The Liberal Media Bias

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Jun 22, 2005
Copied over from another thread this deserved its own thread . :mj21:

Los Angeles Times Survey

In 1985, the Los Angeles Times conducted one of the most extensive surveys of journalists in history. Using the same questionnaire they had used to poll the public, the Times polled 2,700 journalists at 621 newspapers across the country. The survey asked 16 questions involving foreign affairs, social and economic issues. On 15 of 16 questions, the journalists gave answers to the left of those given by the public.


Self-identified liberals outnumbered conservatives in the newsroom by more than three-to-one, 55 to 17 percent. This compares to only one-fourth of the public (23 percent) that identified themselves as liberal.
84 percent of reporters and editors supported a so-called "nuclear freeze" to ban all future nuclear missile deployment; 80 percent were against increased defense spending; and 76 percent opposed aid to the Nicaraguan Contras.
82 percent of reporters and editors favored allowing women to have abortions; 81 percent backed affirmative action; and 78 percent wanted stricter gun control.
Two-thirds (67%) of journalists opposed prayer in public schools; three-fourths of the general public (74%) supported prayer in public schools.

Survey of Business Reporters

A 1988 poll by a New York-based newsletter, Journalist and Financial Reporting, surveyed 151 business reporters from over 30 publications ranging from the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, USA Today, New York Times and Chicago Tribune to Money, Fortune and Business Week. The survey found that newspaper and magazine business reporters are just as liberal as their colleagues covering politics.


54 percent identified themselves as Democrats, just 9 percent as Republicans.
76 percent reported they opposed school prayer and 75 percent were against aid to the Contras, rebels fighting the Communist-backed Nicaraguan government. An overwhelming 86 percent favored abortion.
More than half, 52 percent, evaluated President Reagan?s performance in office as ?poor? or ?below average.? Only 17 percent gave him an ?excellent? or ?good,? while 19 percent considered him ?average.?
Asked who they wished to see become President, 27 percent named liberal New York Governor Mario Cuomo (D), trailed by 20 percent for Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) and nine percent for Senator Paul Simon (D-Ill). Senator Bob Dole was the most ?popular? Republican, garnering a piddling eight percent.
Rev. Pat Robertson, then a GOP candidate, topped the list ? at 44 percent ? of those the reporters would ?least like to see as President,? followed by 19 percent who named the eventual winner that year, George H. W. Bush.

Journalists ? Who Are They, Really?

In 1992, Professors Weaver and Wilhoit conducted another national survey of journalists, and noticed the group had moved farther to the left. Writing in the Fall 1992 Media Studies Journal, they discovered that 47 percent of journalists now said they were ?liberal,? while only 22 percent labeled themselves as ?conservative.?


44 percent of journalists identified themselves as Democrats, an increase from the early 1980s, while 16 percent tagged themselves as Republican, a decline from the earlier study.
?Compared to the overall U.S. population, journalists are 3 percent to 10 percent more likely to say they are Democrats, depending on which national survey you use as a yardstick, and 10 to 17 points less likely to say they are Republicans.?

Nearly half of the journalists surveyed (47 percent) called themselves ?liberal,? compared to 22 percent who described themselves as ?conservative.? Gallup polls taken at the same time found just 18 percent of the public considered themselves liberal, while 34 percent of the public said they were conservative.
The study authors found ?minorities are much more likely to call themselves Democrats than are white journalists, especially blacks (70 percent), Asians (63 percent) and Hispanics (59 percent).?
Women journalists (58 percent) are much more likely than men (38 percent) to prefer the Democratic Party.
More than half of journalists (51%) said abortion should be ?legal under any circumstances,? compared to just 4 percent who thought abortion should be ?illegal in all circumstances.? Among the general public, 33 percent wanted abortion ?legal under any circumstances,? and 14 percent thought it should always be illegal.

Newspaper Journalists of the ?90s

In 1996, as a follow-up to a 1988 survey, the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) surveyed 1,037 reporters at 61 newspapers of all sizes across the nation, and found that newsrooms were more ideologically unrepresentative than they had been in the late 1980s. While the percentage of journalists calling themselves ?Democrat or liberal? essentially held steady (going from 62 to 61 percent of those surveyed), the percentage saying they were ?Republican or conservative? dropped from 22 percent to just 15 percent of journalists. The ASNE report, The Newspaper Journalists of the ?90s, also revealed that bigger ? presumably more influential ? newspapers had the most liberal staffs.


