The Liberal Media Bias

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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Palehose said:
If you call fighting Communism a administrative blunder there is really no talking to you ...
I guess there's no talking to me then, because I have 100% belief that "fighting communism" was not correct in every situation -= especially Vietnam. It was absolutely undoubtedly the wrong move to keep shoveling thousands of troops in defense of a small peice of real estate that was not important in the grand scheme of the Cold War -- or anything for that matter.

Reagan gets a lot of acollade for standing up to the Soviets in tough negotiations. He deserves it. How many lives he needlessly throw at the red menace?

Smart leadership understands than in terms of actual human resource, we are NOT the global leader. We have technology, wealth, and political power in our favor, but we are not the kind of country that can afford (for many many reasons) to scatter our own bodies across the globe.

Look into a little geography, grumpy old man, and you'll see what I mean. Remember Princess Bride - "Never get in a land war in Asia."?? Well, there's actually a lot of truth to that silly quote. :)

I guess you won't be talking to me anymore since I didn't think Nam was the right move. Fare thee well Manson lover :sadwave: .


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
I guess there's no talking to me then, because I have 100% belief that "fighting communism" was not correct in every situation -= especially Vietnam. It was absolutely undoubtedly the wrong move to keep shoveling thousands of troops in defense of a small peice of real estate that was not important in the grand scheme of the Cold War -- or anything for that matter.

Reagan gets a lot of acollade for standing up to the Soviets in tough negotiations. He deserves it. How many lives he needlessly throw at the red menace?

Smart leadership understands than in terms of actual human resource, we are NOT the global leader. We have technology, wealth, and political power in our favor, but we are not the kind of country that can afford (for many many reasons) to scatter our own bodies across the globe.

Look into a little geography, grumpy old man, and you'll see what I mean. Remember Princess Bride - "Never get in a land war in Asia."?? Well, there's actually a lot of truth to that silly quote. :)

I guess you won't be talking to me anymore since I didn't think Nam was the right move. Fare thee well Manson lover :sadwave: .

Thank god the whole country didnt think the way you do because we wouldnt be a country anymore .


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
I guess there's no talking to me then, because I have 100% belief that "fighting communism" was not correct in every situation -= especially Vietnam. It was absolutely undoubtedly the wrong move to keep shoveling thousands of troops in defense of a small peice of real estate that was not important in the grand scheme of the Cold War -- or anything for that matter.

Reagan gets a lot of acollade for standing up to the Soviets in tough negotiations. He deserves it. How many lives he needlessly throw at the red menace?

Smart leadership understands than in terms of actual human resource, we are NOT the global leader. We have technology, wealth, and political power in our favor, but we are not the kind of country that can afford (for many many reasons) to scatter our own bodies across the globe.

Look into a little geography, grumpy old man, and you'll see what I mean. Remember Princess Bride - "Never get in a land war in Asia."?? Well, there's actually a lot of truth to that silly quote. :)

I guess you won't be talking to me anymore since I didn't think Nam was the right move. Fare thee well Manson lover :sadwave: .

By the by you do realize we were in many ways fighting the soviets their dont you ??? Soviet leaders ...Soviet weapons ... Soviet plans ..... I dont believe any Soviet troops ever got involved but many Soviet advisers and we are talking 100's were involved .
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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Personally I think France screwed us their ( gee what a suprize aye ?) and I believe we needed to go ...and left about the right time ....and what the Liberals did to our men will never be forgiven !


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Just a few who keep crying Liberal Media.

