The Liberal Media Bias

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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
The inspectors were also kicked out of the country for years...gee I wonder why?

Once they finally got back into the country....certain buildings and facilities were STILL off limits!

Saddam was also firing anti-aircraft munitions on a daily basis at our jets as we patrolled the U.N. mandated no-fly zones. No liberal ever mentions this. That itself is a declairation of war.
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Jun 22, 2005
djv said:
You send inspectors back in to see who is right. WMD was no excuse anyway. If it was. Why then did we no start with Korea. They said hey we got em.

Gee DJV you think maybe China and Japan might have a problem with that Doh !!!!?????? Of course you didnt think about that because you have no clue what so ever as to whats going on ....hell you dont even have a clue as to why I just presented that to you do you ? Or why it might upset China and Japan if we negotiated directly with Korea do you ?????? God forbid we moblized troops to S Korea I find it hard to believe anybody is that stupid.

This is a great example of the left and how clueless they are. How dumb can ya get ..."start with Korea " OMG is that stupid ....I am really having a hard time thinking of something that would start WW3 faster than if the US followed djv's rediculous comment. OK 1 thing they could fire an ICBM at China that would make it happen faster ........ :mj07: some people I tell ya :rolleyes:
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Nov 4, 2000
Pale we didn't give a chit what anyone thought about us going into Iraq. No Body. So we should care what any one would think about us cleaning up Korea. After all as you say we had to get those WMD's. If you still believe we went to Iraq because of WMD's you missed the other 4 reason or is it now up to 6. The only ones shoving there chit in our face about WMD's is Korea. I only hope when there time comes. We have someone as president who listens to there Generals more then there V P.
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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
I think that this parallel is somewhat interesting. However, my guess is that Stevie D(elusional )will find it ridiculous.

Bush, based on information that he gets from many sources, believes that there are WMD's in Iraq. He acts on information. He is soundly criticized for acting on information that was not verifiable.

Bush chooses to ignore the Kyoto Treaty. He has received information from sources he trusts (eminent scientists) that believe there is no substance to the Global Warming panic. Therefore, Bush takes NO action. He is soundly criticized for NOT doing anything about global warming. Even though there is NOT conclusive proof (except Ocelot's opinion) that there are problems with global warming due to human activities, Bush is expected to act on this problem. once case he is criticized for TAKING ACTION without having 100% proof. In another case, he is criticized for NOT TAKING ACTION when there is not 100% proof. Is something wrong here?


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Jun 18, 2002
Ferd, you are correct. I find your argument ridiculous. Perhaps you could tell us what one thing has to do with another?


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Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
you are deluded. nobody of any signifigance is doing that. just watch the news you like and stop sounding like a deranged conspiracy theorist. it's called capitalism and free enterprise. love it or leave it, commie.

Bwahahha here is a guy that is totally 100% at the mercy of left wing rags .... Everything you spout is BS from the news ........ Than in the same breath he says its dosent effect the way people think or believe in this nation or any nation for that matter ....OMG what a tool !! If you dont think the Media can have an effect on the way people view things your just too stupid to respond to . "nobody of any signifigance is doing that" Bwahahhaahaha! right just news anchors :poke is anybody home ????
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I give Fox and other "conservative" sources equal time, commie.

"Everything you spout is BS from the news" ....Man, listen to yourself. How's the underground shelter coming? You better hurry - The apocolypse is coming that much faster since we have to fight the terrorists AS WELL the liberal media enemy within.


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Jun 22, 2005
A guy from Santa Barbara CA . Is calling me a Commie !!!! OMG that may be the funniest thing I have heard all year !!!! Gotta cut and paste this one I know so many who will just laugh there ass off at that .,......Thanks for the laugh !!!!! and No I dont expect you to get the joke :mj07:


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Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
I give Fox and other "conservative" sources equal time, commie.

"Everything you spout is BS from the news" ....Man, listen to yourself. How's the underground shelter coming? You better hurry - The apocolypse is coming that much faster since we have to fight the terrorists AS WELL the liberal media enemy within.

Cspan and the sites are doing fine thanks ...Than again you wouldnt have a clue as to what that is :mj07:
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Palehose said:
A guy from Santa Barbara CA . Is calling me a Commie !!!! OMG that may be the funniest thing I have heard all year !!!! Gotta cut and paste this one I know so many who will just laugh there ass off at that .,......Thanks for the laugh !!!!! and No I dont expect you to get the joke :mj07:
You clearly hate freedom, pinko. Love this great nation or leave it. That's my motto
:) . You probably think we should all receive equal pay and be given fewer choices on television and movies too. I can hazard a guess as to your view on "indie" stuff. Don't you realize that your hatred of freedom only serves to aid the enemy and give them hope? :sadwave:

..A knock on SB, well that figures. I've lived lots of places. Here recently by choice (probably temporary) because of the amazing climate and beatiful (but unfortunatley snobby) women.

