Strikeforce: "Fedor vs. Rogers", Nov. 7th, Hoffman Estates, IL


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Jun 3, 2008
Well, he takes the most money for the lesser risks, i'll give you that. After all, this is the hurt business.

I think he earned it after a long career.


Wrong Forum Mod
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May 26, 2002
bucs.........that was a tad harsh.

Although I will agree, tough to get off the GSP cock, but still a tad harsh wouldn't ya say.

Shit even Sponge doesn't go to the "cock comment", man that one hurt. Although guess the truth hurts sometimes. Perhaps I will put the KY Jelly away just for tonight.

And ummm just curious what the fuck does this have to do with GSP's cock? I am all for GSP's cock, just not sure what the hell that has to do with anything:142smilie


Benneteau fan
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2004
Yes I 100% agree that Fedor was offered an amazing deal from UFC that has been offered to nobody else.
You have to acknowledge he didn't sign it in fear of who he would fight but for the simple fact that M1 wanted a silly agreement to get a piece of the UFC pie.
M1 and Fedor are linked together that probably will NEVER change.
Stabbing Dana in the back just means Dana will bash you to no end in the media.
Stabbing Russian based M1 could mean a hit being put out on your head. They might even send Fedor's own brother to do the deed.:142smilie
He seems to be pretty deep in the Russian mafia and only getting deeper these days from reports of not fighting and he has been up to no good.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
Not sure why you continue to sell Rogers short.
What has he done wrong in his career thus far for disrespect?

Fedor is the best HW no matter how you slice it.
May not be best P4P but I always thought those ranking idea were foolish.

Maybe dos Santos could give Fedor a war and even beat him but nobody else in HW class can.
Especially Brock. Brock doesn't frop bombs like Rogers did once on top and Rogers avoided submission which Brock would not.
I can promise you Rogers chin is 10X better than Brock's as well.

I don't know why everyone keeps selling Brock so short. I guess I'm the only one who sees the RAW talent he has. I'm not gonna go around saying this person and that person can beat Fedor, because nobody has.

rogers said it himself..."i doubted myself and didn`t let my hands go"....

if i were fedor i wouldn`t give him a rematch...that k.o. was as definitive as it`s not as though there was a close decision or some controversy....

step aside had your shot and it was there for the froze....

it`s somebody else`s turn...

i agree...i don't wanna see a rematch.

i don't see anything in that fight that makes me think rogers can win, or that he deserves a rematch.

Werdum up next, and that'll be a great fight because Werdum fights smart fights.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
and according to bucs GSP's cock also had something to do with Fedor and the mafia:142smilie

And if Fedor is "the baddest man on the planet", doesn't that mean he can split ties with the mafia/M1:shrug:

Wish more people would stop bashing UFC for "petty shit" when ya got scumbag promotions like DREAM and M1. You want to talk about shady characters see DREAM and M1.

Dana does a blog and is there for the fans, M1/DREAM has guys that kill the fans:eek:

Maybe that's why Sponge and kegray bash Dana....Dana won't kill em:142smilie

bucs.........I put some thought into it......2 days off, then back to the KY Jelly.


Benneteau fan
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2004
I don't know why everyone keeps selling Brock so short. I guess I'm the only one who sees the RAW talent he has. I'm not gonna go around saying this person and that person can beat Fedor, because nobody has.

Well I agree Brock is an awesome talent for the sheer fact of his body.
He is just so raw. We have yet to really see his punching power because he usually just bullies the guy to the ground. Once on the ground he is clueless as to how to use his strength and has zero submissions.
He relies on his wrestling background and body to keep position.
The one thing I noticed in his last fight vs Mir was that he actually to more time in setting up the shots once on top and he dropped bigger shots instead of those weak little ones.
If he contiinues to learn and grow then he could indeed be a true beast.
I am still no sold on his submission defense as we have not needed to see it and who knows about his chin?

My only point is what he has done so far is not enough to finish Fedor and he can't lay on Fedor for 5 rounds without getting beat by a submission.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
There is also a guy on here who said Shields and Swick would beat GSP....wonder who that guy is??

