Odor knows how to fight, yo!

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
First of all, if thus was retaliation for the bat flip then he should have been plunked in his first at bat against them of the season. Instead the Rangers call up the hardest throwing pitcher they have in the minors, from AA mind you, just prior to the series. In his last at bat against them this season they bring in the rookie who promptly puts 96 mph fastball into his ribs. Pitchers are paid lots of money to be accurate with a fastball so the hit was intentional, it was high, and it was intent to injure. Then as Bautista is running to second Odor has plenty, and I mean plenty, if time to slide step and throw to first. Instead he squares on the bag and makes a nearly underhanded submarine throw directly at Bautista's face. A throw motion Odor doesn't normally make ever, yet this one is low and right at him. Bautista slides a little late but keeps his cleats down to make sure he doesn't spike him. Odor is ready for the confrontation and hoping for it so he says something to Bautista before he's even gotten to his feet after the slide. Bautista gets in his face asking what the fuck are you doing and Odor, as this is his signature move because he's done the exact thing twice before, pushes him to make room and punches hon in the face with an overhand right.
This was a planned attack on Bautista by the manager and team. That's why they waited until the last bat of the season against them and why they used a rookie pitcher to do it. You go ahead and defend the young punk because he threw a good punch, hell come get one of the cool t-shirts they're selling in the Dallas area now celebrating his punk act. I'm sure his actions are exactly what young impressionable players should be talking about. Hopefully in ten years or so we can see all those young men in the majors pounding the shit out of someone for leading off too much.

The rule changes are shit and unenforceable as its left up to umpire discretion and they can't do anything without replay anymore. The fact is Bautista made a solid baseball play as he slid to get out of the way of a baseball thrown at his face and then he got punched for it. The Rangers did every thing they could to cheat and play punk ass baseball on his last at bat. Those are the facts and it's all on tape. Maybe you should watch it again

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Yea I've watched it....plenty

And I'm not arguing the rule changes aren't "shit"....that's irrelevant to me. Bautista knew Odor was vulnerable and didn't slide legally....heck if you ask me, I would vote to let collisions remain in the game....but they arent, so runners need to be conscious how exposed infielders are....why do you think after collisions, 95% of the major injuries were sustained by the fielder and not the runner....because the fielder is exposed...even more so when they are to believe Joey Bats won't be coming in hot....so I don't blame Odor for being pissed. He didn't plunk Bautista. He didn't flip his bat....he did his job and some pissed off fake tough guy tried taking him out and then make him look like a punk....good for Odor I say

But you say you wanna talk about the facts...
The rules are A. They state you can't do B. Bautista did B. And then wanted to be a tough guy. Those are the facts.

If he didn't want to get involved he could have slid legally....and nothing would have ensued...but he didnt....and then he got up jawing and coming towards him.

My guess is you'd say how awesome Nolan Ryan was. He fought people daily. And people endeared him for it. Odor was face to face with the other guy who was looking to be in attack mode....nothing about that punch was "suckerish"

And are you really worried about the young players seeing this and what will become of them in 10 years? The same generation who is making UFC a Monopoly in the fighting industry....and has video games where you literally shoot people's faces off...and horror flicks more gruesome then most real life murder scenes.....if they become violent I'm certain it won't be because Odor punched Bautista in the face during an early season game in May of 2016. Most of them probably already forgot. But hey I suppose there is a chance someone will see this, and count down the days to when they can make it to the show just to unleash some right hooks on a opponent.

Bautista picked who he thought he was the smallest guy....he could charged the mound and fought the big ass RP. He chose to go for Odor. Bad decision for him and his glasses.

Hope this helps.
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
And are you really worried about the young players seeing this and what will become of them in 10 years? The same generation who is making UFC a Monopoly in the fighting industry....and has video games where you literally shoot people's faces off...and horror flicks more gruesome then most real life murder scenes.....if they become violent I'm certain it won't be because Odor punched Bautista in the face during an early season game in May of 2016. Most of them probably already forgot. But hey I suppose there is a chance someone will see this, and count down the days to when they can make it to the show just to unleash some right hooks on a opponent.

Excellent post.

I'm a big fan of Odor for what he did. Bautista was absolutely trying to be the tough guy and it ended badly for him. I also like that in the post game interview Odor said he wouldn't change a thing. I know that's probably going to add to his suspension, but good for him.

Bautista tried being the big bully and got his shit rocked for the effort. Screw him and players like him. I approve of a punch in the face, especially one that was hardly a suckerpunch. Run your mouth in a situation you know is volatile and walk toward your opponent and you are just pouring gas on the fire. If you don't know odds are high you get hit the mouth, well, you should have.

Odor for President, I say.


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Jul 13, 1999
Yea I've watched it....plenty

And I'm not arguing the rule changes aren't "shit"....that's irrelevant to me. Bautista knew Odor was vulnerable and didn't slide legally....heck if you ask me, I would vote to let collisions remain in the game....but they arent, so runners need to be conscious how exposed infielders are....why do you think after collisions, 95% of the major injuries were sustained by the fielder and not the runner....because the fielder is exposed...even more so when they are to believe Joey Bats won't be coming in hot....so I don't blame Odor for being pissed. He didn't plunk Bautista. He didn't flip his bat....he did his job and some pissed off fake tough guy tried taking him out and then make him look like a punk....good for Odor I say

But you say you wanna talk about the facts...
The rules are A. They state you can't do B. Bautista did B. And then wanted to be a tough guy. Those are the facts.

If he didn't want to get involved he could have slid legally....and nothing would have ensued...but he didnt....and then he got up jawing and coming towards him.

My guess is you'd say how awesome Nolan Ryan was. He fought people daily. And people endeared him for it. Odor was face to face with the other guy who was looking to be in attack mode....nothing about that punch was "suckerish"

And are you really worried about the young players seeing this and what will become of them in 10 years? The same generation who is making UFC a Monopoly in the fighting industry....and has video games where you literally shoot people's faces off...and horror flicks more gruesome then most real life murder scenes.....if they become violent I'm certain it won't be because Odor punched Bautista in the face during an early season game in May of 2016. Most of them probably already forgot. But hey I suppose there is a chance someone will see this, and count down the days to when they can make it to the show just to unleash some right hooks on a opponent.

Bautista picked who he thought he was the smallest guy....he could charged the mound and fought the big ass RP. He chose to go for Odor. Bad decision for him and his glasses.

Hope this helps.

Another excellent post. /thread


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Football 100 x worse then MMA, just sayin' Talk about lunkheads killing one another. Just look at all the NFL players whose brains are mush now. You want to watch men kill one another turn on the television Sunday afternoon in the Fall.

Oh and baseball players are the biggest babies of any sport. There is not a sport on earth with bigger pussies then baseball players.

Strongly disagree.

Baseball is finally protecting players at the 2nd base bag when they are in a position where they could get seriously hurt. Think Jung Ho Kang last year - who got taken out by Coghlan of the Cubs via a "legal" slide.

That is why they made the rule change this year (that play, along with the Utley slide). A couple of years prior, they put something in similar for catchers. Why lose star players to stupid, avoidable injuries?

And as far as football players being "tougher" - then why did they put in all the rule changes to protect QB's? Now, if you breathe on them, it is a 15 yard penalty. Guys like Aikman and Favre didn't play under these rules like they have today. Heck, if they did, Favre would probably still be playing.

But, they changed the rules in the NFL, as they didn't want their top players being injured. Same with baseball. A slide like Bautista did adds nothing to the game. His only intent was to hurt Odor. He ended up 10 feet past the base!

If you think that was a good slide, then you'd be on the side of taking all protection from QB's, and treat them the same as any other player. And get rid of the defenseless receiver flags. And start allowing chop blocks again to linemen.

All sports try to make the game safer to play when it is reasonable to do so. Why is that bad?

Oh yea - and Bautista is a punk. That bat flip was just stupid. Act like you've been there before.


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Aug 8, 2000
The fact is Bautista made a solid baseball play as he slid to get out of the way of a baseball thrown at his face

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No, the facts are, Bautista made an ILLEGAL baseball play - which is why the runner was called out at first. It was never a "solid baseball play".

Bautista had one intent - take Odor out. He started his slide so late that I thought he was just sliding early for 3rd base....

