The Great Teacher Exodus From Wisconsin Has Begun

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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Getting pretty serious in here.




You are a simpleton.
You go after O for the most trivial of issues.

He may be illegal, so what? How much time and wasted money are we going to waste looking into that?

Dare I mention Ken Starr....

How about looking into:

Fast and Furious
Black Water
GE, GM,...

so many more issues to go after

Israel v. whomever? :shrug:

Israel attacking whomever?

Stop licking Becky's corn hole !
Why does be tongue the brown eye of the Israeli's so much?

Uhhh.... Maybe they fund him ?

you really are a frightening internet troll



Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, Lumi - I was just goofing WITH you, not ON you. You add value to the forum, although I don't share most of your ultimate concerns about life. I have not been through much of what you have, I understand you have seen plenty. I suppose I do choose not to spend too much time worrying about things I don't know or understand. Life is tough enough most of the time, and I've worried about plenty in my life. Trying to chill a bit as I've gotten older - the old "don't sweat the small stuff" scenario. Sounds like you have a big trip ahead - good luck in your travels, be safe. :0074


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

From the Washington Post:

APNewsBreak: Wis. teacher retirements double over last year, after collective bargaining fight

By Associated Press, Updated: Wednesday, August 31, 11:01 AM

MADISON, Wis. ? When students return Thursday for the first day of school across Wisconsin, many familiar faces will be gone, as teachers chose retirement over coming back in the wake of a new law that forces them to pay more for benefits while taking away most of their collective bargaining rights.

In the first six months of 2011, overall public employee retirements were double that in all of either 2009 or 2010, according to data provided to the AP by the Wisconsin Retirement System. That includes 4,935 Wisconsin school district employees who started receiving retirement benefits, up from 2,527 teacher retirements in all of 2010 and 2,417 in 2009.

Teachers weren?t the only ones heading for the exits. State agency retirements were particularly dramatic, nearly tripling from 747 in all of 2010 to 1,966 through June. Retirements from the University of Wisconsin System more than doubled, up from 480 last year to 1,091 this year. All told, 9,933 public workers had retired by the end of June, a 93 percent increase from 5,133 in 2010. The year before, there were 4,876 retirements.

I can think of at least one poster here who's probably ecstatic over this news. :0003

"Ginny Fleck, a German teacher from Green Bay with 30 years of experience, is among nearly 5,000 teachers who retired."


Hope the other states are paying attention -

Give some new blood like Chad and other new grads same opportunity they've had for 30 years.!

--and equally on bright side--teachers quiting because they may have to pay part of their insurance --need to culled.

Greed is poor motive for teaching!!!!!!!!!!!
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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Yeah, Lumi - I was just goofing WITH you, not ON you. You add value to the forum, although I don't share most of your ultimate concerns about life. I have not been through much of what you have, I understand you have seen plenty. I suppose I do choose not to spend too much time worrying about things I don't know or understand. Life is tough enough most of the time, and I've worried about plenty in my life. Trying to chill a bit as I've gotten older - the old "don't sweat the small stuff" scenario. Sounds like you have a big trip ahead - good luck in your travels, be safe. :0074



The storms and other natural disasters are real.

Northcom is real. People getting pissed off about not having utilities is real.

Gerald Celente: ?Economic Martial Law Will Be Declared?

n his latest quarterly Trends Journal (Summer 2011), Gerald Celente provides us another ?history of the future,? in which he discusses global economic, monetary, and political events as they happen and what their consequences will be for months, years and decades to come. As he has said before, it is only a matter of time before a major terror attack is executed in a major Western nation. And once it happens it will send shock waves throughout the world, leading to mass global panic and a further tightening of the noose around the necks of the populace:
What will another major terror strike mean? Should an attack hit one of the major NATO nations, the effects, this time, will go global. Bank holidays will be called, the US and other fragile economies will crumble, gold and silver will soar, and already-troubled currencies will crash. Economic martial law will be declared. Introduced as a temporary measure, once in place it will remain in place (like the curfews and draconian security precautions installed by despots and dictators everywhere). Civil rights will be suspended and, particularly in America, Homeland Security, already intolerably intrusive, will achieve an Orwellian omnipresence.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Thanks, Wayne - I will agree I hope I get a chance when the time comes. It's a little scary right now with the environment and teacher layoffs in my area. But, I hope I bring enough to the table.

In a semi-related note: I heard a story this week that one school district in the Green Bay area is letting students out of school at noon next Thursday as a matter of safety due to the football game that night. That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of... what kind of message does that send to kids? We're letting you out 7 hours before game time to protect you? From what? The Fudge-Packer fans who have been drinking paint thinner since 8 AM on game day?!? Actually, maybe it makes sense for Wisconsin... :D :facepalm:
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
It is clear that unions have held back our education system way too long and has hurt our childrens development.
OK, I think I've got it now, Mags. America's public school systems are filled with below average students for one reason -- unions.