*(TV = television, P = print, R = radio)
Neal Boortz (R, P, TV)
Pat Buchanan (TV, P)
Robert Novak (TV, P)
William Buckley (TV, P)
Cal Thomas (P)
Bill Bennett
Paul Gigot (TV, P)
Pat Robertson (TV)
Jerry Falewell (TV)
John Gibson (TV)
Charles Krauthammer (P)
John Leo (P)
James J. Kilpatrick (P)
Ben Wattenberg (TV, P)
Armstrong Williams (TV, R, P)
Thomas Sowell (P)
Fred Barnes (TV)
G. Gordon Liddy (R)
Michael Reagan (R)
James Dobson (R)
James Pinkerton (P)
Suzanne Fields (P)
Bob Grant (R)
George Will (TV, P)
Rush Limbaugh (R)
William Safire (P)
William Kristol (TV)
Bay Buchanan (TV)
John McLaughlin (TV)
Oliver North (TV, R)
Kate O'Beirne (TV)
Laura Slessinger (R)
Linda Chavez (P)
Tony Snow (TV, P)
James Glassman (TV, P)
Robert Bartley (P)
Mona Charen (P)
Laura Ingraham (TV)
John Stossel (TV)
Ken Hamblin (R)
Frank Luntz - Republican pollster
Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick - Republican pollster
Michael Barone (P)
Maggie Gallagher (P)
Bill O'Reilly (TV)
R. Emmett Tyrrell (P)
Tucker Carlson (TV)
Ann Coulter (TV, P)
Brit Hume (TV)
Chris Matthews (TV)
Don Imus (TV, R)
Brent Bozell (TV, P)
Larry Elder (TV, P, R)
Jonah Goldberg (TV, P)
Jack Kemp (TV, P)
Larry Kudlow (TV, P)
Michelle Malkin (TV, P)
Debbie Schlussel (TV, P)
Doug Bandow (P)
Bruce Bartlett (P)
Linda Bowles (P)
Steve Chapman (P)
Don Feder (P)
Federalist Weekend (P)
Edwin J. Feulner (P)
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr (P)
Paul Greenberg (P)
Michael Kelly (P)
Ross Mackenzie (P)
John McCaslin (P)
Brian McNicoll (P)
Joel Mowbray (P)
Bill Murchison (P)
Marvin Olasky (P)
Kathleen Parker (P)
Matt Drudge (P)
Paul Craig Roberts (P)
Debra Saunders (P)
Phyllis Schlafly (P)
Amity Shlaes (P)
Jacob Sullum (P)
Mark Tapscott (P)
Rich Tucker (P)
Walter Williams (P)
Virtually all owner's and CEO's of major media outlets


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
i thought you had nothing to say to me, Palehose?

What the liberals did to the soldiers was nothing compared to what the chickenhawks did. We already established that Manson is a chickenhawk. Is that what you are too, Palehose?

Chickenhawks are the worst. All rhetoric, no brains or balls.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
So no comment on the Soviet end of Nam aye ???? Guess you didnt know again... hmmmm go figure ...probably clueless on why I mention France too arent ya ???? love how you guys foam at the mouth without any knowledge of what was happening out there :clap: :mj07:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
StevieD said:
Just a few who keep crying Liberal Media.

*(TV = television, P = print, R = radio)
Neal Boortz (R, P, TV)
Pat Buchanan (TV, P)
Robert Novak (TV, P)
William Buckley (TV, P)
Cal Thomas (P)
Bill Bennett
Paul Gigot (TV, P)
Pat Robertson (TV)
Jerry Falewell (TV)
John Gibson (TV)
Charles Krauthammer (P)
John Leo (P)
James J. Kilpatrick (P)
Ben Wattenberg (TV, P)
Armstrong Williams (TV, R, P)
Thomas Sowell (P)
Fred Barnes (TV)
G. Gordon Liddy (R)
Michael Reagan (R)
James Dobson (R)
James Pinkerton (P)
Suzanne Fields (P)
Bob Grant (R)
George Will (TV, P)
Rush Limbaugh (R)
William Safire (P)
William Kristol (TV)
Bay Buchanan (TV)
John McLaughlin (TV)
Oliver North (TV, R)
Kate O'Beirne (TV)
Laura Slessinger (R)
Linda Chavez (P)
Tony Snow (TV, P)
James Glassman (TV, P)
Robert Bartley (P)
Mona Charen (P)
Laura Ingraham (TV)
John Stossel (TV)
Ken Hamblin (R)
Frank Luntz - Republican pollster
Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick - Republican pollster
Michael Barone (P)
Maggie Gallagher (P)
Bill O'Reilly (TV)
R. Emmett Tyrrell (P)
Tucker Carlson (TV)
Ann Coulter (TV, P)
Brit Hume (TV)
Chris Matthews (TV)
Don Imus (TV, R)
Brent Bozell (TV, P)
Larry Elder (TV, P, R)
Jonah Goldberg (TV, P)
Jack Kemp (TV, P)
Larry Kudlow (TV, P)
Michelle Malkin (TV, P)
Debbie Schlussel (TV, P)
Doug Bandow (P)
Bruce Bartlett (P)
Linda Bowles (P)
Steve Chapman (P)
Don Feder (P)
Federalist Weekend (P)
Edwin J. Feulner (P)
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr (P)
Paul Greenberg (P)
Michael Kelly (P)
Ross Mackenzie (P)
John McCaslin (P)
Brian McNicoll (P)
Joel Mowbray (P)
Bill Murchison (P)
Marvin Olasky (P)
Kathleen Parker (P)
Matt Drudge (P)
Paul Craig Roberts (P)
Debra Saunders (P)
Phyllis Schlafly (P)
Amity Shlaes (P)
Jacob Sullum (P)
Mark Tapscott (P)
Rich Tucker (P)
Walter Williams (P)
Virtually all owner's and CEO's of major media outlets

Try as you like but you cant change the polls of the media personal its self ...nobody said there was no Conservative media only that by their own polls the last one came out as 33 % liberals and 7 % Conservative .