Calling Bautista's slide a "solid baseball play" is like calling Charles Martin's sack of Jim McMahon a "solid football play".

If the slide was illegal by rule (and it was, because he slid 10 feet past the bag and did not maintain contact with it, which he must do by rule) - then, by definition, an illegal play cannot be deemed a "solid" play.

Of course, that makes too much sense to refute. But I'm sure you will.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006
Strongly disagree.

Baseball is finally protecting players at the 2nd base bag when they are in a position where they could get seriously hurt. Think Jung Ho Kang last year - who got taken out by Coghlan of the Cubs via a "legal" slide.

That is why they made the rule change this year (that play, along with the Utley slide). A couple of years prior, they put something in similar for catchers. Why lose star players to stupid, avoidable injuries?

And as far as football players being "tougher" - then why did they put in all the rule changes to protect QB's? Now, if you breathe on them, it is a 15 yard penalty. Guys like Aikman and Favre didn't play under these rules like they have today. Heck, if they did, Favre would probably still be playing.

But, they changed the rules in the NFL, as they didn't want their top players being injured. Same with baseball. A slide like Bautista did adds nothing to the game. His only intent was to hurt Odor. He ended up 10 feet past the base!

If you think that was a good slide, then you'd be on the side of taking all protection from QB's, and treat them the same as any other player. And get rid of the defenseless receiver flags. And start allowing chop blocks again to linemen.

All sports try to make the game safer to play when it is reasonable to do so. Why is that bad?

Oh yea - and Bautista is a punk. That bat flip was just stupid. Act like you've been there before.

I agree with everything except your last sentence. Who fucking cares if a guy flips his bat when he hits a homerun? Is it worthy of a pitcher throwing a 95mph fastball into your ribs your next at bat? That is why baseball is the worst major sport going. A homerun is the equivalent of a goal or touchdown, yet in every other sport we see players celebrate because they just did something good. Sometimes they even show off a little bit. Who fucking cares? A bat flip is hardly an excessive celebration, and if you don't want to get shown up because a guy just fucking clobbered one off you, do better next time. Baseball needs to get a fucking grip. Baseball is that 80 year old guy that hates technology and the way everything is today. Wants everything to be how it was back in his day in 1920.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Baseball...the most antiquated sport.

Only in baseball will you get a team retaliating over a bat flip, SIX MONTHS LATER, waiting for the last game between the teams for a season.

I would have slid like Bautista too. If you are going to retaliate, you do it the next time you see the team. And it's absurd to need to retaliate about a bat flip. You know how you can retaliate? Get pitchers who can do their job and shut batters down instead of plunking guys for a little flip of the bat.

Hockey- you want to see how retaliation happens? Right away. Beef is over. Move on.
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Handi Capper

'That Said'
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Apr 8, 2004
northern Ky

wwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13220819_1686863844907686_3042032313810383264_n.jpg


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Aug 8, 2000
I agree with everything except your last sentence. Who fucking cares if a guy flips his bat when he hits a homerun? Is it worthy of a pitcher throwing a 95mph fastball into your ribs your next at bat? That is why baseball is the worst major sport going. A homerun is the equivalent of a goal or touchdown, yet in every other sport we see players celebrate because they just did something good. Sometimes they even show off a little bit. Who fucking cares? A bat flip is hardly an excessive celebration, and if you don't want to get shown up because a guy just fucking clobbered one off you, do better next time. Baseball needs to get a fucking grip. Baseball is that 80 year old guy that hates technology and the way everything is today. Wants everything to be how it was back in his day in 1920.

I think baseball is a bit different, as it really is mano-a-mano, hitter vs. pitcher. When a batter hits an HR, it isn't like he took the whole team deep, but he took the individual pitcher deep. If the pitcher throws up a weak fastball, there is nothing the defense can do about it.

In other sports, they are mostly team games - where the blame is spread. The closest example I could think of, is when a WR beats a DB on a long TD pass. It would be nice if the WR could stick the ball in the DB's face, and then spike it at his feet after scoring - but we know that is not allowed, and would be viewed as showing up the DB (and would likely start a fight).

