President Donald J Trump

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
You are just another environmentalist warming, errrr climate change is nothing but a HOAX


I have to defend my new best friend. Better to be an environmental wacko than a right wing nut. Facts are facts and in your case, facts are ignored. Too ignore is to be ignorant. Thar ya have it.



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
For the record I'm a Republican but wasn't a fan of Trump but have moved closer to liking him. One of the last speeches he gave was great IMO. He is not conservative on his social views. I think the LBGT community will end up being ok with him when all is said and done. I really like his 100 day plan outside of a few small things. Term limits and no lobbying for 5 years is great but will never get passed. No federal funding for sanctuary cities is ok by me. The federal government has a right to know when an illegal is in this country. Sending criminal illegals back to their country is BIG to me. I like his idea of revoking visas to that country if they don't. Getting rid or changing Obamacare is big. It's a flawed system that didn't address the real issues. How can I have Christian Health Ministries and pay 85 a month but someone just like me has to pay 800 on Obamacare and have a gigantic deductible?

I think the one big thing Trump needs to do is to address the gays and Mexicans. Their is a real fear in those groups. I know the Mexican kids at my kids school have a genuine fear that their parents and them will be sent back to Mexico. After listening to a few of Trumps interviews I have no worry of this happening. He himself said there is a humanitarian side to this situation and will be addressed because we do want good hard working people here. I think the gay community needs to know that he's not going to take marriage away from them.

Trump has his negatives but all of these guys and gals do. They're all ego maniacs and it's what got them where they are. IMO very few have truly great character.

Not looking to argue, just looking to be positive.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I know all of you have been waiting for my thoughts on this matter so I figure I'd weigh in at this time.

Donald Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. I imagine he will tell his cabinet I want xyz done now find a way to do it. I anticipate the national debt after 4 years (and only 4 years) of his presidency will exceed 30 trillion. That's how he ran his companies and utilized US Bankruptcy protection when things inevitably went south. He does not have the ability to surround himself with competent advisors (ala Reagan) since due to his mental illness he is incapable of hearing their advice. He will surround himself with "yes" men (like Christie and Guiliani). The next four years will most likely be a disaster, especially for the environment.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is, was and always will be "Washington Establishment". Had she been elected it would be more of the same ole, same ole. She was beholden to Wall Street, Unions, minorities, and whoever else donated a couple of bucks to the Clinton Foundation. Had she been elected, I submit, it would be a continuance of business and usual and that is not what this country needs.

In 2020, I look for the democrats to lean to the left wing of their party and nominate Elizabeth Warren. As another possibility, the newly elected senator from California, Kamala Harris may follow in Obama's footsteps and take her shot. She is a black female well respected in this state.

I will be shocked if Trump gets a second term. But then again I thought he had no chance of winning and further predicted that Obama would be assinnated before he left office so I was wrong on both counts.

Our grandchildren are going to curse all of you who supported Trump as they will have no water to drink nor air to breathe if he does what he says he's going to do regarding the environment. I wish I believed in god so I could say "God help us".

Respectfully submitted,

I'm not in disagreement. I'm more hopeful than most that by committee, the political lifers will keep Trump in check. His tax plan is a mistake and will create massive long-term debt. I'm a 1%er but I am against lower taxes on the wealthy. I can tell you from experience that one only needs so much to "live" and the leftover is pretty much spent on shit that isn't really necessary in life. I do think that the upper tax brackets need to be changed. 250k in San Fran, LA or metro NY doesn't have as much buying power as it seems . Why don't we have a bracket from 500k-1M, 1M-5M, 5M+ with escalating tax rates- it seems so obvious to me. I do have a problem with how the tax revenue is spent but that's a whole different ball of wax.

I'm not sure how much people here listen to Colin Cowherd but if you go listen to his podcast the morning after the election I think we pretty much nails it (as to why Trump won).

Eddie- I notice less hatred in your tone- cheers to that buddy


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003

I have to defend my new best friend. Better to be an environmental wacko than a right wing nut. Facts are facts and in your case, facts are ignored. Too ignore is to be ignorant. Thar ya have it.


facts are facts

A staggering 30,000 scientists have come forward confirming that man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money.