According to ASNE: ?In 1996 only 15 percent of the newsroom labeled itself conservative/Republican or leaning in that direction, down from 22 percent in 1988. The greatest gain is in the ?independent? column, which rose from 17 percent to 24 percent. Liberal/Democrats and those leaning that way slipped only from 62 to 61 percent.?

?Political orientation does not vary across job descriptions, except that editorial writers are more likely to be independent or conservative than staffers in the newsroom.?
?On papers of at least 50,000 circulation, 65 percent of the staffs are liberal/Democrat or leaning that way, and 12 percent are conservative/Republican or leaning that way.?
Women in the newsroom were more likely than men to identify as liberal/Democratic. Only 11 percent identified themselves as conservative or leaned that way.
Minority journalists are even more liberal/Democrat than other reporters, with a mere three percent of blacks and eight percent of Asians and Hispanics putting themselves on the right.

The Media Elite Revisited

In 1995, Stanley Rothman and Amy Black polled the news media elite ? ?reporters and editors at major national newspapers, news magazines and wire services? as part of a larger examination of nine elite groups in the U.S. The results were published in the Spring 2001 issue of The Public Interest. They found the media elite held strongly liberal views on abortion, homosexuality, and a range of economic issues. ?Despite the discrediting of centrally planned economies produced by the collapse of the Soviet Union and other Communist regimes, attitudes about government control of the economy have not changed very much since the 1980s,? the authors marveled.


Nearly all of the media elite (97 percent) agreed that ?it is a woman?s right to decide whether or not to have an abortion,? and five out of six (84 percent) agreed strongly.
Three out of four journalists (73 percent) agreed that ?homosexuality is as acceptable a lifestyle as heterosexuality,? and 40 percent agreed strongly.
Seven out of ten journalists (71 percent) agreed that ?government should work to ensure that everyone has a job,? and 30 percent said they strongly agreed with that statement.
Three-fourths (75 percent) agreed that ?government should work to reduce the income gap between the rich and the poor,? and more than a third (34 percent) strongly agreed.
Relatively few journalists (39 percent) agreed that ?less government regulation of business would be good for the economy,? and just five percent strongly agreed with this sentiment.

The People and the Press: Whose Views Shape the News?

In the July/August 2001 edition of the Roper Center?s Public Perspective, Washington Post national political correspondent Thomas Edsall summarized the findings of a Kaiser Family Foundation poll of 301 ?media professionals,? 300 ?policymakers? and the 1,206 members of the public. The media professionals included ?reporters and editors from top newspapers, TV and radio networks, news services and news magazines.? The results showed that ?only a tiny fraction of the media identifies itself as either Republican (4%), or conservative (6%),? placing reporters far to the left of media consumers.


Four times as many ?media professionals? told the pollsters they considered themselves ?liberal? (25%) than called themselves ?conservative? (6%). Among the general public, self-identified conservatives outnumbered liberals, 38 percent to 21 percent.

More than six times as many media professionals called themselves Democrats (27%), than said they were Republicans (just 4%). Among the general public, Democrats slightly outnumbered Republicans, 34 percent to 28 percent.
Policymakers were also found to be less liberal than journalists. According to Edsall, ?These areas of divergence between the public and the press lend themselves to conflict, both with the consumers and the makers of news, and threaten to diminish the legitimacy of American journalism.?
Edsall: ?Whether or not members of the media agree with conservative voters on any given set of questions is not at issue. The problem is the invisibility of these men and women to the national media, and, most especially, the inability of the press to represent their views in public discourse.?
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Jun 22, 2005
How Journalists See Journalists in 2004

In May 2004, the Pew Research Center for The People and The Press (in association with the Project for Excellence in Journalism and the Committee of Concerned Journalists) surveyed 547 journalists and media executives, including 247 at national-level media outlets. The poll was similar to ones conducted by the same group (previously known as the Times Mirror Center for the People and the Press) in 1995 and 1999. The actual polling was done by the Princeton Survey Research Associates.


