Odor knows how to fight, yo!


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
That's what I would say ....the truth...what everyone saw....Bautista slid hard....got up jawing and walking towards me like he wanted some action....so I obliged him and made sure I struck first....

Again, I'm not at all saying Odor should have/could have....I'm saying I think it was just what he did....and don't think he was the reason it got to that point. Illegal slide with intent...that could end a season

Just answer me this....

Bautista, pissed off as he is....after sliding in and trying to make contact with odor....starts walking towards Odor like he did....if you hadnt scene the ending, what would you think happens next? Like everyone, AND ODOR, you would have guessed Bautista initiated physical contact.

My question: what happens if Odor doesn't act 1st?

Bautista wasn't walking into his face to talk about the slide....he wanted to hash it out with something other than words.......and odor did...OK with me....and gain if a guys walks up on you and you think he's going to get physical....and you had already had him slide into you....you aren't gonna try and act 1st? Your gonna try and talk it out, knowing that isn't his intent? I just don't see many people allowing the first punch happen on their face.....and no don't say Bautista wasn't going to hit him....we don't know that and if you don't want people to think you are coming to inflict pain, don't act like you plan on doing exactly that...
You don't know Bautista was our wasn't going to hit him. All you "know" is he got up and obviously responded to whatever Odor said and he closed the gap between the two, hands open. So what? Didn't the batter that Madison Baumgartner jawed at the other day close the gap between the two in response to Baumgartner's mouth? Would Baumgartner have been within his rights to walk up and punch him in the frigging face? Would you defend him if he did? He couldn't possibly have been closing the gap for any other reason than to inflict harm right? That is what you said, there was no other reason he was coming at him except to start something. If it's true for one, it's true for all. Unless you're only aware of a players intentions when he's approaching Odor.

As I stated earlier, show me any evidence to completely discredit one thing I saw and I'll be happy to say I'm wrong.

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Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
As I stated earlier, show me any evidence to completely discredit one thing I saw and I'll be happy to say I'm wrong.

It's impossible to show you anything to discredit what you say because everything that gets posted you interpret a different way than the rest of the planet, so in "world FDC" it doesn't matter. Facts, when dealing with you, don't matter.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
FDC I can officially say with 100% confidence that there is an inverse relationship between the number of words you post per post in a thread vs. how right you are in the argument.


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
So, since Odor got the longer suspension that makes you right?

Okay, using that gauge, Tom Brady was guilty since the suspension was held up so that makes you WRONG on the whole DeflateGate bullshit cheating controversy.

Edit error.

Man, I don't care about this. :lol:


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006
Man, I don't care about this. :lol:

Exactly. It was a baseball scuffle. One guy made a dirty play, the other guy got angry and fucking clocked him. But because this doesn't happen every day in baseball, for some reason it is a huge deal.

This type of thing happens all the time in hockey. Players make a dirty play, and then later get challenged to a fight by someone else. And there is a lot worse dirty shit that goes on in hockey.

Teams even have players employed STRICTLY for fighting, as enforcers, which is more fact than assuming the Rangers brought up a guy to plunk someone just because he throws hard. I'd say this is COMPLETE bullshit. Bush was playing in his 2nd game, not his 1st game. They also have a guy in Diekman who can throw just as fast. They didn't call him (Bush) up to plunk Bautista, that is for sure. Anyone that believes that isn't even worth trying to speak sense to. The guy is playing in his 2nd big league game, his 1st game pitching with a lead, and his team JUST took the lead by 1 run and he is now facing the heart of the Toronto lineup. When you call a guy up from the minors it also starts their MLB service time, so I doubt the Rangers are going to mess around with financial stuff in the future just so they can bring a guy up to "send a message".


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
So, since Odor got the longer suspension that makes you right?

Okay, using that gauge, Tom Brady was guilty since the suspension was held up so that makes you WRONG on the whole DeflateGate bullshit cheating controversy.

Edit error.

Man, I don't care about this. :lol:
His suspension was reinstated for whatever reason, doesn't change a thing. I'm fine with that, it also means I was right about O.J. being not guilty, Kaepernick sucking ass, transgender bathrooms and whatever else comes to mind. I've been wrong before I guess, once.

