Why not shoot the Baltimore looters?


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) -- An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during the videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

The sources spoke to ABC7 News after being briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to prosecutors on Thursday.
Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

Details surrounding exactly what caused Gray to slam into the back of the van was unclear. The officer driving the van has yet to give a statement to authorities. :scared

It?s also unclear whether Gray?s head injury was voluntary or was a result of some other action.
The medical examiner's office declined to comment on this open investigation and said it does not release preliminary findings.



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
T It would be just as easy to believe that the aforementioned prisoner was told by his captors to say what he did in an effort to cover their crime. This seems far more feasible to me.

Hope this helps,

NO not in America , land of the free , home of the brave

That would be more like in North Korea


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
The prisoner who was in the police van with Freddie Gray before his death has spoken out to contradict claims by investigators that Gray was trying to injure himself.
Donte Allen, 22, was next to Gray after he too was arrested on April 12 - but was kept in a separate part of the vehicle and separated from his fellow prisoner by a solid partition.
A Baltimore police report leaked to the Washington Post earlier this week quoted Allen as saying that Gray was 'intentionally trying to injure himself' by bashing his head on the police van.
But Allen is disputing that version of events - and saying he heard only 'little banging' for about four seconds before Gray went quiet.
His new statements cut across earlier police claims that Gray, and not them, are responsible for his injuries and subsequent death.

Allen also claimed police were aware of how severe Gray's injuries were by the time they arrived at the police station - and even said Gray had no pulse when they arrived.
Ultimately, Gray lived for a week after the injury, but was declared dead in hospital on April 19.
Allen, who was arrested for an unspecified but minor offense, spoke out about his time next to Gray in an interview with local news station WBALTV.
It came alongside claims that police confusion led to the wrong type of medical help being sent for Gray, leading to paramedics only arriving with the resources to treat a broken arm.

Describing the journey with Gray, Allen said said: 'When I got in the van, I didn't hear nothing. It was a smooth ride. We went straight to the police station.
'All I heard was a little banging for about four seconds. I just heard little banging, just little banging.'
Gray was in the van for 45 minutes, and Allen is thought to have been picked up towards the end of the journey.

now what


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) -- An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during the videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

The sources spoke to ABC7 News after being briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to prosecutors on Thursday.
Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

Details surrounding exactly what caused Gray to slam into the back of the van was unclear. The officer driving the van has yet to give a statement to authorities. :scared

It?s also unclear whether Gray?s head injury was voluntary or was a result of some other action.
The medical examiner's office declined to comment on this open investigation and said it does not release preliminary findings.


This is just a suggestion but math be you should read this article again. I don't think you're fully understanding exactly what it says. I believe you're trying to use this article to bolster your position that Gray did this to himself. The article basically states that that the police say the police report doesn't say anything about they themselves being responsible for his death. However, it goes on to say that the medical examiners report said that Gray's injuries were consistent being slammed into the back of the police vehicle.
It goes on to say that the investigation is incomplete as the officer driving the van had yet to be interviewed.
The only part of the article that is completely speculative is the misleading statement that it is "unclear" if the victim injured himself on purpose. Of course it's unclear, it's also nearly impossible. It's also unclear if the police were paid by Fox news to murder black citizens in order to make news stories. It's also unclear if Gray was killed by you. You see how speculation doesn't actually mean it's always true or even reasonable?

Hope this helps,


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
how many times was he arrested before this incident? Shouldn't this guy have been in jail? I will wait for the investigation to finish before I judge the cops on this one.

You just could not do that could you.

:facepalm: dead wrong on all accounts FDC

Freddie was banging his head against the van wall and had to be shackled on the drive to the police station...um, he did it to himself, cops didn't do a damn thing wrong at all nothing, its all a lie just like Wilson, who is a hero, that guy had to kill Brown or be killed himself, here is an idea, stop acting like a thug and police will leave you alone

What now fatass?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
"I was sickened and heartbroken by the statement of charges that we heard today, because no one in our city is above the law. Justice must apply to all of us equally."

That's what Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said this afternoon in response to the news that the state's attorney for Baltimore City was bringing charges against six officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray.

