Woodson, I forgot to come in here an tell you what I was taking.
Tribulus Terestris-1 pill 3 times per day
(helps stimulate test production)
Nettle root-2 pills 2 times per day
(helps block test from being bound by SHBG)
Chrysin-1 pill 4 times per day
(natural AI-stops test from turning into estrogen)
I also take 1 L-Argnine per day. This help with blood flow.
You may have to watch how much of these you take. If I take too much I get a little on the aggressive side. It takes a few weeks for it to reall kick in but you'll notice things such as a sense of well being, alpha male feeling, better workouts, better recovery from workouts. This will also do wonders for you love life. You will not have any softys when you take these things. Everything is natural but you should only do it for 8 weeks and then take a 4 week break.
Try it out, you may not notice it at first but there will be small things that make you realize it's kicking in.