Five times more national journalists identify themselves as ?liberal? (34 percent) than ?conservative? (just 7 percent). In contrast, a survey of the public taken in May 2004 found 20 percent saying they were liberal, and 33 percent saying they were conservative.
The percentage of national reporters saying they are liberal has increased, from 22 percent in 1995 to 34 percent in 2004. The percentage of self-identified conservatives remains low, rising from a meager 4 percent in 1995 to a still-paltry 7 percent in 2004.

Liberals also outnumber conservatives in local newsrooms. Pew found that 23 percent of the local journalists they questioned say they are liberals, while about half as many (12 percent) call themselves conservative.
Most national journalists (55 percent) say the media are ?not critical enough? of President Bush, compared with only eight percent who believe the press has been ?too critical.? In 1995, the poll found just two percent thought journalists had given ?too much? coverage to then-President Clinton?s accomplishments, compared to 48 percent who complained of ?too little? coverage of Clinton?s achievements.
Reporters struggled to name a liberal news organization. According to Pew, ?The New York Times was most often mentioned as the national daily news organization that takes a decidedly liberal point of view, but only by 20% of the national sample.? Only two percent of reporters suggested CNN, ABC, CBS, or NPR were liberal; just one percent named NBC.
Journalists did see ideology at one outlet: ?The single news outlet that strikes most journalists as taking a particular ideological stance ? either liberal or conservative ? is Fox News Channel,? Pew reported. More than two-thirds of national journalists (69 percent) tagged FNC as a conservative news organization, followed by The Washington Times (9 percent) and The Wall Street Journal (8 percent).

Wow what a shock aye ? Imagine that ! Go figure !
You have got to be dumb as a box of rocks to believe the media isnt Liberal biased !!!!


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Try being a republican president fighting 2 wars, enduring 9/11 and natural disasters, inherriting a recession and battling against a villifying liberal-biased media that hates you and does whatever possible to bring you down. Americans are getting tired of this whiney liberal shit. Why do you think Fox News dominates now?

Dan Rather with a fake document right before the election?

What about 3 days before the election, the media showed satellite images of tons of weapons being trucked out of Saddam's Al Qua Qa weapons facility?? The liberal media tried to say that it was Bush's incompetence for allowing the weapons to be moved out, even though we hadn't invaded yet. Notice how now you hear nothing about it?????

Gee, I wonder what Saddam was trying to hide and move out of the weapons compound right before we invaded?
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Jun 22, 2005
Try being a republican president fighting 2 wars, enduring 9/11 and natural disasters, inherriting a recession and battling against a villifying liberal-biased media that hates you and does whatever possible to bring you down. Americans are getting tired of this whiney liberal shit. Why do you think Fox News dominates now?

Dan Rather with a fake document right before the election?

What about 3 days before the election, the media showed satellite images of tons of weapons being trucked out of Saddam's Al Qua Qa weapons facility?? The liberal media tried to say that it was Bush's incompetence for allowing the weapons to be moved out, even though we hadn't invaded yet. Notice how now you hear nothing about it?????

Gee, I wonder what Saddam was trying to hide and move out of the weapons compound right before we invaded?

Stupid people believe stupid things and we have a lot of them in this country ....hell the media has started its campiagn for Hillary already .. They even put out a sitcom with some very popular actresses and actors that just so happen to be very Liberal ...... about none other than a women president :mj07: I do think that cunt will win no stopping that bitch.. countries not smart enough not to vote with Jesse Jackson this time .


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Palehose said:
I do think that cunt will win no stopping that bitch..
classy post

you people will never stop whining about the free speech free enterprise capitalist media will you? i guess you just can't stand freedom.

fox has high ratings and there's plenty of other sources for you to get your news. why don't you patronize them and STOP FVCKING WHINING ABOUT THIS SH!T FINALLY! :)


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
I guess you have no problem with Dan Rather trying to sink the president right before the election with a FAKE document?