One of the experts is weather channel founder, John Coleman, who warns that huge fortunes are being made by man-made climate change proponents such as Al Gore.

Natural News reports:

In a recent interview with Climate Depot, Coleman said:

?Al Gore may emerge from the shadows to declare victory in the ?global warming? debate if Hillary Clinton moves into the White House. Yes, if that happens and the new climate regulations become the law of the land, they will be next to impossible to overturn for four to eight years.?
Climate change scientists admit there has been no warming for 58 years
Climate Change Hoax Exposed, Scientists Admit No Warming For 58 Years
Climate change scientists completely debunk climate change hysteria at the COP21 conference in Paris
Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Climate change proponents remain undeterred in their mission, ignoring numerous recent scientific findings indicating that there has been no warming trend at all for nearly two decades.

Al Gore?s dire predictions of the melting of polar ice on a massive scale have proved to be completely false. In fact, in 2014 ? a year that was touted as being ?the hottest ever? in the Earth?s history ? there were record amounts of ice reported in Antarctica, an increase in Arctic ice, and record snowfalls across the globe.

Debunking the ?97 percent? lie

On top of those ?inconvenient truths,? the White House?s assertion that 97 percent of scientists agree that global warming is real has been completely debunked. Several independently-researched examinations of the literature used to support the ?97 percent? statement found that the conclusions were cherry-picked and misleading.

More objective surveys have revealed that there is a far greater diversity of opinion among scientists than the global warming crowd would like for you to believe.

From the National Review:

?A 2008 survey by two German scientists, Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch, found that a significant number of scientists were skeptical of the ability of existing global climate models to accurately predict global temperatures, precipitation, sea-level changes, or extreme weather events even over a decade; they were far more skeptical as the time horizon increased.?

Other mainstream news sources besides the National Review have also been courageous enough to speak out against the global warming propaganda ? even the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece in 2015 challenging the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) pseudoscience being promulgated by global warming proponents.

And, of course, there are the more than 31,000 American scientists (to date) who have signed a petition challenging the climate change narrative and 9,029 of them hold PhDs in their respective fields. But hey, Al Gore and his cronies have also ignored that inconvenient truth, as well.

Many of those scientists who signed the petition were likely encouraged to speak out in favor of the truth after retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey revealed that solar cycles are largely responsible for warming periods on Earth ? not human activity.

Al Gore and cronies continue getting richer from the global warming hoax

But the global warming crowd continues to push their agenda on the public while lining their pockets in the process. If you?re still inclined to believe what Al Gore has to say about global warming, please consider the fact that since he embarked on his crusade, his wealth has grown from $2 million in 2001 to $100 million in 2016 ? largely due to investments in fake ?green tech? companies and the effective embezzlement of numerous grants and loans.

You might want to take all of this information into serious consideration before casting your vote in the November election.


Staff member
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Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
facts are facts

A staggering 30,000 scientists have come forward confirming that man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money.

One of the experts is weather channel founder, John Coleman, who warns that huge fortunes are being made by man-made climate change proponents such as Al Gore.

Natural News reports:

In a recent interview with Climate Depot, Coleman said:

?Al Gore may emerge from the shadows to declare victory in the ?global warming? debate if Hillary Clinton moves into the White House. Yes, if that happens and the new climate regulations become the law of the land, they will be next to impossible to overturn for four to eight years.?
Climate change scientists admit there has been no warming for 58 years
Climate Change Hoax Exposed, Scientists Admit No Warming For 58 Years
Climate change scientists completely debunk climate change hysteria at the COP21 conference in Paris
Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Climate change proponents remain undeterred in their mission, ignoring numerous recent scientific findings indicating that there has been no warming trend at all for nearly two decades.

Al Gore?s dire predictions of the melting of polar ice on a massive scale have proved to be completely false. In fact, in 2014 ? a year that was touted as being ?the hottest ever? in the Earth?s history ? there were record amounts of ice reported in Antarctica, an increase in Arctic ice, and record snowfalls across the globe.

