President Donald J Trump


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Black power signs are the result of the media portrayal of trump as a racist. That is the narrative being fed to them

Then you are fortunate enough to be surrounded by reasonable people.

But it is all over social media. "This is how Democrats handle losing" and "This is what Democrats consider a peaceful transition".


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Exactly. 8 years ago, i posted the same about republicans that i am of dems now. hypocrites and pussies. :0074

8 years ago we were mired in the worst economic situation in decades thanks to Republican leadership. Change made perfect sense. We're in the opposite situation now, yet change was needed. Why this is so hard to understand is beyond me.

For the record, I am the only person I know of in my immediate family (wife not included) that isn't a Republican. I think they all made a dumb decision. I will tell it to their face if the subject gets brought up.

I haven't called anyone a racist or misogynist have I? Called a lot of people dumb but I think I left it there. Can someone quote my post if I am wrong? Doesn't count if directed at Hedge or Raymond.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006

Hilarious. Obama gave us recovery and growth and reformed healthcare system. Are you paying more, MUCH MORE, for it today than 8 years ago as you sign up for early enrollment for next year? What economic growth? You say empty promises yet he is two days since elected and not President yet? Be realistic at least.

Can we change the subject to wine or golf now please between you and I?


Done. :toast:


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Jul 6, 2003
8 years ago we were mired in the worst economic situation in decades thanks to Republican leadership. Change made perfect sense. We're in the opposite situation now, yet change was needed. Why this is so hard to understand is beyond me.

For the record, I am the only person I know of in my immediate family (wife not included) that isn't a Republican. I think they all made a dumb decision. I will tell it to their face if the subject gets brought up.

I haven't called anyone a racist or misogynist have I? Called a lot of people dumb but I think I left it there. Can someone quote my post if I am wrong? Doesn't count if directed at Hedge or Raymond.

Call the brother of Medgar Edgers dumb because he as a black civil rights activist supported Trump..
It was the black vote and the Latino vote that elected Trump along with middle class whites.
Hillary could not get the Latino and Blacks to vote for her like Obama did. If she had she would be president. Trump got almost twice as many Blacks and a third more Latino votes than Romney.
Guess a few of the minorities did not think of Trump as racist.
I would agree however that Hillary, Podesta and Karen were dumb along with some other advisors.
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
8 years ago we were mired in the worst economic situation in decades thanks to Republican leadership. Change made perfect sense. We're in the opposite situation now, yet change was needed. Why this is so hard to understand is beyond me.

For the record, I am the only person I know of in my immediate family (wife not included) that isn't a Republican. I think they all made a dumb decision. I will tell it to their face if the subject gets brought up.

I haven't called anyone a racist or misogynist have I? Called a lot of people dumb but I think I left it there. Can someone quote my post if I am wrong? Doesn't count if directed at Hedge or Raymond.

Maybe you should listen to your family more, sounds like they have common sense

As far as me being a racist, I have friends in real life of all races and religions


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Halal Pork Delicatessen
Call the brother of Medgar Edgers dumb because he as a black civil rights activist supported Trump..
It was the black vote and the Latino vote that elected Trump along with middle class whites.
Hillary could not get the Latino and Blacks to vote for her like Obama did. If she had she would be president. Trump got almost twice as many Blacks and a third more Latino votes than Romney.
Guess a few of the minorities did not think of Trump as racist.
I would agree however that Hillary, Podesta and Karen were dumb along with some other advisors.

All the Latinos in my neighborhood (about 10) hate the illegals... Don't worry Canada they will be there soon enough to turn that place into a dump... Also expect to see big fancy letters spray painted all over your walls wherever you look... It's okay it's just the cholos moving in...


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
The funny thing about the protests, they are ORGANIZED by Democrat OPPERATIVES, these people on the streets are being USED.


