great thread--I love pics
great thread--I love pics
#1 its a wonderful life--ok im a sap, sue me
#2 Cinema paradiso--can make me cry even after many viewings
#3 the sting--best con movie ive ever seen
#4 shawshank redemption--hope and freindship
#5 Waking Ned Devine--just damn good fun
#6 Bowling for Columbine--love michael moore
#7 its a mad mad mad mad world--classic old comedy
#8 the insider--great story and acting
#9 wizard of oz--c'mon how can we not name this one
#10 american beauty--just damn good everything
#11 good will hunting--robin was awesome
#12 rounders--what acting
#13 being john malkovich--quirky, extremely clever
#14 the huslter--newman at his best
#15 double indemnity--best older film noir ive seen
#16 sweet smell of success--awesome story, dialouge
#17 the great marx bros and wc fields (only a few from each, the rest are shakey)
#18 woody allen & kubrick--too many to name
#19 (sleepers) the heartbreak kid and the hot rock
#20 antwone fisher--very touching
#21 finding forrester--loved everything about it
#22 papillon---man, talking about fortitude
#23 the great escape--my fave as kid
#24 good the bad and the ugly--fave western
#25 chicago--best musical and entertaining
#26 Documentary series: The Way West and History of NYC by the Burns bros
#27 schindlers list--gripping beyond words
#28 empire strikes back--Yoda, nuff said
#29 cuckoos nest--nurse ratchitt, i hate U
#30 ordinary people--perfect drama
okay, hope I didnt bore anyone
take care