
Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017


GMU at MASS12:00 PMMASS -3.5
U 145.5
+500 +500
STJOE at LAS12:00 PMLAS +4.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
NAVY at COLG12:00 PMCOLG -11.5
U 136.0
+500 +500
ARK at LSU12:00 PMLSU -5.5
O 152.0
+500 +500
PSU at IND12:00 PMIND -4.5
U 150.5
+500 +500
CONN at SJU12:00 PMCONN -3.0
U 145.5
+500 +500
VT at MIA12:00 PMMIA -2.5
U 152.5
+500 +500
DUQ at URI12:30 PMDUQ -4.0
O 145.0
+500 +500
LEH at BU01:00 PMLEH +1.0
U 137.0
+500 +500
RMU at DETU01:00 PMDETU +5.0
O 146.0
+500 +500
BALL at WMU01:00 PMWMU -1.5
U 147.5
+500 +500
GRAM at JKST01:00 PMGRAM +2.5
O 136.5
+500 +500
SCAR at UGA01:00 PMSCAR +1.5
U 139.0
+500 +500
CLEVST at OAK01:00 PMOAK -5.0
U 147.0
+500 +500
WICH at MEM01:00 PMWICH +10.5
O 157.0
+500 +500
COFC at CWM02:00 PMCOFC -11.5
U 153.5
+500 +500
TEX at TCU02:00 PMTCU -4.5
O 149.0
+500 +500
WAG at STONE02:00 PMWAG -3.5
U 125.5
+500 +500
KSU at OKST02:00 PMKSU -1.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
M-OH at OHIO02:00 PMOHIO -7.5
U 146.5
+500 +500
MURR at UNI02:00 PMUNI -6.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
VMI at MER02:00 PMMER -13.0
O 149.0
+500 +500
MARQ at GTWN02:00 PMGTWN +12.0
O 152.0
+500 +500
BEL at MOSU02:00 PMBEL +4.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
ECU at CHAR02:00 PMCHAR -7.0
U 128.5
+500 +500
LONG at CHSO02:00 PMCHSO +6.0
O 137.5
+500 +500
SHSU at FIU02:00 PMSHSU -2.5
U 148.5
+500 +500
MONM at DEL02:00 PMDEL -7.0
U 147.0
+500 +500
UVA at CLEM02:00 PMUVA +4.5
O 127.5
+500 +500
WIN at UNCA02:00 PMUNCA -2.0
O 151.0
+500 +500
SIU at UIC02:00 PMUIC +3.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
NW at MINN02:00 PMNW +1.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
BING at UVM02:00 PMUVM -16.0
U 135.5
+500 +500
BRAD at ILST02:00 PMILST +7.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
FOR at SLU02:30 PMFOR +1.5
O 148.5
+500 +500
RICE at UTSA03:00 PMRICE +1.0
O 156.0
+500 +500
APP at GASO03:00 PMAPP -11.0
U 143.0
+500 +500
CAL at ASU03:00 PMCAL +2.0
O 146.5
+500 +500
BRY at ME03:00 PMBRY -4.0
U 145.5
+500 +500
CCSU at MW03:00 PMMW -4.5
O 131.5
+500 +500
ULM at ARST03:30 PMARST -9.5
U 149.5
+500 +500
MIZZ at VAN03:30 PMMIZZ -1.0
U 139.5
+500 +500
USU at SDSU03:30 PMUSU +5.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
COOK at ALST03:30 PMALST -4.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
HAMP at HOW04:00 PMHOW -7.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
ODU at JMU04:00 PMJMU -17.0
O 155.0
+500 +500
RICH at VCU04:00 PMVCU -3.0
U 135.5
+500 +500
TROY at GSU04:00 PMTROY -3.5
O 150.0
+500 +500
DSU at NORF04:00 PMNORF -9.0
U 136.0
+500 +500
MORG at SCST04:00 PMSCST -4.0
U 154.0
+500 +500
ELON at NCAT04:00 PMNCAT +1.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
OKLA at UCF04:00 PMUCF +1.5
O 135.0
+500 +500
FLA at TAM04:00 PMFLA +3.0
O 153.5
+500 +500
EMU at NIU04:00 PMEMU +6.5
O 145.0
+500 +500
RAD at SCUS04:00 PMRAD -1.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
RUTG at MICH04:00 PMRUTG +4.5
O 140.0
+500 +500
IDST at NAU04:00 PMNAU -1.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
EVAN at VALP04:00 PMEVAN -1.0
U 144.5
+500 +500
BELL at QNC04:00 PMQNC -5.5
O 153.0
+500 +500
BUCK at AMER04:00 PMAMER -5.0
U 135.0
+500 +500
MORE at TNTC04:00 PMMORE -11.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
SOU at ALCN04:00 PMSOU +2.0
O 145.0
+500 +500
O 139.5
+500 +500
AFA at BSU04:00 PMBSU -12.5
U 132.5
+500 +500
COPP at NCCU04:00 PMNCCU -11.5
U 131.0
+500 +500
CCU at MRSH04:00 PMMRSH -11.0
U 155.5
+500 +500
HOU at KU04:00 PMHOU -2.0
U 134.0
+500 +500
WCU at WOF04:00 PMWCU -1.5
O 145.5
+500 +500
CIT at ETSU04:00 PMETSU -6.5
O 136.0
+500 +500
GRC at UVU04:00 PMUVU +5.5
O 140.5
+500 +500
HCU at NICH04:00 PMHCU +9.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
SAM at CHAT04:30 PMCHAT -2.0
O 158.5
+500 +500
UALR at EIU04:30 PMUALR -2.0
U 145.0
+500 +500
MCNS at SELA04:30 PMSELA +10.5
O 135.5
+500 +500
USI at TNST04:30 PMTNST -6.5
U 141.0
+500 +500
UTM at SIUE04:30 PMUTM +2.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
STET at CARK04:30 PMSTET -4.5