You see - I have fared well in this free country - worked hard in this free enterprise society and am provided with many choices now...choices that I'm thankful to make and dutifully cherish.
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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
djv said:
Pale we didn't give a chit what anyone thought about us going into Iraq. No Body. So we should care what any one would think about us cleaning up Korea. After all as you say we had to get those WMD's. If you still believe we went to Iraq because of WMD's you missed the other 4 reason or is it now up to 6. The only ones shoving there chit in our face about WMD's is Korea. I only hope when there time comes. We have someone as president who listens to there Generals more then there V P.

1st we did give a shit what some people thought if we didnt we wouldnt be their moron .

2nd can ya think real hard with your brain cell and tell me what the dif is between the 2 ? bwahahahaha not a chance in hell is there ?

3rd I never believed thats why we went just pull up some old threads were I tried to explain to you lemmings 9 ways to sunday.


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Jun 22, 2005
djv you should really give it up... on these forums anyways .... you dig such deep holes for yourself I am using you in a political debate class as an example of mainstream American intelligence and belive you me I am not trying to prove how smart we are ;142loser:
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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Whats "indie stuff " ? and I love freedom would be nice if we could free the people from being lied to on national television wouldnt it Dan Rather ??

"realize that your hatred of freedom only serves to aid the enemy and give them hope?"

Realize that your left wing media has created just that in fact its their (our enemies )only hope what so ever and has created additional deaths in Iraq ...Realize their are some 46 POW's that were futher tortured by their captors because of Jane fonda and John Kerry's words that were cut from the paper and used as justification for futher torture ....but than again you dont give a dam because it didnt happen to you what a dishonorable loser you are ...SCUM !


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Good god, I'm just bustin' balls here. You are as tightly wound as Weasel.

Regarding 'Nam. Yeah - yer right, I wasn't there. My pops was though. He was fcuked for good. He sure as hell doesn't blame Kerry or Fonda for a stupid-ass bad decision war. ...Cuz you see - they are not the ones who sent him there. PERSPECTIVE. I guess our current leaders have a good read on Vietnam. Afterall, they fought honorably and served selflessly. God bless them and their connections. Too bad my dad didn't have any of those. He might be a healthy happy guy if I was afforded a tour in 'Bama instead of the sh1t.

History once accurately pegged Vietnam as a mistake. A mistake that provided some valuable lessons. Now there's this ridiculous resurgence of using lame-ass Fonda as a scapegoat for bad decisions by 2 administrations. ...And it would appear as if the lessons once learned are long forgotten.

Deluded is the only word that makes sense for someone blaming useless peripheral personalities for monstrous administrative blunders.

But through it all, freedom loving me is the "SCUM". You are PRICELESS.

Good advice from Murph Jr.
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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
If you call fighting Communism a administrative blunder there is really no talking to you ,if your father was in Nam it makes sense ....your just a kid that thinks he knows something when in fact you havent a clue yet...... Someday when you grow up you will hopfully become more Conservative like the majority of people do . And you best thank the gods your father didnt become a POW because Jane and John may have kept you from even being born .


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I would disagree DJV is a moron or anyone else for that fact. Due to nature of forum things do get heated here at times but not too bad considering--and while we have difference of views on many issues the very fact that he worked hard --paid his taxes and retired--served his country in time of war-makes him a stand up guy in my view and an asset to any forum--and his country.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
I would disagree DJV is a moron or anyone else for that fact. Due to nature of forum things do get heated here at times but not too bad considering--and while we have difference of views on many issues the very fact that he worked hard --paid his taxes and retired--served his country in time of war-makes him a stand up guy in my view and an asset to any forum--and his country.

DJV served ???? Maybe I owe him an appology ....nah Im over it :)

You are right DTB I know myself I have been particularly grumpy of late fuse has been short and been quite the dick of late ...... No better place to take out those agressions than a political forum though aye ?


el hombre!
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2004
Marietta, GA
I would disagree DJV is a moron or anyone else for that fact. Due to nature of forum things do get heated here at times but not too bad considering--and while we have difference of views on many issues the very fact that he worked hard --paid his taxes and retired--served his country in time of war-makes him a stand up guy in my view and an asset to any forum--and his country.

Great post! :clap: It's nice to have the right, middle, and left represented here.:mj17: It would be pretty boring if everyone here agreed on everything.