That's kinda how I see Bautista's bat flip. And I'm certainly not saying all bat flips are a problem. But this was the most excessive bat flip we've probably ever seen on a American diamond. To me, that was just like taking the ball, shoving it in Josh's Norman's face, and then spiking it at his feet.

Just my 2 cents. Context is important - especially historical context. Somehow I don't remember Hank Aaron flipping his bat 100 feet after hitting an HR. But I do remember (well, read) about pitchers like Bob Gibson sticking one in a guys ribs for getting a hit against him. Can you imagine what Gibby would have done to Bautista? My guess is that we'd be hearing about Joey Bats funeral at this point.

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
What! Bautista only 1 game.

For Bautista to hit someone's hand that hard with his face, and get away with it is criminal


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
The Rangers brought up their hardest throwing pitcher from AA just prior to this series, not their best pitcher by far. He is put in to face Bautista on the last at bat of the season against them so they couldn't retaliate. The manager ordered the code red. If this was about the bat flip then you plunk him at his next at bat, not wait until his last at bat.
Odor clearly wanted to fight. Not only did he punch Bautista but he tried to throw the ball directly at his face on his throw to first, he even changed his throwing motion to an almost underhanded, submarine type throw. You want to defend him because Bautista is a bad guy, go right ahead, however, get your facts straight. Odor has done this exact thing before, push a player to get some distance, overhand right to the jaw. He's a punk. He, Odor, also tried to hurt a player lying on the ground trying to catch an errant throw. The ball was already in right field and Odor went three feet it if his way too slide into and spike that player in the shin.
What does the MMA have to do with anything? Completely different sport and irrelevant.
Young baseball players, kids that play this game and aspire to play this game, see this crap and hear people defending it and yes, it's absolutely going to have an effect. You dismiss as "they've already forgotten it" which is ridiculous and dismissive. It's still all over every sports show.
The FACT is Bautista slid late to avoid a baseball intentionally thrown at his face, and still kept his cleats down and tried to maintain contact with the bag. A slide that's been a good baseball play for a hundred years.
You're actually trying to defend a guy that tried to injure a player twice, as clear as the day is long, because he slid hard into him when that player has done the exact same thing a number of times. It should have been ten to fifteen for Odor. Bautista got a one game suspension for his post game comments, not for the slide.

Hope this helps,

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Excellent post.

I'm a big fan of Odor for what he did. Bautista was absolutely trying to be the tough guy and it ended badly for him. I also like that in the post game interview Odor said he wouldn't change a thing. I know that's probably going to add to his suspension, but good for him.

Bautista tried being the big bully and got his shit rocked for the effort. Screw him and players like him. I approve of a punch in the face, especially one that was hardly a suckerpunch. Run your mouth in a situation you know is volatile and walk toward your opponent and you are just pouring gas on the fire. If you don't know odds are high you get hit the mouth, well, you should have.

Odor for President, I say.

Really bro? So Bautista was trying to break up the double play and slid hard, cleats down, no intent to injure, just a hard slide and you honestly believe he was the instigator? You may want to check the film brother. Bautista is a veteran and has made that same slide a hundred times without a word being said. Just because the rule changes doesn't mean he suddenly had harmful intent. When they changed the rules to protect "defenseless receivers" Ray Lewis and other great players got called for a penalty a number of times, especially at the beginning of the first season. Doesn't mean he was trying to maim the guy, he was playing how he was taught. When Michael Barrett punched A.J. Pierczynski in the face for a hard slide, he got ten games.
Odor was wrong, period.

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
No, the facts are, Bautista made an ILLEGAL baseball play - which is why the runner was called out at first. It was never a "solid baseball play".

Bautista had one intent - take Odor out. He started his slide so late that I thought he was just sliding early for 3rd base....

Calling Bautista's slide a "solid baseball play" is like calling Charles Martin's sack of Jim McMahon a "solid football play".

If the slide was illegal by rule (and it was, because he slid 10 feet past the bag and did not maintain contact with it, which he must do by rule) - then, by definition, an illegal play cannot be deemed a "solid" play.

Of course, that makes too much sense to refute. But I'm sure you will.
Shut up mags. You always try to make these ridiculous analogies and ALWAYS try to make it sound like I somehow believe or said that shit.