Debunking the ?97 percent? lie

On top of those ?inconvenient truths,? the White House?s assertion that 97 percent of scientists agree that global warming is real has been completely debunked. Several independently-researched examinations of the literature used to support the ?97 percent? statement found that the conclusions were cherry-picked and misleading.

More objective surveys have revealed that there is a far greater diversity of opinion among scientists than the global warming crowd would like for you to believe.

From the National Review:

?A 2008 survey by two German scientists, Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch, found that a significant number of scientists were skeptical of the ability of existing global climate models to accurately predict global temperatures, precipitation, sea-level changes, or extreme weather events even over a decade; they were far more skeptical as the time horizon increased.?

Other mainstream news sources besides the National Review have also been courageous enough to speak out against the global warming propaganda ? even the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece in 2015 challenging the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) pseudoscience being promulgated by global warming proponents.

And, of course, there are the more than 31,000 American scientists (to date) who have signed a petition challenging the climate change narrative and 9,029 of them hold PhDs in their respective fields. But hey, Al Gore and his cronies have also ignored that inconvenient truth, as well.

Many of those scientists who signed the petition were likely encouraged to speak out in favor of the truth after retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey revealed that solar cycles are largely responsible for warming periods on Earth ? not human activity.

Al Gore and cronies continue getting richer from the global warming hoax

But the global warming crowd continues to push their agenda on the public while lining their pockets in the process. If you?re still inclined to believe what Al Gore has to say about global warming, please consider the fact that since he embarked on his crusade, his wealth has grown from $2 million in 2001 to $100 million in 2016 ? largely due to investments in fake ?green tech? companies and the effective embezzlement of numerous grants and loans.

You might want to take all of this information into serious consideration before casting your vote in the November election.

[h=3]32,000 Sounds Like A Lot[/h]In fact, OISM signatories represent a tiny fraction (~0.3%) of all US science graduates (petition cards were only sent to individuals within the U.S)
According to figures from the US Department of Education Digest of Education Statistics: 2008, 10.6 million science graduates have gained qualifications consistent with the OISM polling criteria since the 1970-71 school year. 32,000 out of 10 million is not a very compelling figure, but a tiny minority - approximately 0.3 per cent.
There are many issues casting doubt on the validity of this petition. On investigation, attempts to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change often appear to have ideological roots, vested business interests or political sponsors. The claims made for the OISM petition do not withstand objective scrutiny, and the assertions made in the petition are not supported by evidence, data or scientific research.
Several studies conducted independently (Oreskes 2004, Oreskes 2007, Doran and Zimmerman (2009), Anderegg et al. (2010), Cook et. al., 2013) have shown that 97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing the climate to change, and that anthropogenic greenhouse gases are causing global changes to the climate. These views form the scientific consensus on climate change.


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
a tiny fraction (~0.3%) of all US science graduates

Unless my math is fuked up that's 1 out of 300 saying it's a hoax and those 10 out of 3,000 "often appear to have ideological roots, vested business interests or political sponsors."




Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Unless my math is fuked up that's 1 out of 300 saying it's a hoax and those 10 out of 3,000 "often appear to have ideological roots, vested business interests or political sponsors."


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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Hedgehog you should make this your avatar



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
You are just another environmentalist warming, errrr climate change is nothing but a HOAX

Well since you spelled hoax in all caps you must be right...

Did you miss the part last year where the Senate (the Republican-led Senate) voted 98-1 that "climate change is real and not a hoax"? This included Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio all voting for it. I guess they are all "environmentalist wackos" too?

But I don't wish to derail this thread into that debate, so I will just say that there is a lot more to environmental issues than just climate change. I moved to Utah from Chicago last year, in part, because the west and northwest is some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen. I would like to see as much of that preserved as possible for my children and grandchildren and not fracked and industrialized for a very short-term energy gain. And I am all for overhauling government departments to make them leaner and more effective. But Trump wants to abolish the EPA entirely. I don't know how anyone could have watched the Elk River chemical spill in W Va or the lead contamination in Flint Michigan and thought "yeah, we don't need any form of environmental protection or oversight."

