good to hear you guys' thoughts.......... here are some more of my own..
I agree Randy will try to finish quickly.. i have the feeling his goal is to clinch and make a transition to Lesnar's back somehow.... but then again, he had Sylvia's back for about three minutes and failed to finish him. I also agree that Couture is a master game-planner..... that is something that nobody can dispute. Major experience (14 title fights, i think?) versus none.
On the other hand, i couldnt disagree more that Lesnar is in big trouble against Randy in the striking game. You're right, Lesnar's chin hasnt been tested, but who the hell would wanna get in the pocket against a 265 pound behemoth..? :shrug: Randy has made it clear that he plans on circling and avoiding Brock's hands at all costs........ anyone that saw Brock hit Heath Herring and send him rolling across the ring knows he has explosive power.
Randy definitely not known for power, but he does use punches/kicks to set up takedowns as well as anyone. Also, Randy throws very few kicks, and none to the head, so not worried about that... hell, no one could reach Brock's head :142smilie And looking back on Randy's career, he has struggled against bigger heavyweight like Ricco and Barnett.. yea, he beat up Sylvia, but he's not half the fighter Brock is even after just a year and half of training.
this isnt an attack on you, tony... just some counter-thoughts behind my play on Lesnar

It really is a dangerous bet for me (since we've only seen Lesnar fight a few times), but i cant help myself.. :shrug: I feel confident in Lesnar.
If odds were as they stand right now when i placed my bet i may have thought differently. :director: Certainly cant contest anyone for betting Couture as an underdog..
Hopefully nobody gets fuckin' injured this time :mj07: