Calm down, my friend.....i generally like your posts, but sometimes you need to just take a breath.
So, a company owned by GE, a defense contractor leans liberal. Thats funny. Dont Tucker and Scarbourough have shows on their networks as well. Please. During the prime time, weekday hours on any of the cable channels, there are more conservative opinion/spin outlets than liberal. It is not even close when you add in Beck, Kudlow and others.
Fact is, the amount of conservative opinion and "news" on our tv and radio ariwaves dwarfs anything else. They are the true media powers now. And, that evollution has done a huge disservice to the party you so unabashedly love. Since they turned themselves into governement spokesmen, rather than true jounralists, they refused to report facts, instead spent all their time either slurping Bush and Co and destroying any foes, that when it all started crumbling down, they lost all of their credibility. As did the party.
Listen, i really dislike both parties. Feel paritsan politcs is killing us. But, I know a ton about the media. If it has any across the board bias it is like, as Doc eluded to, towards the sensationalistic. If it bleeds it leads.
Otherwsie, I agree with your characterizations of the networks. I really feel news companies these days care more about the bottom line than being watchdogs of those in power. I feel that we here in these forums have more knowledge of these issues than the reporters do. Or, we are at least more in touch with what concerns people than the suits running our news companies. But, they are all too busy trying to ingratiate themselves into the power brokers circle. Matthews is a perfect example. He is a lightweight. He just wants to be people's friends. You claim he is this liberal. Maybe so, but is he killing the R candidates the way say the Foxies do to the Dems? Hardly, he slurps McCain all the time and his face might stilll be covered with cream from Rudy and Fred (who he said he has a man crush on because he just smells like a president, yeah thats hard hitting stuff there Tweety Bird!)
Personally, other than Fox and the radio pundits, I do not think--like others have professed in this forum--that it is a conservative widespread bias. I think some here talked about the biased corporate press, as an example. Yes, i agree it is corporate. But, overall our daily media is just too dumb to have a bias either way.
Like 6/5, I try to watch as little tv news as possible.
Anyway, here is a tip. The best news show on TV is hosted by Lou Dobbs. This guy kills both parties, refuses to buy into wedge issues and does not appear to care if any of the politicians like him or not. I know the crazies at Kos hate him. But, I also now my personal friends who are on the far right hate him too because of how critical he is of Bush. They say things like he used to be a good republican, but he's gone whacko.
Let's see......pissing off the people on each end of the fringe spectrum.......must be doing something right.
I find the reporting Dobbs does on illegal immigration, our broken borders and the best government money can buy is without peer on TV.
Example: How about the boondoogle that has been our virtual wall at the border. For two years, he has been calling the administration on the carpet about this. It is costly, not as effective as a real wall, or even just actually enforcing laws and that it is nothing for than band aid to make it look like something is being done to protect the borders. While Bush cronies at Fox and on radio have been touting this and claiming any opposition is just do-gooder liberalism, the rest of the media has not been covering the issue. Dobbs and his staff have been saying the whole time that the tech does not work. It cost us $20 mill. Guess what the government just announced last week? All the tech does not work and needs to be replaced. The cost? Another 20 mill.
Is anyone else even reporting this? Not really.
Let's see......pissing off the people on each end of the fringe spectrum.......must be doing something right.
Alright. I have rambled a lot now in between calls at work. Not sure if I made a coherent thought anywhere.