Look, I don't give a flying fuck about any of it. I don't give a fuck if airportis, Saint, the addict, you or anyone else want to believe that it's okay and cool to punch a guy in the face for a slide that was legal 8 months ago. Go ahead and celebrate how bad ass Odor is, hell chant U.S.A.every time a Dominican and Venezuelan fight, just like the crowd did. I guess that's what we do now.

Shut the fuck up unless you have something to contribute other than to insult me for no fucking reason. By the new rules I should punch you in your smug fucking face, and everyone will chant U.S.A.
Oddly enough, the eight days would be worth it.

Hope this helps,

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Exactly. It was a baseball scuffle. One guy made a dirty play, the other guy got angry and fucking clocked him. But because this doesn't happen every day in baseball, for some reason it is a huge deal.

This type of thing happens all the time in hockey. Players make a dirty play, and then later get challenged to a fight by someone else. And there is a lot worse dirty shit that goes on in hockey.

Teams even have players employed STRICTLY for fighting, as enforcers, which is more fact than assuming the Rangers brought up a guy to plunk someone just because he throws hard. I'd say this is COMPLETE bullshit. Bush was playing in his 2nd game, not his 1st game. They also have a guy in Diekman who can throw just as fast. They didn't call him (Bush) up to plunk Bautista, that is for sure. Anyone that believes that isn't even worth trying to speak sense to. The guy is playing in his 2nd big league game, his 1st game pitching with a lead, and his team JUST took the lead by 1 run and he is now facing the heart of the Toronto lineup. When you call a guy up from the minors it also starts their MLB service time, so I doubt the Rangers are going to mess around with financial stuff in the future just so they can bring a guy up to "send a message".
Thanks for your input

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
It's impossible to show you anything to discredit what you say because everything that gets posted you interpret a different way than the rest of the planet, so in "world FDC" it doesn't matter. Facts, when dealing with you, don't matter.
So you're saying my eyes didn't see the arm angle change? That he didn't try to spike him? The throw was accurate? That Odor turned and faced him and said something as Bautista was still standing up? That wasn't Odor in those other videos? Yep, I'm all fucked up.

I am curious as to what exactly I'm "interpreting"?

explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions).
"the evidence is difficult to interpret"
synonyms:explain, elucidate, expound, explicate, clarify, illuminate, shed light on More
understand (an action, mood, or way of behaving) as having a particular meaning or significance.
"her self-confidence was often interpreted as brashness"
synonyms:understand, construe, take (to mean), see, regard
"the remark was interpreted as an invitation"

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
FDC I can officially say with 100% confidence that there is an inverse relationship between the number of words you post per post in a thread vs. how right you are in the argument.

Is this something you discovered during your time as the self appointed madjacks sleuth, or just you being a fucking dick as usual?

Hope this helps,

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa

Please ban me from this thread.

Lol, relax brother. It isn't a big deal. I'm just not in agreement with some others, yourself included. I've been there before, no reason to get frustrated. Doesn't mean a damn thing to anyone but myself as to what I believe. Cheers brother. You know I dig you the most.

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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Is this something you discovered during your time as the self appointed madjacks sleuth, or just you being a fucking dick as usual?

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

Right FDC. Because anyone who is non-partial would read this thread and come to the conclusion that I'm the dick and not you :mj07::mj07::mj07:
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Right FDC. Because anyone who is non-partial would read this thread and come to the conclusion that I'm the dick and not you :mj07::mj07::mj07:
First thing you've been correct about in five years.

Yes, you are the only one that made a shitty comment to me for no reason. I didn't address you, you still felt the need to be a dick and make a dick comment. What other reason could you possibly have to make an unsolicited shitty comment to me when I haven't done that to you. You wanted to pick a fight. You knew I'd respond, I always do. So what was your intent if it wasn't to be a dick. You have time to think of a lie, you usually do. Come to think of it, I rarely, if ever, address you, I do respond though. I speak when spoken to.
Enough words in my post for you yet?

Of course people think you're a dick, you are an incredible dick. Think about it, everyone you meet has to rinse and spit afterwards, you don't think that shitty aftertaste your lack of personality leaves doesn't translate to written word?

What was your intention saint? Why did you feel compelled to pause your Nightranger CD, take out your ear buds and out of the blue, act like a dick? Unless of course that is your natural state. That is what I think. I believe your "resting" personality is dick.

How'd I do on the post length? Okay with you? I will ask the magic 8 ball I got in my welcome packet for Bonnaroo this year. Hang on..........

