What is the difference between Fletcher and Jim Feist? Where have you been the past 20 years? If you cannot see the vast chasm separating these two in integrity alone, I doubt I could explain it. But let me just toss a few things out that all will understand. I have never paid for anything Jim Feist sells, but I have watched him on television, read him in the paper, visited his web site, etc. In addition to his normal, 5*, 25*, 100* or whatever he offers on a regular basis, you can always count on:
Game of the week for every conference, league, etc
Game of the month for every conference, league, etc
Game of the year for every conference, league, etc
Dog of the week, etc., etc
Fletcher has 3 plays - 3*, 4*, 5*. There are no games of the week, month, year, decade, millenium, etc. There are no dog of the week, upset of the week, or any plays like that designed to fleece you. fletcher has, as I think I have mentioned, 3 plays. This is just one of perhaps hundreds of differences. If Feist is "Home Run" Baker, Fletcher is Barry Bonds. And that's just the tip of the iceburg.
And for those of you that would like refunds if you don't win, how long a run are you looking for? Does he have to win every day, every week, every month, every year or what? At what point does he owe a refund? Gambling in a systematic, managed manner is no different that playing the stock market. When your stock broker gives you advice that doesn't pan out, or if the percentages are not as high as he promised - ask him for a refund, too!