It's not absentee parents or parents who just don't care about the scholastic achievement of their kids. It's not our consumer society that begins brainwashing kids at an early age that happiness and success in life are achieved through material gains. It's not that most kids now days have so many extra-curricular activities that they have no time for studies. They've got soccer games and hockey tournaments and dance recitals and baseball camps and well, you name it. They carry smart phones and laptops and when they ARE home, they've got 250 channels on the satellite feed, broadband Internet access and game consoles. Is it any wonder they have no time or even any incentive for studying?

What a convenient scapegoat you've conjured up in your mind in blaming all of society's ills on those evil unions.
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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
OK, I think I've got it now, Mags. America's public school systems are filled with below average students for one reason -- unions.

It's not absentee parents or parents who just don't care about the scholastic achievement of their kids. It's not our consumer society that begins brainwashing kids at an early age that happiness and success in life are achieved through material gains. It's not that most kids now days have so many extra-curricular activities that they have no time for studies. They've got soccer games and hockey tournaments and dance recitals and baseball camps and well, you name it. They carry smart phones and laptops and when they ARE home, they've got 250 channels on the satellite feed, broadband Internet access and game consoles. Is it any wonder they have no time or even any incentive for studying?

What a convenient scapegoat you've conjured up in your mind in blaming all of society's ills on those evil unions.

Convenient excuse for Maggot: He's a product of the public school system.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
One thing I want to mention in this whole "qualified teacher" angle of the discussion. I am currently in my senior year at a college that is ranked in the top 15 of teaching colleges in the country - depending on what ranking system you look at. It has a teacher education specific program - most colleges don't. So, I guess I'm benefiting from a good curriculum and am learning a lot that will help me and my future students a lot.

I have to say, that the required classes that I take are very eye-opening to the real issues that teachers face. We are taught so many important lessons for teaching, from teaching strategies, learning styles, classroom and student management, English as a second language learners, Special needs education, human relations, how to effectively deal with parents, the community, administration, parents. For those who don't know, there are so many laws and legal scenarios when dealing with schools, students, parents and conduct - you cannot believe what we have to adhere to when becoming teachers. Rightfully so. I can honestly say that my education for teaching is a wonderful preparation for my career and in dealing with the future adults.

I mention this, merely because I honestly feel like most people have no idea what goes into what teachers do, learn, or have to think about in their job. It is a great job, no doubt, for those that don't think about how much money they can make as a main consideration. Also, the only teachers who are making a GREAT deal of money that are used as examples of teachers making too much money either teach in areas where taxpayers pay a ton of money for their schools, because that's important to them, or because they have attended many more years of school at their own expense (which is very high) and achieved higher levels of education (phd, doctorate, etc.).

Some of you may know this. Some may not. Sorry if this is boring or off-putting for some. I just think it might give some perspective about the teaching profession that some may not know. Cheers!
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
In a semi-related note: I heard a story this week that one school district in the Green Bay area is letting students out of school at noon next Thursday as a matter of safety due to the football game that night. That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of... what kind of message does that send to kids? We're letting you out 7 hours before game time to protect you? From what? The Fudge-Packer fans who have been drinking paint thinner since 8 AM on game day?!? Actually, maybe it makes sense for Wisconsin... :D :facepalm:
Packers fans are a little nuts, Chad. I know because I'm one of them. One example: Back in 2004, when the Packers played the Raiders on MNF the day after Favre's dad, Irv, died and Favre had the monster game, so many 2nd shift workers at the Janesville GM plant called in sick, they had to shut the line down for the entire shift. Crazy. Uh-oh, now Mags is gonna go off on unions again.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Packers fans are a little nuts, Chad. I know because I'm one of them. One example: Back in 2004, when the Packers played the Raiders on MNF the day after Favre's dad, Irv, died and Favre had the monster game, so many 2nd shift workers at the Janesville GM plant called in sick, they had to shut the line down for the entire shift. Crazy. Uh-oh, now Mags is gonna go off on unions again.

Nah, Trenchy, I'll let you off the hook this time. Although you are a bit misguided, you do seem like a decent chap. Although that could be the MacAllen 12 year talking....

Have a good weekend everyone (even you Duff)


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Nah, Trenchy, I'll let you off the hook this time. Although you are a bit misguided, you do seem like a decent chap. Although that could be the MacAllen 12 year talking....

Have a good weekend everyone (even you Duff)
You remind me of a guy that I work with, Mags. He's a good guy but very conservative and we agree on almost nothing politically.

I can overlook his political ideology but what I can't overlook is the fact that he's a Cowboys fan to boot! :scared
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