U 154.5
+500 +500
LAM at AMCC04:30 PMLAM +3.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
NDSU at UND04:30 PMUND -4.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
WIU at SEMO04:45 PMWIU -4.5
O 133.0
+500 +500
FAMU at AAMU05:00 PMAAMU -3.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
HC at L-MD05:00 PML-MD -2.5
U 133.5
+500 +500
CMU at BGSU05:00 PMBGSU -6.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
EKY at KENN05:00 PMEKY +1.0
O 166.5
+500 +500
IW at UNO05:00 PMUNO -4.5
U 156.5
+500 +500
COLO at UTAH05:00 PMUTAH -2.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
SFA at TST05:00 PMTST -1.0
U 140.5
+500 +500
UNH at UMASS05:00 PMUMASS -10.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
JAC at LIP05:00 PMLIP -11.5
U 147.0
+500 +500
UTA at UTECH05:00 PMUTA -4.5
U 149.0
+500 +500
UNF at PEAY05:15 PMUNF +2.0
U 140.5
+500 +500
USM at TXST05:15 PMTXST -2.0
O 134.0
+500 +500
MD at MSU05:30 PMMD +7.0
O 129.5
+500 +500
GT at NCST05:30 PMGT +7.5
O 146.0
+500 +500
TOWS at HOF06:00 PMTOWS +3.0
O 132.0
+500 +500
CIN at TTU06:00 PMTTU -4.0
U 141.5
+500 +500
PRIN at BRWN06:00 PMPRIN -7.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
CLMB at DART06:00 PMCLMB -2.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
USF at UNT06:00 PMUSF +6.0
O 130.0
+500 +500
UCD at CP06:00 PMUCD -9.5
U 133.5
+500 +500
BYU at WVU06:00 PMWVU +8.0
O 152.5
+500 +500
AUB at MISS06:00 PMMISS +3.5
O 148.5
+500 +500
ND at PITT06:00 PMND +10.0
O 127.0
+500 +500
LAF at ARMY06:00 PMLAF -3.5
U 121.5
+500 +500
TLSA at FAU06:00 PMFAU -16.5
U 154.5
+500 +500
DRKE at INST06:00 PMINST -5.5
U 156.0
+500 +500
NE at STON06:30 PMSTON -3.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
DUKE at UNC06:30 PMUNC -4.0
O 151.0
+500 +500
TXSO at PV06:30 PMPV -1.0
U 140.5
+500 +500
USD at SCU07:00 PMUSD +13.0
O 157.5
+500 +500
COR at HARV07:00 PMCOR -4.0
O 157.0
+500 +500
CAMP at UNCW07:00 PMUNCW -14.5
O 136.5
+500 +500
PENN at YALE07:00 PMYALE -12.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
SFPA at LIU07:00 PMSFPA +1.0
U 141.5
+500 +500
UCSD at LBSU07:00 PMUCSD -1.5
U 152.5
+500 +500
PRE at HP07:00 PMHP -15.5
O 153.0
+500 +500
ORST at USC07:00 PMORST +7.5
O 140.0
+500 +500
ARPB at MVSU07:00 PMARPB -10.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
CSUS at PRST07:00 PMPRST -6.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
UMBC at ALBY07:00 PMUMBC +6.0
O 170.0
+500 +500
SYR at WAKE07:45 PMSYR +8.5
O 152.5
+500 +500
PEPP at PORT08:00 PMPORT +1.5
U 151.0
+500 +500
ISU at BAY08:00 PMISU +4.0
O 142.5
+500 +500
MTU at WKU08:00 PMMTU +7.0
O 144.5
+500 +500
FSU at LOU08:00 PMFSU -5.5
U 149.5
+500 +500
IDHO at MTST08:00 PMMTST -8.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
UCRV at CSN08:00 PMCSN -1.5
U 146.5
+500 +500
USA at ULL08:00 PMULL -9.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
STT at KC08:00 PMSTT -2.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
SEA at CALBA08:00 PMCALBA -2.5
U 134.0
+500 +500
DEN at ORU08:00 PMORU -4.0
O 161.5
+500 +500
WYO at UNLV08:00 PMWYO +9.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
WEB at UNCO08:00 PMUNCO -2.0
U 150.0
+500 +500
O 144.5
+500 +500
TENN at UK08:30 PMUK +1.5
U 159.0
+500 +500
MSST at ALA08:30 PMMSST +9.0
O 156.5
+500 +500
UTRGV at SUU08:30 PMSUU -10.5
U 158.0
+500 +500
WSU at WASH09:00 PMWSU -1.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
JVST at NMSU09:00 PMJVST +2.5
O 132.5
+500 +500
LIB at UTEP09:00 PMLIB -4.5
U 136.5
+500 +500
EWU at MONT09:00 PMEWU +2.5
U 150.5
+500 +500
XAV at DEP09:30 PMXAV -13.5
U 150.5
+500 +500
PAC at SF10:00 PMPAC +22.5
O 144.5
+500 +500
UCSB at CSB10:00 PMCSB +2.5
O 137.0
+500 +500
ORE at UCLA10:00 PMORE -1.5
U 133.0
+500 +500
HAW at UCI10:00 PMHAW +8.0
O 134.0
+500 +500
CSU at FRES10:00 PMFRES +6.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
SMC at GONZ10:30 PMGONZ -4.0
U 138.5
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Sunday’s 6-pack:
worst teams in country on the foul line
59.4%— Western Michigan
60.3%— Army
62.1%— Wofford, Houston Christian
62.6%— Rhode Island
62.7%— South Carolina-Upstate
62.9%— Western Illinois, Utah Tech