I'm a capitalist, and as such I expect companies to use every inch of the law in pursuit of profit. Which makes it all the more important to have meaningful legislation directing what they can and can't do, and an agency to oversee and enforce it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
At least warthog knows where to find nice crappie, as well as he knows where his local Goodwill is to buy nice shorts.



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Trump won liberalism lost.

On the way to making America great again!

You Liberals need to get over it. What a great week it has been

Have a nice weekend!


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Man, this thread was really taking a turn for the better. Civil discussion. Let's stay on point.
I think a major problem with the democrats was their smug patronizing of all Trump supporters. This bears out more in the emails. I have talked to some at work/customers. Many people voted for many different reasons. Hell, some probably because of their age voted for Trump because he seemed healthier. Some voted for him just because he is a businessman. A overrated one and the Democrats dropped the ball not hammering this point home. Hillary made a huge mistake not visiting those states. People I am sure felt slighted. I can't blame them there. As mentioned, the democrats just did not getting out the vote. However, not mentioned here yet unless I missed it and a huge factor was what happened to the Voters Rights Act and the increased difficulty in voting. Please correct me if I am mistaken here. In the end, the purging of the Clinton's Boss Tweed tendencies will perhaps end up best for the democrats in the long run.
As for Donald Trump, I don't know what to expect. I hope he works out but not very optimistic. It seems like he is hugely narcissistic as mentioned before and I swear if he doesn't have ADD. I am no doctor here but the way he is all over the place sometimes reminds me of people I know who have it. Ever since being elected he has appeared to have tempered his tone. Strikes me he finally had a WTF moment and sensed what he is stepping into. Hopefully, this brings out the best in him.

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
You don't remember any protestors when Obama got elected huh? Interesting.

Yep, called him a bigot straight away, and I couldn't pick either one of you out of a line up. I have read his past posts though and it isn't the first time he's displayed his disdain for certain groups, so when his first reaction is woohoo all this political correctness will go away now, I didn't assume he was taking about whether or not he can say bless you to someone sneezing on the train. Much like I didn't address you at all, ever, and yet you couldn't resist taking an unsolicited jab at me. What's even funnier is when you foolishly tried to excuse it by acting as if you were rushing to the defense of someone. That's awesome. Ridiculous and transparent, but funny nonetheless.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

Actually I am today a selective bigot... I have an intense disdain for argumentative, defensive, gotta get the last word in regardless, whiney ass liberals.....

As far as my past posts, I am sure there are many among us who have "spoken" online some comment that was influenced by a personal bad experience in the heat of the moment. I as many, am a continually evolving entity.

I think to lash out at someone you have not personally met, is a particullary cowardly act.

Me, I am enjoying Veterans Day....a shout out to my comrades, living and honored, Vietnam 1970-71.

I offer a silent prayer Donald Trump despite no backing from his party, who overcame an obvious biased media, outspent by the Hilderbeast and her legions of darkness, and the Liberal entertainment industry who held rallies of Clinton love, survived poll mis-representation and dirty politics,
May he become a great leader of positive change and unity.

AND if a good portion of overtly stupid logic defying political correctness, takes a step backward,
I'm good with it.... "snowflakes" need a wake-up call.....:lol:

FWIW....Global warming IMHO is undoubtably influenced by human population and the effects there-of.

Ok FDC, get the last, last, last word can't help what you are...
Last edited:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
I'm not in disagreement. I'm more hopeful than most that by committee, the political lifers will keep Trump in check. His tax plan is a mistake and will create massive long-term debt. I'm a 1%er but I am against lower taxes on the wealthy. I can tell you from experience that one only needs so much to "live" and the leftover is pretty much spent on shit that isn't really necessary in life. I do think that the upper tax brackets need to be changed. 250k in San Fran, LA or metro NY doesn't have as much buying power as it seems . Why don't we have a bracket from 500k-1M, 1M-5M, 5M+ with escalating tax rates- it seems so obvious to me. I do have a problem with how the tax revenue is spent but that's a whole different ball of wax.

I'm not sure how much people here listen to Colin Cowherd but if you go listen to his podcast the morning after the election I think we pretty much nails it (as to why Trump won).