So clue me in as to your point here ???


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
But anyway....back to the topic at hand.....

"The number of people watching Fox during prime time in the 25 to 54 age bracket dropped in April for the sixth straight month. Totals for Fox's primetime audience in the 25 to 54 age bracket: Oct. 04: 1,074,000; Nov. 04: 891,000; Dec. 04: 568,000; Jan. 05: 564,000; Feb. 05: 520,000; March 05: 498,000; April 05: 445,000. That amounts to a decline of 58 percent, with no sign of leveling off.

I, too, am getting tired of this "Liberal Media" ...thing!!...Tell me how exactly, is a 'liberal' media outlet different from a 'conservative' media outlet?...huh???
Both show one side or another, and each person believes one side or another. Simple.
So the Liberal Media is corrupting our minds??....but Fox is telling the God Damn truth??? ffs!! Both sides choose to ignore as many 'facts' as each other.
Get on with it. Watch more than one station (scary for some of you I realise!)....get more than one angle on a story....stop believing one side (no matter who it is) is dead set right, and the other is the enemy.

And, I can't help myself...Palehose (indeed ;)), but talk us through this Vietnam situation.....
France?? History will show that they cut their losses....Got out while they could. Prevent Communism spreading? No, they didn't.....19 years, 85,000 US lives and $150 B later, did the US? Well, technically, yes I guess....but what did we all gain?? (And don't dare suggest the US as we know it....'cause that just ain't true!)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Well than why dont you tell us what you think would happen to America if we were surrounded by Communist Governments ?

What do you think are country would be today if we didnt fight the cold war ?


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Surrounded??!! Yep, thats what you said. Surrounded.

Just fwiw, "fighting" and "cold war" don't exactly go in the same sentence.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Everytime I read where the right wing psychopaths of this board refer to the media as liberal, I think of those immortal words of George Costanza:

"Remember, Jerry, its not a lie if you believe it."

Other than NPR (and the neo-cons are doing there best to undermine that organization), the so called liberal media is owned by corporate america, unless of course you do not consider General Electric, Disney, Clear Channel and Ruppert Murdoch's empire as part of corporate america.

You see, my brown shirted friends, I have a hard time buying into this liberal media thing unless of course you believe in the George Costanza Theory of Persuasion. And I think you do.

If you say "weapons of mass destruction", "fighting for freedom", "evildoers", and, of course, our favorite, "liberal media", over and over and over again, ad nauseum, your average, less-than-well-educate, American is going to believe it no matter how far from the truth such statement may be.

I can see Carl Rove, in the back rooms of the White House, prior to a press conference, speaking in a strong, forecful tone:

"Remember, George, its not a lie if you believe it."

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Eddie Haskell said:
Everytime I read where the right wing psychopaths of this board refer to the media as liberal, I think of those immortal words of George Costanza:

"Remember, Jerry, its not a lie if you believe it."

Other than NPR (and the neo-cons are doing there best to undermine that organization), the so called liberal media is owned by corporate america, unless of course you do not consider General Electric, Disney, Clear Channel and Ruppert Murdoch's empire as part of corporate america.

You see, my brown shirted friends, I have a hard time buying into this liberal media thing unless of course you believe in the George Costanza Theory of Persuasion. And I think you do.

If you say "weapons of mass destruction", "fighting for freedom", "evildoers", and, of course, our favorite, "liberal media", over and over and over again, ad nauseum, your average, less-than-well-educate, American is going to believe it no matter how far from the truth such statement may be.

I can see Carl Rove, in the back rooms of the White House, prior to a press conference, speaking in a strong, forecful tone:

"Remember, George, its not a lie if you believe it."


So Ed you dont believe the polls of their own people is that your point ? What do you think of those polls of their own ?

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
I think the post is rather self explanatory. With reference to polls, who do you think the polls are questioning? The answer, your average less-than-well-educated american who has been subjected to the repititous lies of this administration.

With reference to your White Sox, they will not get by either the Angels, Yankees, Red Sox or Indians in the first round of the playoffs. Or frankly, the Royals if they had made the playoffs.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Eddie Haskell said:
I think the post is rather self explanatory. With reference to polls, who do you think the polls are questioning? The answer, your average less-than-well-educated american who has been subjected to the repititous lies of this administration.