Quote of the Day
“He’s a great player, but I don’t think we can get him in academically.”
Jerry Tarkanian, in the movie Blue Chips

Sunday’s quiz
Who was the Kansas basketball coach, before Bill Self?

Saturday’s quiz
Bill Russell won two NBA titles as a player-coach with the Celtics; after he retired as a player, he coached the Seattle SuperSonics and the Sacramento Kings.

Friday’s quiz
Nuggets, Nets, Pacers, Spurs are the four NBA teams that used to play in the ABA.


Sunday’s Den: Wrapping up a college basketball Saturday

There were 28 games Saturday, where the winning team trailed by 10+ points at one time in the game.

Tennessee 103, Kentucky 92
Zeigler had 26 points, 13 assists for the Vols.
Kentucky scored 91-92 points in last two games, but lost both.
Kentucky PG Wagner is hurt, didn’t play.

Texas A&M 67, Florida 66
Aggies were 13-24 on foul line, Florida 6-11
Gators led by 13 late in first half.
Florida lost this game by 1; they won their previous two games, both in OT.

Big X
Baylor 70, Iowa State 68
Kid on Iowa State hit a 35-footer at the buzzer, but it was just after the buzzer.
Baylor led 40-28 at halftime.
Bears made 12-23 on the arc, won by two points.

Texas 77, TCU 66
Horned Frogs led this game 16-6 early on.
Longhorns outrebounded TCU, 34-21.
Texas F Cunningham is 25 years old, older than NBA star Luka Doncic.

Mountain West
San Diego State 81, Utah State 67
Aztecs are 5-0 SU/4-1 ATS as a MW home favorite.
Utah State is 19-3, despite having a whole new team. None of their players this year scored a point for the Aggies last season- they’re one of 3 teams in country like that.

UNLV 62, Wyoming 48
Rebels won their last three games, giving up 61 ppg.

North Carolina 93, Duke 84
In a 76-possession game, Tar Heels had only 5 turnovers.
Carolina was 9-24 on the arc, Duke 5-19.

Virginia 66, Clemson 65
Cavaliers have won six in a row, are 8-3 in ACC.
Clemson shot only 35.7% from the floor.

Saint Mary’s 64, Gonzaga 62
Gaels are 15-1 in last 16 games, after a 3-5 start.
Three players in this game played all 40:00.
Three Gonzaga subs played total of only 16:00.

San Diego 70, Santa Clara 59
Good upset win for Steve Lavin’s team; Toreros won 3 of last 4 games.

Big East
UConn 77, St John’s 64
UConn has won 10 in a row; they’re shooting 59% inside the arc (#5)
Johnnies have lost five of last six games.

Upsets of the Day:
San Diego (+12.5) 70, Santa Clara 59
Penn State (+9.5) 85, Indiana 71
Idaho (+8.5) 81, Montana State 75
Central Michigan (+7.5) 77, Bowling Green 76 2OT
South Florida (+6.5) 60, North Texas 55
Murray State (+6.5) 71, Northern Iowa 43

Word of the Day– Rivalry- When two people/teams often compete for the same thing.

UCLA 71, Oregon 63
UCLA won five of its last six games, after a 6-10 start.
Bruins raced out to 23-5 lead, but trailed 34-33 at the half.
Oregon lost four of its last six games.

Washington State 90, Washington 87 OT
Coogs won six of their last seven games.
Washington led by 11 points in first half.

Sun Belt
Appalachian State 85, Georgia Southern 84 OT
App State trailed by 9 with 10:47 left, by 3 with 0:59 left in OT
App State was 9-16 on foul line, Georgia Southern 2-6.
Georgia Southern is 5-6 in Sun Belt, after an 0-12 pre-conference mark.

