top 100 films


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


tootsie?.....close encounters of the third kind? as throw mrs doubtfire in there..

where`s alien?.......the 10 commandments?......and again,my personal fave,"hombre"......

hombre was about 5 times better than unforgiven.....if anyone ever gets the chance,watch hombre and unforgiven.......and tell me that unforgiven is better....just on sheer social commentary..and the acting..just some absolute riveting performances by newman,richard boone(maybe the best character actor that ever drew breath after basil rathbone),pedro armendariz jr.,diane cilento.....what a great movie.... maybe one of the top 5 westerns of all time....


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
great thread--I love pics

great thread--I love pics

#1 its a wonderful life--ok im a sap, sue me

#2 Cinema paradiso--can make me cry even after many viewings

#3 the sting--best con movie ive ever seen

#4 shawshank redemption--hope and freindship

#5 Waking Ned Devine--just damn good fun

#6 Bowling for Columbine--love michael moore

#7 its a mad mad mad mad world--classic old comedy

#8 the insider--great story and acting

#9 wizard of oz--c'mon how can we not name this one

#10 american beauty--just damn good everything

#11 good will hunting--robin was awesome

#12 rounders--what acting

#13 being john malkovich--quirky, extremely clever

#14 the huslter--newman at his best

#15 double indemnity--best older film noir ive seen

#16 sweet smell of success--awesome story, dialouge

#17 the great marx bros and wc fields (only a few from each, the rest are shakey)

#18 woody allen & kubrick--too many to name

#19 (sleepers) the heartbreak kid and the hot rock

#20 antwone fisher--very touching

#21 finding forrester--loved everything about it

#22 papillon---man, talking about fortitude

#23 the great escape--my fave as kid

#24 good the bad and the ugly--fave western

#25 chicago--best musical and entertaining

#26 Documentary series: The Way West and History of NYC by the Burns bros

#27 schindlers list--gripping beyond words

#28 empire strikes back--Yoda, nuff said

#29 cuckoos nest--nurse ratchitt, i hate U

#30 ordinary people--perfect drama

okay, hope I didnt bore anyone

take care
gregg :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
If anyone is at Blockbuster one night, and nothing seems appealing, see if they have a film called "Boost" with James Woods and Sean Young. A great movie that, for some reason, never got much interest.
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