With reference to your White Sox, they will not get by either the Angels, Yankees, Red Sox or Indians in the first round of the playoffs. Or frankly, the Royals if they had made the playoffs.


Ohh boy ....please explain to me how the White Sox can in anyway play the Inians in the 1st round ???? this should be good :mj07:
Good God this is a sports site no ? Dont tell me the average poster here doesent understand sports as well that would be :scared

It has been an extreame pleasure to watch the White Sox prove the nay sayers wrong at every turn this year I can only hope they continue .

I am not a crazed Moronic Cub fan so... I do have little faith in my Sox for the playoffs based on 83 93 and 2000 ,basically just real happy to be a part of what I consider the best season I have ever witnessed as a baseball fan. See Eddie this team should be in 4th place like the Cubs right now are supposed to have won the division or the wild card if you take a poll of the so called expert opinions we got at the begining of the year.... so for me any wins in post season is just gravy .

Unfortunately Chicago is home to the 2 most embarassing baseball franchises to ever plague the game of baseball and reality has it that probably wont change anytime soon.

And Ed please understand the polls I posted is a poll of the reporters themselves not what the viewers believe feel free to comment on those polls which were not and I qoute you : "The answer, your average less-than-well-educated american who has been subjected to the repititous lies of this administration."

Really now Ed what I posted spans from 1985 to present last time I checked we have had 3 Administrations since than Bush Sr , Clinton , GWB you didnt read any of it did ya ? Why would you post without reading anything ?????
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"I always chuckle in "your opinion" everyone who doesn't think same as you is dumb-less educated ect

In reality the factual demographics of those that share your mindset--Maybe you could form your own "think tank" :)

--majority with no high school education voted for Kerry
--Those earning less than $15,000 62% voted for Kerry
--Blacks voted over 80% for kerry--Gays 77%

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

You say that blacks and gays overwhelmingly voted for Kerry. I see also that you clump them with the uneducated and poor. Could we possibly be seeing a little bigotry coming from our Bowling Green, Kentucky insurance agent? Wayne, your slip is showing.

You have very clearly in the past made it known that you feel somehow the poor, uneducated, black and gay members of this society are somehow inferior to your fat, white, hillbilly, southern ass.

Yeah, Wayne, keep it up. When this society implodes you will continue to blame the foregoing for societies ills when the unfortuneate reality is in the mirror. See, your cowboy, America can do no wrong, bullying (I'm sorry, thats compassionate conservative) mentality kills people and is the undoing of this country.

Bill Bennett your new hero? You sound like him. I mean even to think of aborting all black children (I know he did not say this as a solution) indicates a certain mindset that brings us back to the Hitler days.

Really, Wayne, think about it. This country is being run by radicals and its being destroyed before your very eyes.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Palehose said:
So no comment on the Soviet end of Nam aye ???? Guess you didnt know again... hmmmm go figure ...probably clueless on why I mention France too arent ya ???? love how you guys foam at the mouth without any knowledge of what was happening out there :clap: :mj07:
are u f'kin kiddn me? you think your supposed knowledge of france's role in 'nam is unique - and others who's entire family was turned upside down by that war did not turn to page 2 20 years ago in the history books and know pretty much every stupid fact behind a stupid war????

Fcuk u asshole.

nuthin left to say. just go away, moron.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"You say that blacks and gays overwhelmingly voted for Kerry
I see also that you clump them with the uneducated and poor."

--- more opinion Edward--there are 3 distinct catagories--the poor and uneducated were derived from entire population or would have been stated-

A point of interest--When Golf Digest asked 34 tour players who they would vote for last election NONE said Kerry--however Duval did say he was Democrat--reason I use them as example PGA Tour is top dog of charitble sports donors soon to reach the 1 BILLION mark!!! Would say maybe only religious groups might top this.
Who do you REALLY think looks after the little guy?????

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
I didn't realize 34 tour players were the measure of the future of this country. You know what Wayne, I'll bet you can find at least 34 CEO's who voted for Bush.

Wayne. There has never been an argument from me that the rich and the greedy will support your boy. It is obvious that he represents there interests as he is both rich and greedy.

I'm talking smart people, Wayne. Not necessarily your captains of industry although I am well aware that they hold degrees from Wharton, Harvard, et seq.

There is no question that men like Buckley and Kristol (I think, editor of Weekly Standard) are bright. The only problem with them is that greed, power and corruption overcome their intelligence.

Yes, Wayne, the have-nots, many of whom are uneducated will vote for someone who is not in the backpocket of those that seek to keep them poor.

Maybe they aren't so dumb after all. You ought to listen to Bill Moyers for a little bit. Pretty good mainstream journalist.