Central Michigan 77, Bowling Green 76 2OT
Falcons lost three of last four games, after a 14-4 start.
Bowling Green led by 4 with 0:52 left in first OT.
Chippewas out-rebounded Bowling Green, 52-37

Missouri Valley
Indiana State 75, Drake 67
Drake trailed 24-7 early; they were only 12-23 on foul line.
Indiana State now has a 2-game lead in the conference race.
Jayson Kent had 20 rebounds, only 6 points for the Sycamores.

Atlantic 15
UMass 66, George Mason 65
Mason tied game on a layup with less than 0:02 left, but they fouled a UMass guy on the inbounds pass, thinking they were still behind. UMass made a foul shot, won the game.
George Mason is 2-5 in its last seven games, after a 13-2 start.

Wofford 88, Western Carolina 86 OT
Wofford shot 65.9% inside the arc.
Western Carolina lost 5 of last 6 games; all five losses were by 6 or fewer points.
Only five players on Western Carolina scored in this 45:00 game.

Hawks 141, Warriors 134 OT
Steph Curry scored 60 points in a losing cause; he was 10-23 on the arc, 12-15 inside it. He will be 36 years old next month. The best shooter……..ever.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo's Write-Up

Sunday, February 4

Sunday’s 5 interesting games
(-1.5) @ Wisconsin
Purdue (20-2, 9-2)
KenPom rating: 2
Tempo: 161
Experience: 77
Continuity: 9
Purdue won its last six games (3-3 ATS)
Boilers are 5-0 SU/2-3 ATS as Big 14 home favorites.
Purdue has #7 eFG% in country.
Boilers allowed 88-92 points, in their two losses.

Wisconsin (16-5, 8-2)
KenPom rating: 12
Tempo: 318
Experience: 48
Continuity: 8
Badgers are 3-2 in last five games, after a 13-3 start.
Wisconsin is 4-2 ATS as an underdog this year.
Wisconsin is #5 team in country on defensive boards.
Badgers are 5-2 vs teams in the top 50.

Teams split their last six meetings.
Purdue lost three of last five visits to Madison.
Big 14 home underdogs of 4 or less points are 9-4 ATS.

NC-Greensboro @ Furman (-3.5)
NC-Greensboro (16-6, 7-2)
KenPom rating: 133
Tempo: 303
Experience: 144
Continuity: 122
UNCG won five of its last six games.
Spartans are 3-1 SU/2-1 ATS as SoCon road dogs.
UNCG is shooting 37.7% on arc (#24)
Spartans are 5-3 against teams ranked in top 150.

Furman (12-10, 6-3)
KenPom rating: 142
Tempo: 55
Experience: 235
Continuity: 52
Furman won six of its last seven games.
Paladins are 4-0 SU/3-1 ATS as SoCon home faves.
Paladins are shooting 53.6% inside arc (#66)
Furman is 2-7 vs top 150 teams.

NC-Greensboro won four of last six series games.
Spartans won three of last four visits to Furman.
SoCon home favorites of less than 5 points are 4-9 ATS.

Providence @ Villanova (-4.5)
Providence (14-7, 5-5)
KenPom rating: 50
Tempo: 128
Experience: 122
Continuity: 177
Providence won three of its last four games.
Friars are 23 SU/5-0 ATS on the Big East road.
Opponents are shooting 43.9% inside arc (#10)
Friars are 5-7 vs teams ranked in top 100.

Villanova (11-10, 4-6)
KenPom rating: 44
Tempo: 328
Experience: 14
Continuity: 142
Villanova lost 5 in row, six of its last seven games.
Wildcats are 1-3 ATS as a Big East home favorite.
Wildcats are 3-6 in games decided by 5 or less points, or in OT.
Villanova is 7-8 against teams in top 100.

Teams split their last eight meetings.
Friars split their four visits to Villanova.
Big East home favorites of 6 or less points are 9-6 ATS.

UAB @ SMU (-6.5)
UAB (14-7, 6-2)
KenPom rating: 6
Tempo: 102
Experience: 26
Continuity: 65
UAB won nine of its last 11 I-A games.
Blazers are 3-1 ATS as an AAC underdog.
Blazers are 4-4 vs teams ranked in top 100.
UAB is #25 team in country on offensive boards.

SMU (14-7, 5-3)
KenPom rating: 47
Tempo: 186
Experience: 70
Continuity: 85
SMU is 4-0 SU/2-2 ATS as an AAC home favorite.
Mustangs have #2 eFG% defense in country.
Mustangs are 1-5 in games decided by 5 or fewer points.
SMU is 5-6 vs teams ranked in top 150.

These teams haven’t met since 2013.
AAC home favorites of 6+ points are 10-12 ATS.

Stanford @ Arizona (-17.5)
Stanford (11-9, 6-4)
KenPom rating: 90
Tempo: 75
Experience: 40
Continuity: 55
Stanford won four of its last six games.
Cardinal is 3-1 ATS as a Pac-12 road underdog.
Stanford has #21 eFG% in country.
Cardinal are 4-3 in games vs top 100 opponents.