Rawlings-Blake said she had also instructed Police Chief Anthony Batts to suspend all officers who are facing felony charges.

"In fact, warrants have been executed and five officers are in custody," Rawlings-Blake said.

She continued: "We know that the vast majority of the men and the women in the Baltimore City Police Department serve our city with pride, with courage, with honor and with distinction. But to those of you, who wish to engage in brutality, misconduct, racism and corruption, let me be clear, there is no place in the Baltimore City Police Department for you."

As she spoke, people in west Baltimore celebrated. NPR's Pam Fessler told our Newscast unit that the neighborhood where Gray was arrested had erupted in cheers.

If they get off with nothing. \

The country is in trouble.

meanwhile bail is set lower than some protestors for 6 policeman


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Is looting not an offense that can be prevented by shooting the thieves?
I think the thugs would disperse if they knew they risked being shot.

Good call. Maybe we can start shooting all criminals.....Pickpockets, jay walkers and those pesky speeders alike. I mean, shooting the offenders would certainly prevent these crimes, so it makes perfect sense to kill the perps. How 'bout the pesky kids that cut across my perfectly manicured lawn? Don't they know what the sidewalk is for???? We should definitely shoot them for tresspassing. Lil' mofo's deserve it

How about the 5yo bitch selling lemonade without a permit? She's just 5, so maybe we should just give her a good asskicking, or possibly shoot her with rubber bullets. Her parents' better report the income to the irs, or we will put a cap in their asses for sure


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
Good call. Maybe we can start shooting all criminals.....Pickpockets, jay walkers and those pesky speeders alike. I mean, shooting the offenders would certainly prevent these crimes, so it makes perfect sense to kill the perps. How 'bout the pesky kids that cut across my perfectly manicured lawn? Don't they know what the sidewalk is for???? We should definitely shoot them for tresspassing. Lil' mofo's deserve it

How about the 5yo bitch selling lemonade without a permit? She's just 5, so maybe we should just give her a good asskicking, or possibly shoot her with rubber bullets. Her parents' better report the income to the irs, or we will put a cap in their asses for sure

Very intelligent post comparing jaywalkers to thugs assaulting police, looting stores , burning cars and buildings.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Very intelligent post comparing jaywalkers to thugs assaulting police, looting stores , burning cars and buildings.
Jaywalking gets you killed by police in Ferguson. Seems like it would be a pretty serious offense if it gets you shot 6 times. It's almost as serious of a crime as being poor and black.


Forum Member
Dec 3, 2014
Jaywalking gets you killed by police in Ferguson. Seems like it would be a pretty serious offense if it gets you shot 6 times. It's almost as serious of a crime as being poor and black.

:142smilie cie cie and Fat daddy are definitely msnbc ers... why aren't you bozos out in the streets with your card board signs protesting? You worms should listen to BOB :director:


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
I don't think Cie watches msnbc. I know I don't and I am a progressive. Then again, I don't watch much TV period unless it is something I stream online. Last time I watched Fox was 'The Five.' The only one who didn't seem insane was the guy with the suspenders.


Forum Member
Dec 28, 2014
Jaywalking gets you killed by police in Ferguson. Seems like it would be a pretty serious offense if it gets you shot 6 times. It's almost as serious of a crime as being poor and black.

Jaywalking does not get you killed in Ferguson. Being a strong arm robbing, police officer attacking POS gets you killed. The store owner should have blasted his ass.
I guarantee attacking me will get you CC shot.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
Richard Daly a famous Democrat once said shoot to maim all looters but shoot to kill arsonists. Sounds reasonable to me.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
:142smilie cie cie and Fat daddy are definitely msnbc ers... why aren't you bozos out in the streets with your card board signs protesting? You worms should listen to BOB :director:
I can assure you and it's quite well documented on here that I NEVER watch any ideological news stations. I will say that your response is typical of conservatives. It seems that none of you can simply address an issue without resorting to ridiculously predictable and mostly parroted insults. This only lends more weight to the Republican stereotype of ignorance.

I have yet to read a single resourceful post from you, it's all the same tired old bullshit.

Hope this helps,


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Jaywalking does not get you killed in Ferguson. Being a strong arm robbing, police officer attacking POS gets you killed. The store owner should have blasted his ass.
I guarantee attacking me will get you CC shot.