Eddie- I notice less hatred in your tone- cheers to that buddy


You're beautiful. As an aside, I wish we had that beer (or two) when we both lived in Cincinnati. If you are ever here in the land of fruits and nuts, let me know.


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
facts are facts

A staggering 30,000 scientists have come forward confirming that man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money.

One of the experts is weather channel founder, John Coleman, who warns that huge fortunes are being made by man-made climate change proponents such as Al Gore.

Natural News reports:

In a recent interview with Climate Depot, Coleman said:

?Al Gore may emerge from the shadows to declare victory in the ?global warming? debate if Hillary Clinton moves into the White House. Yes, if that happens and the new climate regulations become the law of the land, they will be next to impossible to overturn for four to eight years.?
Climate change scientists admit there has been no warming for 58 years
Climate Change Hoax Exposed, Scientists Admit No Warming For 58 Years
Climate change scientists completely debunk climate change hysteria at the COP21 conference in Paris
Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Climate change proponents remain undeterred in their mission, ignoring numerous recent scientific findings indicating that there has been no warming trend at all for nearly two decades.

Al Gore?s dire predictions of the melting of polar ice on a massive scale have proved to be completely false. In fact, in 2014 ? a year that was touted as being ?the hottest ever? in the Earth?s history ? there were record amounts of ice reported in Antarctica, an increase in Arctic ice, and record snowfalls across the globe.

Debunking the ?97 percent? lie

On top of those ?inconvenient truths,? the White House?s assertion that 97 percent of scientists agree that global warming is real has been completely debunked. Several independently-researched examinations of the literature used to support the ?97 percent? statement found that the conclusions were cherry-picked and misleading.

More objective surveys have revealed that there is a far greater diversity of opinion among scientists than the global warming crowd would like for you to believe.

From the National Review:

?A 2008 survey by two German scientists, Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch, found that a significant number of scientists were skeptical of the ability of existing global climate models to accurately predict global temperatures, precipitation, sea-level changes, or extreme weather events even over a decade; they were far more skeptical as the time horizon increased.?

Other mainstream news sources besides the National Review have also been courageous enough to speak out against the global warming propaganda ? even the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece in 2015 challenging the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) pseudoscience being promulgated by global warming proponents.

And, of course, there are the more than 31,000 American scientists (to date) who have signed a petition challenging the climate change narrative and 9,029 of them hold PhDs in their respective fields. But hey, Al Gore and his cronies have also ignored that inconvenient truth, as well.

Many of those scientists who signed the petition were likely encouraged to speak out in favor of the truth after retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey revealed that solar cycles are largely responsible for warming periods on Earth ? not human activity.

Al Gore and cronies continue getting richer from the global warming hoax

But the global warming crowd continues to push their agenda on the public while lining their pockets in the process. If you?re still inclined to believe what Al Gore has to say about global warming, please consider the fact that since he embarked on his crusade, his wealth has grown from $2 million in 2001 to $100 million in 2016 ? largely due to investments in fake ?green tech? companies and the effective embezzlement of numerous grants and loans.

You might want to take all of this information into serious consideration before casting your vote in the November election.


As stated earlier in this thread, I have a feeling that the "...staggering 30,000 scientists" are made up of chiropractors who believe that ADD in children can be cured by making several spinal manipulations or whores whose opinions on the matter will dovetail with whoever or whatever industry is paying their respective invoices.

Real scientists concur that the sea levels are rising at an alarming rate, the earth is getting warmer..... all due to human pollution. They further concur that this environmental change is not the natural ebb and flow of the earth warming and cooling as has occurred over the last 6 billion years or so.

Your argument reminds me of the "scientists" utilized by the tobacco industry in the `1950's whose claim that there was no correlation between smoking and cancer. As a suspended trial attorney I am well aware that you can find "experts" to say anything at all, for the right price of course.

The reality, whether you and Mein Trumph, accept it or not, is that there is no real dispute regarding the adverse effect humans are having on the environment. Again, the clock is ticking and I'm afraid with the weave's election, it is now after midnight. Our children and grandchildren will wonder what the fuck these assholes were thinking as they fight the respiratory illnesses they will have, buy oceanfront property in Orlando, and pay $30 for a liter of water.

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