Well shit, that's odd. All it says is, "tell saint to punch himself in the cunt" hmm.

Hope this helps,

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the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Go ahead and celebrate how bad ass Odor is, hell chant U.S.A.every time a Dominican and Venezuelan fight, just like the crowd did. I guess that's what we do now.

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I believe they were chanting USA because Toronto is located in Canada, and not because the 2 major players involved hail from foreign places.

I broke the replay down and that was how I interpreted it. Thus, it is true!

All joking aside FDC, I never said Bautista would have hit him. I said, in a environment and situation like that, if you puff your chest out and get in a players space in what appears to be a threatening or agressive manner, most people would agree that it was fair to assume Odor thought Bautista was coming in to exchange hands and not to check his breath.

I'm all for exchanging opinion....I never claimed to know any of the incident to be true. Noone claimed facts except yourself. And the facts you claim are what everyone else seem to think are debatable.

Odor lowering his throwing arm, which is a big part of your "research", doesn't prove anything. I'd be willing to bet there are other replays from similar plays in which a defensive player in an attempt to avoid contact on a slide, alters all kinds of his motion, especially his throwing location. Most plays are fluid and these guys are so graceful on the diamond....but all that changes when you are anticipating a slide (legal or not) into your space....especially when it is in the general area of his pole and tackle.....

I'm guessing no matter what I say will help you to understand the other side of it....which is cool...I however do understand what you are saying. Punching someone isn't the smart choice . But in this instance, I think it was the good one.

I say it wasn't smart because you hurt your team. (especially when considering the competitive balance that exists in the division that they call home and the fact that a key player now misses 8 games)

Don't think I'm trying to convince you that Odor was correct in doing what he did....that's not for me to judge....I'm just saying I don't blame him and would've probably reacted similatly....at least would of taken Bautista to thee ground to defend myself....I have zero doubt that Bautista was going to put his hands on Odor in some capacity. A push- a shove- a punch- a headlock- who knows the extent. I would've made sure I wasn't on the wrong end of the exchange.

Regarding the suspensions....everyone knew odor would get more. He jabbed a guy in the face. That is way worse then what else took place. It wasn't a decision based off who was "more wrong" or was more of a instigator, it was a decision based off of the fact that odor punched him....Bautista didn't punch anyone

But if you were to ask the commish or Torre or anyone on the board, I would bet a lot of them would say Bautista was the main culprit in regards to instigating.

He flipped bat- not odor
He slid- not odor
Correction - he slid ILLEGALLY- Not odor
He was in a much safer position to avoid injury- not odor
He got up and closed the gap- not odor

Regardless if most of those are trivial instances or not, those are the events that got them to the situation they were in.

Odor was making a play- and got pissed at the dirty slide...even at that point it could have been avoided...Odor did nothing wrong up til now....Bautista then gets up and appears to be coming in hot....Odor still nothing wrong....then he belts him thinking he is going to get hit if he doesn't....

Soto argue that the suspensions justify either side is incorrect. They can only fine them for what happened and not the shit that caused it to happen....if that was the case, I'm certain the suspensions would have been reversed.

Holy fuck my hands asleep after all this.....time to close my eyes and jerk off and pretend I don't know who's doing it.
On that note- see ya man

Ps- I don't know you so my stance isn't to challenge you as a person- or question your decency - that can be between you and the other fellas- I just don't see this the same way you do.



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I believe they were chanting USA because Toronto is located in Canada, and not because the 2 major players involved hail from foreign places.

I broke the replay down and that was how I interpreted it. Thus, it is true!

All joking aside FDC, I never said Bautista would have hit him. I said, in a environment and situation like that, if you puff your chest out and get in a players space in what appears to be a threatening or agressive manner, most people would agree that it was fair to assume Odor thought Bautista was coming in to exchange hands and not to check his breath.

I'm all for exchanging opinion....I never claimed to know any of the incident to be true. Noone claimed facts except yourself. And the facts you claim are what everyone else seem to think are debatable.

Odor lowering his throwing arm, which is a big part of your "research", doesn't prove anything. I'd be willing to bet there are other replays from similar plays in which a defensive player in an attempt to avoid contact on a slide, alters all kinds of his motion, especially his throwing location. Most plays are fluid and these guys are so graceful on the diamond....but all that changes when you are anticipating a slide (legal or not) into your space....especially when it is in the general area of his pole and tackle.....