You call that freedom? Whatever. While it may not be illegal, if you think that is fair and balanced for liberal media to do that to our own president then you have a totally different set of morals than I do.
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Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
classy post

you people will never stop whining about the free speech free enterprise capitalist media will you? i guess you just can't stand freedom.

fox has high ratings and there's plenty of other sources for you to get your news. why don't you patronize them and STOP FVCKING WHINING ABOUT THIS SH!T FINALLY! :)

Class and talk of Clintons' should never be in the same sentance ..... I am just being grammatically correct :)


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Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
classy post

you people will never stop whining about the free speech free enterprise capitalist media will you? i guess you just can't stand freedom.

fox has high ratings and there's plenty of other sources for you to get your news. why don't you patronize them and STOP FVCKING WHINING ABOUT THIS SH!T FINALLY! :)

Thats the difference between Liberals and Conservatives silly :

Conservative whine about the facts Liberals whine about fiction :mj07:
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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
I don't even see how you were "whining" Palehose? Seems to me like your post was very factual.

It's funny how Smurphy says he is tired of hearing about the liberal media being biased, yet he clicked on your post and read it.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
You wanna throw the baby out with the bath water? Rather was canned wasn't he? Dummy should have checked his sources better. ...Kinda reminds me of how Bush should have checked his intel better ...only on a fraction of the same scale regarding lives and money. ...sorta like the blowjob your side still whines about. You guys are all caught up in meaningless shit - meanwhile actual stuff happens all around us. Here's a word you should look into - "PERSPECTIVE". Try measuring what you perceive as a media bias against actual actions, actual dollars, and actual lives. There are IMPORTANT things going on out there and your hero is the one making the decisions. There's nothing more to be gained from your media witchhunt other than you guys sounding like a desperate broken record. It's like you know Bush is a fcuk up, but rather than face that you look for excuses and scapegoats.
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Jun 22, 2005
"There are IMPORTANT things going on out there."

I am not sure whats more important than a liberal media bias that trys to mislead a nation or the fact that they put our lives as citizens and our country's armed forces at risk with their lies .
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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Hey Murph - Bush should have checked his intell better?

Let's see........

People who said Saddam had WMD's....

the CIA
the FBI
British MI-5 intell
Vladamir Putin (personally told Bush there were WMDs)
Turkish Intell
Spanish intell
Egypt intell
Saudi Arabia
Italian intell
Bill Clinton (D)
Hillary Clinton (D)
Ted Kennedy (D)
Sandy Berger (D)
John Kerry (D)
Madeline Albright (D)
John Edwards (D)
Carl Levin (D)
Nancy Pelosi (D)
Al Gore (D)
Robert Bird (D)
Bob Graham (D)

Ask yourself this -- If you were president and all these people told you that Saddam had WMD's would you have ignored them?

I didn't think so. You just aren't man enough to admit it.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Palehose said:
"There are IMPORTANT things going on out there."

I am not sure whats more important than a liberal media bias that trys to mislead a nation or the fact that they put our lives as citizens and our country's armed forces at risk with their lies .
you are deluded. nobody of any signifigance is doing that. just watch the news you like and stop sounding like a deranged conspiracy theorist. it's called capitalism and free enterprise. love it or leave it, commie.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
thanks for ignoring my question about the WMD' brought it up...I challenged you...then you backed off. This is all too typical of you Murph. Can you answer my questionS?


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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
i defend it on the same level as i defend our government. everyone screws up, but you dont throw the whole system away. you wanna silence our own citizens from bashing our leadership? then - yes - you don't like freedom.

such cop-outs. you blame newsweek for riots in kabul, but don't blame the abu graib crap for any kind of negative message it may have sent to muslims? i sure as hell dont want to get rid of the military just because stupid assholes abused their power and put us all in jeopardy just like i don't wanna silence the media when some jackasses do the same.

basically, people get fired when they screw up. sometimes even go to jail. this is generally a pretty good setup to keep people from abusing their jobs. it works in most areas.



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Jun 22, 2005
They just dont get it Manson ! And they never will . Well maybe they will when they grow up or actually start making enough money to pay attention :thumb:


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Nov 4, 2000
You send inspectors back in to see who is right. WMD was no excuse anyway. If it was. Why then did we no start with Korea. They said hey we got em.
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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Ok you want me to blame Abu Graib?

The liberal NY Times ran 52 front page stories about Abu Graib.

LOL I'm sitting here reading this shit cracking myself up. He still couldn't answer my questions.

I'm also dying to hear how you would deal with North Korea...this outta be good!