Yes, that's how Bautista learned to play the game. He slid late to avoid the throw by Odor, that was intentionally thrown low and directly at his face. Just because YOU say he intended to injure him doesn't make it true. Look at the frigging video. He purposely kept his cleats DOWN he was in the fucking baseline. He tried to maintain contact with the dang base. Good grief get over your damn self and quit trying to tell me what the fuck I think or believe. You've been wrong every time.
Just so you know, I am not a Bautista fan but I take and took the time to watch the various videos, saw the low throw at his face. I took the time to consider that the Ranger manager brought in an unproven hard throwing rookie to plunk him. Weighed the fact that he did it on his last plate appearance against them, not the first like "baseball etiquette" would have called for. I can visibly see the intentional throw at his face by Odor. I can visibly see Odor spin around to confront him after the slide. I can visibly see Odor say something to Bautista and square up on him. I can also visibly see two other incidences of Odor pushing a player for space then throwing an overhand right to the jaw. More importantly, that was after Odor slid hard, late, and out of the basepath trying to injure another player. He's done it more than once even more than twice. So armed with what I know to be fact by my own research and can visibly see I drew my conclusion. You were armed with nothing more than your ever present self serving attitude and dick intentions. You want to discuss the fucking facts line a grown up then do so. That doesn't include making snide remarks and trying to puss me off.
And don't cry about getting bitched out, it's the single exact response you were looking for. I'm just kind enough to oblige you.

Hope this helps,

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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Rangers are pussies for retaliating on his last plate appearance against them this season. Bautista is a douchebag, but Odor deserved more than 8 games. I was thinking suspension for rest of season wouldn't have been too severe for throwing a punch during an argument, but what do I know


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I think baseball is a bit different, as it really is mano-a-mano, hitter vs. pitcher. When a batter hits an HR, it isn't like he took the whole team deep, but he took the individual pitcher deep. If the pitcher throws up a weak fastball, there is nothing the defense can do about it.

In other sports, they are mostly team games - where the blame is spread. The closest example I could think of, is when a WR beats a DB on a long TD pass. It would be nice if the WR could stick the ball in the DB's face, and then spike it at his feet after scoring - but we know that is not allowed, and would be viewed as showing up the DB (and would likely start a fight).

That's kinda how I see Bautista's bat flip. And I'm certainly not saying all bat flips are a problem. But this was the most excessive bat flip we've probably ever seen on a American diamond. To me, that was just like taking the ball, shoving it in Josh's Norman's face, and then spiking it at his feet.

Just my 2 cents. Context is important - especially historical context. Somehow I don't remember Hank Aaron flipping his bat 100 feet after hitting an HR. But I do remember (well, read) about pitchers like Bob Gibson sticking one in a guys ribs for getting a hit against him. Can you imagine what Gibby would have done to Bautista? My guess is that we'd be hearing about Joey Bats funeral at this point.
You mention historical content being important. Look up Odor's historical content and get back to me about how horrible the bat flip was

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 18, 2000
Baseball...the most antiquated sport.

Only in baseball will you get a team retaliating over a bat flip, SIX MONTHS LATER, waiting for the last game between the teams for a season.

I would have slid like Bautista too. If you are going to retaliate, you do it the next time you see the team. And it's absurd to need to retaliate about a bat flip. You know how you can retaliate? Get pitchers who can do their job and shut batters down instead of plunking guys for a little flip of the bat.

Hockey- you want to see how retaliation happens? Right away. Beef is over. Move on.

Pretty much sums it up.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Baseball talk....Holy Cow..

If there is a front row seat for MadJackers who have passed on you better believe they are enjoying every word of these discussions..

thinking of our friend kcwolf....wow..did he ever know baseball..


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa

And here he is intentionally trying to injure another player with a.........late slide intro second... ..except he went out of the baseline and came in and spiked him purposely even after seeing the ball get away from him. A real class act.

He's gutless and a coward and so is the Texas manager, but that is my opinion. After actually seeing it with my eyes and not pretending something else occurred other than what is on tape.

I was going to post the video of Odor's post game comments where he said he knew Bautista was going to come in hard so he was ready for it. When asked if he means how he threw the ball at his face or how he "defended himself" he answered both, you saw what happened. I wouldn't change a thing

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