Arizona (16-5, 7-3)
KenPom rating: 4
Tempo: 11
Experience: 91
Continuity: 220
Arizona won six of its last eight games.
Wildcats are 3-2 ATS as Pac-12 home favorites.
Wildcats are shooting 574.9% inside arc (#35).
Arizona is 9-4 vs teams ranked in top 100.

Stanford made 16-24 on arc, upset Arizona 100-82 Dec 31.
Teams split their last eight meetings.
Cardinal lost 11 of their last 12 visits to Tucson.
Pac-12 double digit home favorites are 5-6 ATS


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Sunday, February 4

Trend Report


MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017


RID at IONA01:00 PMIONA -7.5
U 144.0
+500 +500
DAV at L-IL01:00 PML-IL -5.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
PUR at WIS01:00 PMWIS +2.5
U 144.5
+500 +500
WRST at NKU02:00 PMWRST -1.5
U 159.5
+500 +500
CAN at QUIN02:00 PMCAN +7.0
O 152.5
+500 +500
SPU at MRST02:00 PMSPU +3.5
U 119.5
+500 +500
UNCG at FUR02:00 PMFUR -4.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
MAN at FAIR02:00 PMMAN +9.5
O 150.0
+500 +500
MSM at SIE02:00 PMMSM -8.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
YSU at PFW02:00 PMPFW +4.0
O 153.5
+500 +500
INDPU at MILW03:00 PMMILW -16.5
O 151.5
+500 +500
TEM at TULN04:00 PMTULN -9.5
U 153.0
+500 +500
SDAK at SDST05:00 PMSDAK +15.5
U 156.0
+500 +500
UAB at SMU06:00 PMUAB +7.5
O 152.0
+500 +500
PROV at VILL06:00 PMPROV +4.5
O 136.0
+500 +500
NEB at ILL06:30 PMNEB +9.5
U 153.5
+500 +500
STAN at ARIZ08:00 PMSTAN +17.5
O 164.0
+500 +500


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Monday’s 6-pack
Teams that get the highest %age of their points on 3’s:
45.8%— North Florida
43.1%— BYU
41.7%— Hofstra
40.8%— Georgia Southern
40.5%— Green Bay, LeMoyne
40.4%— Army

Quote of the Day
‘That’s what you learn as a kid — if you lose, you congratulate the winner, whether it’s politics, or basketball. You act out of honor, and not grievance.”
Former New York Knick/US Senator Bill Bradley

Monday’s quiz
Who was the Kansas City Chiefs’ QB in the first Super Bowl?

Sunday’s quiz
Roy Williams was the Kansas basketball coach, before Bill Self.

Saturday’s quiz
Bill Russell won two NBA titles as a player-coach with the Celtics; after he retired as a player, he coached the Seattle SuperSonics and the Sacramento Kings.


Monday’s Den: NHL trends at the All-Star break

NHL trends (thru All-Star break)

Anaheim 18-30-2

— won three of last four games overall.
— 8-17-1 at home, 10-13-1 on road.
— under 5-1 last six home games
— 6-2 in shootout/OT

Arizona 23-22-3
— lost their last five road games
— 15-9 at home, 8-13-3 on road.
— over 6-2 last eight home games.
— 5-3 in shootout/OT

Boston 31-9-9
— won six of last seven games.
— 16-4-3 at home, 15-5-6 on road.
— under 3-1 last four games
— 6-9 in shootout/OT

Buffalo 22-23-4
— 4-2 in their last six games.
— 11-12-1 at home, 11-11-3 on road.
— under 5-2 last seven games
— 2-5 if they played the night before.
— 2-4 in shootout/OT

Calgary 22-22-5
— lost four of their last five games
— 12-11-1 at home, 10-11-4 on road.
— over 6-4 last ten games
— 0-5 if they played the night before.
— 4-5 in shootout/OT

Carolina 28-15-5
— won 11 of their last 14 games.
— 15-5-4 at home, 13-10-1 on road.
— under 4-1 last five games.
— 6-2 on first night of back/back.
— 5-5 in shootout/OT

Chicago 14-34-2
— lost 11 of their last 14 games
— 10-11-1 at home, 4-23-1 on road.
— under 11-3 last 14 games
— 1-6 if they played the night before.
— 5-2 in shootout/OT

Colorado 32-14-3
— won 10 of last 13 games
— 19-5 at home, 13-9-3 on road.
— over 9-2 last eleven games.
— 3-1 if they played the night before.
— 4-3 in shootout/OT

Columbus 16-24-10
— lost nine of their last 13 games
— 9-13-4 at home, 6-9-5 on road.
— under 6-2 last eight road games
— 5-10 in shootout/OT

Dallas 30-13-6
— won eight of their last eleven games
— 16-8-2 at home, 14-5-4 on road.
— over 19-2 last 21 home games
— 4-2 if they played the night before.
— 9-6 in shootout/OT