This is a non-sensical statement. Do you mean that the people protesting are Democrats? That should be rather obvious - unlikely to see a lot of Republicans out there protesting. So what exactly is meant by "Operative"? Meaning that the DNC is paying and/or controlling them? See my previous comment about tin foil hat conspiracies. These protests in no way, shape, or form advance the cause of the Democratic Party. Rather, they make Democrats look like a bunch of whiners who can't accept the results. The DNC wants no part of these, any more than Trump wanted the endorsement of the KKK.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Hillary did nothing to embrace Bernie and his followers, thus losing the young motivated voters that would have easily won it for her. She gambled that she didn't need Bernie. Now that is "dumb". Between that and the "deplorables" comment, she was cooked. It was her victory to earn, but her and her campaign folks totally blew it.


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Hillary did nothing to embrace Bernie and his followers, thus losing the young motivated voters that would have easily won it for her. She gambled that she didn't need Bernie. Now that is "dumb". Between that and the "deplorables" comment, she was cooked. It was her victory to earn, but her and her campaign folks totally blew it.

That's just not true. A cornerstone of her general election campaign was telling Sanders supporters "there is far more that unites us than divides us". She said it in almost every speech. Just Google that quote with her name and you'll see dozens of articles where she says it. Bernie endorsed her at the convention and campaigned relentlessly for her the last couple months, unlike Cruz and his supporters at their convention. Yet somehow the right fell in line in the end and the left didn't. So I agree that she wasn't able to get a lot of Bernie supporters, but it was not for lack of effort. They just didn't like her.

Ironically, the "deplorables" comment was one of the most truthful things she said all campaign, and it's the one that did the most damage because it was constantly mis-quoted. "Hillary calls all Trump supporters deplorables." Yeah, that's not what she said at all. She said "you could put half of Trump supporters" in that category. At the time she said that (early September) Trump was polling at about 43%. So basically - she said it about 1/5th of the country. Which is a far cry from half. And in context, she meant it as a statement of unity, as in "I know I'll never get that 21%, but I still feel like I can reach the rest". But it was still a huge mistake, because we are a country that doesn't like to look at things in context. We like short sound bites that reinforce what we already think.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
That's just not true. A cornerstone of her general election campaign was telling Sanders supporters "there is far more that unites us than divides us". She said it in almost every speech. Just Google that quote with her name and you'll see dozens of articles where she says it. Bernie endorsed her at the convention and campaigned relentlessly for her the last couple months, unlike Cruz and his supporters at their convention. Yet somehow the right fell in line in the end and the left didn't. So I agree that she wasn't able to get a lot of Bernie supporters, but it was not for lack of effort. They just didn't like her.

Ironically, the "deplorables" comment was one of the most truthful things she said all campaign, and it's the one that did the most damage because it was constantly mis-quoted. "Hillary calls all Trump supporters deplorables." Yeah, that's not what she said at all. She said "you could put half of Trump supporters" in that category. At the time she said that (early September) Trump was polling at about 43%. So basically - she said it about 1/5th of the country. Which is a far cry from half. And in context, she meant it as a statement of unity, as in "I know I'll never get that 21%, but I still feel like I can reach the rest". But it was still a huge mistake, because we are a country that doesn't like to look at things in context. We like short sound bites that reinforce what we already think.

Do you think she considered Sanders for VP, and if so do you think he would have accepted? It seems that ticket would have won pretty easily if they would have done it.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Do you think she considered Sanders for VP, and if so do you think he would have accepted? It seems that ticket would have won pretty easily if they would have done it.

I don't think he would have accepted it but I do think you are right in that her choice for VP could have helped her, and considering how close the races were, it has to be brought up. TK brought nothing to the table, and I never understood it.

Hey Lowell. You got that dude's number? I have some unused minutes and I have a message to share.