So do you just make this shit up as you go along?

You are referring, albeit ignorantly, to a video released by the Ferguson police department I assume? The same video that the Ferguson Police department was told not to release by the justice department due to questions concerning authenticity? The video that is supposedly a video of an unidentified black man pushing and fighting with another man in a gas station?

You see this is why you're not taken seriously by anyone with a speck of sense. You believe that video is if Michael Brown committing a robbery, yet nowhere in the tape is any of that even remotely evident.

FACT. There was never any report of any robbery. The was never any report of any cigars being stolen.

Fact. The person in the video cannot be positively identified.

Fact. Since there was no robbery reported, there was NEVER any knowledge or reasonable suspicion in Wilson's mind that Brown was a suspect on a robbery.

FACT. Wilson initiated the physical contact when he slammed his squad car door into Brown.

FACT. Brown's body was more that 20 feet from Wilson's squad car, which pretty much negates any argument as to being in a "fight for his life"

FACT. Wilson was allowed to leave the scene where he went to a police fraternity, showered and cleaned his weapon ams given a change of clothes. Only them did he proceed to the police department where he checked all recorded evidence into custody from a crime scene in which he was the only suspect.

FACT. The prosecutor admitted to having full knowledge that several witnesses were providing false testimony to the grand jury, yet he allowed them to testify anyway.

FACT. There was no fingerprints nor dna evidence from Brown anywhere on Wilson or his weapon other than trace dna on his left pant leg just above his knee.

Denial of fact or dismissing the truth is never indicative of a reasonable person.

As far as you shooting me or anyone for that matter would have to mean that someone would want to rob or steal from you. I highly doubt anyone is out looking to lift a ten year old jansport backpack and a trapper keeper.

Hope this helps,

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Please tell us how Demetrius was wronged...

Please tell us how Demetrius was wronged...

An NYPD officer who was shot in the head while sitting in an unmarked car in Queens Saturday has died from his injuries.

Brian Moore, 25, died Monday, the NYPD confirmed.

"Condolences to the family of PO Brian Moore who lost his life today. RIP to a true hero. We will never forget. #Hero," the NYPD 104th Precinct tweeted Monday afternoon.

"The shooting of Officer Brian Moore over the weekend was a deplorable act of violence that has robbed New York of one of its finest," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement Monday. "As a member of the NYPD, Officer Moore put the safety of his fellow New Yorkers before his own, and we will remember his service with gratitude and pride. I join with all New Yorkers in mourning his passing and send my deepest condolences to his friends and family."

Moore underwent surgery for what court papers described as "severe injuries to his skull and brain" and had been in a coma.

The suspect, Demetrius Blackwell, was ordered held without bail Sunday after appearing in Queens Criminal Court. He did not enter a plea to charges of attempted murder.

According to the New York Post, Blackwell has a record of 10 arrests, including five on charges of robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and grand larceny.

Prosecutors planned to present the case to a grand jury before Blackwell's next court appearance on Friday.

Blackwell's court-appointed lawyer, David Bart, said his client denied the charges.

Police on Monday continued to search for the weapon.

Assistant District Attorney Peter McCormack said Moore and patrol partner Erik Jansen -- both in plainclothes in an unmarked police car -- approached Blackwell on a Queens street after seeing him tugging at his waistband around 6:15 p.m. Saturday and asked him "What are you carrying?"

The officers ordered Blackwell to stop and exchanged words with him. That's when Blackwell turned, the prosecutor said, and "in a vicious manner started to fire" -- at least two shots.

Jansen was not hit and radioed for help.

Moore, who has been on the job since July 2010, comes from a family of police officers. His father and uncle are retired NYPD sergeants, and his cousin is a city cop, the New York Post reported.

Moore's listed address is a small, well-kept house in the Long Island hamlet of Massapequa -- a tight-knit community where neighbors have known each other well for decades. Many families have relatives who are police officers.

Neighbors had only kind words for Moore, some saying they shed tears after hearing he was shot.

"He's a good kid," an unidentified woman told the New York Post. "We're all praying for him. I've known him since he was a baby."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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