Detroit 26-18-6
— won six of their last nine games
— 14-8-5 at home, 12-10-1 on road.
— under 8-3 last 11 games
— 4-1 if they played the night before.
— 6-6 in shootout/OT

Edmonton 29-15-1
— won their last 16 games.
— 16-6-1 at home, 13-9 on road.
— under 10-0 last ten games
— 5-1 in shootout/OT

Florida 31-14-4
— won their last four games.
— 14-7-2 at home, 17-7-2 on road.
— under 16-4 last 20 games
— 3-1 if they played night before.
— 5-4 in shootout/OT

Los Angeles 23-15-10
— lost 14 of their last 17 games.
— 8-9-6 at home, 15-6-4 on road.
— over 4-1 last five games
— 1-5 if they played the night before.
— 2-10 in shootout/OT
— fired their coach last week

Minnesota 21-23-5
— 4-3 in last seven games.
— 12-11-3 at home, 9-12-2 on road.
— over 7-3 last ten games
— 2-6 if they played the night before.
— 6-5 in shootout/OT

Montreal 20-21-8
— 1-4 in their last five games.
— 10-12-3 at home, 10-9-5 on road.
— over 6-3 last nine home games
— 1-8 if they played the night before.
— 9-8 in shootout/OT

Nashville 26-23-2
— 1-5 in their last six games.
— 13-13 at home, 13-10-2 on road.
— under 7-2 last nine games
— 5-0 if they played the night before.
— 6-2 in shootout/OT

New Jersey 24-20-3
— lost seven of last ten games
— 10-11-2 at home, 14-9-1 on road.
— over 3-1 last four games.
— 1-6 if they played the night before.
— 5-3 in shootout/OT

NY Islanders 20-17-12
— lost nine of last 11 games.
— 12-6-7 at home, 8-11-5 on road.
— under 3-1 last four games
— 0-6 if they played the night before.
— 6-12 in shootout/OT

NY Rangers 30-16-3
— lost eight of their last 12 games
— 15-7 at home, 15-9-3 on road.
— over 5-2 last seven games.
— 8-0 if they played the night before.
— 5-3 in shootout/OT

Ottawa 20-25-2
— won four of their last six games.
— 13-12-2 at home, 7-13 on road.
— over 8-4 last 12 games.
— 5-2 in shootout/OT

Philadelphia 25-19-6
— lost their last five games.
— 11-12-2 at home, 14-7-4 on road.
— over 5-0 last five home games.
— 5-1 on first night of a back/back.
— 8-6 in shootout/OT

Pittsburgh 22-17-7
— lost five of their last seven games
— 12-8-3 at home, 10-9-4 on road.
— under 7-2 last nine games
— 5-0 if they played the night before.
— 4-7 in shootout/OT

St Louis 26-21-2
— won five of their last six games.
— 15-9-1 at home, 11-12-1 on road.
— over 7-3 last five games
— 7-2 in shootout/OT

San Jose 14-32-5
— won four of their last six games
— 9-13-2 at home, 5-19-2 on road.
— under 3-1 last four games
— 4-5 in shootout/OT

Seattle 21-19-10
— lost six of their last eight games.
— 11-9-4 at home, 10-10-6 on road.
— under 12-5 last 17 games
— 0-3 on first night of back/back.
— 4-10 in shootout/OT

Tampa Bay 27-18-5
— won eight of their last nine games.
— 17-5-3 at home, 10-13-2 on road.
— over 3-0 last three games
— 5-5 in shootout/OT

Toronto 25-14-8
— won their last three games.
— 11-9-2 at home, 14-5-6 on road.
— under 5-2 last seven games
— 1-5 on first night of back/back
— 9-8 in shootout/OT

Vancouver 33-11-5
— 9-2 in their last eleven games.
— 18-4-2 at home, 15-7-3 on road.
— over 8-3 last eleven games
— 3-5 in shootout/OT

Vegas 29-15-6
— won five of their last seven games.
— 18-5-2 at home, 11-10-4 on road.
— over 4-2 last six games
— 7-6 in shootout/OT

Washington 22-18-7
— lost their last four games.
— 13-7-4 at home, 9-11-3 on road.
— over 4-1 last five games.
— 4-2 if they played the night before.
— 6-7 in shootout/OT

Winnipeg 30-12-5
— lost their last three games, outscored 9-3.
— 16-7-2 at home, 14-5-3 on road.
— under 11-2 last 13 games.
— 4-0 if they played the night before.
— 3-5 in shootout/OT
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo's Write-Up

Monday, February 5

Monday’s 4 interesting games
@ Virginia (-5.5)
Miami (15-7, 6-5)
KenPom rating: 66
Tempo: 82
Experience: 91
Continuity: 77
Miami won three of its last four games.
Hurricanes are 2-3 SU/3-1 ATS as an ACC road dog.
Miami has #19 eFG% in country.
Hurricanes are 7-6 vs top 100 teams.

Virginia (17-5, 8-3)
KenPom rating: 57
Tempo: 361
Experience: 123
Continuity: 226
Virginia won its last six games, after a 2-3 start in ACC
Cavaliers are 5-0 SU/3-2 ATS as an ACC home favorite.
Virginia has #22 eFG% defense in country
Cavaliers are 6-4 vs teams in the top 100.

