I didn't attack you at all. Once again you voice things that didn't happen. Yes the suspensions were fair, fair enough. I have yet to see one sportscaster fault Bautista, but I only watched espn today. Wilbon called for 20 games or more on odor, Kornheiser thought the rest of the season, as did the analyst on Sportscenter, forgot his name but he's a retired player. So not sure if you're watching national or local sports shows but not one that I have seen called for less than what Odor got. Also, facts are facts. There aren't different "views" of facts. You either accept them or you don't. You choose not to, opting for speculation and "intent". You say Bautista tried to injure him, yet his spikes were down and he was clearly in the baseline. Bautista stated that he could have injured him if he wanted to but chose not to. Right from the horse's mouth but you'd rather assign yourself as judge and jury, and call him a liar. That isn't what's called a fact, that's you disregarding the facts and placing your opinion in place of it. I didn't say one single demeaning thing tip you yet you said I made a personal attack, again, that isn't a fact. It's you dismissing the fact and placing your opinion in its place and claiming it as fact. Sorry Bubba cakes but you're not a factory maker (get it, it's a pun kind of).
Back to the false claim of a personal attack you leveled against me. What exactly did I say that was a personal attack, rather than a statement of truth? You alleged that I probably think the tackle Martin made on McMahon was not dirty. You made baseless analogies that are irrelevant and you made snide little remarks towards me, and told me how wrong I was. You do it every time and I've actually asked you nicely before to quit putting words in my mouth. That goes for making false claims of a personal attack as well. I didn't say a single thing to you that wasn't a fact. I knew you'd try an offhanded complaint to jaek in your response about being attacked, which is why I said don't whine. You did exactly as you always do and got exactly what you wanted. Don't make shitty remarks to me or tell me "what I probably think" on a subject and you won't have to worry about me being a big one meany to you.
Seriously, mags, I don't have anything against you other than what I just stated. That's it. You could just be a little accountable for your actions and intentions, it's not like it isn't in black and white just previous to your latest post.
I don't and didn't "need" to be right, I just was, as evidenced by the 8 game suspension to 1 for post game comments. I thought he should've gotten 10 games because that's what Michael Barrett got for a similar incident. I shown a little time watching the videos and seeing if maybe Odor had a history of this crap. Lo and behold, he did. I am wrong, a lot, but not on this and not on you.
Hope this helps,
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