Fight the best up Werdum:mj07:

Gotta love the nuthuggerskurby

I just love how the Fedor backers don't see that he has not fought good guys. It just makes me laugh. Look at all the top guys in the world and who they fight day in and day out, and then look at Fedor's opponents. Pretty pathetic to say the least. At least he's fighting better guys now, but it is still beyond pathetic who he's fought. So Werdum is another top 5 guy huh. Yeah right.:142smilie

And Sponge maybe you should have watched the Hatsu fight......pure robbery.

Kick i never liked Shields i was only breaking ur balls. i never liked Shields. Now Swick has a chance because he can swing. Would i bet Swick in an even fight with GSP. No. As for Hatsu if he is so great like you say then why would his fight be decided by judges? Fedor doesn't bother with Judges. Just waxes guys. Oh and Fedors competition? Do i really have to put up everyone he has fought (in their prime also) compared to the UFC guys?


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Sponge.....I know, just messin' with you:SIB

And yes......going to judges is always scary....Fedor doesn't have to deal with that.

Although somehow GSP's cock has something to do with that:142smilie

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
What is funny is that KIck doesn't get his way on this site like he does on that radio show :mj07: That is why he talks about his same nonsense on that show. He doesn't have to hear a rebuttal from guys who have a love for the sport like we all do. :142smilie

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Let me also go on record as saying i don't like a few 0f the things Dana pulls but overall i think he is great for the sport and i like a hell of a lot more of the stuff he does then the shady stuff. Dana is okay in my book and wouldn't want anyone in that spot especially some crook like a David Stern type. Dana going into the ring and telling Shogun he got robbed is what i love about Dana.

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
"Fedor continued his streak of highlight real KO's with an overhand right that would make Chuck Liddell blush. Rogers immediately melted, along with his chance of making history. After the fight, Rogers said that if he had another chance he would win. That's what they all say after losing to Fedor."


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Jun 3, 2008
After the fight, Rogers said that if he had another chance he would win. That's what they all say after losing to Fedor."

Sour grapes Rogers

I would be sour too if i got my jaw knocked into the 22 nd century in front of millions, especially after alluding to Fedor being afraid .

What an unafraid Fedor would do to Rogers??


The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Something i find a little disturbing is the way Fedors camp reacts when he wins. It almost looks like they are so happy he wins cause they are making money off the guy and if he lost they would throw him out like yesterday's trash. Anyone else get that feeling? almost like he is forced to fight for these people.


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Sep 28, 2007
Brock Lesnar, Frank Mir, Cain Velasquez, Randy Couture, Junior Dos Santos, Shane Carwin, Overeem.

Kick, who is it that this "Murderers Row" of Heavy's has actually beat????

The one name you have missing from your list is Barnett.

I forgot, the overated Fedor forced steroids down his throat to avoid fighting him.

I don't blame Fedor for not dealing with that egotistical shit Dana White.
Have you watched the way he treats fighters???
Dana deserves such a huge ego, after all, he gave up his lucrative career as a Boxercise instructor to run a company handed to him by two rich friends.
If only I had such rich friends :D

Most President's of company's actually have qualifications and certificates, not Dana, he just has a couple of rich buddies :mj07:
Maybe that is why he is such an eloquent speaker :scared

Dana White- A legend in his own mind!!
A Rebel without a Clue!!!


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Yeah Dana has done a horrible job.......just horrible:mj07:

If it were not for Dana there would be no MMA......put that in your pipe and smoke it:cool:

And your baby Fedor is with a corrupt scumbag organization called M1. Gee a solid company:142smilie

No Dana.....No MMA, deal with that.

Fedor.........have a nice fight against the powerhouse Werdum:142smilie :142smilie :142smilie


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Sep 28, 2007
If it were not for the Gracies there would be no MMA

If not for his rich buddies, Dana would be in a studio in some basement teaching fat woman how to lose weight :mj07:

Not knocking what he has done, he has done well BUT any arsehole, including you and I, could have potentially done the same thing IF we had friends with REALLY deep pockets.
I'm sure we are just as qualified. We can both call people for all the useless Cocksucking, Fuckhead Cunts under the sun. Apparently a Pre-req for Dana's position :mj07: :mj07:

:D :D :D


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
This Fedor talk is all getting rediculous. It's getting old. The guy is a great fighter, he won't be fighting anyone in the UFC anytime soon, end of story. Lets move on from discussing how great guys are, and lets talk about fights.
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