Virginia won six of last seven series games.
Miami lost last three visits to Virginia, by 10-11-13 points.
ACC home favorites of 6 or less points are 15-13 ATS.

Kansas (-3.5) @ Kansas State
Kansas (18-4, 6-3)
KenPom rating: 12
Tempo: 107
Experience: 18
Continuity: 132
Kansas is 1-3 SU/1-2 ATS as a Big X road favorite.
Jayhawks have #9 eFG% in country.
Jayhawks have #28 eFG% defense in country.
Kansas is 9-3 against teams ranked in top 100.

Kansas State (14-8, 4-5)
KenPom rating: 75
Tempo: 231
Experience: 150
Continuity: 303
K-State lost its last four games, three by 11+ points.
Wildcats are 3-1 SU in Big X home games.
Wildcats are turning ball over 21.5% of time (#347)
K-State is 5-7 vs top 100 teams.

Kansas won 16 of last 18 series games.
Jayhawks are 3-2 in last five visits to Manhattan
Big X home underdogs of less than 5 points are 8-4 ATS.

Idaho @ Sacramento State (-4.5)
Idaho (8-14, 2-7)
KenPom rating: 320
Tempo: 290
Experience: 362
Continuity: 357
Idaho snapped an 8-game losing skid Saturday.
Vandals are 1-3 SU/2-2 ATS on Big Sky road.
Idaho has #342 eFG% defense in country.
Vandals are 5-6 vs teams ranked outside top 200.

Sacramento State (6-16, 2-7)
KenPom rating: 305
Tempo: 330
Experience: 281
Continuity: 301
Sac State lost last five games, scoring 63.2 ppg.
Hornets are 2-2 SU/1-1 ATS as a Big Sky home favorite.
Hornets are turning ball over 23.2% of time (#359)
Sac State is 2-7 vs teams ranked outside top 200.

Idaho (-3.5) beat Sac State 61-58 at home December 28.
Teams split their last six meetings (3 of them went to OT).
Vandals lost three of last four visits to Sacramento.
Big Sky home favorites of 5 or less points are 8-8 ATS.

Eastern Washington (-3.5) @ Portland State
Eastern Washington (14-8, 8-1)
KenPom rating: 121
Tempo: 71
Experience: 229
Continuity: 137
EWU won 10 of its last 11 games.
Eagles are 4-1 SU/2-1 ATS as a Big Sky road favorite.
Eagles are 9-1 vs teams ranked outside top 200.
EWU is shooting 56.1% inside arc (#22)

Portland State (14-8, 5-4)
KenPom rating: 223
Tempo: 177
Experience: 179
Continuity: 82
PSU won its last three games, all at home.
Vikings are 4-1 SU/2-0 ATS as a Big Sky home underdog.
Vikings have #290 eFG% in the country.
PSU is 5-4 vs teams ranked in top 200.

EWU (-2.5) pounded Portland St. 91-57 at home December 28.
Eagles won last eight series games.
EWU won last three visits to Portland, by 8-5-10 points.
Big Sky home dogs of 6 or less points are 5-3 ATS.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Monday, February 5

Trend Report




Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017


MIA at UVA07:00 PMMIA +6.0
O 132.0
+500 +500
IW at SELA07:00 PMSELA -7.0
O 137.5
+500 +500
COPP at SCST07:30 PMSCST -10.5
U 137.0
+500 +500
NWST at NICH07:30 PMNICH -5.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
MORG at NCCU07:30 PMMORG +8.0
O 150.0
+500 +500
HOW at DSU07:30 PMDSU -1.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
HCU at UNO07:30 PMUNO -6.0
O 160.5
+500 +500
O 136.5
+500 +500
NORF at UMES08:00 PMUMES +9.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
GRAM at ALCN08:30 PMGRAM +3.0
O 137.0
+500 +500
COOK at AAMU08:30 PMCOOK -1.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
FAMU at ALST08:30 PMFAMU +8.5
O 139.5
+500 +500
KU at KSU09:00 PMKU -4.0
U 145.0
+500 +500
SOU at JKST09:00 PMSOU +3.5
O 146.0
+500 +500
IDHO at CSUS09:00 PMIDHO +5.5
O 132.0
+500 +500
EWU at PRST10:00 PMEWU -5.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Tuesday’s 6-pack:
Teams that get the lowest %age of their points on 3’s:
19%— Cal-Bakersfield
19.6%— Cal-Northridge
19.6%— Texas State
20%— Louisiana-Monroe
20.5%— Rio Grande Valley
20.8%— Long Beach State

Quote of the Day
“Obviously, it creates a buzz, it creates another group of young fans, particularly young women, who are interested in seeing why is she going to this game, why is she interested in this game. Besides Travis (Kelce), she is a football fan and I think that’s great for us.”
NFL commish Roger Goodell, talking about Taylor Swift

Tuesday’s quiz
What was the only team to run the opening kickoff of a Super Bowl back for a TD?
Hint: They lost that game

Monday’s quiz
Len Dawson was the Kansas City Chiefs’ QB in the first Super Bowl.