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Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
How the fuck do you call last night a "almost landslide".......He squeaked out wins and lost the popular vote........mercy.......:facepalm:

It's a Trump voter ..what wd you expect 100,000 vote dif in Blue wall states. Flip those 100,000 votes and Hillary is President even with the minimal turnout. Trump won Wisconsin with way fewer votes that Romney got. Minoritys did not turn out.
Hope he has a solid replacement for Obama Care if they go after it. Duckie is totally unqualified for the job clueless !!! snake oil salesman... ya don't pick a proctologist ta do brain surgery. He has Zero ... one more time Zero governing experience .. Was watching interviews from Jerusalem yesterday and all cept 1 person were in shock. Just hope he doesn't commit a world changing blunder as massive as Mr Bush. Ya elect clueless ya get clueless..


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Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
It's a Trump voter ..what wd you expect 100,000 vote dif in Blue wall states. Flip those 100,000 votes and Hillary is President even with the minimal turnout. Trump won Wisconsin with way fewer votes that Romney got. Minoritys did not turn out.
Hope he has a solid replacement for Obama Care if they go after it. Duckie is totally unqualified for the job clueless !!! snake oil salesman... ya don't pick a proctologist ta do brain surgery. He has Zero ... one more time Zero governing experience .. Was watching interviews from Jerusalem yesterday and all cept 1 person were in shock. Just hope he doesn't commit a world changing blunder as massive as Mr Bush. Ya elect clueless ya get clueless..

Why was Obama more qualified? A community organizer who got lucky and became a one term senator who missed about 65 percent of the votes.


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Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Do you think she considered Sanders for VP, and if so do you think he would have accepted? It seems that ticket would have won pretty easily if they would have done it.

Largely agree with WHN - doubt he would have accepted but at this point it's hard to argue it wouldn't have helped. Also hard to argue that Kaine helped her in any meaningful way.

One very important note - here are the Republican vote totals for the last 3 elections:

2008 (McCain) - 59,948,323
2012 (Romney) - 60,934,544
2016 (Trump) - 59,800,206

Let's figure Trump picks up a couple hundred k in votes still being counted and provisional ballots and call it an even 60 million. That's a remarkably consistent result.

Here are the Democrats numbers:
2008 (Obama) - 69,498,516
2012 (Obama) - 65,915,795
2016 (Clinton) - 59,861,516

It could not be more clear from these numbers that this was not "Republicans taking back the country" - it was Republicans doing exactly what they've been doing and Democrats disengaging from the process. You know what Hillary's numbers look a lot like? John Kerry in 2004 (59,028,244). Obama was able to bring additional people into the political process - Hillary simply wasn't.

This helps explain why Romney said he never even wrote a concession speech. He and his advisors expected the electorate to act like 2004 but it didn't and they looked like they were using a hopelessly outdated model. It then also explains why all the pollsters got it so wrong this time around - they expected the electorate to act like 2012 when in fact it went back to acting like 2004.

Lesson for Dems - You need to find a truly inspiring candidate who not only motivates your base but brings new people into the process. Or else.

Lesson for Repubs - Your hold is tenuous. Your base isn't shrinking, but it isn't growing either. Move more to the center or you are toast anytime a charismatic Democratic candidate comes along.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Good posts Johnny

Hillary shot herself in the foot with her deplorables comments. She helped galvanize under-educated white vote. I am not a sociologist, but my guess is lower education = higher rate of racist beliefs. Many of these lower income/education whites have been staunchly against Barry O from day 1. Unfortunately, That blubbering drama queen on CNN who called it a whitelash isnt far off.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I have concerns with Trump. I despise his VP, didnt like the Don's campaign trail persona and some of his ideas for the 1st hundred days strike fear in my heart. Of course, congress will hold some outrageous immigration plans in check, and i get the feeling we will see a more presidential Trump going forward. i had concerns with W and O before him, so i must be a political skeptic. Who isnt nowadays, right? I am ok with the job Barry has done, although deficit grew tremendously in his last year, and he didnt stem the Social Security, medicare and medicaid tide. In fact, medicaid ballooned by nearly 50% in his 2nd term alone. Still, i expected O to feed entitlements and not spur growth, so no surprises there. Barry was definitely better than i expected, so hopefully Trump outperforms my expectations, too.
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