I'm guessing no matter what I say will help you to understand the other side of it....which is cool...I however do understand what you are saying. Punching someone isn't the smart choice . But in this instance, I think it was the good one.

I say it wasn't smart because you hurt your team. (especially when considering the competitive balance that exists in the division that they call home and the fact that a key player now misses 8 games)

Don't think I'm trying to convince you that Odor was correct in doing what he did....that's not for me to judge....I'm just saying I don't blame him and would've probably reacted similatly....at least would of taken Bautista to thee ground to defend myself....I have zero doubt that Bautista was going to put his hands on Odor in some capacity. A push- a shove- a punch- a headlock- who knows the extent. I would've made sure I wasn't on the wrong end of the exchange.

Regarding the suspensions....everyone knew odor would get more. He jabbed a guy in the face. That is way worse then what else took place. It wasn't a decision based off who was "more wrong" or was more of a instigator, it was a decision based off of the fact that odor punched him....Bautista didn't punch anyone

But if you were to ask the commish or Torre or anyone on the board, I would bet a lot of them would say Bautista was the main culprit in regards to instigating.

He flipped bat- not odor
He slid- not odor
Correction - he slid ILLEGALLY- Not odor
He was in a much safer position to avoid injury- not odor
He got up and closed the gap- not odor

Regardless if most of those are trivial instances or not, those are the events that got them to the situation they were in.

Odor was making a play- and got pissed at the dirty slide...even at that point it could have been avoided...Odor did nothing wrong up til now....Bautista then gets up and appears to be coming in hot....Odor still nothing wrong....then he belts him thinking he is going to get hit if he doesn't....

Soto argue that the suspensions justify either side is incorrect. They can only fine them for what happened and not the shit that caused it to happen....if that was the case, I'm certain the suspensions would have been reversed.

Holy fuck my hands asleep after all this.....time to close my eyes and jerk off and pretend I don't know who's doing it.
On that note- see ya man

Ps- I don't know you so my stance isn't to challenge you as a person- or question your decency - that can be between you and the other fellas- I just don't see this the same way you do.

Good post. I'm not worried about it either way. I probably would never have said anything if I didn't live a half hour from the Rangers ballpark. I was actually at a local pub when it happened and must of my friends were loving it and even saying they didn't think odor would get as long a suspension add Bautista etc.... it was ridiculous. They even had t-shirts out here the very next day with the idiotic statement of don't mess with Texas. Celebrating a grown man, that children want to emulate, punching a guy in the face because his feelings were hurt. It's irresponsible, childish, unprofessional, bullshit, yet here they were acting as if that's good baseball and somehow the Rangers are exempt from punishment. Dallas has the most fickle, fair weather fans in every league. If the Cowboys go 2-0 I promise you there will be talk of winning the super bowl immediately on every station in every paper. They go 2-6 and tickets are $10. Last Stars game I went to, a buddy and I moved down to the glass, just in time to hear the girl next to me ask her date what icing was. Keep in mind he paid for tickets on the glass. He proceeded to tell her is ?when one player hits the puck to high for anyone to hit back". So that may have something to do with my attitude towards all this. Just sayin

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Exactly. It was a baseball scuffle. One guy made a dirty play, the other guy got angry and fucking clocked him. But because this doesn't happen every day in baseball, for some reason it is a huge deal.

This type of thing happens all the time in hockey. Players make a dirty play, and then later get challenged to a fight by someone else. And there is a lot worse dirty shit that goes on in hockey.

Teams even have players employed STRICTLY for fighting, as enforcers, which is more fact than assuming the Rangers brought up a guy to plunk someone just because he throws hard. I'd say this is COMPLETE bullshit. Bush was playing in his 2nd game, not his 1st game. They also have a guy in Diekman who can throw just as fast. They didn't call him (Bush) up to plunk Bautista, that is for sure. Anyone that believes that isn't even worth trying to speak sense to. The guy is playing in his 2nd big league game, his 1st game pitching with a lead, and his team JUST took the lead by 1 run and he is now facing the heart of the Toronto lineup. When you call a guy up from the minors it also starts their MLB service time, so I doubt the Rangers are going to mess around with financial stuff in the future just so they can bring a guy up to "send a message".
You're right about Bush. I don't follow the Rangers and my buddy told me they just called him up. I was wrong there.

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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Not even Odor or Bautista have thought about their fight as much as you guys.
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