Sunday’s quiz
Roy Williams was the Kansas basketball coach, before Bill Self.


Tuesday’s Den: Clearing out a cluttered mind……..

Back-to-back trends in the NHL
Road teams that won at home night before: 7-14
Road teams that lost at home night before: 9-4
Road teams that won on road night before: 14-17
Road teams that lost on road night before: 21-32
Home teams that won at home night before: 7-6
Home teams that lost at home night before: 5-4
Home teams that won on road night before: 13-13
Home teams that lost on road night before: 14-7

— Last two nights in the NBA, favorites are 15-0 SU, 12-3 against the spread.

— In 2017, Chiefs took Patrick Mahomes with the 10th pick in the NFL Draft; since then, Kansas City is 99-34, winning two Super Bowls.
That same year, Chicago Bears traded up from the 3rd pick to the 2nd pick so they could draft QB Mitch Trubisky; since then, the Bears are 49-68, 0-2 in playoff games.

— In his career, Mahomes is 10-1-1 ATS as an underdog.

— Carolina Panthers’ new head coach is Dave Canales, who has never been a head coach:
2004-05- offensive coordinator, Carson HS
2006-08- special teams coach/TE coach, El Camino College
2009- assistant strength coach, USC
2010-17- WR’s coach, Seahawks
2918-19- QB’s coach, Seahawks
2020-21- passing game coordinator, Seahawks
2022- QB’s coach, Seahawks
2023- offensive coordinator, Buccaneers

— I like watching the VCU-Richmond basketball games; underrated crosstown rivalry, always pretty intense. Teams are both pretty good, too.

— There will be seven Kentucky alums playing in the NBA All-Star Game this year.
When was the last time Kentucky/Kansas were home underdogs on the same day? They were on Saturday.

— If you go to a basketball game at Ole Miss, one of the fans in the front row opposite the benches is Morgan Freeman. That has to be pretty cool.

— SEC has five of the top 17 teams in this week’s top 25.

— Baseball Note of the Day: Royals signed SS Bobby Witt to an 11-year, $288.8M contract extension; good to see a team spend some $$$ to try and improve. Royals are also campaigning for a new ballpark in their downtown area, so that is a part of this move.

— Other baseball stuff:
Twins signed 1B Carlos Santana
Mets signed P Shintaro Fujiyami

— Football coaching stuff:
Liam Coen is the offensive coordinator in Tampa Bay; he was the OC at Kentucky the last couple years, after working for the Rams before that.
Kliff Kingsbury is the new OC in Washington, fueling speculation that Caleb Williams will wind up as Washington’s 1st round pick. Kingsbury/Williams worked together at USC this past year.
Raiders were expected to sign Kingsbury, but instead former Bears’ OC Luke Getsy is the new offensive coordinator in Las Vegas.
Bill Callahan is the new OL coach for the Titans; his son is Tennessee’s new head coach. Bill Callahan had been the OL coach in Cleveland.
Leslie Frazier signed on as a defensive assistant with the Seahawks; he sat out 2023, after being the defensive coordinator in Buffalo.
Miami Dolphins’ new defensive coordinator is Anthony Weaver, who comes to Miami from the Ravens. Weaver is from Saratoga, NY, half-hour north of Armadillo World HQ. Remember seeing him play high school basketball; he set very good screens.

— Bill Walton was on the USC-Oregon game on ESPN Thursday night in LA; he and Dave Pasch sat right near the USC bench. It was interesting to hear them say how coach Andy Enfield and guard Boogie Ellis were having a running dialogue while the game was going on, apparently not a very pleasant one.
They went on to say how USC’s players “weren’t on the same page” which is a euphemism for a team with bad chemistry. Trojans need injured guard Isaiah Collier back soon; they snapped their 6-game losing skid Saturday vs Oregon State, but they’re 9-13 this year, 3-8 in their last year in the Pac-12.

— Former NFL QB Teddy Bridgewater retired this year, he will be the new football coach at his alma mater, Miami Northwestern HS. Bridgewater played nine years in the NFL for six teams, with a 33-33 career record as a starter.

— Bad Beat of the Month: Temple (+10.5) lost 92-80 at Tulane Sunday. In OVERTIME!!!

— Steph Curry has scored 20+ points in a quarter 40 times in his career; Golden State went 34-6 in those forty games.

— Magic 111, Pistons 99— Franz Wagner scored 38 points for Orlando, without taking a foul shot; someone scores 38 without taking a foul shot, that means the other team isn’t being as physical as they should be on defense.

— Celtics were favored by 19.5 points against Memphis Sunday; it was the biggest spread in any NBA game this season. Boston won 131-91.

— They were telling a story on TV this weekend, about a guy applying for a job as an assistant for Michigan State coach Tom Izzo; the guy bought a mannequin in a store, chopped off the right hand and mailed the hand with his application to Izzo, with a note: “I’ll give my right hand to be your assistant coach.”
It worked. Go figure.
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