First of all, if thus was retaliation for the bat flip then he should have been plunked in his first at bat against them of the season. Instead the Rangers call up the hardest throwing pitcher they have in the minors, from AA mind you, just prior to the series. In his last at bat against them this season they bring in the rookie who promptly puts 96 mph fastball into his ribs. Pitchers are paid lots of money to be accurate with a fastball so the hit was intentional, it was high, and it was intent to injure. Then as Bautista is running to second Odor has plenty, and I mean plenty, if time to slide step and throw to first. Instead he squares on the bag and makes a nearly underhanded submarine throw directly at Bautista's face. A throw motion Odor doesn't normally make ever, yet this one is low and right at him. Bautista slides a little late but keeps his cleats down to make sure he doesn't spike him. Odor is ready for the confrontation and hoping for it so he says something to Bautista before he's even gotten to his feet after the slide. Bautista gets in his face asking what the fuck are you doing and Odor, as this is his signature move because he's done the exact thing twice before, pushes him to make room and punches hon in the face with an overhand right.
This was a planned attack on Bautista by the manager and team. That's why they waited until the last bat of the season against them and why they used a rookie pitcher to do it. You go ahead and defend the young punk because he threw a good punch, hell come get one of the cool t-shirts they're selling in the Dallas area now celebrating his punk act. I'm sure his actions are exactly what young impressionable players should be talking about. Hopefully in ten years or so we can see all those young men in the majors pounding the shit out of someone for leading off too much.
The rule changes are shit and unenforceable as its left up to umpire discretion and they can't do anything without replay anymore. The fact is Bautista made a solid baseball play as he slid to get out of the way of a baseball thrown at his face and then he got punched for it. The Rangers did every thing they could to cheat and play punk ass baseball on his last at bat. Those are the facts and it's all on tape. Maybe you should watch it again
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Yea I've watched it....plenty
And I'm not arguing the rule changes aren't "shit"....that's irrelevant to me. Bautista knew Odor was vulnerable and didn't slide legally....heck if you ask me, I would vote to let collisions remain in the game....but they arent, so runners need to be conscious how exposed infielders are....why do you think after collisions, 95% of the major injuries were sustained by the fielder and not the runner....because the fielder is exposed...even more so when they are to believe Joey Bats won't be coming in I don't blame Odor for being pissed. He didn't plunk Bautista. He didn't flip his bat....he did his job and some pissed off fake tough guy tried taking him out and then make him look like a punk....good for Odor I say
But you say you wanna talk about the facts...
The rules are A. They state you can't do B. Bautista did B. And then wanted to be a tough guy. Those are the facts.
If he didn't want to get involved he could have slid legally....and nothing would have ensued...but he didnt....and then he got up jawing and coming towards him.
My guess is you'd say how awesome Nolan Ryan was. He fought people daily. And people endeared him for it. Odor was face to face with the other guy who was looking to be in attack mode....nothing about that punch was "suckerish"
And are you really worried about the young players seeing this and what will become of them in 10 years? The same generation who is making UFC a Monopoly in the fighting industry....and has video games where you literally shoot people's faces off...and horror flicks more gruesome then most real life murder scenes.....if they become violent I'm certain it won't be because Odor punched Bautista in the face during an early season game in May of 2016. Most of them probably already forgot. But hey I suppose there is a chance someone will see this, and count down the days to when they can make it to the show just to unleash some right hooks on a opponent.
Bautista picked who he thought he was the smallest guy....he could charged the mound and fought the big ass RP. He chose to go for Odor. Bad decision for him and his glasses.
Hope this helps.