards' presidential campaign to cover the cost of office furniture, according to Federal Election Commission reports. The infusion of cash from the presidential campaign was necessary to make the payment to Midline, because the committee began April with only $7,932 in the bank, the reports show. The only other money the committee took in during that quarter was donations totaling $18,000 from Baron's wife and three other people.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
If anybody could point me in the direction of John Edward's position in our government or any relevance about wtf he does whatsover, i'd be eternally grateful.

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